Consonant IPA



thick, think

ð ʃ





this, that











get (not gem)


sit (not as)







Vowels IPA





trap, bath












take, pain




an, father












near, begin





Keterangan: Tanda (:) menunjukkan vowel atau dibaca lebih panjang.

A aba 1 (aba-aba) order, command. 2 (abah) father. abab (jv.) exhaled breath. abad 1 century. 2 age, era. abadi eternal, enduring, lasting. abai neglectful. abang 1 elder brother. 2 red. abangan (jv.) does not adhere strictly to the precepts of o’s nominal religion. abdi 1 servant. 2 slave. abjad alphabet. abn (anggaran belanja negara) national budget. abnormal abnormal. abnormalitas abnormality. abolisi abolition. abon shredded meat that has been boiled and fried. abonemen subscription. aborsi abortion. abs [asal bapak senang] as long as the boss is happy. absah legitimate, valid, legal. absen absent. absensi take attendance. abses abscess. absis abscissa. absolut absolute. absorpsi absorption. absten abstain. abstrak abstract, summary, précis. abstraksi abstraction. abu ash, fine powder abu-abu gray. ac (air conditioning) air conditioning. acak 1 random. 2 disordered. acak-acak in a hurry, hastily. acak-acakan in disorder, chaos. acapkali frequently, repeatedly.

acar pickles, salad made with raw vegetables mixed with spices and a souring agent. acara 1 agenda. 2 program. 3 judicial procedure. 4 jurisdiction. acuh care. acung point upward. ad 1 [Angkatan Darat] army ground forces. 2 [Anggaran Dasar] statutes. ad-interim acting, temporarily in a position. ada 1 there is, are. 2 be, be present. 3 have, own. adalah am, is, are. adab 1 courtesy. 2 culture. 3 knowing proper behavior. adakalanya sometimes. adam the prophet Adam. adaptasi adaptation. adas dill, fennel. adat 1 custom, tradition. 2 manners, proper behavior. 3 customary law. adegan 1 scene. 2 movement. adem 1 cool, calm. 2 cold. adhesi 1 adhesion. 2 devotion, attachment. adhyaksa a rank for prosecutors. adi 1 superior. 2 splendid, highly valued. adib respectful. adicita ideology. adiguna rely too much on o.'s own abilities. adik younger brother/ sister. adil 1 just, fair, equitable. 2 legal. adinda 1 respectful form of address and reference to younger sibling. 2 form of address to wife or female love. adipati title for bupati (colonial era). adiwarna resplendent, excellent. adm. (administrasi) administration. administrasi administration. administratif administrative. administratur administration. administrir administer, manage. admiral admiral.


adolensi tax clemency. adon knead. adonan batter, dough. adu 1 compete. 2 1) complain about, 2) sue, bring legal action. 3) inform, squeal, tell on, report. 3. sleep of royalty aduh 1 ouch! ow! 2 oh my! aduhai how beautiful! adverbia adverb. adverbial adverbial. advis advice. advokat 1 lawyer. 2 avocado. adzan (isl.) call to prayer aerodinamika aerodynamics. aeronotika aeronautics. afdal 1 good, fine, nice. 2 ritually pure. afdeling section, department. afdruk print, copy. afiat 1 healthy. 2 good health. afiks affix. afiksasi affixation. afiliasi affiliation. afirmasi affirmation. agak 1 rather, somewhat. 2 approximately, about. agaknya it seems, probably. agama religion. agamawan religious person, religionist. agamawi religious. agamis religious. agar in order that, in order to. agar-agar 1 seaweed. 2 gelatin made of seaweed. agas sandfly, gnat. agen 1 agency, branch. 2 agent. agenda agenda. agitasi agitation. agraria agrarian affairs. agregat 1 electric generator. 2 aggregate. agresi aggression. agresif aggressive. agresor aggressor. agri-bisnis agribusiness. agronomi agronomy. agung 1 exalted, high, noble. 2 impressive. agustus august. ah 1 ah! alas! 2 yachh!. aha aha! ahad 1 one. 2 sunday.


ahlak character, morals. ahli 1 expert, specialist. 2 skilled, highly competent, professional. 3 members. 4 relatives. ahlibait owner of the house, host. ahlikubur the deceased. aib 1 shame, disgrace, scandal. 2 error, mistake. air 1 water, liquid. ajaib 1 miraculous. 2 astonishing, remarkable. 3 remarkableness ajak 1 invite. 2 challenge. 3 stimulus. ajal predestined hour of death, end. ajam Iran, Persia. ajang 1 site. 2 arena. ajar 1 study. 2 learn. ajeg steady, stable, constant. ajektif adjective. aji 1 spell, charm, magical formula. aju 1 put, ask. 2 institute. 3 file, submit, make. ajudan 1 adjutant. 2 chief petty officer. akad contract, agreement, covenant. akademi academy. akademik academic. akademikus an academic. akademis academic. akal 1 mind, intellect, reason. 2. intelligence. 3 way, tactics. advice, instruction. 5 deceit, cunning. akal intelligent. akan 1 will, about to. 2 . 1) about, regarding. 2)as for. akar 1 root. 2 root, source. akas 1. clever, handy, skillful. 2. 1) upside down. 2) the opposite. akasia acacia. akbar 1 exalted, great. 2 big. akhiran suffix. akhirul kalam in conclusion. akhlak character, morals. akibat consequence, result. akibatnya a finally, as a consequence. akidah belief, faith. aklimatisasi acclimatization. akomodasi accommodations. akompanimen accompaniment. akordeon accordion. akpol (Akademi Kepolisian) police academy. akrab intimate, chummy.

akreditasi accreditation. akronim acronym. aksara 1 letter of the alphabet. 2 script. aksarawan o. who is literate. akselerasi acceleration. aksen accent. aksentuasi 1 accentuating. 2 accent, stress. 3 emphasis, stress. akseptor acceptor, esp. o. who has agreed to practice birth control. aksesori accessory. aksi 1 action 2 lawsuit. 3 boasting, bragging. 4 pretense, airs. 5 handsome. aksioma axiom. akta 1 official document. 2 diploma, certificate. aktif 1 active, energetic. 2 active. 3 functioning. 4 favorable. akting 1 o. temporarily in charge. 2 o. who assumes responsibility. aktiva assets. aktivis activist. aktivitas activity. aktor actor. aktris actress. aktualisasi actualization. aktualisir actualize, bring up to date. aktualitas timeliness, topicality. aktuil recent, topical, current. aku i (subyek), me(obyek). akuarium aquarium. akulturasi acculturation. akumulasi accumulation. akumulatif accumulative. akuntan accountant. akuntansi accountancy. akupuntur acupuncture. akur agree to do, go along with. akurat accurate, precise, exact. akustik acoustics. akustis acoustic. akut acute, critical . al-masih the Messiah. al-qur’an (isl.) the Koran. ala 1 in the style. 2 a la. alaihissalam (isl.) upon him be peace. alaikum’salam (isl.) peace be unto you. alam 1 world, realm. 2 nature, natural.

alamat 1 address. 2 omen, sign, indication. 3 target. 4 title. alami natural, concerned with nature. alang 1 middle, medium. 2. 1) crosswise, diagonal. 2) crossbeam, bar. alang-alang tall, coarse grass. alap (alap-alap) 1 hawk. 2 thief. alarm alarm, danger signal. alas 1. 1) base, foundation. 2) layer, lining, covering. 2. forest. alat 1. instrument, tool, device, equipment. 2 organization. 3 asset. 4 bodily organ alergi allergy, allergic. alfabet alphabet. alfatihah (isl.) first chapter of qur’an recited every prayer time and before praying for dead. algojo 1 executioner, hangman. 2 bully. 3 butcher, murderer. algoritme algorithm. alhamdulillah (isl.) praise be to God. alhasil 1 eventually, in the end. 2 consequently, in sum, the result. aliansi alliance. alias 1 i.e., namely, in other words. 2 otherwise called. alibi alibi. alif first letter of the arabic alphabet. alih shift, change position. alihbahasa translation. alim 1 learned. 2 pious, religious, devout. alinea paragraph. alir 1 ideology. 2 smooth. 3 flow. aliran 1 current. 2 current, trend, ideology. 3 political grouping, religious sect. 4 conduit, wiring. alis eyebrow. aliterasi alliteration. aliyah (isl.) senior high school. aljabar algebra. alkali alkali. alkisah 1 the story. 2 once upon a time. alkitab the Bible. alkohol alcohol. allah God. allahumma ( isl.) o God. allamah very learned. alm (almarhum) the late, the deceased. almahdi the Messiah. almalun the damned.


almanak 1 almanac. 2 calendar. almarhum 1 the late, the deceased. 2 pass away. almarhumah the late, the deceased. almari cupboard. alofon allophone. alokasi allocation. alomorf allomorph. alot tough, difficult. alpa neglectful, inattentive. altar altar. alternatif alternative. alto alto. alu rice pestle. alum faded, wilted, withered. aluminium aluminum. alumni alumnus. alun wave, swell. alun-alun town square. alur 1 gully, channel. 2 plot. 3 slot, groove. amal 1 deed, work. 2 good deed, charity. amaliah charitable. aman 1 peaceful, calm. 2 safe, secure. amanah 1 trusteeship, mandate. 2 instruction, mandate, commission. 3 order of the day. 4 speech, message. amandel 1 almond. 2 tonsil. amandemen amendment. amar injunction, command. amarah anger. amat 1 very, exceedingly. 2. 1) watch closely, keep track of. 2) inspect. 3) monitor, guard. amatir amateur. ambang 1 1) threshold, sill. 2) railroad tie. 2 float. ambeien hemorrhoids, piles. ambigu ambiguous. ambiguitas ambiguity. ambil take. (ambil-alih) take over. ambisi ambition. ambisius ambitious. ambivalen ambivalent. ambivalensi ambivalence. amblas disappear, vanish. ambles mire, bog down, sink in mud. (amblesan) subsidence. amboi hey! ambrol 1 collapse, sag. 2 be destroyed. ambruk collapse. fall down.


ambul 1 bounce, rebound, ricochet. 2 bob up and down. ambulan ambulance. amerika 1 n. or s. America. 2 america, American. amfibi amphibian. amil mosque official who collects the tithe. amin amen. amir commander, leader. amirulmukminin (isl.) caliph. amis putrid taste or odor of fish. amit-amit god forbid! ammaba’dah furthermore. amnesti amnesty. amoi form of address and reference to China girl. amonia ammonia. amor love. (dewi-amor) goddess of love. amoralitas amorality. amorf amorphous. amortisasi amortization. ampas waste, dregs. ampli amplifier. amplop envelope. ampuh 1 1) endowed with magical power. 2) potent, effective. 2 flood, overflow, inundation. ampul 1 ampul. 2 swell, expand. ampun 1 pardon, forgiveness. 2 mercy. amputasi amputation. amsal 1 proverb. 2 parable. 3 proverbs. amuba amoeba. amuk 1 run amuck. 2 rage violently. amunisi ammunition. anafora anaphora. anak 1 child. 2 offspring. 3 native of. anakanda 1 child, son. 2 familiar form of address to young people. analis analyst, analyzer. analisa analysis, examination. analisawan analyst. analisir analyze. analisis analysis. analitik analytic. analitikus analyst. analitis analytical. analog analog. analogi analogy. anarkhis 1 anarchic. 2 anarchist.

anarki anarchy. anarkisme anarchism. anasir element. anatomi anatomy. ancai disabled. ancak-ancak indifferent, casual, nonchalant. ancam say s.t. threatening. anda you. andai if. (andai-nya) supposing or suppose that. andal 1 rely on. 2 trade on. andalan 1 mainstay. 2 security, pledge. 3 chief seat. andalas Sumatra. andap able to be humble. andil 1 share. 2 contribution. andong four-wheeled carriage drawn by two horses common in Central Java. aneh strange, queer, peculiar, odd aneka various, diverse, all sorts of. anekdot anecdote. aneksasi annexation. anemi anemia. anestesi anesthesia. anestesiologi anesthesiology. anfal 1 attack. 2 heart attack. angan-angan 1 thought, notion, idea. 2 fantasy, illusion, day dreaming. angel (jv.) 1 difficult. 2 strange, unusual. anggak conceited, arrogant, haughty. anggap 1 opinion. 2 nod the head to invite another to join in dancing or drinking. anggapan 1 1) opinion, belief. 2) judgment. 3) suspicion, hunch, impression. 2. such an invitation to dance or drink. anggar 1 estimate, calculate, compute. 2 fencing. 3 1) hangar. 2) shed, warehouse. 3 quay. anggaran estimate, calculation, consideration. anggerek orchid. anggit 1 lace, thread, string 2 fasten or secure with rattan. 3 composed, draft. anggota 1 member. 2 member, limb. 3 part, component. anggrek orchid. angguk nodding of head. anggun 1 neat, handsome, elegant. 2 affected, pretentious. anggung lift, raise.

anggur 1 1) grape. 2) wine. 2) lie idle. 2 slip. cutting. 3 1) be unemployed, be idle. angin 1 wind. 2 air. 3 rumor. angin-anginan blow hot and cold, fickle, be capricious. angina tonsillitis. angka 1 figure, numeral, digit. 2 rate. 3 mark, grade. angkara 1 greedy. 2 egotistical, self-centered. 3 brutal violence, savagery. angkasa 1 sky. 2 heaven, firmament. 3 atmosphere. angkasawan 1 spaceman, astronaut. 2 broadcaster, announcer. angkasawati 1 spacewoman, female astronaut. 2 female broadcaster, announcer. angkat 1 lift, raise. 2 take away, remove. 3 begin to do s.t. angker 1 1) eerie . 2) terrible. 2. anchor. angket 1 inquiry, poll. 2 questionnaire. angklung musical instrument consisting of suspended bamboo tubes which sound when shaken. angkuh 1 arrogant, conceited. 2. form, appearance. angkut 1 carry, transport. 2 carry away. 3 contain. angsa goose. angsana tree. angsur 1 little by little. 2 move forward a little. 3 in installments. aniaya 1 ill treatment. 2 tyranny, oppression. 3 injustice. animis animist. animisme animism. animo 1 zest, energy, gusto. 2 interest. anjung 1 extension, annex. 2 ship’s bridge. 3 platform. anjur suggest, advise. anjuran 1 proposal, suggestion. 2 recommendation, advice. anoa dwarf buffalo. anonim anonymous. antagonis antagonist. antagonisme antagonism. antagonistis antagonistic. antah 1 rice chaff, bran. 2 (ber-antah) fabled, imaginary. antar 1 accompany. 2 take s.o/s.t to. 3 inter. antar-antar 1 rotor. 2 piston rod.


antara 1 between. 2 in, about. 3 not far from. 4 in the meanwhile. antarbangsa international. antariksa 1 space, interplanetary space. 2 planetary atmosphere. antariksawan astronaut, cosmonaut. antariksawati female astronaut or cosmonaut. antartika antarctic. antek henchman, lackey. antena antenna, aerial. anteng 1 calm, quiet. 2 being quiet and sticking to o.’s work. antero whole, all, total, entire. anti 1 be opposed to. 2 anti-, resistant to. (antikarat) stainless (anti-perang) antiwar. antik 1 antique. 2 ornate, highly embellished 3 eccentric. anting 1 pendant, earring. 2 pendulum of clock. antipati antipathy. antiseptis antiseptic. antisipasi anticipation. antitesa antithesis. antologi anthology. antonim antonym. antonimi antonymy. antrasit anthracite. antre (antri) stand in line, queue up. antropolog anthropologist. antropologi anthropology. antusias enthusiastic. antusiasme enthusiasm. anugerah 1 a gift from god. 2 gift from a person of higher status to o. of lower status. anulir annul, cancel. anumerta posthumous. anyam plait. anyaman 1 cane work, plaited mats. 2 plait, tress, braid. anyang salad of raw meat and shellfish or raw fruit with spices. anyar (jv.) new. anyelir carnation. anyep 1 bland not salty. 2 clammy, damp. anyir rancid, rank, smelling of fish oil. apa 1 what, which. 2 a question marker. 3 or. 4 eh. apabila when, if. apalagi 1 above all, especially. 2 even less, let alone. 3 moreover, besides.


apalah 1 please. 2 what does it amount to? aparat 1 apparatus, appliance, instrument. 2 institution, agency. aparatur apparatus. apartemen apartment. apati apathy. apatis apathetic apatisme apathy. apel apple. apersepsi apperception. api 1 fire. 2 flame, blaze. 3 spirit. apik 1 neat and nice, trim. 2 attractive, chic. apit hemmed in, wedged in. apitan 1 clam. 2 terminal. 3 press extractor. 4 intercalation, interpolation. apkir 1 cast off. 2 rejected. aplikasi application. aposisi apposition. apostolik apostolic. apostrof apostrophe. apotek pharmacy, dispensary. apoteker pharmacist. apresiasi appreciation. april april. apung float, buoyed up. ara tropical fig tree. arafah a desert valley near mecca which has an important role in hajj ceremonies. arah 1 direction, course. 2 aim, direction, purpose. arak 1 rice wine, arrack. 2 liquor procession. arang charcoal. aransemen arrangement. arbei strawberry. arbitrase arbitration. arca statue, image. arde ground. are 100 square meters. areal acreage. arek (jv.) child. aren sugar palm. arena arena. argometer fare-meter. argumen argument, reason, plea, case. argumentasi argumentation. ari-ari 1 abdomen. 2 placenta. arif 1 learned. 2 wise, clever, skillful. 3 capable.

arisan regular social gathering whose members contribute to and take turns at winning an aggregate sum of money. aristokrasi aristocracy. aristokrat aristocrat. arit 1 sickle. 2 knife for tapping rubber trees. 3 grass knife. arjuna 1 the handsomest hero of the Mahabharata. 2 playboy, womanizer. 3 handsome man. arkeolog archaeologist. arkeologi archaeology. arkeologis archaeological. arloji timepiece, watch. armada fleet. aroma aroma. aromatik aromatic. arrahman (isl.) the merciful. arsen arsenic. arsip 1 archives. 2 files. arsir shade in. (arsiran) hatching shaded-in area. arsitek architect. arsitektur architecture. art (Anggaran Rumah Tangga) rules of association. arti 1 meaning. 2 sense. 3 significance, importance. artifisial artificial. artika arctic. artikel 1 article, clause. 2 article, column. 3 article. artikulasi articulation. artikulator articulator. artileri 1 artillery, ordinance. 2 artillery, gunners. artis artist. artistik artistic. arum-manis cotton candy. arung wade across, across. arus 1 current. 2 flow. arwah soul, departed spirit. aryaduta ambassador. as 1 1) axle. 2) axis. 2 ace. as (‘alaihissalam) (isl.) peace be with him. asa hope. asah grind down. asak 1 move, budge. 2 cram, jam. asal 1 1) origin, source. 2) beginning, cause. 2 (asalkan) provided that, as long as.

asam 1 sour. 2 acid. 3. tree, tamarind asap 1 smoke. 2 fumes. 3 smoked. asar (isl.) afternoon prayer asas 1 basis, principle. 2 foundation, base. asasi fundamental, basic. asbak ashtray. asbes asbestos. asbun (asal bunyi) speak without forethought. asesori accessories. asi (air susu ibu) breast milk. asia Asia. asimetri asymmetry. asimetris asymmetric. asimilasi assimilation. asin 1 salty. 2 salty, briny. asing 1 strange, foreign, alien. 2 odd. 3 remote, isolate. 4 different. asisten assistant asli 1 original. 2 genuine, authentic. 3 indigenous, native asma (jv.) 1 name. 2 asthma. asmara romantic love. asosiasi association. aspal 1 asphalt. 2 (asli palsu) s.t. that looks original but is falsified. aspirasi aspiration. aspri (asisten pribadi) personal assistant. asrama 1 dormitory, hostel, residence hall. 2 barracks. asri 1 beautiful. 2 harmoniously chic. astaga heaven forbid, for heaven’s sake. astaganaga gee whiz! astana palace. asteng (Asia Tenggara) South East Asia. astrolog astrologer. astrologi astrology. astronaut astronaut. astronautika astronautics. astronomi astronomy. astronomis astronomical, celestial. asu dog! bastard! asuh 1 care for, take care of, rear, bring up. 2 educate, bring up. 3 train, prepare. asuhan 1 upbringing, rearing. 2 education. 3 leadership, direction. 4 sponsorship. asumsi assumption. asuransi 1 insurance. 2 insurance payment or installment. 3 insurance payment received. asusila immoral.


asyik 1 passionate. 2 be infatuated. 3 busy, occupied. 4 absorbed, eager. atap 1 thatched roof of palm leaves. 2 roof. atas 1 on, upon, on top of. 2 upper. 3 above, upstairs. 4 over. atase attaché. atau or. ataukah 1 or. 2 whether. ateis atheist. (keateisan) atheism. ateisme atheism. atensi attention. atlas atlas. atlet athlete. atletik athletics. atma 1 breath. 2 soul. atmil (atase militer) military attaché. atom atom. atomisasi atomization. atraksi attraction. atret back up, go in reverse. atribut attribute. atributif attributive. atur arrange. audiensi audience. audio-visuil audiovisual. audisi audition. audit audit. aula hall, auditorium. aulia saints, pious personages. aum 1 roar. 2 raging aurat 1 part of the body which may not be visible while performing a ritual. 2 genitals. auri (Angkatan Udara Republik Indonesia) Indonesian Air Force. aus 1 worn-out, threadbare. 2 worn down. autobiografi autobiography. autopsi autopsy. aviasi aviation.


avtur (aviation turbo fuel) airplane fuel. awak (jv.) 1 body, self. 2 crewman, crewwoman. 3 i, my. awal 1 beginning. 2 beginning, initial. 3 first, early. awam 1 common, general. 2 lay, nonexpert. awan 1 cloud. 2 cloudlike decoration. awang-awang 1 atmosphere. 2 up in the air, uncertain, far off. 3 dizzy. awangan impromptu, extemporaneous. awas 1 careful, watch out. 2 sharp-sighted, far-sighted. awur 1 scatter, sow. 2 do s.t. at random, blindly. awut do s.t. blindly, carelessly. awut-awutan 1 tangled. 2 tousled. 3 chaotic, haphazard. ayah father, as a term of address. ayahanda father. ayak sieve, sifter. 2 o. who wobbles or waddles. ayal 1 slow. 2 doubtful. ayam chicken. (ayam-aduan) fighting cock. ayan epilepsy. ayat 1 verse. 2 article, subsection. 3 clause. 4 paragraph. ayo 1 come on! 2 goodbye. ayu pretty, beautiful. azab torment, punishment. azal endless past, eternity without beginning. azam 1 highly respected. 2 intention. azan (isl.) call to prayer. azas basis. azasi fundamental, basic. azimat 1.amulet, charm, talisman. 2 mascot. azimut azimuth. aziz 1 enormous, great. 2 awe-inspiring.

B baginda 1 his majesty. 2 title of nobility. bagus 1 fine, good. 2 good, exemplary. bah 1 flooding. 2 exclamation of disgust. bahadur 1 knight, hero. 2 bold, courageous. bahagia happy. bahak burst of laughter. bahan 1 matter, substance, material, cloth. 2 material for producing s.t. 3 object. bahana 1 loud noise. 2 echo. bahar 1 large body of water. 2 a measure of weight. 3 root. bahari 1 antique, ancient. 2 charming. 3. maritime, nautical. bahariwan seaman. bahariwati female sailor. baharu new. bahas 1 research, investigation, study. 2 criticism. bahasa 1 language. 2 speech. bahasawan linguist. bahaya danger, peril, jeopardy. bahenol sexy, voluptuous. baheula 1 old-fashioned, antiquated. 2 ancient. bahkan 1 even, in fact. 2 moreover. 3 on the contrary, 4 indeed. bahtera 1 ark. 2 boat, ship. bahu shoulder. bahwasanya 1 that. 2 truly, indeed. baiat oath. baiduri opal. baik 1 good, fine, kind. 2 carefully. 3 yes, all right. bait 1.verse. 2. house. baitullah (isl.) the holy mosque in Mecca. baitulmal treasury. baja 1 steel. 2 armor. bajaj two-passenger pedicab with motor scooter engine. bajak 1 plow. 2 bandit. baji 1 wedge. 2 peg.

baal without feeling, asleep. bab 1 chapter. 2 subject, matter, topic. 3 gate, door. baba 1 father. 2 older man. babad history, chronicle. babak 1 stage, phase. 2 round, half, heat, period. 3 act. babak-belur bruised. babe 1 boss. 2 father. babi 1 pig, hog, pork. 2 swine. babu domestic servant. babut rug, carpet. baca (membaca) 1 read. 2 recite or chant. bacam (membacam) impregnate. bacem steeped prior to cooking. bacok a jab. bacot 1 snout. 2 mouth. badai 1 sudden storm. 2 hurricane, typhoon, gale. badak 1 rhinoceros. 2 a thick-skinned person. badal representative, substitute, assistant. badan 1 body. 2 torso. 3 group, agency. 4 corporation. badar full moon. badge badge. badik small dagger. badminton badminton. badui ethnic group in West Java. badung 1 naughty but witty. 2 naughty, delinquent. badut clown. baduta (bawah dua tahun) under two. bagai like, as if. bagaimana how. bagak dauntless, confident. bagan 1 draft, blueprint, design. 2 skeleton, frame. 3 chart, diagram. bagas 1 robust, sturdy. 2 strong. bagasi 1 baggage, luggage. 2 luggage rack. 3 trunk. 4 baggage car. bagi 1 for. 2 divide. 3 separate.


bajigur hot drink made of coconut milk and spices. bajik good, wholesome, virtuous. bajing squirrel. bajingan 1 scoundrel, gangster. 2 thief. baju 1 jacket, blouse, shirt. 2 clothing, apparel. bajul 1 crocodile. 2 scoundrel, rascal. 3 pickpocket. bak 1 basin, vessel. 2 large container. 3 like, as. baka 1. eternal, everlasting. 2. family, descant, line. 3 genetic origins. bakal 1 future, prospective.2 in the making. 3 shall, will. bakaloreat baccalaureate. bakar 1 burn, set on fire. 2 roasted. 3 bake, roast. bakarat baccarat. bakat 1 trace, trail. 2 sign, omen. 3 crest, head. 4 talent, aptitude, propensity. bakau mangrove tree. bakda after. bakhil stingy, miserly. baki 1 small tray. 2. remainder, residue, balance. bakiak wooden clog. bakmi china noodles. bakpao steamed bun stuffed with meat or other ingredients. baksil bacillus. bakso 1 meatballs. 2 soup with meatballs, sliced cabbage and bean threads baktau madam, procuress. bakteri bacteria. bakteriologi bacteriology. bakti 1 devotion 2 service. 3 faith, loyalty. 4 loyal, faithful devoted. baku 1 standard. 2 basic. bakul 1 basket. 2 small tradeswoman. bakung 1 wild lily. 2 onion. bakup red and swollen. bakwan 1 corn fritter 2 soup with china meatballs. bal 1 ball. 2 balloon. 3 bale. bala 1 troops, army. 2 disaster, catastrophe. balai 1 public hall or building. 2 office or bureau, association. balai-balai wooden or bamboo couch or sleeping platform.


balairung 1 royal audience hall. 2 market shed or stall. balap race, racing. balar 1 albino. 2 with white spots balas reply, response. balatentara troops. balau confused, in disorder. balela (jv.) rebellion. balet ballet. bali 1 placenta. 2 a culinary style characterized by large quantities of chili, tamarind and other spices. baliho billboard. balik 1 return. 2 behind, the reverse side. 3 the reverse. 4 again. baling (baling-baling) propeller. balistik 1 ballistic. 2 ballistics. balita (bawah lima tahun) children under five. balkon 1 balcony. 2 platform. ballada ballad. ballpoin ballpoint pen. balok 1 bar. 2 crossbar, joint, girder. 3 beam. balon 1 balloon. 2 prostitute. balsam balsam, ointment. balung 1 bone. 2 cockscomb plants. 3. cockscomb. balut bandage, dressing, wrapping. ban 1 tire. 2 ribbon. 3 belt. bancakan 1 ritual feast. 2 victim of mob attack. bancar flow copiously. bancet small frog. banci 1 effeminate. 2 hermaphrodite. 3 powerless. band 1 band. 2 radio band. bandar 1 harbor, port. 2 o. who directs or finances illegal or underhand activities. bandara (bandar udara) airport. bandel 1obstinate, stubborn, recalcitrant. 2 undisciplined, disobedient bandela bale. bandeng milkfish. banderol 1 revenue stamp. 2 official price, controlled price. bandes (Bantuan Desa) village assistance program. banding 1 consideration, appeal. 2 equivalent, equal. bandit 1 bandit, gangster. 2 scoundrel, villain. bando large headcraft.

bandot 1 billy goat. 2 lascivious old man. bandul 1 pendulum. 2 hanger. bang 1. call to prayer. 2. elder brother bangau white egret, tufted heron. bangka tough and stiff. bangkai 1 carcass, carrion. 2 corpse. 3 fuselage. bangkang (membangkang) rebel, resist, oppose. bangkar 1 tough and stiff, coarse. 2 rigid. 3 rigor mortis, rigidity. 4 rough to the touch. bangket 1 banquet. 2 fancy cookie. bangkit 1 get up from seated or prone position. 2 come up. bangkong large frog. bangkrut bankrupt. bangku bench, seat. bangkuang juicy tuber. bangsa 1 nation, people, race. 2 family, breed, category, sex. order. bangsal 1 ward. 2 public building. 3 market stalls. 4 shed, warehouse. 5 emergency housing. bangsat scoundrel, rascal. bangsawan nobleman. bangsawati noblewoman. bangun 1 wake up. 2 get up. 3 rise. 4 structure, form. 5 model, type. bani children of, descendants of. banjir 1 flood, deluge. 2 flood, overflow. bank bank, financial body. banpol (pembantu polisi) auxiliary police. banpres (Bantuan Presiden) special precidential aid. bantah say in disagreement. bantahan 1 protest, objection. 2 contradiction. 3 back talk. 4 protestation. bantai 1 butcher. 2 beat up severely. bantal pillow, cushion. bantam (sport) bantam weight. bantar present. bantaran flood plain. banteng the wild ox of java. banter 1 fast, quick, speedy. 2 loud, projects or carries well. banting throw down forcefully. bantingan 1 beating. 2 steep reduction. 3 shock or swaying. bantu 1 assist. 2 auxiliary.

banyak 1 many, much. 2 a lot of. 3 great number. 4 great amount. banyol 1 joke, gag. 2 clown, jokester, wag. bapakisme paternalism. bappenas (Badan Perancang Pembangunan Nasional) national planning board. baptis 1 baptism. 2 the baptis sect or adherent thereof. bara 1 ember, live coal. 2 heat, warmth. 3 fire, fervor. bara (bahara) ballast. barak 1 barracks. 2 quarantine quarters. barakah blessed. barang 1 goods, commodity. 2 article, object. 3 baggage, luggage. barangkali perhaps, maybe. barat 1 west. 2 western, occidental. barbar barbarian. barbarisme barbarism. barel barrel, a measurement for petroleum. bareng with, together with. baret 1 laceration, scratch, abrasion. 2 lacerated, scratched. barikade barricade. baring lie down. baris 1 row. 2 line. 3 line, queue. 4. ranks. 5 slide rule. 6 (mil.) drill. barisan 1 ranks. 2 rear guard. 3 back. bariton baritone. barkas small steamship. barometer barometer. barong dance with mask. barongan folk entertainment featuring performer dressed as monster. barongsai lion dance us. performed on china new year. baru 1 new, recent. 2 modern. 3 fresh. 4 just, only so much up to now. 5 only now, just at ascertain time. 6 not until, only then. barusan just, just now. barzakh (isl.) the place and time between death and the last judgment. bas 1 bass. 2 bass guitar. basa alkali. basa-basi 1 good manners, courtesy, politeness. 2 conventional phrase of greeting, etc., conventionality. basah 1 wet, soaked. 2 damp, moist. 3 fresh (not dried). 4 remunerative.


basi 1 1) spoiled, stale. 2) stale, out-of-date, not topical. 2 1) commission, fee. 2) overtime or extra pay. 3) reduction, discount. 3 1) bowl, dish. 2) serving dish. basil bacillus, germ. basis 1 basis, principle. 2 base. basit 1 all-embracing 2. indivisible. baskara sun. basket basketball. baskom washbasin. basmi 1 exterminate 2 eradicate, root out, eliminate 3 burn off, clear by burning. basuh washing. basuki prosper, flourish. bata concrete brick. batako concrete brick. batalion battalion. batang 1 stem, stalk, blade 2 stick, pole, shaft. batara god, male deity. batari goddess, female deity. batas 1 limit. 2 border, confine, boundary, limits. baterai 1 dry-cell battery. 2 battery. bati (jv.) profit. batih 1 o.’s household. 2 family. batil 1 invalid, null and void. 2 false, wrong. 3 evil, bad. batin 1 inner, internal, spiritual. 2 mind, heart. batiniah spiritual, internal, moral. batok 1 coconut shell. 2 dry measure, about a litter. batu 1 stone. 2. milestone, milepost. 3. flint battery. batuk 1 a cough. 2 to cough. batur 1 shelf. 2 servant. bau 1 scent, smell, aroma, odor. 2 unpleasant odor, stench, stink. bauksit bauxite. baur mixed. bausastra dictionary. baut 1 bolt. 2 bully, strong-arm man, bouncer. bawa take, bring, bring along. bawal fish, pomfret. bawang onion. bawasir hemorrhoids. bawel fault finding, carping. baya old. bayam amaranth used as a vegetable, spinach. bayang 1 shadow, shade. 2 image, reflection. 3 imagination.


bayangan 1 shadow. 2 imagination. 3 estimation 4 image. bayangkari 1 policewoman. 2 policemen’s wives’ association. bayar 1 pay. 2 pay for. 3 pay s.o. bayat 1 freshman. 2 homage. bayi baby, infant. bayonet bayonet. bayu 1 wind, breeze. 2 hindu god of wind. bazar charity fair, church bazaar. bazoka bazooka. bbm (Bahan Bakar Minyak) refined fuel oil. bd (barat daya) s.w. bea 1 cost, expense. 2 tax, duty, toll beasiswa scholarship, fellowship. bebal 1 stupid, imbecilic, slow. 2 silly, foolish, asinine. beban 1 load. 2 burden, responsibility. 3 load, charge. bebas 1 free, unhampered, unimpeded. 2 free(d), be free. 3 released, acquitted. bebat bandage, dressing. bebek duck. bebuyutan senile. becak pedicab, tricycle. becus capable. beda 1 difference. 2 remainder, balance. bedah surgical operation. bedak face powder, talcum powder. bedebah ill-omened (used in term of abuse). bedel surgical operation. bedeng 1. shed, barracks. 2. ditch. bedil gun, rifle. bedol (bedol-desa) immigration of an entire village. begadang stay up and talk all night. begal robber. begawan title for Hindu priest or ascetic. begini 1 thus, like this. 2 well, so (often used to start a conversation). begitu 1 like that. 2 so, very. 3 how very. 4 just at the moment. bego stupid, imbecilic, idiotic. bejana 1 container, vessel, receptacle. 2 vase. bejat 1 damaged, spoiled. 2 depraved, wanton. bejo lucky. bek 1 backfield player. 2 head of a village. bekal stock, supplies, provisions. bekam 1 bruise. 2 (mem-bekam) bleed s.o.

bekas 1 used, second-hand. 2 print, trace. 3 former. 4 ex, former. bekatul 1 bran. 2 rice siftings. beken well known, familiar. beker 1 alarm clock 2. 1) trophy. 2) cup, breaker. bekerja 1 work. 2 active. bekicot edible snail. beking backing, support. bekisar cross between domestic chicken and jungle fowl. beku 1 frozen. 2 coagulated. 3. rigid. bekuk bend in two, fold. bel bell. bela care for, nurture. belacan shrimp or fish paste condiment. belagu put on, act affected. belah 1 crack, gap, crevice. 2 half, cut in half. 3 side. belai 1 caress, stroke. 2 flatter. belajar 1 study. 2 learn. belak 1 black spot. 2 white spot. belaka 1 only, merely. 2 quite, very. belakang 1 back, backside. 2 behind, back of. 3 later. 4 on the back of, the reverse side. belalai 1 trunk, snout. 2 proboscis. 3 tentacle, feeler. belalak 1 stare, open wide. 2 look at s.o. with big eyes. belalang locust, grasshopper. belanda 1 dutch. 2 treat as dutch. belang 1 spot, band, stripe. 2 skin blemish. 3 ble-mished, spotted. belanga earthen cooking pot. belanja 1 expense, expenditure. 2 cost, expense. belantara forest, jungle. belas 1. mercy, pity. 2. teens, tens. belasungkawa condolences. belat-belit devious, surreptitious. belati broad-bladed knife. belatung maggot. belenggu handcuff, fetter, shackle of wood or iron. belepotan 1 be smeared all over with s.t. 2 be messy. belerang sulphur. belerong market stall. belgia belgium. beli buy.

belia 1 youth. 2 young. beliau he, she. belibis wild duck, the teal. belikat scapula, shoulder bone. belimbing 1 ridged longitudinally. 2 star fruit. beling 1 porcelain. 2 shards 3 glass. belit 1 coil. 2 curve, bend. beliung 1 carpenter’s adze. 2 pickax. beliut bent and crooked. belot 1 turncoat, renegade, traitor. 2 be a turncoat. 3 (rel.) apostate. beludak 1. outburst. 2. viper. beludru velvet, velveteen. belukar 1 thicket, underbrush. 2 shrub. belulang 1 tough, dray. 2 callus. 3 rawhide. 4 bones. belum 1 not yet. 2 not including. belut eel. bemo small motorized vehicle used for public transportation. benak 1 marrow. 2 brain, mind. benalu 1 arboreal parasitic plant. 2 parasite. 3 sponger. benam sink out of sight, hide. benang thread, yarn. benar 1 correct, right. 2 honest, true, just, not false. 4 sincere. 5 valid. bencana disaster, calamity, debacle, havoc. benci hate, dislike, aversion. bencong female impersonator, transvestite. benda thing, article, object. bendahara 1 treasurer, esp. of clubs, organizations, etc. 2 grand vizier. 3 queen. bendera flag, colors. benderang bright, brilliant. bendharawan 1 treasurer. 2 office accountant. bendi two-wheeled carriage. bendung 1 dike. 2 dam. bengal 1 stubborn, obstinate. 2 forward, impertinent, rude. bengap 1 slight deafness. 2 have difficulty speaking, incoherent. bengawan river. bengek 1 asthma. 2 asthmatic. benggol bump, bruise. bengis cruel, strict, harsh. bengkak 1 swollen, puffy. 2 swelling, tumor. 3 abscess. bengkalai (membengkalaikan) neglect, leave unattended or unfinished.


bengkel 1 workshop. 2 garage, repair shop. bengkok land for use of village employees in place of salary. bengkong 1. crooked, bent. 2. professional circumciser. bengong 1 dazed, stupefied. 2 crestfallen. 3 expressionless, vacant, blank. benih 1 seed. 2 germ. 3 semen. 4 origin, descent. 5 cause, origin. bening clear, transparent. benjal-benjol bumpy and rocky, lumpy benjol 1 lump, bump, protruding tumor. 2 bruised, swollen. benjut having a large lump or bump from being struck. bensin gasoline. bensol high-octane gasoline for planes. bentak say in a harsh manner. bentang 1 spread out, extend. 2 reach. bentara herald. benteng 1 fortress, bastion, rampart. 2 fortification, entrenchment. 3 rook, castle. bentet cracked open, burst open. bentol small bump bentrok quarrel, clash. bentuk 1 shape, form, type. 2 bend, curve. bentur collide. benua 1 continent. 2 country. benur shrimp fry. beo myna bird, parrot, imitate. beol defecate. bepergian go on a trip, travel. berabad-abad for centuries. berabe 1 nuisance, annoying. 2 bad luck. 3 darn! berabu dusty. beracara 1 sit, be in session. 2 be on the agenda. 3 be in litigation. berada 1 be. 2 well-off, well-to-do. beradab 1 cultured, civilized. 2 polite. beradaptasi adapt, assimilate. beradat 1 customary, traditional, follows traditions. 2 well-mannered. beradu 1 collide. 2 compete. beragama 1 have a religion. 2 be religious. beragitasi agitate for. berahi sexual desire. 2 passion, lust. 3 passionate, lustful. berai be spread, dispersed. berair 1 have water. 2 juicy. 3 aqueous.


berak mired. berak-berok scream and shriek. berakal brainy, intelligent. berakhir 1 end. 2 become extinct. berakhlak have a certain character. berakit 1 travel by raft. 2 attached alongside. berakraban be chummy with, be close to. beraksi 1 be in action. 2 show off, flaunt. beralasan have a base or foundation, reasonable. beralaskan 1 be placed on as a base or covering of s.t. 2 be based on. beralih 1 change. 2 shift, move. beraliran have an ideology. beramanah instruct, issue an order. beranda 1 veranda, porch. 2 station platform. 3 quarterdeck. berang 1 angry, furious, irritate. 2 anger. berang-berang otter. berangas barnacle. berangasan hot-tempered, hotheaded. berangguk nod. berangkat leave, depart, set out. berangsur-angsur 1 little by little. 2 move forward a little. 3 in installments. berani audacious, brave, bold, courageous, dauntless. beranjak 1 move, get up. 2 shift, move. beranjangsana tour an area. berantas 1 fight, combat. 2 wipe out, remove. berapi 1 have fire. 2 be on fire. 3 fiery, fervent. 4 very angry, livid. berapi-api 1 furious, raging. 2 glitter, shine, sparkle. berapit 1 be close to. 2 jammed, wedged, stuck. berarti 1 mean. 2 be significant, meaningful. 3 valuable, useful. beras hulled rice. beras-beras fish, drum fish. berat 1 heavy. 2 serious, severe. 3 hard, difficult. 4 weight. 5 strong. berbalas 1 mutual response. 2.have a response. berbarengan 1 together with, accompanied by. 2 at the same time. 3 coincide. berbaring 1 lie down, 2 be in bed. berbaris 1 form a line. 2 march. 3 line up, form a queue, 4 to drill.

berbeda 1 be different, differ, diverge. 2 have a difference. berbelit 1 wind, twist in and out. 2 complicated. 3 involved, has ramifications. bercak pockmarked, spotted. bercelana wear trousers. bercita-cita 1 desire, long for. 2 aspire. 3 longing, yearning. 4 idea. berdalih 1 seek an excuse. 2 equivocate, quibble. berdampingan contiguous, side by side. berdandan 1 dress up, get dressed. 2 decorated, made elaborate. berdengung 1 wail drone. 2 resound, reverberate. berderai 1 in droves. 2 continuously. berdesak crowd, jostle. berdetak 1 make a tapping sound. 2 beat. berdikari (berdiri di atas kaki sendiri) stand on o.’s own feet, be self-reliant. berdiri 1 stand. 2 exist. berebut 1 snatch away, take away by force. 2 struggle to obtain a goal. beremban 1 cross beam. 2 dam. berenang swim. berenda of lace, decorate with lace. berendam 1 submerged. 2 remain in o. place. berentet-rentet line, o. after the other. beres 1 in order, well done. 2 finished, settled. berevolusi evolve. bergabung 1 gather together, collected together. 2 merge, fuse. bergejolak 1 flare up. 2 fluctuate. bergelandangan loaf about, loaf around, wander aimlessly. bergelombang wavy. bergerigi 1 serrated, toothed. 2 jagged. bergeser, geser 1 shift, move. 2 rub. bergetar 1 shake, tremble. 2 vibrate, quiver. bergizi nutritious, nourishing. bergoyang rock, wobble. 2 sway, swing. bergulingan roll, wallow. bergulungan 1 roll. 2 be rolled up. 3 coiled. bergumam 1 mumble. 2 suppress. berguna useful, beneficial. bergurat have a scratch or line in it. bergurat-gurat full of scratches or lines. berhadapan 1 face, front on. 2 be faced with. 3 face to face. berhadiah with a gift.

berhak 1 have the right (to). 2 reserve the right. berhala idol, image. berhalangan be hindered, handicapped. berhaluan follow a course berhamburan 1 scattered about. 2 flow, trickle. berhati-hati be careful. berhelat celebrate with a party. berhijarah evacuate. berhubung connected, related. berhubungan 1 related to s.t. 2 get in touch, be in contact. beri 1 give, bestow. 2 put on, apply s.t. 3 add. beri-beri beri-beri. beribadah worship. berikhtiar endeavor, seek the means to. berimigrasi migrate. beringas 1 hot-tempered, wild. 2 furious. beringin banyan tree. berirama rhythmical, having rhythm. beriring successive, consecutive. berisik 1. noisy, tumultuous. 2 uproar, noise. 3 rustling. 4 be noisy. berita 1 news. 2 announcement, report. beritahu 1 inform s.o. 2 report, tell about. berjalan 1 walk. 2 run. 3 run, go, work. berjangka 1 measure. 2 be spaced. berjatuhan fall. berjaya 1 victorious, triumphant, glorious. 2 successful, doing very well. berjejal 1 crowd, jam. 2 be jam-packed. berjejalan thronged, crowded. berjemur expose o.s. to the sun, sun-bathing. berjenis - jenis various. berjenjang 1 step by step, gradual. 2 in tiers, terraced. 3 by ladder. berjotos fight with the fists. berjualan 1 sell. 2 sell for a living. berkabar 1 tell, relate. 2 send news about o.s. berkaca 1 look in the mirror. 2 contain glass. berkaitan 1 link to e.o. 2 related to. berkas 1 bundle, sheaf. 2 dossier. berkat 1 blessing, favor. 2 profitable, doing well. berkata talk, speak. berkata-kata converse, talk to e.o. berkebun 1 farm, plant for a living. 2 have a plantation or garden.


berkedut wrinkled, creased. berkehendak have an intention. berkelapkelip 1 flicker. 2 sparkle, twinkle. berkelokan winding, twisting, sinuous. berkelupas get peeled off. berkeluyuran 1 hang around. 2 loaf around, stroll about without purpose. berkemas-kemas 1 pack. 2 clear things away, put things in order. berkemauan wish, desire, will. berkemik 1 be all dented. 2 be chapped. berkencan 1 have an appointment. 2 have a date, dating. berkepentingan having an interest, be concerned. berkeping-keping 1 in pieces or slivers. 2 in tatters. 3 in tresses, locks. berkerudung wrapped, covered. berkerumun 1 swarm over, cluster around. 2 assemble, come together. berkesempatan have an opportunity, time. berkesimpulan have as a conclusion. berkesinambungan continuous, without interruption. berketentuan be sure, certain. berketepatan coincidentally, accidentally. berketuhanan devout. berketurunan 1 for generations. 2 of a certain ethnic heritage. berkewajiban have the duty of. berkeyakinan be convinced. berkhidmat 1 dutiful, respectful. 2 serve. 3 be faithful berkhotbah preach, deliver a sermon. berkirim send through mail. berkisar 1 about, around 2 range from a certain amount to another. berkokok 1 crow. 2 boast, brag. berkumpul 1 assemble, come together in a place. 2 line up, fall in line. berkunang-kunang 1 sparkle like fireflies. 2 see stars. berlabuh 1 anchor, dock. 2 be at anchor. 3 be pulled down. berladang own or cultivate a field. berlainan 1 different. 2 be divergent, differ. berlaku 1 be valid, be in effect. 2 prevail, obtain. 3 behave. 4 act as. berlandaskan rest on s.t., be based on s.t. berlebih 1 remain, be left. 2 excessive.


berlemotan smeared all over with s.t. berlepotan 1 smeared, smudges, soiled. 2 be besmirched. berlian polished diamond. berliku 1 winding, curving, tortuous. 2 sinuous. bermasyarakat form a group, socialize. bermenung 1 muse, ponder, meditate. 2 act gloomy. bermuhibah go on goodwill mission. bernafsu passionate, lustful, desirous. bernazar make a promise of s.t. bernilai valuable, precious. berombak 1 be wavy. 2 undulating, rolling. berombongan come in large groups. beronggok-onggok in heaps, stacks, piles. berontak 1 struggle, wriggle. 2 revolt, rebel. berpadanan harmonize, go together, be commensurate. berpakaian 1 get dressed. 2 wearing certain clothes. berpaling turn. berpangkas get a haircut. berpangku-tangan do nothing. berpantingan fall away in numbers. berpapasan meet without stopping. berpatungan chip in together to pay for s.t. berpaut cling to. berpegang hold on to. berpelantingan roll everywhere. berpendar-pendar luminescent. berpengaruh influential. berpengetahuan knowledgeable. berpenumpang have passengers or boarders. berperaga hold an exhibition. berperikemanusiaan act in a humanitarian way. berpesta celebrate, have a party. berpialang buy through a broker. berpijah spawn. berpijak stand on. berpikir think. berpilin spiral, twist. berpisah 1 part. 2 separated. berpori porous. berpotongan have the looks of. berpropaganda make publicity, propaganda. berpuasa fast, observe the fasting period. berpulang die, pass away.

berpulangan go home. berpunya 1 have property, be-well-to-do. 2 have an owner. berputar 1 rotate. 2 insincere, dishonest. bersabung flash. bersafari 1 wear a safari costume. 2 go on a safari. bersahabat 1 be friends. 2 friendly. bersahaja simple, uncomplicated. bersaing compete. bersajak 1 rhyme. 2 be in rhyming form. 3 write poetry. 4 recite poetry. bersama 1 together with. 2 herewith. 3 joint, collective. bersama-sama do together. bersamaan 1 do simultaneously. 2 resembling, similar. bersamak covered, plated. bersambut 1 answered. 2 parried, intercepted. bersambutan 1 respond to e.o. 2 be in accordance. bersandar 1 lean on. 2 moor, tie up. 3 be dependent on, be based on. bersanding 1. sit in state 2. angular. 3 sharp, biting. bersantap 1 dine. 2 have a meal. bersarung 1 wear a sarong. 2 sheathed. bersatu allied, united. bersedia 1 be ready, prepared. 2 disposed, willing. berselendang wear a shawl or stole. berselera 1 have appetite, feel like. 2 attractive, appetizing. 3 have a taste for. berselimut 1 covered over. 2 camouflaged. berselimutkan covered with. berselindung be hidden, hide o.s. berselirkan have s.o. as a concubine. berselisih 1 quarrel, disagree, 2. difference 3 be at odds with. berseliweran crowd, mill about. berselonjor with outstretched legs. berseloroh joke, crack jokes. berseluncur move with gliding action. bersemangat 1 conscious. 2 enthusiastic, energetic. bersemarak radiant, splendid. bersemayam reside, sit. bersembahyang pray, worship. bersemboyankan have as a slogan. bersembulan emerge, appear partially.

bersemedi meditate. bersemi sprout. bersenam 1 do physical exercises. 2 stretch. bersenandung hum. bersenang-senang enjoy o.s., have a good time. bersenapan have a rifle. bersendawa belch. bersenggama have coitus. bersenggolan touch e.o. bersengketa have a legal dispute. bersenjatakan. armed with s.t. bersentosa peaceful, safe. bersentuhan have contact with, touching e.o. bersepadanan be in harmony, go together. bersepatu shod, wear shoes. bersepeda bike. berserah surrender. berserakan be scattered around. berserat fibrous. berseri shine, beam. berseri-seri beam, gleam. berseru call, shout out. bersesuaian be in mutual accord. bersetru hostile. bersetubuh have sexual intercourse. bersetuju 1 have o. and the same aim or purpose. 2 agree. bersiaga be on the alert. bersiap 1 get ready, get prepared. 2 on your mark. bersiaran broadcast, be on the air. bersiasat 1 investigative plans, etc. 2 have s.t. as a strategy. bersidang convene, sit in session. bersidekap fold o.’s arms over o.’s chest. bersifat have the quality, character(istic). bersigap be in readiness. bersih 1 clean, neat. 2 innocent. 3 pure, unadulterated. 4 net. bersikap 1 have a certain attitude. 2stand at attention. bersiku have an angle or curve. bersila sit wit the legs crossed. bersilang 1 crossed. 2 piled up in a crisscross way. bersilat 1 engage in such self-defense. 2 mime the actions of self-defense. bersilih turn, change into.


bersimbah be drenched, bespattered. bersimpati sympathetic. bersimpuh sit with the knees bent and folded back to o. side. bersin sneeze. bersinambung continuous, serial. bersinar shine. bersisa remain, be left over. bersisian side by side. bersisik scaly. bersisipan have an insert. bersisipkan have a certain thing inserted in it. bersisir 1 use a comb. 2 combed. bersit (se-bersit) 1 a burst of. 2 a little of. bersitegang 1 persevere. 2 be stubborn, insist uncompromisingly. bersiul whistle. bersolek 1 apply o.’s make up. 2 dress up. berspekulasi 1 speculate, conjecture. 2 undertake a risky venture. bersua 1 meet, run into. 2 meet up with, find. bersuara 1 have a voice. 2 produce a sound. 3 voiced. bersuci 1 live a pure life. 2 cleanse o.s. of impurities. 3 cleanse o.s. after defilement. bersuit whistle, esp. with o.’s fingers in the mouth. bersuji have embroidery on it. bersujud 1 perform this bow. 2 admit o.’s humble station. bersukacita rejoice. bersukaria be happy, celebrate. bersukat measured by this measure. bersulamkan embroidered with s.t. bersulang 1 be dirty with soot. 2 give e.o. food or drink, toast. bersuling 1. play the flute. 2 tumbled upside down. bersuluk retreat from the world. bersulur spiral, climb upward. bersumber have (as) a source, be based (on). bersumberkan have s.t. as its source. bersumpah swear, take the oath. bersungut-sungut grumble, complain. bersurat 1 written, inscribed. 2 compose a letter. bersusila have good mo-rals. bersusun 1 stacked. 2 in layers, stories or rows. berswadaya do s.t. on a self-supporting basis


bersyair 1 write poetry, poetize. 2 recite poetry. bersyarat conditional. bersyukur 1 thank God. 2 be grateful. bertabiat be of a certain character or behavior. bertabir 1 be separated by a screen. 2 be in disguise. bertabrakan collide. bertaburan scattered, spread. bertaburkan be spread over with s.t. bertafakur 1 be reflective. 2 observe silence out of respect for a.o. bertahan hold out. bertaji with the spur on. bertajuk have as an editorial. bertakbiran (isl.) engage in such recitation. bertakhta reign. bertakwa pious. bertali equipped with a rope, with a rope attached. bertalian 1 tied to e.o. 2 related. 3 relevant, germane. bertalu play this opening melody or gong. bertalu-talu continuously, incessantly. bertamasya go on an excursion, go sightseeing. bertambah 1 increase. 2 increasingly, more and more. bertambah-tambah 1 increase steadily. 2 all the more so. bertambal patched. bertambalkan have as a patch. bertambat tethered, tied up. bertambatan connected with. bertanah 1 take root. 2 put down roots, own land. bertanam engage in planting or cultivating. bertanda 1 marked, labeled. 2 signify. bertandang visit, make a social call. bertandatangan signed. bertanding 1 be the equal of, match. 2 compete. 3 fight a duel. bertandu ride in a sedan chair. bertanduk horned. bertangga with steps. bertangga-tangga 1 gradually, by degrees, step by step. 2 terraced, graduated. bertanggal dated. bertanggungjawab be responsible, be liable. bertangkup 1 close. 2 fall face downward.

bertani engage in farming. bertanya ask a question. bertanya-tanya 1 repeatedly ask. 2 wonder, be quizzical. bertapa 1 live as an ascetic. 2 isolate o.s. 3 imprisoned. bertaplak covered with a tablecloth. bertaruh 1 bet, wager. 2 bet s.t. bertaruk sprout. bertasbeh tell o.’s beads. bertatahkan inlaid, studded. bertauhid acknowledge the o.ness of god. bertaut 1 fit together. 2 fuse, become one. bertautan be linked with, related to. bertawakal place o.’s trust in god. bertebaran spread around, scattered about. berteduh take shelter. berteguh hold to, be firm in. berteguran address e.o. bertegursapa be on speaking terms. berteka-teki 1 play riddles. 2 ask a riddle. bertekad be determined, be bent on. bertelanjang be naked. bertele-tele long-winded, excessively long and trivial. bertelekan lean o.’s hand, elbow, etc. s.w. bertelepon talk by phone, use the phone. bertelur lay eggs. bertelut 1 kneel down. 2 surrender. bertemakan have as a theme. berteman 1 with friends. 2 be friends to e.o. 3 be married. bertemankan have as a friend. bertembusan filled with holes. bertempat 1 be located. 2 take place. bertempel stick, be next to. bertempur be engaged in combat. bertemu 1 meet. 2 match, agree. bertenaga 1 powerful, have strength. 2 equipped with a power source. bertengger 1 be perched on a branch, roost. 2 settle down, stay. bertengkaran quarrel. bertentangan 1 be in contradiction, be incompatible. 2 be in conflict. 3 be face to face. bertenungan tell fortunes. berteori theorize. bertepatan coincide.

bertepi be bordered by s.t. bertepikan have s.t. along the edge. bertepuk engage in clapping. berterawang full of holes. berterbangan fly. berteriak scream, shout. berternak breed. bertetangga be neighbors. bertetesan full of drips, dripped with. bertiang propped up, supported. bertiarap lie prone. bertiga do s.t. in a group of three. bertikai differ in opinion, quarrel. bertikar use s.t. as a mat. bertilam have s.t. to sleep on. bertimbun in piles. bertindak 1 take steps, measures. 2 act. bertindihan 1 be superimposed. 2 lie on e.o. 3 overlap e.o. bertingkah 1 act, behave. 2 act up. bertinju be engaged in a fist fight. bertirah stay in health resort. bertirai with curtains or partitions. bertitah speak, utter. bertitel have a degree, titled. bertitik 1 drip. 2 have a period. bertitik-titik dotted. bertitik-tolak have as a starting point. bertiup blow. bertobat 1 repent and forswear. 2 learn o.’s lesson. bertoga wear an academic gown or judge’s robe. bertokoh have the shape of. bertolak 1 leave, depart. 2 start from s.t., take s.t. as a starting point. bertolok with an equal, matched. bertombak armed with a lance. bertonase have a certain tonnage. bertongkat use (as) a cane. bertongkatkan rest on. bertonjolan stick or burgle out. bertopang 1. lean on, be supported on. 2. be in conflict. bertopeng 1 have or wear a mask. 2 put on a front, cover up. bertopengkan use s.t. as a cover-up. bertopi wear a hat. bertrayek operate on a certain route.


bertuah 1 lucky, fortunate. 2 bring good luck. 3 have magic power. bertualang 1 swarm. 2 wander, roam, tramp around. bertuan 1 act as boss. 2 have a master. bertuankan have s.t. as a master. bertubi-tubi repeatedly. bertubrukan have a collision. bertubuh with a body of certain characteristics. bertudung 1 be covered. 2 use a veil. bertudungkan covered with. bertugas have s.t. as a duty. bertuhan 1 believe in God. 2 have a certain God. bertuhankan have s.t. as a God. bertujuan 1 have s.t. as a purpose. 2 head for. bertukar change. bertulang bony. bertulis written on. bertulisan written on with some notice. bertuliskan inscribed with s.t. bertumbangan fall. bertumbuh grow. bertumbuhan grow. bertumbuk 1 fight, come to blows. 2 slam against e.o. 3 coincide. bertumbukan collide, slam against e.o. bertumpak-tumpak in groups. bertumpu 1 rest on. 2 have support. 3 touch upon, come in contact with. bertumpuk-tumpuk 1 be in piles or stacks. 2 in groups, clusters. bertunangan engaged, betrothed. bertunas sprout, bud. bertunjalan receive support or subsidy. bertunjangan receive support or subsidy. bertuntunan guided by means of s.t. berturut-turut 1 in succession, in a row. 2 continued. bertutup have a cover. bertutur talk, speak. beruang 1. bear. 2. have money. beruang-beruangan teddy bear. beruap 1 steam. 2 carbonate. beruar cry out, proclaim. berubah change, become different. berubah-ubah be fickle, fluctuate, changeable. beruban have gray hair.


berubun loom. berucap 1 say, utter. 2 pronounce. berudu tadpole. berujar speak. berujung 1 pointed. 2 culminate in. beruk short-tailed macaque. berukir carved, engraved. berukuran have a measurement of. berulang happen again, recur. berulat worm-eaten. berumbai 1 fringed. 2 swing, dangle. berumbi rooted. berumpama talk hypothetically. berumpan have bait in it. berumroh make a pilgrimage. berumur 1 attain the age of. 2 be old. berunding 1 confer. 2 discuss. berunsur has as an element. beruntaian 1 hang loosely. 2 on a string. beruntun-runtun o. after the other, in a row. beruntung 1 lucky. 2 successful. 3 make a profit. berupah be paid a fee. berupaya make serious efforts. berurai 1 fall apart, fall or hang down in strands. 2 scatter, disperse. berurat muscular, sinewy. berurbanisasi migrate to the city. berurusan 1 get in touch with, contact. 2 be concerned with, have business with. berurutan 1 in a series. 2 chronological. berusaha 1 try, endeavor. 2 be running a business. berusia attain the age of. berutas in a strand or string. bervariasi have variation,various. berwadah have a certain organization as the umbrella. berwajah have a face of a certain kind. berwakaf donate for religious community use. berwarna colored. berwarna-warna 1 multicolored. 2 various. berwarung run a small shop. berwasiat make o.’s will. berwawancara hold an interview. berwawasan have a conception. berwenang have the power to be competent to.

berwewenang have authority. berwibawa 1 with authority. 2 having an authoritative bearing. berwilayah have a certain area. berwiraswasta run a private enterprise. berwisata make a tour. berwudhu (isl.) ritual ablution before prayers. berwujud 1 have the shape of. 2 concrete, tangible. berwukuf (isl.) ceremony of gathering on the field of Arafah during the hajj. berziarah visit a sacred place. berzina engage in illicit sex. besan 1 relationship between parents whose children are married to e.o. 2 title used between people in this relationship. besar 1 big, large, huge. 2 great, momentous, important. 3 adult, grown. 4 grow up. beser (jv.) tend to urinate frequently. beserta 1 along with, as well as. 2 attached besi iron. beslah seizure, confiscation. besok 1 tomorrow. 2 later on, in the future. 3 later. 4 coming. bestari 1 expert, skilled. 2 bright, clever. bestek specifications, plan. bestik beefsteak. besuk visit. betapa 1 how... 2 as. betawi 1 Batavia. 2 name of ethnic group indigenous to Jakarta. betel chisel. betet parrot, long-tailed parakeet. betik 1 be announced. 2 leaked out, came to light betina 1 female. 2 woman. betis calf. betok 1. fish, climbing. perch. 2. burned by acid. beton concrete. betonisasi program of changing, to concrete. betot snatch, pull off. (membetot) remove forcibly, extract. betul 1 right, correct. 2 true. 3 exact, right. betul-betul very, really. biadab 1 ill-mannered, impolite, 2 uncivilized, barbaric, savage. 3 uneducated. biak 1. fertile, prolific, fruitful. 2. wet, damp. 3. cud.

biang 1 mother, parent species (of plants). 2 ringleader, mastermind. biang-biang saltwater herring. bianglala rainbow. biar 1 let, permit. 2 so that. 3) though. biara 1 monastery, abbey, friary. 2 convent, nunnery. biarawan monk. biarawati nun, religious sister. bias 1 ray. 2 refraction. biasa 1 usual, customary. 2 used to, accustomed to. 3 ordinary, commonplace, common. biawak monitor lizard. biaya expense, free, cost. bibel Bible. bibi 1 aunt. 2 form of address to older woman. bibir 1 lip. 2 genital labia. 3 edge. bibit 1 seed, germ. 2 seedling. 3 germ, bacteria. 4 cause, origin. bibliograf bibliographer. bibliografi bibliography. bibliografis bibliographic. bicara 1 talk, speak. 2 stated opinion, comment. bidadari 1 fairy. 2 beautiful woman. bidah 1 heresy. 2 lie, falsehood. bidak pawn. bidan midwife. bidang 1 area, field, sector. 2 plane, level, surface. bidara jujube or date tree. bidari base. bidik aim. biduan male vocalist, crooner. biduanita female vocalist. biduk river craft for cargo or fishing. bidur slab of tin weighing about 2.75 lb. biduren (jv.) suffer from rash bijak 1 able, smart, experienced, wise. 2 witty, articulate. bijaksana 1 wise, astute, farsighted. 2 prudent, tactful, discreet. biji 1 seed, kernel. 2 stone, pit. 3 testicles. bijih ore. bika, bikang rice-flour cake. bikin make, cause. bikini bikini, bikini-style. biksu buddhist monk.


biksuni buddhist nun. bikulturalisme biculturalism. bila 1 when. 2 when, if. bilah 1 lath. 2 wood chip. 3 knife blade. bilai 1 hem, border, edge. 2 addition. bilamana when, if. bilang 1. every. (ber-bilang) some, a few, several. 2. say. bilas (membilas) rinse, wash off. bilik 1 room, chamber. 2 woven bamboo room divider, plaited screen. bilingual bilingual. bilingualisme bilingualism. bilion bouillon. bilyar billiards. bilyet ticket. bilyun trillion. bima bhima, hero of the mahabharata. bimasakti milky way. bimbang 1 worried, anxious. 2 hesitate, be dubious about, vacillate. bimbing (berbimbing) find guidance. bin 1 son of. 2 and furthermore. bina building, construction. bina graha president’s executive office. bina marga directorate general of highway construction and maintenance. binal 1 rebellious, uncontrollable. 2 disobedient, obstinate. 3 wild, untamed. binar bright. very bright. binaraga body building. binaragawan body builder. binaragawati woman body builder. binasa destroyed, wiped out. binatang animal. binatu laundry. bincang discuss, delibe-rate. bindeng nasal. bingkai 1 brim, rim, fringe, edge. 2 frame. bingkis send gift. bingkisan 1 gift, present. 2 souvenir. 3 parcel, package. bingung 1 confused, bewildered. 2 disoriented. bintang 1 star. 2 star, fate, luck. 3 s.o. with notable qualities. 4 medal, decoration. bintara soldier in lowest grades. binteng chewy ginger confection of sticky rice flour, ginger, and sugar.


binti daughter of. bintik spot, stain. bintil 1 small pimple, pustula. 2 nodule. biografi biography. biokimia biochemistry. biokimiawan biochemist. biokimiawi biochemical. biola violin. biologi biology. biopsi biopsy. bioskop movie theater, cinema. bipolar bipolar. bipolarisasi bipolarization. bir beer. biro office, bureau. birokrasi bureaucracy. birokrat bureaucrat. birokratis bureaucratic. birokratisasi bureaucratization. biru blue. bis 1. bus. 2. box. 3 post office box, mailbox. bisa 1. be able, can, could. 2. poison. (berbisa) poisonous. bisep biceps. bisik 1 whisper. 2 say in whisper. bising 1 noise, uproar, hullabaloo. 2 noisy. 3 buzzing. biskop bishop. biskuit 1 cracker. 2 dutch rusk. bismillah (isl.) in the name of God. bisnis business. bistek, bistik rump steak, roast beef, beefsteak. bisu 1 dumb, mute. 2 quiet, noiseless. bisul 1 boil, abscess, ulcer. 2 tumor. bit beet. bius drugs. biyung (jv.) 1 mother. 2 mama! blak-blakan outspoken, blunt. blangko 1 form to be filled in. 2 abstention in voting. 3 blank. blangkon male batik headdress. blantik broker, middleman in livestock. blantika world, arena. blarak dried coconut leaf. blasteran 1 crossbred. 2 of mixed blood, mulatto. bledek (jv.) thunder. blejet 1 strip s.o. 2 strip, expose.

blok 1 bolt, roll. 2 block, street block. 3 obstruct. blokade blockade. blokir 1 blockade. 2 obstruct. 3 freeze, stop. bloknot note pad. blong 1 free from tension, relieved. 2 not properly tensile, not holding or catching. bloon 1 stupid, idiotic, dumb. 2 wacky, crazy, loony. blus woman’s blouse. boat drugs. bobo sleep. bobok 1 pierce, break open. 2 forge a way through. 3. soothing powder. bobol give way, collapse. bobot 1 heavy. 2 weight, heaviness. 3 integrity, quality. bobrok 1 dilapidated, shoddy, ramshackle. 2 rotten, degenerate. bocah kid. bocor 1 leak. 2 leak, be leaky. 3 urinate. 4 suffer from diarrhea. 5 bleed. bodong protruding, bul-ging. bogem (bogem-mentah) blow with the fist. boikot boycott. bojo spouse. bokong 1 buttocks. 2 back. bokor (jv.)1 copper or silver bowl with wide rim. 2 loving cup, trophy. boks box. bola 1 ball. 2 globe. 3 spherical object. bolak-balik 1 to and fro, back and forth. 2 frequently, again and again. 3 contradictory. bolang-baling 1 propeller. 2 weathervane, whirligig. 3. fried sweet roll. boleh 1 be permitted, may. 2 be able, can. bolong 1 perforated, pierced. 2 precisely. bolos 1 truant. 2 escape from captivity. bolpen ballpoint. bolu sponge cake. bom 1 bomb. 2 fart. 3 boom, gate, bar. 4 boom. bombardir 1 bombard, shell, bomb. 2 shower, bombard. bombastis bombastic. bonafide bona fide, without fraud. bonafiditas reliability, genuineness. bonbon candy. bonceng get a ride on a two-wheeled vehicle. bondo goods, capital. bondong group, throng, crowd.

boneka 1 doll. 2 puppet, marionette. 3 figurehead, front. bong 1. China grave. 2. bang! 3. professional circumciser. bonggol 1 hump. 2 outgrowth. 3 knot on tree. bongkah numeral classifier for lumps, chunks, etc. bongkar take apart. bongkol 1 knob. 2 hump. 3 head. bongkot 1 tree trunk. 2 tree stump. 3 base of plant stem, etc. bongsor 1 oversized, overweight. 2 big, tall. bonjol 1 lump. 2 projection. 3 protrude. bonjor fortification. bontot 1. rice wrapped in leaves to eat away from home. 2. youngest. bonyok 1 flabby. 2 soft, mushy. 3 tainted, rank. bopeng 1 pockmarked. 2 full of pot-holes. bopong (membopong) hold s.o. up against o.’s chest. bor drill, brace and bit. boraks borax. borgol handcuffs. borjuasi bourgeoisie. boro-boro do not expect even that much. borok 1 ulcer, boil, sore. 2 ulcerous, mangy, itchy. 3 bad, rotten. borong the entire stock. boros 1 wasteful, extravagant. 2 lavish. bos 1. boss. 2. bushing. 3. bunch, bundle. bosan 1 bored. 2 tired of, fed up. bot 1. motorized boat 2. boot. botak bald (headed). botani botany. botanikus botanist. botok dish made of coconut and meat, fish, etc. wrapped in banana leaf boyok back. boyong a move from o. place to another. brahmana brahmin. brahmani brahmin. brambang shallot. brandal 1 rascal, scoundrel. 2 gangster, bandit. brankas safe, strongbox. brendi brandy. brengos moustache. (brengosan) mustachioed. brengsek 1 useless, in bad condition, no good. 2 hell! it is all messed up!


brevet certification, license, flying certificate. brewok whiskers, sideburns. briefing short oral summary of a project or organization. brigade (mil.) brigade. brigadir jenderal brigadier general. briket briquette. brilyan 1. brilliant, highly intelligent. 2. brilliant. brintik curly. britania raya great britain. brokat brocade. bromocorah repeat offender. brompit moped, motor bicycle. brondong fusillade. bronhitis bronchitis. bros 1. brooch. 2. crisp, brittle. brosur brochure. brutal 1 very violent, brutal. 2 impudent, insolent. bruto gross. bu 1. mom 2. madam. buah 1 fruit. 2 result. buai swing. (membuai) stroke. bual 1 bubbling over. 2 boasting, big talk, bragging. buana earth, universe. buang throw. buar extravagant, wasteful. (pem-buar) spendthrift, lavish spender. buas 1 wild. 2 cruel-hearted, ruthless. buat 1 do, make. 2 for. 3 in order to. buaya 1 crocodile, alligator. 2 villain, scoundrel, bounder. bubar 1 disperse, scatter. 2 fall out! dismissed! bubrah (jv.) fall apart, scatter all over. bubuh 1 put or place on. 2 add, append, attach, affix. bubuk powder. bubung 1 top, ridge. 2 ridgepole. bubur porridge, gruel, mush. budak 1 servant, slave. 2 youngster. budaya 1 culture. 2 practice. budayawan cultural observer, o. who writes about art, drama, etc. budayawi cultural. budeg 1 deaf. 2 anonymous. budha Buddha. budhis Buddhist.


budhisme buddhism. budi 1 mind, reason, right thinking. 2 character. 3 sensibleness. budidaya cultivation. budiman wise, prudent, sensible. bugar healthy, fit. bugil completely naked. buhul 1. knot 2. appear slightly or partly from beneath or inside. bui 1. jail. 2. buoy. buih foam, froth. bujang 1 single, unmarried. 2 bachelor. 3 male servant. bujet budget. bujeter budgetary. bujuk coaxing, persuasion. bujur 1 lengthwise, longitudinal. 2 longitude. buka 1 open. 2 breaking of fast, food consumed at breaking of fast. bukan 1 not, no. 2 it is not the case that. 3 isn’t it ?, aren’t you?, etc., often as. buket bouquet. bukit hill, mountain. bukti proof, evidence. buku 1. book. 2. 1) knuckle, joint. 2) knot. 3) grain, pellet, lump. bulan 1 month. 2 moon. bular cataract of eye. bulat 1 circle, spherical, round. 2 complete, overall. 3 unanimous. bulbul bird, tropical nightingale. buldog bulldog. buldoser bulldozer. bule white-skinned people. buletin bulletin. buli-buli gourd for storing liquids. bulian ironwood tree. bulir 1 ear. 2 counter for long, cone shaped objects, esp. grains. bulu 1 body hair. 2 fur. 3 feather. buluh bamboo. buluk bulukan 1 moldy, mildewed. 2 stale. bulutangkis badminton. bumbu cooking spices, flavor. bumbung 1 bamboo cylinder used as container. 2 tubing. bumerang boomerang. bumi 1 earth. 2 soil. bumiputera native.

bumn (Badan Usaha Milik Negara) stateowned corporation. bumper bumper. bumpet clogged up. buncah disturbed, upset. buncis string bean. buncit 1 distended, bloated, puffed up. 2 pregnant. 3 recent, last. bunda mother, respectful term of reference and address. bundar round, circular. bundas (jv.) all bruised up. bundel 1 bundle, sheaf, wad. 2 collection. 3 bound volume of journal. 4. knot. bung 1 fellow, buddy. 2 brother. bunga 1 flower, blossom. 2 the best part, cream. 3 floral design, s.t. flowerlike. 4 interest. 5 tire tread. 6 suit. bungkam 1 quiet, silent. 2 speechless, struck dumb. 3 not go off, not explode. bungkil residue of copra after extracting oil. bungkuk crooked, bent, humped. bungkul cauliflower. bungkus 1 parcel, pack. 2 wrapper, wrap. bunglon 1 chameleon. 2 vacillator. 3 opportunist.4. tube, valve housing. bungsu 1 youngest offspring. 2 the last in series. bunker bunker. buntel 1 wrapping. 2 dish of spices wrapped in taro leaves. 3. knapsack. buntet 1 clogged. 2 stifled. buntil 1 dish of roasted taro leaves wrapped around spices. 2 knapsack, clothes bag. bunting 1 pregnant. 2 full, filled out. buntu 1 blocked, stopped , dead end. 2 dead locked. 3 stumped, stymied. buntung 1 lopped off or amputated. 2 bad luck, misfortune. buntut 1 tail. 2 rear end, latter part. 3 aftermath, consequence. bunuh 1 kill. 2 put out, extinguish, quench, douse. 3 remove, cross out, cancel. bunyi 1 sound, nose. 2 sound. 3 contents. bupati regent, gvt. officer in charge of a regency.

burai (ber-, mem-, ter-) hang out in strand, spill out in streams, buram 1 unregistered. not clear, dull. 2 blueprint, design, plan. 3 sketch, draft, outline. 4 dark, be clouded. burik 1 dotted, speckled. 2 pockmarked. burit posterior, rear, behind. buron, buronan fugitive, wanted. bursa stock exchange. buru (buru-buru) hurried, in a rush, in hury. buruan 1 prey. 2 fugitive from justice , hunted person. buruh worker, laborer. buruk 1 bad, nasty. 2 old, worn out. 3 decayed. burung 1 bird. 2 penis. busa 1 foam, lather. 2 scum, suds. (membusa) 3 gasp, pant. 4 blow. busana clothing, esp. in fashion circles. buset hell! busi sparkplug. busuk 1 putrid, rotten, spoiled. 2 low, depraved, busung 1 bloated, disten-ded. 2 edema. 3 bulging, packed, stuffed 4 e-levated land. 5 sandbank, shoal. busur 1 archer’s bow. 2 arch, arc. 3. cotton gin. buta 1 blind, sightless, unseeing. 2 blank. 3 forgetful. 4 unknowledgeable. butik boutique. butir 1 grain, granule, pellet. 2 numeral classifier for round objects. 3 small object. 4 item. butuh 1 need, necessity. 2 penis. butut worn out. buya title for respected religious experts and leaders.. buyar 1 run spread. 2 scattered, dispersed, blown about. buyung 1 narrow-necked, big-bellied earthenware or metal jar. 2.form of address to young boy. buyut 1 term of reference for greatgrandparent or great-grandchild. 2 ancestral and sacred.


C cabai red pepper, chili. cabang 1 branch, bough, prong. 2 branch. 3 fork. 4 chapter, affiliate. cabik 1 torn, ripped, snagged. 2 strip, piece. cabul 1 indecent, obscene. 2 pornographic. cabut 1 yang out, withdraw. 2 take off, leave. cacad cripple. cacah 1. number, amount. 2. cut up. cacar 1 skin eruption. 2 smallpox. cacat 1 physical defect, deformity. 2 flawed. caci abuse verbally. cacing worm, maggot. cadang (suku-cadang) spare parts. cadangan reserve, back up, spare. cadar veil. cadas 1 sedimentary rock formation. 2 rocky ground or area. caem cute. cafetaria canteen. cagak pole, post used for support. cagar 1 security, guarantee, pledge. 2 advanced payment. cahar loose. cahaya 1 radiance, bri-lliance, glow. 2 light. 3 ray. cair 1 liquid, fluid. 2 thin, weak, diluted. cakap 1 able, capable. 2 clever, skillful. 3 good-looking. 4. words, statement. cakar 1 claw, talon. 2 paw. 3 scratch. 4 rasp, file. cakil noble shadow-play character with protruding lower jaw. cakra vishnu’s mythical weapon. cakram 1 disk. 2 (sport) discus. cakrawala 1 firmament, heavens, sky. 2 rotation of heavenly bodies. cakrawati rule, sway. cakup 1 catch with the mouth, snap at. 2 arrest, round up. calo 1 passenger recruiter for public vehicles. 2 ticket scalper.

calon 1 candidate, aspirant. 2 applicant. 3 recruit. camar seagull, tern. camat sub-district head. cambah shoot, sprout. cambang whiskers, sideburns. cambuk whip, cat-o-nine-tails. cambung large bowl, tureen. cami (Calon Mahasiswi) female freshman. camilan snacks. campak 1. a throw, toss. 2. measles. campin 1 skillful, handy. 2 clever, adept. camping in rags, in tatters. campung lopped off, clipped. campur 1 mixed, mingled, blended. 2. get involved. camuk stab. candi ancient hindu or budhist temple or shrine. candra moon. candradimuka 1 (jv.) a legendary crater. 2 (lit.) officer candidate training. candu 1 opium. 2 s.t. hallucinogenic or intoxicating, like a drug. canggah (jv.) 1.great-great-grandchild. 2. great- great-grandparent. canggih sophisticated. canggung 1 clumsy, awkward. 2 gauche, ill at ease, bashful. cangkang eggshell. cangkir 1. cup, small mug. 2. spur. cangklong pipe with curved stem. cangkring tree. cangkruk (jv.) a place for sitting around doing nothing. cantengan be hooked on s.t. cantik pretty, beautiful, lovely, gorgeous. capil broad sun hat made of palm leaves. caping head covering of woven bamboo of broad conical shape. capjiki china card game with 12 cards or dice.


caplak (jv.) 1 dog flea. 2 skin blemish. caplok snatch and swallow. capuk pockmarked. capung dragonfly. cara 1 manner, mien. 2 style, fashion, tradition. 3 method. carak 1 enjoy, emissary. 2 messenger. cari look for, search, seek. carok duel to defend o,’s honor. carter charter. carut obscene, filthy (of speech). cas 1 charge. 2 charge. 3) eat. casanova womanizer. cat 1 paint. 2 tint, tinge. catat catet record, note . . catok vise, clamp. catur 1. chess. 2. four. 3. talk. catut 1 tweezers. 2 tongs, pincers. 3 black marketer, scalper, corrupter. cawan cup. cawat loincloth, g-string. (ber-cawat) wear a loincloth. cawe-cawe (jv.) pry into, be a busybody. cebok wash the genitals or anus with water after defecating or urinating. cebol dwarf. cebong tadpole. cebur 1 splash. 2 jump, plunge. 3 splash down. cecak wall-lizard. cecar bully, pester, cross-examine. cecer spilled, scattered. cecunguk 1 cockroach. 2 shady character, spy. 3 secret police. cedut-cedut slight twitching feeling, lowlevel pain in an infection. cegah say s.t. by way of prohibition, prevent. cegak-cegak strong and active, vigorous, robust. cegat 1 hail, flag down. 2 way lay, hold up. ceguk gulp. cegukan hiccup. cek 1. check. 2. examine, check out. cekak 1 short, insufficient, inadequate, tight (of clothes). 2 rude (behavior). 3 fight. cekakak sound of laughter, giggles. cekal stalwart, gallant. cekam dibble. cekatan adroit, deft, adept. cekcok quarrel, squabble, bicker, fall out.

ceker 1 foot. 2 claw. cekik choke, throttle. cekikik sound of a giggle. ceking 1 thin, slender, wasted. 2 frugal, economical. cekit small pricking pain. ceklik 1 sound of clicking. 2 click. ceko czech. cekok medicine forcibly given. cekoslowakia czechoslovakia. cekot-cekot throbbing pain in head, headache.. cekuk niche, depression in surface. cekung 1 sunken. 2 concave. cela 1 defect, flaw, blemish. 2 shortcoming, failing. 3 disgrace, shame. celah gap, space, fissure, rift, slot. celak cosmetic used to blacken eyelid, eyeliner. celaka 1 misfortune. 2 bad luck, unlucky. 3 dammit!, darn it! celana trousers, pants. celekit (nyelekit) hurting o.’s feelings. celeng 1 wild boar. 2 pig. 3 jerk. celengan 1 savings. 2 money box, piggy bank. celingak-celinguk look around in a dazed way. celingukan look around in a dazed way. cello cello. celoreng 1 gash, cut. 2 mark with a strip or slash. celoteh empty talk. celsius celsius. celup 1 dip, immerse. 2 dye. celurut musk shrew. celutuk sandpiper or plover. cemar 1 dirty, soiled, filthy. 2 besmirched, blackened. cemara casuarina tree. cemas 1 worried, disturbed, apprehensive, frightened. 2. discouraged. cemberut sullen, glum, morose. cembul small metal box for tobacco. cembung 1 chubby. 2 dome-shaped. cemburu 1 jealous. 2 envious. cemerlang 1 sparkle, shine, gleam, glisten. 2 bright, gleaming, dazzling. cemeti whip. cemil a little bit. cemooh 1 dirty, soiled. 2 scratched.


cemplang bland. cemplung 1 sound of a splash. 2 plunge into water. cempreng shrill. cenayang medium, spiritualist. cendana yellow sandalwood. cendawan 1 mushroom, toadstool. 2 fungus, mildew, mold. cendekia 1 learned, educated. 2 clever, shrewd. cendekiawan 1 an intellectual. 2 the educated. cenderamata souvenir or memento. cenderawasih bird of paradise. cenderung 1 tend, inclined, lean, disposed. 2 sloping, leaning. cendol children’s guessing game with pantuns. cengang surprised, astonished, amazed. cengar-cingir grin foolishly, grimace. cengengesan 1 jeering, sneering at, ridiculing. 2 smile sheepishly. cengir 1 bad odor or taste. 2 loathsome, nauseating. cengkeram grip, hold. (mencengkeram) 1 hold firmly. 2 firmly grip. cengkerama chat, talk. cengkih 1 clove. 2 club. cengkir half-ripe coconut. centang 1 in a mess. 2 (jv.) checklist centeng 1 guard, watchman. 2 foreman on private land. 3 hired thug, hit-man. centet 1 stunted, runty 2 shrunken. 3 economical. centil coquettish. centong 1 rice ladle. 2 dipper with handle. (mencentong) ladle out, scoop out cepak smacking (of lips ) cepat fast, speedy, quick. ceper shallow and rimmed. ceplas-ceplos 1 speak out frankly. 2 speak uninhibitedly. ceplek gambling. ceplos blurt out, uninhibited comment. cepret sound of clicking, sound of squashing. cerabut uproot. cerah 1 bright and clear. 2 sharp. cerai 1 divorce. 2 separate. ceramah 1 extracurricular lecture, talk, speech. 2 talkative, communicative, sociable. cerawat rocket.


cerber (cerita bersambung) serialized story. cerca 1 a censure, reprimand. 2 derision. 3 scorn, disdain. cercah a slight s.t. cercak slightly pockmarked. cerdas 1 intelligent, educated. 2 shrewd, clever. 3 mentally agile. cerdik 1 smart, clever, bright. 2 cunning, shrewd, tricky. cerek 1 kettle. 2 watering can. cerewet 1 fussy, finicky, hard to please. 2 sharp-tongued. cergam (cerita bergambar) story in comic strip form. ceri cherry. ceria sound of chirping or chatter. cericit sound of chicks. ceringis wide grin. cerita story, account, narrative, tale, yarn. ceriwis talkative when o. should not talk, open o.’s big fat mouth. cerlang bright, gleaming. cerna 1 digested, absorbed, assimilated. 2 dissolved. cernak (cerita anak) children’s story. ceroboh careless, sloppy. cerobong chimney, vent, flue. cerpen (cerita pendek) short story. cerpenis short story writer. cerucup pointed, tapering, funnel, shaped. cerucut cone. ceruk 1 sound of sucking in water. 2 sound of a small object falling. cerutu cigar, cheroot. cespleng cure instantly, provide instant relief. cetak mold, form, cast, matrix. cetakan edition or printing. cetek 1 shallow (of river). 2 superficial. 3 (jv.) sound of click. cewek girl, gal. ciamik handsome, beautiful. ciat en garde! cibir curl o.’s lips. cicak small house lizard. cicil (mencicil) pay in installments. cicip 1 taste (food). 2 sip at, eat (a bit). 3. sound of birds, chicks, etc. ciduk (men-ciduk) arrest. (ciduk-an) detention. cih exclamation of scorn, disgust, disapproval.

cihui whoopee! cikal young coconut. cikar two-wheeled bullock cart. cikrak (jv.) 1 waste basket. 2 dustpan. cili chili. cilik little, small ciluk-ba, cilup-ba peekaboo. cina china, chinese. (pecinan) chinatown. cincang hack, chop, mince. cindil baby mouse. cinematografis cinematographic. cingcong ado, fuss. cinta 1 love, affection. 2 love s.o. 3 have a great interest in. 4 sorrow, regret. cintrong (jkt.) love. ciplukan (jv.) weed. cipok kiss. ciprat splash. cipta 1 creative force, creative power. 2 thought, idea. ciptakarya directorate of housing, planning, and urban development. ciri 1 feature, characteristic. 2 identifying mark, earmark. 3 feature. cirit 1 diarrhea. 2 sediment. cit squeak. cita feeling, sentiment. citra image. cium 1 smell. 2 kiss. ciut 1 shrunk(en), shriveled. 2 narrow, tight. claim insurance claim. clurit sickle. cm. (sentimeter) centimeter. coaching directions given before a speech, etc. coba 1 try, make an attempt. 2 try s.t. out. 3 just try, let us see you prove. cobak-cabik all torn up. coblos 1 perforate, punch. 2 vote by punching ballot. cocok 1 agree. 2 correct, exact. 3 compatible. 4 suitable, fit. cocot 1 mouth of animals. 2 (vul.) human mouth. codet scar. codot fruit-eating bat. coklat 1 brown. 2 chocolate. 3 cocoa. cokok seize, catch. cokol 1 settle, reside. 2 squat.

cokot take a large bite out of s.t. colak-colek touch lightly, pinch lightly. colek touch lightly with the fingertips and pinch. colok 1 piece of cloth dipped in oil and used as a light. 2 fuse, wick. colong (jv.) steal. comat-comot pick in a variety of ways. comberan drainage ditch, sewer. comblang 1 matchmaker, go-between. 2 pimp, procurer. comot 1. grimy, dirty, filthy. 2. seize, grap and hold. compang-camping in tatters, frayed, ragged. condong 1 leaning, inclining to o. side. 2 inclined, sympathetic. 3 set. 4 off, insane. congak (men-congak ) 1 raise o.’s head, hold o,’s head high. 2 calculate in o.’s head. congek 1 deaf. 2 inflamed. congkak proud, arrogant, snooty. congklang sound of galloping hooves. container container. conteng smear, stain, blemish. contoh 1 sample, specimen. 2 model. 3 pattern, design. 4 example. contong cone-shaped container. copet pickpocket. coplok 1 come loose, break off. 2 detached, apart. copot 1 dislodged. 2 broken off, detached, loosened. cor (mencor) 1 cast, found. 2 pour concrete. corak 1 design, motif, pattern. 2 color. 3 stripe. 4 type. 5 feature, corat-coret 1 rough. 2 first draft. 3 scrawled. coreng 1 scratch, streak. 2 smear. coret 1 scratch. 2 streak, smear. coro cockroach. corong 1 funnel 2 shaft, 3 microphone, megaphone. 4 mine shaft. corps corps. cowboy 1 cowboy. 2 rough, rowdy. cowok young fellow, guy, boyfriend. crocos rattle on, talk glibly and fast. cuaca weather. cuap talk. cuci wash. cucu grandchild. cucuh 1 kindle, light. 2 switch on. cucuk 1 bill, beak. 2 front line.


cucup 1 a kiss. 2 suck, slurp. cucur 1. a flow, trickle. 2. fried cake made of rice flour and sugar. cuil 1 chunk. 2 chipped. (se-cuil) a little bit. cuit 1. sound of squeaking. 2. movement of fingers. cuka vinegar. cukai, 1 duty, toll, tax. 2 excise duty. 3 tariff. cukit 1 pick. 2 for. cukong 1 financial backer. 2 capitalist. 3 broker, wholesale distributor. cukup 1 enough, adequate, sufficient. 2 quite, rather. cukur 1 razor, shaver, 2 to cut o’s hair. cula rhinoceros horn. culik kidnap, abduct. cuma 1 only, merely. 2 only, but. cuman only. cumbu 1 flattery. 2 sweet talk, honeyed words. 3 joke, jest, good-natured banter. cumi-cumi squid.


cumlaud with distinction, with praise (in score) cuncum cone-shaped pastry with sweet filling. cundang 1. defeat. 2. incite, instigate, foment. cungkil crowbar, lever. cungkup dome or cover over grave. cupang love-bite, hickey. cuping ear lobe. cuplik pick out a small portion. curah fall. curam steep, precipitous, sheer, abrupt (cliff, abyss) curang dishonest, fraudulent, deceitful. curi 1 steal. 2 surreptitious. curiga suspicious, distrustful. cus sound of fizzing or sizzling. cuti leave, furlough. cv 1 (Commanditaire Vennootschop) limited partnership. 2 Curriculum Vitae

D d-3 (diploma tiga) three-year diploma program. dada 1 chest, thorax. 2 bosom. dadah 1. medicine, medicinal herb. 2.wave goodbye, bye-bye. dadak sudden. dadar 1 fry a mixture spread into a pan. 2 omelet. dadu 1. 1) dice. 2) cube. 2. pink, light brownish-red. daerah 1 territory. 2 area, region. 3 outlying district. daerah from the same region. daftar 1 list, roster. 2slate. dag-dig-dug sensation rapid heartbeat. dagang 1. from outside the region. 2. trade, commerce. dagel joke, clown about. dagelan 1 joking, clowning. 2 short humorous skit. daging 1 meat. 2 flesh. dagu chin. dah daag. dahaga 1. thirst. 2. 1) opposition. 2) subordination. dahak phlegm, sputum. dahan bough, branch. dahi forehead, brow. dahlia dahlia. dahsat 1 horrifying, terrifying. 2 aweinspiring, imposing. dahulu previous, once upon a time, one time. dahyang (jv.) guardian spirit. dai (isl.) 1 proselytizer. 2 revival mullah. daif 1 weak, powerless. 2 incompetent. dajal 1 irreligious person 2 liar, deceiver. 3 devil. daki 1. grime, esp. on o,’s body. 2. (men-daki) climb. dakocan 1 black inflatable doll. 2 defamatory nickname for Malaysia.

dakon game played on board with depressions to be filled with cowrie shells. dakron dacron. daksa 1 skilled, able. 2 proper. daku me. dakwa (mendakwa) charge, accusation, indictment. dakwah religious proselytizing, missionary endeavor. dalang 1 narrator and puppeteer of traditional shadow plays. 2 mastermind dalih excuse. dalil 1 argumentation. 2 proposition, theorem. daluwarsa overdue, expired. dam 1 checkers. 2 checkered. 3 dam. damai peace, tranquility. damar 1 resin of certain trees collected as an article of trade. 2 resin torch. 3 oil lamp. damba long , yearn. dampak impact. bump into, collide with. dampar 1 cast s.t. ashore. 2 break. damping close, near. contiguous, side by side. damprat abuse, scolding. dan 1. and. 2. particle requesting confirmation, right ? 3. ranking. dana 1 donation. 2 fund. 3. grant. danau lake. dandan grooming, personal embellishment. dandang 1. large metal vessel for steaming rice. 2. cormorant. dandi 1 (lit.) k.o drum. 2 (bib.) lyre. dang title for female nobility. dangai cake. dangau 1. loom up. 2. small temporary hut in agricultural fields. dangkal shallow, superficial (of knowledge). danramil commander of the army administrative unit at the level of subdistrict head. dansa western-style dance.


dapat 1 can, be able. 2 may. 3 get, obtain. be obtained. 4 be found. dapur 1 kitchen, galley. 2 stove, kiln. 3 firebox. dara 1. virgin, young girl. 2. dove. darah blood. darat 1 land, shore. 2 upland, hinterland. dari 1 from. 2 of. 3 out of. 4 starting at or from. 5 than. daripada 1 from. 2 than. 3 better than. darma 1 duty, obligation. 2 service, good deed. darmabakti volunteer work, service of value to the state. darmasiswa student scholarship, fellowship. darmawisata 1 excursion, outing. 2 field trip. darmawisatawan excursionist. darurat emergency. dasa in intervals of 10. dasalomba decathlon. dasar 1 base, foundation. 2 basis. 3 nature. 4 background. dasariah basic. dasasila the ten commandments. dasawarsa decade, decennial. dasi necktie, cravat, bow. daster 1 house dress, lounging grown. 2 doctor’s lab coat. data data. (men-data) encode for processing. datang 1 come. 2 arrive. datar 1 flat, level, smooth. 2 superficial. datu (in some region only) title of headman. datuk 1 oldest male of family clan, headman. 2 grandfather. 3 honorific term of reference and address, term of address to persons in high positions daulat 1 (lit.) good fortune. 2 expression of deference to nobility. daun 1 leaf. 2 playing card. 3 balade or other flat thing. daur 1 cycle (of years). 2 rotation. dawai fine wire, strings. dawuh order, command. daya 1 power, energy, capacity. 2 effort, trick dayak 1 native ethnic groups of kalimantan. 2 american indian. dayang lady-in-waiting. dayu (mendayu) rumble like distant thunder. dayung oar, pedal (bicycle)


de facto de facto. debar sensation of pulse beat. debarkasi debarkation. debat debate, discussion. debet debit. debik sound of a goat bleat. debil mentally retarded, psychologically unstable. debit rate of flow, discharge (of water). debitur debitor. debu dust, grit. dedak mixture of rice and bran, by-product of milling used as animal feed. dedaunan foliage, leaves. dedel ripped. rip out (a seam). dedemitan 1 ghost, apparition. 2 do s.t. secretly. dedengkot prominent figure, big shot. dedikasi dedication. dedolarisasi removal of dollar as standard of currency valuation. deduksi deduction. deduktif deductive. deeskalasi de-escalation. defensif defensive. defile 1 (mil.)review, march past. 2 file past (a coffin). definisi definition. definitif definitive. defisiensi deficiency. defisit deficit. deflasi deflation. defleksi deflection. deformasi deformation. degan (jv.) young coconut. degdeg sensation of pounding. degenerasi degeneration. degradasi degradation. dehem clearing of throat. dehidrasi dehydration. dek 1 (naut.) deck. 2 blanket. dekaden decadent. dekadensi decadence. dekam ber-men 1 be in crouching position (of cat). 2 be cooped up. 3 be incarcerated. dekan 1 dean. 2 bamboo rat. dekap 1 with folded arms. ber-, men- embrace, hug. 2 near. 3 noise of heartbeat. dekar (men-dekar) fight with a sword.

dekat 1 near, close by. 2 vicinity. dekih sound of a chuckle. dekik small indentation. dekil caked with dirt. deklamasi formal stylized recitation of poetry, etc. deklamator orator (esp. of poetry). deklarasi 1 customs declaration. 2 voucher. deklinasi 1 (astr) declination. 2 (ling.) declension. dekolonisasi decolonization. dekon (deklarasi ekonomi) economic declaration. dekor decor. dekorasi 1 decoration, decor. 2 (mil.) medal, ribbon. delapan eight. delegasi delegation. delik wide-open (of eyes). delikuensi delinquency. delima pomegranate. delman two-wheeled buggy. delong sunken. delta delta. dema (dewan mahasiswa) student council. demagog demagogue. demagogi demagoguery. demam cold, aguish, ague, fever, feverish, fad. deman like, be fond of. demang 1 village headman in java. 2 customary law expert. 3 village gvt. officer. demarkasi demarcation. demi 1 for the sake of. 2 by. 3 as soon as (immediately). 4 after, by. demiliterisasi demilitarization. demisioner 1 ask for resignation of a cabinet. 2 strip (of authority, power) demobilisan demobilized member of armed forces. demobilisasi demobilization. demograf demographer. demografi demography. demografis demographic. demokrasi democracy. demokrat democrat. demokratis democratic. demokratisasi democratization. demokratiser democratize.

demonstarsi 1 demonstration, protest. 2 demonstration. demonstran participant in demonstration, protester demoralisasi demoralization. demoralisir demoralization. dempal physically strong. dempel near to. dempet stuck together. dempul glazier’s putty, boat caulking. denah sketch, blueprint, ground plan. denai trail, track (of wild game). denak decoy (used in hunting). denda fine, mulct. dendam 1 revenge, vengeance. 2 grudge, resentment. 3 yearning, longing. dendang 1 crow (bird). 2. sing. dendeng jerked meat. dengan 1 with, accompanying. 2 and. 3 by, by means of. 4 in. 5 by way of, in the manner of. dengar hear. dengki envy, spite. dengkul (jv, jkt) knee. dengkur 1 snore, snoring. 2 grunt. 3 purr. dengung sound of droning, buzzing, purring, etc. dengus 1 snort (of animals). 2 deride with a snort. denok (jv.) term of address to young girl, esp as nok. denotasi denotation. densitas density. dentam sound of gunfire, pounding on anvil, etc. dentang sound of clanging or loud explosion. denting sound of jingle or tinkle (of money, piano, keys, etc). dentum sound of boom (explosion, cannon, etc). denyut throb, beat, impulse, pulse. deodoran deodorant. depag (Departemen Agama) department of religious affairs. depak 1. kick. 2. sound of clap, clip-clop (esp. of horse’ hoofs). depan 1 front. 2 ahead. 3 coming, next. deparlu (Departemen Luar Negeri) department of foreign affairs. departemen ministry.


depdagri (Departemen Dalam Negeri) department of internal affairs. dependensi 1 dependency, dependence. 2 (colonial) possession. deperdag (Departemen Perdagangan) department of commerce. depersonalisir depersonalize. depertan (Departemen Pertanian) department of agriculture. depkeh (Departemen Kehakiman) department of justice. depkes (Departemen Kesehatan) department of health. depkeu (Departemen Keuangan) department of finance. deplu (Departemen Luar Negeri) department of foreign affairs. depnaker (Departemen Tenaga Kerja) department of labor. depnakertranskop (Departemen Tenaga Kerja Transmigrasi Dan Koperasi) department of labor, population resettlement, and cooperatives. depok reside. depolitisasi depolicisation. deponir delay, put on ice. deportasi deportation. deposan depositor. deposito (fin.) fixed deposit (us. bearing high interest). depot refreshment stand. deppen (Departemen Penerangan) department of information. depresi depression. depresiasi (fin.) depreciation. depsos (Departemen Sosial) department of social services. depteri diphtheria. deputasi deputation, delegation. deputi deputy. dera lash (of whip) , lashing. derai 1 sound of water dripping on or beating against glass, etc. 2 grain. derajat 1 degree. 2 rank, level. 3 standard. 4 latinate qualifiers of university degree. deras 1. swift (of flowing liquids). 2. sound of trash or sand being stepped on. derek crane, cargo boom. deres (menderes) tap tree to extract sap. (penderes) tapper. deret row, line, series, progression.


dering 1 sound of tinkling (bells, etc). 2 sound of crickets chirping. derit sound of squeak (a brake, etc). derita pain, anguish, affiction, suffering. derma alms, donation, dole (penderma) donor. dermaga quay, pier, jetty, wharf. dermatalog dermatologist. dermatologi dermatology. dermawan donor, philanthropist. dermimil 1 mumble. 2 talk incessantly. deru sound made by storm, thunder, large trucks, planes, etc. deruk sound of heavy object crashing. derum sound of muffled rumble (distant thunder, whir of engine). desa village. desah 1 sound of wheezing or huffing. 2 swishing. 3 sigh. desak sound of crumpling paper. desar sound of sizzling or hissing. desas-desus 1 sound of hissing or whispering. 2 rumor. desegregasi desegregation. desember December. desentralisir (mendesentralisir) decentralize. desersi desertion. desertir deserter, defector. desimal 1 decimal. 2 decimal fraction. desimeter 10 centimeters. desinfeksi disinfection. desing sound of whizzing (wind blowing, shot fired, etc). desintegrasi disintegration. desir sound of hissing, rustling, or slurping. desis sound of hissing or sizzling. deskripsi description. (mendeskripsikan) describe. deskriptif descriptive. despotisme despotism. destruksi destruction. destruktif destructive. desus sound of light whispering. detailer medical sales representative. detak sound of tapping. detasemen (mil.) detachment. detasering temporary deployment to another place of work. deteksi detection, discovery. detektif detective.

detektor detector. deterjen detergent. determinan determinant. determinasi determination, decision. determinisme determinism. detik 1 sound of ticking (of clock). 2 second (unit of time), moment. detonator detonator. devaluasi devaluation. devisa foreign exchange. dewa god, idol. dewan 1 council. 2 board. 3 congregation. dewangga k.o cloth design. dewasa mature, marriageable, grown up, adult, of age. dewata gods. dewi 1 goddess. 2 darling, beloved. di 1 in, at, on, upon. 2 at, on. dia 1 he, she. 2 it. diabet diabetes. diafragma diaphragm. diagnosa diagnosis. diagnostik diagnostic. diakritis diacritical. dialek dialect. dialektik dialectic. dialektis dialectical. dialog dialogue. diam 1 silent, quiet. 2 motionless. 3 idle. 4. reside. diameter diameter. diametrikal diametrical. diare diarrhea. diat (isl.) fine imposed for failure in o.’s religious responsibilities. didaktik didactic. didih (mendidih) 1 boil. 2 boil, rage. didik 1 educate. 2 bring up, raise (children). didikan 1 education, upbringing. 2 pupil, product of a certain teacher, alumnus. dies-natalis anniversary diesel 1 diesel motor, electric generator. 2 diesel fuel. diet diet. diferensial (math.) differential. diferensiasi differentiation. difraksi diffraction. difteri diphtheria. diftong diphthong.

difusi diffusion. digdaya (jv.) invulnerable. digital digital. dikau you. dikir repeatedly religious chant, as a form of worship. dikit little, small. diklat (Pendidikan dan Latihan) short training and education program dikol 1 calculated, estimated. 2 collated. dikotomi dichotomy. diktat written summary of lectures, often used as a university textbook. diktator dictator. (mendiktatori) rule over. diktator dictatorial. dikte dictation. diktum decision of a high authority. dimas (jv.) term of address for younger brother. dimensi dimension. dinamik dynamic. dinamika dynamics. dinamis dynamic. dinamisator dynamist. dinamisme dynamism. dinamit dynamite. dinamo dynamo. dinar 1 various k.o gold coins, now used as jewelry. 2 unit of money in middle east. dinas 1 official (govt) 2 agency, department. 3 service, official duty. 4 church service. dinasti dynasty. dinding 1 interior wall, partition. 2 buttress. ding particle that contradicts o.’s own statement. dingdong arcade games, esp. pinball and video. dingin cold. dini early. diniyah religious. dioksid dioxide. diorama diorama. diosis diocese. dipan divan, couch. diploma diploma, certificate. diplomasi diplomacy. diplomat diplomat. diplomatik diplomatic. direksi management, administration.


direksi (direktris) directress, headmistress. direktif directive. direktorat 1 directorate. 2 department, division. direktori directory. direktur director, headmaster. dirgahayu long live! long life. dirgantara sky, upper atmosphere. diri 1 self. 2 stand, exist. dirigen musical director, conductor. dirjen (Direktor Jenderal) director general. dirut (Direktor Utama) managing director. disain design, pattern. disainer fashion designer. disenteri dysentery. disertasi dissertation. disiden dissident. disintegrasi organizational disintegration (of parties, cabinets, etc). disiplin discipline. disipliner disciplinary. disjoki (coll.) disc jockey. disket floppy disc. disko discotheque, dance to disco music. diskontinuitas discontinuity. diskonto discount. diskotek discotheque, collection of phonograph records. diskredit discredit. diskrepansi discrepancy. diskriminasi discrimination. diskriminatif discriminatory. diskualifikasi disqualification. diskualifisir disqualify. diskusi discussion. dislokasi (med.)1 dislocation. 2 disturbance. disonan dissonant. disonansi dissonance. disorganisasi disorganization. disparitas disparity. dispensasi 1 dispensation. 2 exemption (from tax, official responsibility, etc) disposisi authorizing signature. disproporsi disproportion. disproporsional disproportionate. distilasi distillation. distorsi distortion. distribusi distribution. distrik administrative district.


ditjen (Direktorat Jendral) directorate general. dito ditto. diunggulkan 1 be considered or proposed as superior. 2 seeded. div. (divisi) division. diversifikasi diversification. divide-et-impera divide and rule. dividen dividend. divisi 1 (mil.) division. 2 (biol.) phylum. diy (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta) special district of Yogyakarta. doa (do’a) prayer. doang only, no more than. dobel 1 double. 2 (sport) doubles. doble gold-plated. dodol k.o taffy made of sticky rice, coconut milk, and palm sugar (often with durian). dogma dogma. dogmatika dogmatics. dogmatis dogmatic. dokar horse-drawn buggy. doking docking. dokter doctor, physician, esp. doktor holder of doctorate. doktoral doctoral studies. doktrin doctrine. doktriner doctrinaire. doku (sl.) money. dokumen document. dokumentasi documentation. dol (jv.)1 damaged or worn because of overuse. 2 (coll.) crazy, mad. dolan (jv.) 1 make a visit for pleasure. 2 play. dolar 1 dollar, esp. the us currency. 2 (coll) any gold coin. 3 round, sweet wafer. dolarsen cent of us currency. dolfin dolphin. dolog (depot logistik) warehouse for foodstuff. dolok (batak) mountain. dom (coll.) compass. domba 1 sheep. 2 (rel.) the congregation. domestik domestic. dominan dominant. dominasi domination. domine term of reference for protestant minister. dominir dominate. domino dominoes. domisili (leg.) domicile.

dompet 1 wallet. 2 relief fund (often organized by a publication) domplang see-saw. dompleng (mendompleng) join, double up. dompol bunch. don-yuan womanizer. donasi donation. donat doughnut. donatir,donatur donor, benefactor. dongak 1 pointed upward. 2 gaze up. dongeng 1 fairy tale, legend. 2 nonsense. dongkak leap up. dongkel lever, jack. dongkol 1 resentful, acrimonious. 2 irked, vexed. dongkrak (auto.) jack. donor donor. dor sound of gunshot. dorang 1. fish. 2 (e. indonesia) they. doreng striped. dorong 1 push. 2 motivate, provide the impetus. 3 urge. dos 1 small box. 2 carton, case. dosa sin, guilty. dosen university-level instructor. dosir dossier. dosis (med.) dose, dosage. dot 1 nipple. 2 pacifier. 3 sound of a car horn. dower (jv.) having a drooping lower lip. doyan (jakarta) be fond of. doyong inclined, not straight. dozer bulldozer. dpc (Dewan Pimpinan Cabang) leadership of political party at local level. dpd (Dewan Pimpinan Daerah) leadership of political party at regional level. dpp (Dewan Pimpinan Pusat) leadership of political party at national level. 2. (dana pembinaan pendidikan) gvt. subsidy to state universities as supplement tuition fees. dpr (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat) indonesian legislative assembly. dprd (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah) assembly at provincial, regional, or municipal level. draft draft. dragon manual water pump. draimolen carousel. drainase drainage. drama drama, play

dramatari dance drama. dramatis dramatic. dramatisasi (mendramatisasikan) dramatize, make into a play. dramatisir (mendramatisir) dramatize, make into a play. dramaturgi dramaturgy. dramawan stage actor, performer. drastis drastic. drg. (dokter gigi) dentist. drh. (dokter hewan) veterinarian. dribbel, dribel dribble. drive drive in golf. drop mints, cough-drops. droping allocation, dropping drs. (dokterandus) title of o. holding graduate degree in humanities below. doctoral rank. drum 1 drum. 2 oil drum, canister for chemicals. drumband marching band. dst. dstnya (dan seterusnya) and so on. dua two. (ber)-dua-dua 1 two by two. 2 both. duaja banner, ensign. dual 1 duel. 2 traffic collision. dualis (ling.) dual. dualisme dualism. dubes (duta besar) ambassador. dubur anus. duda widower. dudu follow s.o., continue on (without looking back). duduk 1 sit. 2 live, dwell, reside. 3 settle, go to the bottom dudut (jv.) 1.pull, tug at. 2. penis. duet duet. duga guess, estimate. dugal (jv.) naughty. duilah my gosh!. duit money. duk kerchief. duka grief, sorrow, distress. dukacarita tragedy, story with sad theme. dukacita profound sorrow. dukuh hamler. dukun indigenous medical practitioner, shaman. dukung support, espouse.


dulang 1 food tray. 2 printer’s galley. 3 (jv.) (mendulang) feed (a child). duli (lit.) 1 dust. 2 expression in royal tittles. dulu 1 formerly, previously. 2 first, before, prior. dulur (jv.) kin, family. dum-dum sound of drum or cannon. dumel nag, complain. dungu 1 dull-witted, mentally slow. 2 gullible. dunia 1 world. 2 (biol.) kingdom. (sedunia) the whole world. duniawi earthly, worldly, secular. duniawiah worldly, profane. dupa incense. duplik (leg.) rejoinder, rebuttal. duplikasi duplication of effort etc. duplikat duplicate, carbon copy. dur sound of explosion. durga hindu goddess of destruction. durhaka rebellious, insubordinate, undutiful. duri 1 thorn, burr, spine. spine. 2 fish bone. durian durian fruit and tree. durjana (lit.) evil, wicked. durna (jv.) 1 name of character in the wayang. 2 (lit.) intrigue-ridden adviser. dursila (jv.) unethical. dus 1 shower (bath). 2 (coll.) so, consequently.


dusel snuggle up close. dusta 1 lie, falsehood. 2 tell a lie. dusun (lit.) 1 orchard. 2 village far from urban areas. dut dead. duta ambassador. dutawati ambassadress. duyun (berduyun-duyun) in through. dwi two. dwiarti ambiguous. dwibahasa bilingual. dwibahasawan a bilingual. dwidasawarsa 20th anniversary. dwifungsi dual function, esp. of the military, referring to its soldierly and political roles. dwiguna dual-purpose. dwihuruf digraph. dwikewarganegaraan dual citizenship. dwimakna ambiguous. dwipekanan biweekly. dwiwulanan bimonthly.

E ebonit ebonite. ec. (ekonomi) economics edisi edition edit edit. edukasi education. edukatif educative. efectivitas effectiveness. efek 1.effect. 2. (fin.) share, stock. efektif effective. efisien efficient. efisiensi efficiency. egois selfish, egoist, egoistic. egoisme egoism. egosentris egocentric. egosentrisme egocentrism. ekologi ecology. ekologis ecological. ekonom economist. ekonometri econometrics. ekonomi 1 economics. 2 economy. 3 household management. ekonomis economical. ekor 1 tail (of animals). 2 follower. 3 aftermath. ekosistem ecosystem. eksekusi 1 execution, carrying out. 2 putting to death. eksistensi existence. eksklusif 1 exclusive, select. 2 excluded, without. eksklusivisme exclusivism. ekskutif executive. eksotik exotic. ekspansi expansion. ekspedisi 1 shipping, forwarding. 2 mail room, jaunt, campaign. 2 (mil.) dispatching of troops. eksperimen experiment. eksperimental experimental. eksperimentasi experimentation.

eksplisit explicit. eksploitasi 1 development, working. 2 exploitation, use, operation. eksplorasi exploration. eksponen 1 (math.) exponent. 2 exponent (of idea, theory, etc). ekspor export. eksportir exporter. eksposisi 1 exposition, fair. 2 exposition, explanation. ekspres 1 express, fast. 2 special delivery. ekspresi 1 expressiveness. 2 expression. ekspresif expressive. ekspresionis expressionist. ekspresionisme expressionism (art). ekspresionistis expressionistic. ekstensif extensive. ekstra 1 extra, more. 2 extraordinary, in a special way, outside of a certain institution. ekstrak extract. ekstrakuliluler extracurricular. ekstrem extreme. ekuivalen equivalent. ekuivalensi equivalency. elaborasi elaboration. elang hawk, eagle or any large bird of prey. elastik elastic. elastisitas elasticity. electroteknik electrical engineering. elektro 1 concerning electrical matters. 2 electrical engineering. elektroda electrode. elektrodinamika electrodynamics. elektrolit electrolyte. elektrolitis electrolytic. elektromagnit electromagnet. elektron electron. elektronik 1 electronic. 2 electronics. elektronika electronics. elemen 1 element. 2 element.


elementer elementary. eliminasi eliminate. elit elite. elok 1 beautiful, lovely. 2 good. elpiji liquid propane gas. email enamel. emansipasi emancipation. emas gold. ember pail, bucket. embrio (biol.) embryo, fetus. embriologi (biol.) embryology. embun 1 dew. 2 condensed vapor. 3 haze. emigran emigrant. emigrasi emigration. emisi 1 issue (of banknote, security, stock, etc) 2 emission (of semen, light, etc). emosi 1 emotion. 2 emotional. 3 be emotional. emosional emotional. empat four. empek-empek k.o. fishcake. empedu gall, bile. empiris empirical. empirisisme empiricism. enak 1 nice, tasty, delicious. 2 nice, pleasant. 3 well. enam six. endap 1 settle, precipitate. 2. (mengendapendap) move stealthily. endemi endemic disease. endemis endemic. energi energy.


ensiklopedi encyclopedia. entomologi entomology. entomologis entomological. epidemi epidemic. epidemiologi epidemiology. epilepsi epilepsy. episentrum epicenter. episode episode. epistemologi epistemology. era era. erat 1 tight, firm. 2 firm (of promise). 3 close (of relationship). ercis peas. erobik 1 aerobic. 2 exercise. eropa europe, european. erosi erosion. esa single, one, only. esai essay. esensi essence, quintessence, gist. esok tomorrow, the next day. estafet relay race. estetika aesthetics. estetis aesthetic. etimologi etymology. etnis ethnic. etos ethos, ethics. evakuasi evacuation. evaluasi evaluation. evolusi evolution.

F fabel fable. faedah avail, use, benefit, profit. fajar dawn, daybreak, aurora fakir poor, destitute, indigent. fakta fact. faktor 1 factor, element. 2 (math.) factor. fakultas school of a university, faculty. fakultatif, optional. falak 1 celestial sphere. 2 (outer) space. falsafah philosophy, philosophical system. falsafi philosophical. famili 1 relative. 2 family, kin. familial family like. familier 1 accustomed, used to doing. 2 intimate. fana mortal, fleeting, transitory. fanatik adhering strictly to a religion. fanatisme fanaticism. fantasi 1 fantasy, illusion, fancy. 2 imagination. 3 fancy. fantastis fantastic. fardhu (isl.) 1 obligatory. 2 religious obligation. farmasi pharmacy, drugstore. fase phase. fasih 1 fluent. 2 eloquent, quick-witted. 3 glib, correct. fasik godless, atheistic. fatwa (isl.) 1 a binding ruling in religious matters. 2 religious instructions, guidance of an order person. favorit favorite. fenomena phenomenon (j. phenomena). feodal feudal. feodalisme feudalism. feodalistis feudalistic. feri ferry. fermentasi fermentation. fertilitas fertility. fiksi fiction.

fiktif fictitious. filamen filament. filateli philately. filatelis philatelist. film 1 film for camera. 2 film, movie. filsafah philosophy, ideology. 2 philosophical system. 3 mysticism. filsuf philosopher. filum (biol.) phylum. final (sport) finals. finalis finalist. finansial financial. finlandia finland. fiqh, fiqih (isl.) study of laws pertaining to ritual obligations. firasat 1 intuition. 2 presentiment, hunch, foreboding. firdaus paradise. fisik physical. fisika physics. fiskal 1 fiscal. 2 departure tax was paid, exittax receipt. 3 (mil.) judge advocate. fitnah slander, calumny, defamation. fitrah 1 natural. 2 (isl.) rice or money paid at the end of ramadhan month. fitri pure, natural. flanel flannel. flat apartment. fleksibel flexible. flu influenza, a cold. fokus focus. folio foolscap-size paper. fondasi foundation. fonds fund. fonem phoneme. fonemik phonemics. fonemis phonemic. fonetik phonetics. fonetis phonetic. fonologi phonology.


fonologis phonological. formal formal. formalitas formality. formasi 1 formation. 2 (mil.) formation. 3 position. format format, form. formulir form, declaration, blank. forsir force, compel. forum forum, open discussion. fosfat phosphate. fosfor phosphorus. fosil fossil. foto photograph, picture. fotografer photographer. fotografi photography.


fotokopi 1 photocopy. 2 print of a video casette. fotosintesa photosynthesis. fragmen fragment. fragmentaris fragmentary. fraksi faction, section. frekuensi frequency. frustrasi 1 frustration. 2 frustrated. fundamental basal. fungisida fungicide. fungsi 1 function, office, job. 2 function, purpose. fungsionalisme functionalism. fungsionaris functionary, official.

G g the 7th letter of the alphabet. gabah unhulled paddy separated from the stalks. gabung 1 bundle, sheaf. 2 cluster. gabus 1 tree, the soft wood of which is used as cork, scraper, etc. 2 cork. 3. a kind of fish, snakehead. gada club, bludgeon, cudgel. gadai 1 pawning. 2 security. (bergadai) borrow money by pawning s.t. gading 1 elephant tusk. 2 ivory. 3 ivory color. gadis 1 girl. 2 maiden, virgin. gaduh 1 noisy. 2 boisterous, rowdy. 3 tumult. gagah 1 strong. 2 brawny, muscular. 3 handsome, dashing. 4 heroic, brave, dauntless. gagak raven, crow. gagal fail, vain, unsuccessful. gagang 1 handle. 2 stem, stalk. gagap 1. stammer, stutter. 2. (menggagap) feel, grope. gagas have an idea. gagasan 1 idea. 2 concept, thought. gaib 1 mysterious. 2 invisible, hidden, inscrutable. 3 disappear, vanish 4 belonging to the invisible sphere. 5 in absence. gairah passion, strong desire, gait gajah elephant. gajah-mada 1 the prime minister of majapahit. 2 name of a university in yogyakarta. gaji wage, salary. gala 1 resin, pitch, caulking. 2 a resincollecting bee. 3 (mil. gala-yudha) field test. galah 1 punting pole. 2 spear. galak 1 fierce, vicious. 2 sharp and mean. 3 impudent, forward. galaksi galaxy. galang girder, supporting beam.

galau hubbub, confusion. gali 1 dig. 2 dig up excavate, unearth, exhume. galon gallon. gambar 1 picture, image, drawing. 2 sketch. 3 illustration. gambus six-stringed, plucked instrument of arabic origin. gamelan gamelan orchestra. gamis arab-style shirt. gamping limestone. ganas savage, ferocious, vicious. 2 malignant (of tumor). ganda 1 fold. 2 opponent of unequal strength. 3 (sport) handicap. gandum 1 grain. 2 wheat flour. 3 oat. gang 1 alley, narrow street. 2 corridor, passageway. 3 gang (of thieves). ganggang 1. algae, seaweed. 2. space between two objects. ganggu meng-ganggu 1 disturb. 2 disturb, intrude on, interfere with. 3 annoy, molest. ganja 1 hemp plant. 2 hashish, marijuana. (pengganja) drug addict. ganjal 1 a wedge. 2 a prop, support. ganjaran 1 reward. 2 just deserts, punishment, retribution. ganjil 1 uneven, odd. 2 queer, odd (of numbers), abnormal. ganti 1 substitute, replacement. 2 change (of clothes, name). 3 over (of radio operators). gantung 1 hang. 2 hang up. 3 adjourn, suspend. 4 be suspended. gapai 1 reach for, extend the hand for, grasp after. 2 wave to. 3 achieve, attain. gapura gate, gateway, portal. gara-gara 1 turbulence, commotion. 2 natural phenomenon regarded as an omen. 3 just because.


garam 1 salt. 2 a mineral salt. 3 experience, effectiveness (in idioms). garangan mongoose. garansi guarantee, warrant. garap work on. garasi garage. garbis round, yellow and black melon. gardu 1 guardhouse. 2 bus shelter. 3 (mil.) depot, dump, magazine. 4 (tech.) relay station. garis 1 line. 2 (sport) finish line. 3 frontier, border. 4 (sport) boundaries, bounds. garpu fork, cutlery. garuda 1 mythical bird, mounted by god vishnu. 2 bird in official seal of republic of indonesia. garuk round up, scratch, rub. gas 1 gas. 2 vapor from gasoline. gasak 1 fight. 2 hit. gasal uneven, odd. gasing a top. (bergasing) spin a top. gasolin gasoline. gatal 1 itch, itchiness, irritation. 2 eager for s.t. (money, etc. but esp. sex) gatot (jv.) sliced dried cassava boiled with coconut milk. gatra phrase. gatutkaca son of bima, o. of the pendawa brothers in the java wayang. gaul associate. gaun gown, dress. gaung 1. echo, reverberation. 2. hole, ravine. gawang 1 (sport) gate. 2 goal posts. 3 (sport) hurdles. gawat 1 critical, serious, grave. 2 dangerous, risky. 3 bad, terrible. gaya 1 energy, force. 2 style, form, manner. 3 musical note, melody. gayung 1 water dipper, scoop. 2. attack (with sword or blow). gebrak sound of a door slamming, board crashing to floor, etc. gebrakan 1 blow, chop. 2 blow, slap. 3 breakthrough. gebyar sparkle, shine, glitter.


gedor 1 pound on. 2 break in to plunder. gedung building, edifice. (gedung-bertingkat) multistoried building. gegabah rash, reckless, hasty. gegas lots of movement and activity. (bergegas) hurry. geger 1 commotion, tumult. 2 be in a tumult. gejala 1 symptom, indication. 2 tendency. gejolak 1 flaming, fire. 2 fluctuation (in prices). gelak 1 laughter. 2 laugh, chortle. gelandangan vagrant, homeless drifter. gelang bracelet. gelang-gelang tapeworm. per-gelang-an circle. gelanggang 1 arena, forum, pit, ring. 2 a round area which forms the background for s.t. gelap 1 dark. 2 unclear, obscure. 3 secret, illicit, clandestine (organization). gelar 1 title, academic title, degree. 2 alias. gelas glass. gelatik bird that eats rice crops, java finch. gelembung 1 bubble. 2 (anat.) vesicle. 3 swollen. (menggelembung) be inflated. geleng move from side to side. geleng-an a shake of the head. gelepar fluttering. geletak flounder, flutter. (menggeletak) sprawl. geli 1 amused, tickled. 2 ticklish. geliat writhe, wriggle. gelimang be soiled, smeared, covered with s.t. wet. (gelimangan) shallow pools of liquid, mud, etc. gelimpah be sprawled face up all over. gelinang form in the corners of the eyes gelincir slip, skid. gelinding wheel. gelindingan caster. gelintir 1 pellet. 2 counter used with small pellet-like objects. 3 counter used with persons. 4 a general all-purpose counter. gelisah 1 nervous, on edge, restless. 2 worried, concerned. gelombang 1 a long unbroken wave or swell. 2 phase, facet. gelondong roll, bunch.

gelonggong eat through, nibble at. gelontor 1 spray with water in order to remove s.t. 2 drink a great deal. geluduk (jv.) deep, far-off thunder. (bergeluduk) thunder, rumble. gelundung roll downward. gelung 1 coil (of rope), bun of hair. 2 curve, turn. gema echo, reverberate. gemar be fond of, delight in, to be keen on. gemas 1 annoyed, put out, irritated. 2 passionate, with heat. gembala 1 shepherd, herdsman. 2 (rel.) shepherd (of the flock). gembira 1 rejoice, glad, happy. 2 cheerful, gay. gembok padlock. gembong leader, brains, prominent figure, kingpin. gembos deflated. gembung 1 swollen, distended, puffed. 2 stuffed, filled. gembur loose. 2 crumbly. gemericik sound of water flowing in a small stream. gemerincing sound of clinking or tinkling. gemerlap shining, gleaming, sparkling brightly. gemertak sound of a crack or rattle. gemetar tremble, (gemetaran) trembling, tremor. gemilang brilliant, shining, bright. gempa (bumi) earthquake, (bergempa) shake, jolt. gempal sturdy, plump. gempar uproar, commotion. (kegemparan) tumult, stir. gempita loud. (menggempita) be noisy, loud. gempur 1 attack and destroy. 2 demolish (an argument, idea). 3 demolish. gemuk 1 fat, corpulent, obese. 2 fat, grease. 3 rich. 4 fertilizer. gemulai 1 supple, pliant. 2 swaying (of leaves in wind etc). gemulung rolling

genang filling a place and not flowing, inundate, whelm s.t. (genangan) puddle, flooded area. genap 1 exactly enough, whole. 2 even (numbers). (segenap) all, entire. gencar unceasing, incessant, unbroken, repeatedly. gencat 1 stopped, suspended. 2 stunted. (gencatan) cessation. gendang 1 drum. 2 mosque drum 3. a roll (of paper). genderang large drum. gending musical composition for gamelan. gendong carry on the small of the back or the hip often with the help of a cloth sling. generasi generation. generatif generative. generator generator. genetika genetics. genggam handful. (menggenggam) clutch, hold in o.’s grasp. (genggaman) grasp, grip, clutch. gengsi 1 (lit.) collateral 2 prestige 3 (sl.) put on airs. genit prudish, flirtatious, vain. genitif genitive. gentar 1 vibrate (of plucked string), quiver. 2 tremble (with fear), fear. gentayangan meander, roam, ramble. genteng roof-tile. genting 1 critical, tense. 2 (lit.) narrow, thin, slender in the middle. gentong large earthenware bowl for water. geofisika geophysics. geofisikawan geophysicist. geografi geography. geografis geographical. geokimia geochemistry. geologi geology. geologis geological. geometris geometrical. geopolitik geopolitics. geopolitis geopolitical. geotermis geothermic. gerabah earthenware vessels. gerah 1 stifflingly hot, sultry. 2 (coll.) sick.


geraham molar. gerak 1 movement, twitch, jerk(of eyelid). 2 peng-gerakan activation. gerbang 1. disheveled (of hair). 2 gate, esp. ceremonial arches. gerbang gate, gateway, portal. gereja 1 church. 2 (coll.) church services. gergaji saw. gerhana 1 eclipse. 2 in difficulty. gerigi serration, dentate, cogged. gerilya guerrilla. (bergerilya) wage guerrilla warfare. gerilyawan male guerrilla fighter. gerilyawati female guerrilla fighter. gerimis drizzle, drizzling rain. gerobak cart, wagon, van, truck. gerombolan 1 group, bunch, cluster. 2 gang, band (of thieves). gersang 1 dry, barren (of hair, land, etc). 2 coarse (of hair). gertak snarl, snapping, threat, threaten. gertakan 1 snarling, snapping 2 threat , intimidation spurring (of a horse). gesek rub, scrape. gesekan 1 rubbing, friction. 2 stringed instrument. gesit 1 nimble, adroit, agile. 2 skillful. gesper clasp, buckle. getah 1 sap, latex, resin. 2 (biol.) gland secretion. getar 1 tremble. 2 (ling.) trill. getaran 1 vibration, quiver, shiver. 2 (ling.) trill. 3 (med.) pulsation. 4 frequency. gigi 1 tooth. 2. tooth-like object. 3 cog, gear. 4 edge or extremity. gigih 1 persevering. 2 half-cooked rice. gigil shiver, tremble. gigit bite s.t. gila 1 insane, crazy. 2 obsessed, infatuated. gilang-cemerlang glittering and bright. gilang-gemilang bright and brilliant. giling 1 roll (cigarette). 2 mill, grind (wheat, coffee, pepper) 3 flatten. gilir 1 alternate, pass through cycles. 2 take turns. giliran 1 turn, shift. 2 serve (in tennis).


ginjal kidney. giok jade. gir gear wheel, cogwheel (of car, bicycle). girang glad, happy, merry, delightful. gitar guitar. (ber-gitar) play the guitar. gitaris guitarist. gizi nutrient. gletser glacier. gliserin glycerin. global 1 global, overall. 2 broad. glondongan unprocessed timber. glukosa glucose. gong 1 gong. (meng-gongkan) second a motion, idea, etc. 2 sound of barking. goni 1 jute. 2 gunny-sack. goreng s.t. fried, fried food. (menggoreng) fry. gores 1 scratch. 2 etch lines into s.t. gorila gorilla. gorok cut. (penggorokan) slaughtering. gosip gossip about s.t. gosong 1. sandbar. 2. burnt, scorched, singed gotong carry s.t. so heavy two or more people must cooperate. gotong-an heavy burden, shared load. gotong-royong community self-help, mutual cooperation. (ber-gotong-royong) cooperate, share work goyang shaky, wobbly, unsteady. goyangan 1 sway, oscillation, staggering. 2 fluctuation. grafik,grafika on a graph. gram gram. gramatika grammar. gramatikal grammatical. granat grenade. granit granite. grasi clemency granted by head of state. gratifikasi 1 bonus. 2 dividend. gratis free, gratis. (menggratiskan) give away for free. (gratisan) s.t. for free. gravitasi gravity. gros 1 gross, unit of measure. 2 large. grosir wholesaler, distributor. grup group. gua cave, grotto.

gubernur governor. gubris heed, pay attention to. gubuk 1 hut, shack. 2 shelter in rice field. guci porcelain or earthenware jug. gudang 1 warehouse, storehouse. 2 storeroom, pantry. gugat (menggugat) sue, take legal action gugatan 1 accusation, charge. 2 suit. 3 claim. 4 criticism. gugur 1 fall (leaves). 2 die. gugus group, cluster. gula sugar. (gula-gula) 1 sweets, candy. 2 mistress. gulai curry. gulali 1 taffy. 2 syrupy sweet. gulat wrestle e.o. wrestler. gulma weeds. gulung 1 roll. 2 coil. gumpal 1 clod, 2 wad, ball. guna 1 use, purpose, benefit. 2 for, in order to.

guna-guna magic, spell, magical formulas. gundah depressed, dejected. (gundah-gulana) despondent. gunduk be piled up in several heaps. gundukan heap, pile. gundul 1 bald. 2 bare, barren. 3 leafless. guntur thunder. gunung mountain . gunungan 1 (jv.) mountainlike figure in the wayang play symbolizing the universe. 2 imitation of mountain. gurami fish, gurami. gurindam (lit.) 1 aphorism in two lines. 2 rhapsodical type of free verse. guruh thunder. gurun wasteland, desert. gusi gums.


H hadap 1 across (the street). 2 side. 3 to face. hadapan 1 front. 2 future. 3 presence. hadas (isl.) ritual impurity. hadiah 1 prize. 2 reward. 3 gift. with a gift. present s.t., donate. hadir be present. hadirin those present, audience. hadirat (rel.) 1 presence (of god). 2 female members of the audience. hadis (isl.) tradition relating to words or deeds of Muhammad. hadrah 1 communal gathering. 2 tambourine. hafal 1 know by heart, memories. 2 know s.t. very well. hafalan material to be memorized. haid menstruation, period. haji (isl.) 1 pilgrimage to Mecca. 2 o. who has made the pilgrimage to mecca. hak 1 right. 2 heel (of shoes). hakekat, hakikat 1 truth, reality. 2 essence. hakiki intrinsic, true, real, authentic. hakim judge. (Departmen Kehakiman) ministry of justice. hal 1 matter, thing. 2 case. 3 concerning. 4. galvanized sheet iron. halal (isl.) allowed, permitted, rightfull, legal. halal-bihalal (isl.) 1 ask and give forgiveness at the end of the fasting period. 2 a gathering of social group soon after islam fasting month for such a purpose. halaman 1 yard (of school, house). 2 premises. 3 page (of books). halang be hindered, handicapped. halangan hindrance, obstacle. halau expel s.o. halilintar 1 flash of lightning. 2 thunderbolt. halo hello. halte stopping place for public vehicles. haluan 1 (naut.) bow, prow. 2 direction. 3 foremost section. (sehaluan) of the same course.

halus 1 refined, cultured, sensitive. 2 soft, delicate, smooth (of skin, cloth). 3 unseen (of spirits). halusinasi hallucination. hama 1 plant disease, pest. 2 infection. 3 pest, scourge. hamba slave, servant. hambar 1 tasteless, flat, insipid. 2 vapid, trite. hambat checked, blocked. hambatan 1 obstacle, obstruction. 2 barrier, fence, wall. 3 closure. hambur jump. hamburger sandwich, served with sauces in sliced bun. hamil pregnant, pregnancy. (meng-i, mengkan) impregnate, make pregnant. hampar 1 spread (rug). 2 explain, elucidate. hamparan 1 rug, carpet. 2 spread out area. hampir 1 near, close. 2 almost. (hampiran) vicinity, neighborhood. hampiran vicinity, neighborhood. hamzah letter of arabic alphabet representing glottal stop. hanacaraka the java, sunda, or madurese syllabary. hancur 1 shattered, smashed. 2 dissolved, destroyed. handai friend, companion. handuk towel. hangat warm. hangus 1 burnt, scorched. 2 singed. 3 (coll.) completely used up. hansip [Pertahanan Sipil] civilian defense units. hantam 1 fight, scuffle. 2 collide with. 3 infringe on. hantaman blow, smack, punch. hantu 1 ghost. 2 evil spirit. hanya 1 only. 2 only, however. hanyut 1 washed away, drift. 2 drift, wander. 3 lose o.s.


hapus 1 completely remove. 2 clean s.t., wipe off haram (isl.) 1 forbidden, proscribed. 2 (coll.) on no account, under no circumstances. harap hope. hardik say s.t. sharply, snarl. hardikan rebuke, scolding, harsh words. harfiah literal, word for word. harga price, cost, value. hari day. (sehari-hari) every day. harian 1 daily. 2 daily newspaper. harimau tiger. harlah [hari lahir] anniversary, birthday. harmoni concord, harmony. harmonika harmonica. harmonis 1 harmonious. 2 harmonic. harmonisasi harmonization. harpa harp. harta property, wealth. hartawan wealthy person, person of means. harum 1 fragrant, aromatic. 2 fragrance, aroma. harus have to, must. hasad envy, spite. hasil 1 yield, crop. 2 product. 3 result, outcome, output, success. hasrat 1 longing, desire. 2 propensity. (berhasrat) 1 desire, wish. hasta cubic. hastakarya 1 handicrafts. 2 petting. hasut incite, goad, stir up. hasutan 1 instigation, provocation, fomentation. 2 agitation. hati 1 liver. 2 seat of emotions. 3 heart. haus 1 thirsty. 2 thirst, thirstiness. hawa 1 air. 2 climate, weather. hawa-nafsu carnal desire, lust. hawai,hawaian hawaiian-style music. hebat unusually intensive (intelligence, violence). heboh 1 commotion, uproar. 2 fuss, row, stir. 3 sensational. hedonisme hedonism. hektar hectare. hela (meng-hela) drag, haul, pull (carriage, wagon). helah 1 trick, ruse. 2 excuse, pretext. helai 1 sheet (of paper). 2 a counter for paper, cloth, leaf, etc. (berhelai-helai) in sheets. helat celebration, party.

helikopter helicopter. helium helium. helm motorcycle helmet, hard hat. hemat 1 judgment, observation. 2 thrifty, economical, thrift. hendak 1 wish. 2 intend, be going to. 3 be about to. (hendaknya) be desirable that, should. hendel handle. hening 1 clear. 2 silent, quiet, tranquil, hush. hepatitis hepatitis. her 1 retake. 2 makeup exam. heran 1 surprised, amazed. 2 astonishment. herba herb. herbisida herbicide. heterogen heterogeneous. heteroseks heterosexual. hewan 1 domesticated animal. 2 animal. hewani of an animal. hias (ber-hias) 1 be decorated, adorned. 2 dress o.s., groom o.s. hibah bequest, grant. hibernasi hibernation. hibrida hybrid. hibur 1 comfort, cheer up, divert. 2 entertain. hiburan 1 consolation, solace, comfort. 2 entertainment, amusement, consolation. hidang (menghidangkan) 1 serve (of food). 2 present (entertainment). hidayah god’s guidance. hidrat hydrate. hidrogen hydrogen. hidrolik hydraulic. hidrolistrik hydroelectric. hidrologi hydrology. hidrologis hydrological. hidung nose, snout. hidup 1 be alive, live. 2 life. 3 fresh. 4 (coll.) run, go esp of machines. higienis hygienic. hijau 1 green, verdant. 2 inexperienced. hijriah of the islam calendar. hikayat 1 tale, story, romance. 2 history, account. hikmah 1 wisdom, philosophy. 2 magical power. 3 power in general. hilang 1 be lost, vanish. 2 pass away, die. hilir lower course, downstream. himne a solemn song.


himpitan 1 be very close together. 2 coincide. himpun assemble, gather. himpunan 1 association, club. 2 collection, compilation. hina villainous, disdainful, despicable, caddish, contemptible. hinaan 1 insult, indignity, affront. 2 taunt. hindar 1 pull to o. side. 2 avoid. hindia indies. hingga until, up to. (ber-hingga) limited, finite. hinggap 1 perch, alight. 2 attack (of disease, infection). hipertensi hypertension. hipnotis hypnotic. (meng-hipnotis) hypnotize. hipnotisir hypnotize. hipnotisme hypnotism. hipotenusa hypotenuse. hirarki hierarchy. hirarkis hierarchical. hirau (menghiraukan) heed, note, pay attention to. hiruk (hiruk-pikuk) tumult, hullabaloo, hurlyburly. hirup whiff, sniff. hisab computation, calculation, reckoning. (menghisab) calculate, compute. histeris hysterical. histologi histology. histologik histological. historis historic, historical. hitam 1 black. 2 dark, swarthy. hitung arithmetic. hiu shark. hobi 1 hobby, s.t. o. likes. 2 like s.t. hoki good luck. homo male homosexual. homogen homogeneous. homonim homonym.


hongaria hungary. honor 1 honorarium, stipend. 2 payment for services. honorer 1 honorary. 2 not officially confirmed and so paid by stipends not salary. horison horizon. horisontal horizontal. hormat 1 honor, respect, esteem, regard, compliment. 2 respectful. hormon hormone. hotel hotel. hubung connect, related. hubungan 1 connection, relationship. 2 contact. 3 context. 4 coupling. hujan rain. hujat blasphemy. hukum 1 law. 2 verdict. hukuman 1 punishment 2 sentence, infliction. hulu 1 upper course 2 beginning of s.t. huma 1 field for dry rice cultivation. 2 newly cleared land for agriculture. humaniora the humanities. humanisme humanism. humas [Hubungan Masyarakat] public relations. humor joke. humoris humorist. humoristis humorous. huni occupy, dwell or reside in. hunus unsheathed. huruf letter, characters. hutan woods, forest. hutang 1 (fin.) debt, obligation. 2 owe (promise). hutangan having a debt. huyung (terhuyung-huyung) stagger, falter.

I ialah is, are. iba 1 pity, compassion. 2 moved, touched, compassionate. ibadah,ibadat 1 act of devotion. 2 religious service. 3 worship. ibarat 1 like. 2 simile, metaphor. iblis demon, devil, satan. ibrani hebrew. ibtidaiyah (isl.) primary school. ibu 1 mother. 2 form of address to older woman or o. in higher position, ibunda mother. icip food sample. (mengicipi) taste, try. idap (meng-idap) 1 ail, be ill over a long period. 2 contract (a disease). iddah (isl.) 100-day waiting period before a widow or divorced woman may remarry. ide idea. ideal ideal. idealisasi idealization. idealisir idealize. idealisme idealism. idealistis idealistic. identifikasi identification. identifisir identify. identik identical. identitas 1 identity. 2 identification. ideologi ideology. ideologis ideological. idep eyelash. idiom idiom. idola popular idol. iga rib. ihram (isl.) consecration for use in the pilgrimage to mecca. ihsan (isl.)1 good deeds. 2 charity. ijab 1 final offer. 2 agreement, consent. 3 answerto prayer. ijabah,ijabat (isl.) approval.

ijasah,ijazah 1 diploma. 2 certificate to practice a profession. (ber-ijazah) licensed, certified. ijma,ijmak (isl.) 1 consensus of opinion among scholars. 2 unanimous agreement or approval. ijtima (isl.) astral conjunction. ijuk palm fiber from the sugar palm. (mengijuk) bristly. ikal 1 curl, lock. 2 curly, wavy. ikamat final call to prayer. ikan fish. (ikan-asin) salted fish. ikat 1 string, cord to tie. 2 bunch, bundle, sheaf. 3 band. 4 method of tie-dying. ikhlas sincere, with all o.’s heart and soul. ikhtiar 1 initiative. 2 free choice, decision. 3 course, means of action. ikhtisar 1 summary, recapitulation. 2 synopsis, abstract, outline. ikhtisariah succinct, brief. ikhwan (isl.) 1 brother, comrade. 2 fraternal, brotherly. iklan boost, advertisement. iklim 1 climate. 2 climate (political). ikrar promise, pledge, declaration of intent. iktidal (isl.) proper standing posture when performing prayer ritual. ikut 1 follow, go along. 2 participate, join (in), also do. ilahi (isl.) God. ilahiat (isl.) godliness, divineness. ilat physically handicapped, physical defect. iler (jv.) slobber, spittle. ilham 1 divine inspiration. 2 inspiration, brainstorm. illustratif illustrative. ilmiah scientific. (ilmuwan) scientist, scholar. ilmu 1 knowledge. 2 science, branch of science. 3 esoteric knowledge. ilusi illusion. (ber-ilusi) have illusions. ilustrasi illustration.


imaginatif imaginative. imajinasi imagination. imajiner imaginary. imam 1 (isl.) leader of communal prayer. 2 (isl.) title of chief of an islam state. 3 catholic priest. iman 1 faith, belief, creed. 2 confidence, belief in s.t. (beriman) faithful, believing. imbang 1 balance. 2 match, equal. imbas 1 air current. 2 electrical current. imbau appeal. imigran immigrant. imigrasi 1 immigration. 2 bureau of immigration. iming tantalize, entice. imitasi imitation. imlek 1 china calendar. 2 china new year. imperialisme imperialism. implemen implement, tool. implementasi implementation. implikasi implication. implisit implicit. impor import. (mengimpor) import, bring in. (pengimpor) importer. importir importer. impoten impotent. impotensi impotence. impresif impressive. impresionis impressionist. improvisasi improvisation. (berimprovisasi) improvise. improvisator improviser. impuls impulse. impulsif impulsive. imsak (isl.) predawn, time that the fast must begin. imsakiah (isl.) fasting calendar. imun (med.) immune. imunisasi immunization. imunitas immunity. imunologi immunology. inang 1 (biol.) wet nurse, nursemaid. 2 female trader. inap spend the night, stay overnight. inaugurasi inauguration. inayah (isl.) help, aid, assistance. incar drill, borer. incaran 1 aim. 2 target, thing aimed at. inci inch.


indah 1. (mengindahkan) heed, pay attention to. 2 beautiful, attractive. indeks 1 index. 2 (fin.) price increase. inden 1. pivot. 2. partially prepaid. independen independent. indera 1 the god indra. 2 the gods. indikasi 1 indication. 2 suspicion that s.o. is a communist. indikator indicator. individu an individual. individual individual. individualisasi individualization. individualisir individualize. individualisme individualism. individualistis individualistic. individualitas individuality. indo a eurasian. (indo-belanda) o. who is of dutch and indonesian parentage. indonesia 1 Indonesia, Indonesian. 2 Indonesian language. induk 1 mother (animals). 2 chief, main, prime. 3 s.t. that can be regarded as a mother. induksi induction, induce. induktif inductive. indung 1 mother (of animals). 2 the thing from which s.t. else springs. industri industry. industry, industrial affairs. industrialisasi industrialization. infanteri infantry. infeksi infection. infiltrasi infiltration. (berinfiltrasi) infiltrate, carry out infiltration. infinitif (ling.) infinitive. inflasi inflation, suffer from inflation. influensa influenza. informasi information. (menginformasikan) inform s.o. informatif informative. infrastruktur infrastructure. infus infusion or intravenous feeding. infusi infusion. ingat 1 remember, recall. 2 attentive, careful. 3 plan, intend. ingatan 1 memory, remembrance. 2 thought. ingin wish, desire. (keingintahuan) curiosity. ingkar 1 reluctant, deny. 2 refuse, fail to keep o.’s word. ingus nasal mucus, snot. ingusan 1 runny-nosed. 2 inexperienced. ini this, these.

inisial 1 initial. 2 initials. inisiatif initiative. inisiator o. who initiates s.t. injak (injak-injak) 1 pedal. 2 stirrup. 3 running board. injeksi injection. injil 1 gospel. 2 new testament. inklusif inclusive. inkubasi incubation. inkubator incubator. inovasi innovation. inovatif innovative. insaf realize, understand, be aware of. insan man, human being. insang fish gills. insani human. insektisida insecticide. inseminasi insemination. insentif incentive. insiden incident. insinyur engineer. inspeksi 1 inspectorate. 2 inspection. inspektorat inspectorate. inspektur inspector. inspirasi inspiration. (menginspirasi) inspire. instalasi 1 installation (of the new chairman). 2 installation. insting instinct. institut institute. instruksi 1 instruction, directive. 2 briefing. instruktur instructor. instrumen instrument. instrumental instrumental. insya-allah (isl.) God willing. intai spy on, watch surreptitiously. intaian place from which o. can spy. intan diamond. integritas integrity. integral integral. integrasi integration. integratif integrative. intel 1intelligence. 2 intelligence agent, informer. intelek intellect. intelektual intellectual. intelektualisme intelectualism. inteligensi intelligence. intelijen 1 intelligence, intelligent. 2 intelligence service.

intens intense. intensi intention. intensif intensive. (mengintensifkan) intensify. intensifikasi intensification. intensitas intensity. interiur interior. interjeksi interjection. interlokal long distance call. intermeso intermezzo. intern internal, domestic. internasional international. internasionalisme internationalism. interogasi interrogation. (menginterogasi) interrogate. interpelasi interpellation. interpretasi interpretation. (menginterpretasikan) interpret, construe. interupsi interruption. (menginterupsi) interrupt. intervensi intervention. inti 1 kernel, nucleus. 2 gist, core. 3 filling, contents (of pie). intim intimate, close (friend). intimidasi intimidation, (mengintimidasi) intimidate. intip spy on (pengintipan) spying, surveillance. intoleran intolerant. intonasi intonation. intransitif (ling.) intransitive. intrik intrigue, conspiracy, plot. introduksi introduction. introdusir (meng-introdusir) introduce. introspeksi introspection. introversi introversion. intuisi intuition. intuitif intuitive. inventaris list of stock in a store. (penginventarisan) inventorying. inventarisasi stock taking, inventory, take stock. inventarisir (menginventarisir) to inventory. inversi inversion. investasi investment. (menginvestasikan) invest. investigasi investigation. investor investor. invitasi 1 invitation. 2 invitational. ionisasi ionization.


ipar brother, sister, or cousin-in-law. irama rhythm, cadence. iri jealous of s.o.’s attainment or status, full of envious resentment. irian new guinea. irigasi irrigation. (mengirigasikan) irrigate. irit economical, frugal. (meng-,meng-kan) economize on, save. iritasi irritation. ironi irony. ironis ironic. isap 1 suck. 2 smoke. 3 absorb (of liquid). isapan s.t inhaled or sucked . isbat (isl.) 1 confirmation, ratification. 2 positive. iseng do s.t. for fun, do s.t. without any serious purpose. isi 1 contents. 2 volume, capacity, 3 substance. islam islam. islamisasi islamization. isolasi 1 cellophane tape. 2 isolation. isolate. isolasionisme isolationism. isolir 1 isolate. 2 insulate. israfil (isl.) angel of great size who will blow the trumpet on the last day.


istana palace, castle. istiadat custom, tradition. istigfar (isl.) utter astaghfirullah to ask god’s forgiveness thereby. istilah technical term. (peristilahan) terminology. istimewa 1 special, extraordinary, different from others. 2 special, better than normal. istiqlal (isl.) liberty, freedom, independence. istirahat 1 rest. 2 pause, break, intermission, recess. istri wife, married woman. (ber-istri) have a wife, be married. isu 1 issue, problem. 2 rumors. isyarat sign, signal, hint. itik duck. itikad 1 conviction. 2 determination, will. itu 1 that, those. 2 the. 3 there. iuran 1 contribution. 2 subscription, levy. 3 premium. 4 dues. izin 1 permission. 2 permit, license, franchise.

J jabang-bayi 1 newborn baby. 2 (jv.) exclamation of great surprise. jabat tangan shake hands. jabatan 1 function is to take care of foreign visitors. 2 position, post. jadi 1 become, get. 2 so, therefore, thus, hence. 3 end up doing s.t. jadi - jadian 1 an animal with supernatural powers which is owned by s.o and visible only to its owner 2 imitation . jadinya 1 outcome 2 consequently . jadwal 1 schedule. 2 table, list. jaga 1 wake up. 2 guard, watchman. 3 be on duty (of pharmacist, physician) 4 preserve. 5 be on the lookout for. jagal small-scale trader. (ber-jagal) trade in retail goods, hawk wares. jagat world. (se-jagat) universal, world-wide. jago 1 cock, rooster. 2 gamecock. 3 champion, athlete. 4 candidate. 5 charismatic leader of a group. jagung 1. corn, maize. 2. [Jaksa Agung] attorney general. jahat bad, wicked, evil. jahe ginger. jahil 1 stupid, ignorant, unenlightened. 2 (isl.) ignorance of religion’s teachings. 3 cruel. 4 rascal, scamp. jahiliah (isl.) age of pagan ignorance preceding the islam era. jahit sew, sewing. jail mischievous, sneaky. (menjail-i) mistreat, pick on s.o. jaiz allowed but not required. jajah 1 colonize, take over. 2 traverse, tour. jajak probe, sound out. 2 fathom, take soundings, plumb. jajal try, test. jajan 1 a sweet, anack. 2 eat snacks. 3 patronize a prostitute. jajar row, line. jajaran 1 row, line. 2 series. 3 array.

jaka bachelor. jaket jacket, sport coat. jakpot jackpot. jaksa public prosecutor, district attorney. jala net (men-jala) fish with a casting net. jalan 1 road, path, street. 2 course s.t. follows. jalar creeping. jalin 1 weave, plait together. 2 make s.t. be closer or more intense. 3 compose. jalinan 1 s.t. braided, wickerwork. 2 combination. jalu cock’s spur. jalur 1 strip, stripe. 2 traffic lane. 3 track. jam 1 hour. 2 o’clock. 3 time for doing s.t. 4 watch, clock. jaman period, epoch. (se-jaman) coeval. jambak 1 bunch. 2 tuft (of hair). jambu rose-apple. jamban privy, toilet, latrine, closet. jambang 1 vase, pot. 2 large earthen cooking pot. jambe areca nut. jambore jamboree. jambret o. who snatches purses, jewelry, etc. jambrud emerald. jambu fruit, the rose-apple. jambul 1 tuft, plume (on horse). 2 crest (on bird). 3 front wave, tuft of hair. jambul-jambul cowlick. jami (masjid-jami) (isl.) principal mosque. jamiah 1 gathering. 2 association. jamin 1 guarantor. 2 guarantee, security. jamu 1 guest. 2 meal, offering. (jamuan) dishes and drinks served to guests. 2. medicines made from medicinal herbs. jamur mushroom, fungus (berjamur) be covered with mold. jan. [Januari] january. janda widow, widower. (kejandaan) widowhood. jangan 1 do not. 2 should not.


jangat 1 skin, hide. 2 rind. 3 bark. 4 rawhide rope. janggal 1 awkward, clumsy. 2 improper, indecent, odd. janggut 1 beard. 2 chin. jangka 1 (tech.) compass for describing circles, etc. 2 period of time. 3 phase. jangkah step, stride. jangkar 1 anchor. 2 roots that begin above ground. jangkau 1 reach. 2 reach to. 3 reach for. 4 reach out. 5 reach out, extend to. jangkauan 1 reach. 2 extent, scope, range. jangkit 1 be contagious. 2 spread. 3 contagious, infectious. jangkung 1 heron. 2 tall, long-legged. janin fetus, embryo. janji 1 promise, agreement, agree. 2 condition. 3 engagement, appointment. jantan 1 male, masculine. 2 bold, valiant. 3 dashing, valiant. jantung 1 heart. 2 the heart as the seat of the emotions. jantungan 1 suffer a heart attack. 2 heart disease. januari January. janur young coconut leaf. japit tongs,clamp. jarak 1. distance between, gap, space 2. castor oil plant. jarang 1 rare, scare. 2 infrequently, rarely, seldom. 3 spaced, wide apart. jari 1 finger / toe 2 digit. 3 digit-like projection. jaring dragnet or seine, net used in sports. jaringan 1 net. 2 network. 3 tissue. jarum 1 needle. 2 pin. 3 hand of clock, pointer. 4 trick, ruse. jas coat. jasa 1 merit. 2 service. 3 commendable or meritorious service. jasad 1 body. 2 organism. (jasad-renik) microorganism. jasmani body. jasmaniah bodily. (kebutuhan jasmaniah) physical needs. jatah 1 allotment, allocation. 2 quota. 3 bribe. jati hardwood tree, teak. jatim [Jawa Timur] East Java. jatuh 1 fall. 2 fall (of prices, govt.). 3 fall from a high position. 4 fail, flunk.


jauh 1. far, distant, remote. 2 far, by far. (sejauh) as far as. jawab reply, answer, response. jaya 1 victory. 2 victorious, glorious. 3 prosperous. jebak trap. jebakan trap, snare. jeblos give way. jebol 1 broken down. 2 perforated. jebolan 1 dropout or graduate. 2 ex, former. jeda 1 rest, respite, take a rest. 2 caesura. 3 juncture. jegal (men-jegal) stop, intercept s.o. jejak 1.trail, track 2 footstep, footprint. 3 wake. 4 straight, erect. jejaka 1 youth, young man. 2 bachelor, unmarried young man. jelajah analyze, examine, investigate, explore. jelalat glance. (jelalatan) glance about, ogle. jelang 1 call on, 2 visit. 3. to. 4 around, toward. 5 approach. jelantah oil that has been used for frying and will be reused. jelas 1 clear, distinct. 2 unequivocal, explicit. jelek 1 ugly. 2 bad, evil. 3 bad, poor in quality, not good. jeli 1 charming, ravishing, beautiful. 2 sharp (in observation). jelita 1 lovely, sweet. 2 graceful, charming, beautiful. loveliness. jelititan look around in a confused way. jelma assume a form, transform. jelmaan 1 incarnation, creation. 2 transformation. jelujur 1 baste. 2 tie or stitch together. jemaah 1 community, assembly. 2 congregation. jemari finger. jembatan 1 bridge. 2 bridge, bond between. jembel 1 poor, shabby, squalid. 2 wanderer, hobo, tramp. jempol 1 thumb. 2 thumbs up, tops, first rate. jemput 1 a pinch. 2 a little bit of s.t. jemputan 1 pick up service, limousine. 2 laundry on the line or in the sun. jemu 1 tired. 2 sick of, fed up with. jemur 1 sunbathe. 2 dry in the sun. 3 dried rice plant. jemuran 1 items being dried. 2 the wash, laundry.

jenak 1 a moment. (sejenak) an instant. 2 (jv.) 1) comfortable 2) sound asleep. jenasah corpse, cadaver. jendela window. (jendela-geser) sliding window. jenderal 1 general. 2 general, comprehensive. jengger cock’s comb. (berjengger) have a comb. jenggot beard. (berjenggot) have a beard. jengkal span. jengkel annoyed, irritated, irked. jenguk look or peer out. jenis 1 kind, sort, genre. 2 species, race.3 gender. jenjang 1 ladder, scaffold, trellis. 2 stairs, staircase, flight of stairs. jenuh 1 surfeited, having had too much of s.t., sick and tired. 2 saturated. jepang japan, japanese. jepret sound of clicking or snapping. (jepretan) stapler. jera 1 be cured of a habit, learn o.’s lesson. 2 wary, chary, leery. jeram rapids, cataracs. jerami 1 dried rice stalks. 2 straw. jerapah giraffe. jerat 1 snate, lasso. 2 ruse, trick. jeratan noose, trap. jerawat pimple, blackhead, acne. jerit 1 a scream, shriek. 2 clamor. 3 strong complaint. jerman German, Germany. jernih 1 clear. pure. make s.t. clear, clear up. 2 purify, cleanse, purification. jeruji 1 trellis, grating, lattice. 2 grating, iron bars. jeruk orange, citrus fruit. jerumus 1 drop s.t. on its face. 2 make s.t. fall down or into a hole. jewer 1 pull or tweak s.o.’s ear. 2 reprimand, scold s.o. jidat forehead. jihad (isl.) holy war. (berjihad) engage in a holy war. jihat side. jijik 1 repugnant, abhorrent, nauseating. 2 disgusted, nauseated. jika,jikalau 1 if. 2 when. jilat lick jilat-jilat purr.

jilbab head-scarf, veil. jilid volume. (ber-jilid) bound. (men-jilid) bind jimak coitus, sexual intercourse. jimat charm, talisman, amulet. jin 1 genie. 2 evil spirit. 3. gin. jinak 1 tame, domesticated (of animals) 2 gentle, docile, moderate. 3 (med.) benign (of tumor). jingga colors ranging from orange to bright red. jinjit 1. stand on tiptoes. 2. (men-jinjit) carry in the hand. jiplak 1 copy. 2 cheat on an exam, crib. 3 plagiarize. jiplakan 1 a copy. 2 plagiarism, imitation that pretends to be the real thing. jiwa 1 soul, spirit. 2 spirit, the principle behind s.t. 3 inhabitant. jkt. [jakarta] jakarta. jln. [jalan] street, road. jml. [jumlah] amount. jodoh 1 marriage, partner, mate. 2 match, be a match, be a mate. joget dance. joglo steep upper section of roof of traditional java mansion. joki (sport.) jockey. jompo old, decrepit, infirm. jongkok ber-, (menjongkok) squat. (berjongkok-jongkok) be obsequious. jongkong dugout canoe. jorok dirty, untidy. (men-jorok) stick out, project, protrude. jotos fist. jotosan boxing, fisticuffs. jual sell, sale. juang struggle. (medan-juang) battlefield. (berjuang) fight, struggle. fighter. jubah long robe. jubir (jurubicara) spokesperson. judi gambling. (penjudi) gambler. judo judo. judul 1 title. 2 caption 3 credits. 4 heading. juga 1 also, too. 2 even if. 3 no matter what, how, who, etc. 4 rather. 5 anyway. jujur honest, on the level. (kejujuran) honesty, integrity. juluk named, called. (julukan) sobriquet, nickname.


julur stick out. jumlah 1 sum, amount, total. 2 number, quantity. 3 number. jumpa meet. jumput a pinch of s.t. jungkir (jungkir-balik) 1 upside-down 2 turn a somersault. 3 be in a dither. (menjungkir) flip over. juni june. junjung have a husband . junjungan 1 o. who is esteemed. 2 adoration. 3 pole for climbing plants. juragan 1 boss 2 owner of an enterprise. jurang ravine, gorge, chasm. (jurangkenistaan) the depths of misery.


juri jury. (men-juri) be amember of the jury in a competition. jurnalis journalist, reporter. jurnalistik journalism. juru skilled worker. (juru-bicara) spokesman, spokeswoman. jurus 1. step, movements in martial arts. 2. moment. jus 1. sound of steam locomotive. 2.deuce. 3. juice. men-jus make a drink justru exactly, precisely. juta million. (jutaan) millions. jutawan millionaire. juz (isl.) section of the koran, article.

K kabag [Kepala Bagian] administrative section head kabar news, report, message. kabel cable, cord. kabilah nomadic tribe. kabin (naut.) cabin. (kabin-pengemudi) (av.) cockpit. kabinet 1 cabinet (for medicine). 2 governmental cabinet. kabul answered, granted (of prayer, request). kabung white mourning headband. kabupaten regency, area headed by a bupati. kabur 1 vague, blurred, fading, unclear. 2 run off, flee. kabut mist, haze, fog. kaca 1 glass. 2 mirror. 3 (jv.) page of book. kacang pea, bean, peanut. (kacang-asin) salted peanuts. (kacang kapri) peas. (kacang kedelai) soybean. kacapiring gardenia. kacau 1 in disorder, in an uproar. 2 confused (mind, situation). 3 in disarray. kadal lizard. kadang sometimes. (kadang-kala) occasionally, once in a while. kadar 1 degree, content. 2 standard, level, amount, value, quality. kadas skin fungus causing white blotches. kader 1 cadre. 2 framework. kaderisasi forming of cadres. kades [Kepala Desa] village head. kado gift, present. kafe café kafein caffeine. kafetaria cafeteria, canteen kafilah 1 desert caravan. 2 (mil.) convoy, column, contingent. kafir infidel, unbeliever, unbeliever. kagak (jkt.) no, not. kaget startled, surprised, shocked. kagok clumsy, awkward.

kagum amazed, astonished, struck with amusement and admiration. kaidah 1 norm, rule. 2 principle. 3 theorem. kail hook and line for fishing. (pengkail) angler. kain 1 cloth, fabric, material. 2 sarong. kaisar 1 emperor. 2 caesar. (kekaisaran) empire. kait 1 hook, barb. 2 catch. kaji knowledge, teaching (religious). (mengkaji) study kakak 1 older sibling or cousin. 2 term of address or reference for a person older than the speaker. kakanda (lit.) elder brother or sister. kakang (jv.) elder brother. kakao cocoa. kakatua cockatoo. kakek 1 grandfather or grand-uncle. 2 term of address for an old man. kaki foot, leg. kaktus cactus. kaku 1 stiff, rigid. 2 clumsy, awkward, ungainly. kakung (jv.) male. kakus privy, latrine. kala 1 1) time, era, period, age. 2) tense. 2 scorpion. kalah 1 defeated, beaten. 2 lose. 3 inferior to. kalajengking scorpion. kalam 1 pen 2 (lit.) writing instrument. 3. word, saying. kalang-kabut confused, chaotic. kalangan 1 circle, arena. 2 realm. 3 circle. kalap possessed by an evil spirit. kalau 1 if. 2 when. 3 as for..., in the case of... kalawarta 1 magazine, periodical. 2 bulletin. kalbu 1 heart. 2 mind. kaldu broth, stock. kalender calendar. kaleng 1 tin can. 2 tin. 3 tin plate.


kalian you. kaliber 1 caliber. 2 importance, class. kalifah (isl.) 1 caliph. 2 caliphate. kaligrafi calligraphy. kalimat sentence. kalium potassium. kalkulasi calculation. kalkulator calculator. kalkun turkey. kalor heat. kalori calorie. kalsium calcium. kalung necklace. kalut confused, chaotic. kamar room, chamber. kambing goat. (kambing-domba) sheep. (mengkambing-hitamkan) make the scapegoat. kamboja tree, frangipani. kambuh have or suffer a relapse. kambut woven basket. kamera camera. kameraman cameraman. kami we, us, our. kamis thursday. kampak axe. kampanye campaign. kampung 1 village. 2 suburban. kampus campus. kamu you. (kamu-sekalian) all of you. kamuflase camouflage. kamus dictionary, lexicon. kanak child. (kanak-kanak) childhood. kanal 1 canal. 2 channel. kanan 1 right. 2 rightist. kanan-luar outside right. kancil 1 mouse deer. 2 a clever individual. kancing 1 button. (kancing-jepret) snap. 2 push button. kandang 1 stable, stall, pen. 2 place to keep vehicles, boats, etc. kandas 1 run aground, founder. 2 fail. kandidat candidate. kandungan 1. uterus, womb 2.contents kangen long for, miss s.t. kangkung 1 leafy vegetable, us growing in water. 2 large frog or toad. kanguru kangaroo. kanibal cannibal.


kanji 1 starch. 2 China characters used in Japanese. kanker cancer. (kanker ganas) malignant tumor. kano canoe. kanon 1. cannon 2. rent for a plot of ground. kanopi canopy. kanselir chancellor. kantin canteen, us. attached to a workplace. kantor 1 office. 2 office, agency. kantuk sleepiness, drowsiness. meng-kantuk feel sleepy. kantung 1 pocket. 2 bag, pouch. kanvas 1 canvas. 2 floor of boxing ring. kaos 1 sock, stocking. 2 singlet, undershirt, t-shirt. kapabilitas capability. kapak axe. kapal 1 ship, boat, vessel. 2 1) callous. 2) stubborn, incentive. kapan when? (kapan-saja) any time (kapankapan) another time. kapas 1 cotton. 2 cotton plant. 3 fleece. 4 (med.) cotton, gauze. kapital capital. kapitalis capitalist. kapitalisme capitalism. kaporit chlorine. kaprah usual, ordinary. kapsul 1 capsule. 2 hair piece. kapten captain. kapuk 1 kapok. 2 kapok tree. 3 rice granary or barn. kapur lime. (kapur-barus) 1 camphor. 2 mothballs. 3 calcium. karakter character. karakteristik characteristic. karam 1 be shipwrecked, founder, go under. 2 fail, founder. karambol billiards game. karang coral, coral reef, atoll. (karang-gigi) tartar. karantina quarantine. karapan-sapi bull race. karat 1 stain, rust. 2. 1) carat. 2) quality. 3) value. karate karate. karavan (auto.) caravan, camper. karawitan gamelan music and singing accompanied by a gamelan.

karbit carbide. karbohidrat carbohydrate. karbol 1 carbolic acid. 2 Indonesian air force cadet. karbon carbon. karbonaci baking powder. karburator carburetor. karcis ticket, calling card. kardamunggu cardamom. kardinal cardinal. kardiograf cardiographs. kardiografi cardiography. kardiogram cardiogram. kardiolog cardiologist. kardiologi cardiology. kardus 1 cardboard. 2 cardboard box. karedok cooked vegetable salad. karena 1 because, because of. 2 reason, cause. karesidenan residency. karet 1 rubber, elastic. 2 condom. karib close, intimate friend. karier career. karikatur caricature. karismatik charismatic. karma s.t. that happens to o. because of deeds in a previous life. karnaval carnival. karnivor carnivore. karpet rug, carpet. karsa wish, intention. karsa-dan karya will and work. kartografi cartography. karton 1 carton. 2 cardboard, hardboard. kartu 1 card. 2 playing card. kartun cartoon. kartunis cartoonist. karung bag, sack. karunia gift, grant from above. (mengkarunia-i) favor, reward s.o. karya 1 work, opus. 2 work, labor, activity. 3 creation. karyawan white collar worker, official employee. karyawati female white collar worker, official employee. kas 1 cash, money supply. 2 case. kasa gauze. kasap coarse, rough to the touch. kasar 1 coarse, rough, rugged. 2 crude. 3 coarse, uncouth.

kasasi the jurisdiction of the highest court beyond which there is no appeal. kasatmata in plain view. kasbon cash receipt. kaset cassette. kasih love, affection. kasir cashier. kasmaran smitten with love. kasta caste in society. kasti children’s game similar to baseball. kasur mattress. kasus case, example. kasut slipper. kata 1 word. 2 says, said. katak 1 frog, toad. 2 short, stocky, thick set. katalogisasi cataloging of books. katarak cataract. katedral cathedral. kategori category. kategoris categorical. katolik catholic. katrol pulley. (pengkatrolan) lifting, hoisting. katun cotton, cloth. katup 1 valve. 2 shut tight. kaum 1 community. 2 family, clan. 3 ethnic group. kausa causa, movement. kaveling lot, parcel of land. kawah 1 cauldron, kettle. 2 crater. kawal 1 guard, sentry, watchman. 2 watch. kawan 1 friend, comrade. 2 companion. kawasan region, area, sphere. kawat 1 wire, filament. 2 cable, telegram. kawin 1 be married. 2 copulate. kaya 1 wealthy, rich, well-to-do, well-off. 2 rich, having in abundance. kayangan 1 abode of the hindu gods. 2 heaven. kayu 1) wood, timber. 2) tree. kayuh 1 bolt. 2 paddle. 3 bicycle pedal. ke to, going to. (ke-atas) upward. (ke-bawah) downward. keabadian 1 durability, permanence. 2 eternity, perpetuity. keabnormalan abnormality. keabsahan validity, legality. keadaan situation, condition. keadilan 1 justice, justness. 2 judicature. keagamaan religious, religiousness.


keagungan 1 grandeur, majesty. 2 greatness, mastery. keahlian expertise, skill, competence, knowhow. keajaiban 1 miracle. 2 mystery, wonder. 3 remarkableness. keakbaran exaltation, elevation, glorification. keakraban 1 intimacy, familiarity. 2 solidarity. keaktifan being active. keakuan egoism. keakuran 1 conformity. 2 harmony. keamanan 1 safety, security. 2 peacefulness, tranquility. keampuhan 1 magical power, potency. 2 flooded, inundated. keanehan 1 oddity, peculiarity. 2 idiosyncrasy. keanekaan variety. keanekaragaman variety, diversity. keanekawarnaan variety, miscellany, assortment. keanggunan 1 grace, elegance. 2 affectation. 3 haughtiness, aloofness. keangkara-murkaan ruthlessness, evilness. keangkaraan 1 greed, covetousness. 2 ruthlessness. keangkuhan 1 arrogance, conceit. 2 vanity. kearifan 1 learning, wisdom. 2 ability. kearsipan 1 archival matters. 2 records. kebal 1 invulnerable. 2 immune. 3insentive. kebangetan excessively, terribly, overly. kebaya a kind of woman’s blouse. kebendaan 1 matter. 2 material, physical, substantive. 3 material wealth. keberadaan existence. keberangkatan departure. keberhasilan success kebersamaan togetherness. keberuntungan luckiness. kebiri 1 castrated, neutered. 2 emasculated. keblinger 1 confused, dizzy. 2 come to thing the wrong way about s.t. kebrutalan brutality. kebun garden. (kebun-binatang) zoo. (kebunbunga) flower garden. (kebun-raya) the botanical garden. kebut 1 drive at excessive speed. 2 race, have a drag race. kec. [kecamatan] sub district. kecak make a smacking sound while eating to express astonishment or call an animal.


kecam 1 criticize. 2 investigate, consider carefully. 3 write a criticism of. kecambah shoot, sprout. (per-kecambah-an) germination. kecap 1 soybean sauce 2 sound of smacking the tongue. 3 word. kecapi 1 stringed instrument. 2. sour fruit grown commercially in some areas. kecebong 1 tadpole. 2 chitchat, small talk. kecelakaan 1 accident, mishap. 2 bad luck. kecele disappointed, fail to meet s.o. or find s.o. at home and feel bad about it. kecenderungan 1 inclination, preference. 2 tendency, willingness. 3 trend. kecewa 1 disappointed. 2 fail to meet the success o. had been expecting. kecil 1 small. 2 little, young. 3 minor, insignificant, trivial. kecimpung 1 splash around. 2 plunge into an activity. keciput small cake sprinkled with sesame seeds. kecoh spit s.t. out. kecoh-an cuspidor. kecuali 1 except, but. 2 aside from, besides. kecubung 1 a kind of poisonous plant, the jimson. 2 cone-shaped. kecup sound of a kiss. (kecup-an) kiss. kedai shop, small place that sells s.t. or serves food. kedaluwarsa 1 superannuated. 2 barred by statute of limitations. kedap 1 hermetical, impermeable, watertight. (kedap-abu) dustproof. kedelai soybean. kedip 1 wink. 2 flicker. kedirgantaraan aerospace affairs. kedok 1 mask. 2 disguise, cover. (ber-kedok) wear a mask, masked. kedondong tree with edible, but fibrous, sour, plum-like fruit sometimes eaten cooked. kedosenan having to do with lecturers. kedubes [Kedutaan Besar] embassy. kedutaan embassy. kegemaran 1 o.’s hobby, amusement. 2 fondness, passion. kegemukan too fat, overweight. kegencaran 1 too fast, too often. 2 rapidity. kegendutan 1 corpulence. 2 too fat. kegenitan coquettishness. kegerahan 1 suffer from sultry weather. 2 mugginess.

kegerejaan ecclesiastical, concerning the church. kegetolan industry, industriousness, diligence. kegiatan 1 energy, ardor. 2 activity. kegigihan persistence, perseverance. kegoblokan stupidity, folly. kegoncangan 1 jolt, jarring. 2 shock. kegundahan depression, dejection, despondency. kehadiran presence, attendance. kehampaan 1 emptiness. 2 disappointment. 3 vacuum. kehancuran destruction. keharuman 1 fragrance. 2 fame, renown. keharusan 1 necessity, requirement. 2 imperative, must. kehausan 1 suffer thirst, be thirsty. 2 thirst, thirstiness. kehendak wish, desire. keheningan 1 clarity, purity. 2 stillness, silence, quietness. keheranan 1 wonder, miracle. 2 be amazed. kehewanan pertaining to animals. kehilangan 1 suffer from a loss. 2 loss. kehukuman legal, juridical. kehutanan forestry. keibu - ibuan feminine, motherly. keimaman catholic priesthood. keimigrasian matters pertaining to immigration. keindividuan individuality. keinflasian suffer from inflation. keistimewaan 1 peculiarity. 2 special treatment. kejadian 1 creation, genesis 2 incident , event , occurrence. kejahanaman accused experience. kejahatan 1 evil, wickedness. 2 felony, misdeed, crime. kejaksaan 1 office of the counsel for the prosecution. 2 attorney. 3 judiciary. kejam 1 closed. 2 evil, cruel, brutal. 3 stingy, miserly. kejang 1 stiff. 2 in convulsions, seized with a camp or spasm. kejangkitan 1 contaminated, infected, smitten by. 2 smitten by. kejap a wink of the eye, blink. (se-kejap mata) a second. kejar 1 chase 2 race 3 pursue. kejasmanian materialism.

kejauhan 1 distance, distant place. 2 too far. kejayaan 1 glory, fame. 2 prosperity, wealth. kejelian carefulness of observation or work. keji despicable, shameful, contemptible. kejiwaan spiritual, psychic, psychological. keju cheese (keju-kacang) peanut butter. kejuruan 1 vocational. 2 vocation, trade. kejut 1 frightened, scared. 2 startled. (kejutan) jolt, shock. kekacauan chaos, confusion, disorder. kekafiran infidel state, paganism. kekal 1 eternal, everlasting. 2 durable, lasting. 3 colorfast. kekalapan confusion, bewilderment. kekanak - kanakan childish. kekandasan failure. kekang 1 bridle, reins. 2 restraint, curb. kekasih beloved, sweetheart. kekeh (terkekeh-kekeh) laugh loudly. kekekalan 1 constancy. 2 durability. 3 eternality kekeliruan error, mistake, fault. kekentalan viscosity, thick consistency. kekenyangan 1 satiation. 2 too full, overly full. kekerabatan 1 kinship. 2 genetic relationship. kekhasan special characteristics. kekhianatan treason, betrayal. kekhidmatan solemnity, respectfulness, obedience. kekhilafan mistake, error, slip. kekocakan 1 hilarity. 2 smartness. 3 being arrogant. kekompakan 1 compactness. 2 harmony, solidarity. 3 togetherness, cohesiveness. kekunoan 1 conservatism. 2 antiquity. kelabang 1 centipede. 2 braid (of hair). kelabu gray, ash colored. keladi 1 taro. 2 caladium (tua-tua-keladi) the older o. gets the worse he is. kelagepan chore. kelahi quarrel, argument, fight. (berkelahi) fight with the fists, clash, fight over. kelainan 1 difference, deviation. 2 aberration, anomaly, disorder. kelak 1 later. 2 bird, cuckoo-dove. kelakuan 1 deed, act. 2 behavior, demeanor. kelam 1 dull, overcast. 2 dark, obscure. 3 dim. 4 clamp.


kelambanan 1 indolence. 2 torpor, inertia. 3 laziness. 4 awkwardness, clumsiness. kelambu mosquito net. kelamin 1 pair, couple. 2 sex, gender. kelana wanderer, rover. (ber-, meng-) roam, wander. kelancangan 1 presumption, effrontery. 2 impudence, insolence. kelangkang crotch, groin. kelapa coconut. (kelapa-gading) coconut with yellow-colored hull. kelapa-kering 1 copra. 2 desiccated coconut. kelaparan 1 hunger. 2 famine, starvation. 3 be famished. kelar 1 ready, done, finished. 2 settled, in order, arranged. kelas 1 class. 2 classroom. 3 grade. kelayap roam the streets. keledai donkey, ass. kelelawar cave bat. keleluasan freedom. kelengahan 1 neglectfulness, inattentiveness. 2 idleness, carelessness. kelengkeng 1 longan 2 small hornbill. kelenjar gland. kelenjar-air mata tear duct. kelenjar-susu mammary gland. kelenjar-getah bening lymph gland. kelenjar-gondok thyroid gland. kelenteng 1 china temple. 2 pagoda. kelentikan suppleness, pliability. kelepak sound of a hand slapping s.t. kelereng marbles. (ber-kelereng) play or shoot marbles. kelezatan 1 taste. 2 delicacy. 3 infatuated, enamored. 4 enjoyment, pleasure. kelicikan 1 cunning, wiliness, ability to twist words. 2 artifice, scheme. kelihatan 1 visible, in sight. 2 discernible. keliling 1 circumference, area around. 2 periphery. 3 surroundings. (berkeliling) go around. kelilipan get s.t. in the eye. kelima 1 5th. 2 the fifth. kelimpungan confused, distraught. kelincahan 1 liveliness, friskiness. 2 agility. kelinci rabbit, hare. (kelinci-percobaan) guinea pig. kelingking little finger, pinkie. (kelingkingkaki) little toe. kelinting small bell.


kelintingan tinkle. kelintung rattle. keliru 1 wrong, erroneous. 2 be mistaken, make a mistake. kelola 1 manage. 2 carry out, execute. kelompok 1 group. 2 cluster. 3 category. kelontong 1 bamboo clapper 2 peddler. 3 sundries, five-and-dime goods. kelopak sheath (kelopak-bunga) sepal. keluar 1 go or come out. 2 exit, leave, go off. 3 turn out to be. keluaran 1 s.t. produced, output. 2 graduate. 3 exodus. keluarga 1 family. 2 relative. 3 genus. 4 group of people like a family. kelubung cover, veil. kelucuan 1 humor, joking. 2 cuteness. kelugasan 1 matter-of-factness, efficiency. 2 simplicity, unaffectedness. keluh 1 sigh, moan. 2 complaint. keluhuran 1 grandeur, majesty. 2 nobleness. kelupaan 1 forget s.t. 2 forgetfulness. kelupas get peeled off. kemacetan 1 jamming, sticking, stagnation. 2 stoppage, shutdown. kemah 1 tent. 2 camp. 3 awning aboard ship. kemahakuasaan almightiness. kemakmuran prosperity. kemalangan 1 bad luck, calamity, distress. 2 struck by disaster or bad luck. kemalingan 1 robbed. 2 theft, robbery. kemampuan 1ability, capability. 2 prosperity. kemanjaan comforting, familiarity. kemanten newlywed, bride or bridegroom. kemanusiaan 1 humanity, being a human. 2 human nature. 3 humanism. kemarahan 1 fury, anger, wrath. 2 very angry. kemarau 1 dray. 2 dry season. 3 (fin.) having no money. kemari come here. kemarin 1 yesterday. 2 in the past. kemaron earthenware water jug. kemas 1 orderly, well kept, cleared away. 2 crated, boxed. kemasukan 1 possessed. 2 entered accidentally, have s.t. manage to get into it. kemasyarakatan social. kemasyhuran fame, renown. kembali 1 return, revert to. 2 once again. 3 you are welcome. 4 change.

kembang flower. kembar 1 twin. 2 in duplicate. 3 identical. 4 match, twin. kembung filled with air, puffed up, puffing, fill. kemegahan greatness, glory. kemeja western-style shirt. kemekaran efflorescence. kemenakan nephew, niece. kemenangan victory. kemenyan incense derived from gum benzoin. kemerdekaan freedom, liberty, independence. kemerduan sweetness of voice. kemesraan 1 absorption. 2 love, feeling of being intimate. kemih urine. kemilau sheen, shiny, shining. kemiliteran military. keminusan unproductiveness. kemiringan declivity, slope. kemiskinan poverty, destitution. kemolekan loveliness, beauty. kemucing feather duster. kemudi 1 helm, rudder. 2 steering wheel. 3 reins. kemukus pepper, the cubeb. kemuliaan dignity, magnificence, pomp, glory. kemunduran 1 decline, decrease. 2 deterioration. 3 cutback (in production). kemuning 1 yellow. 2 tree producing beautiful yellow wood. kemurnian 1 purity, genuineness. 2 chastity. kena 1 be touched adversely, struck, hit. 2 (coll., jv.) be allowed. kenal 1 know, be familiar. 2 be acquainted with. kenan 1 birthmark. 2 (ber-kenan) have the pleasure of , be so kind as to. kenang-kenangan 1 souvenir, gift 2 remembrances, fond memories. 3 ideals of the past. kenanga a shrub the flowers of which produce oils for perfume. kenapa 1 why. 2 what happened to. kenari 1 the canari tree and its nuts. (kenaribelanda) almond. 2 canary. kencan 1 date, appointment. 2 date. kencana (lit.) gold. kencang 1 fast, quick, speedy. 2 taut, tight. 3 selling well.

kencing 1 urine. 2 urinate. (kencing-batu) kidney stone. (kencing-darah) blood in the urine. (kencing-manis) diabetes. (kencingnanah) gonorrhea. kendala constraint, obstacle. kendali reins. kendang small drum covered with leather at each end kendaraan 1 vehicle. 2 mount. kendat interruption. kendati 1 although. 2 not to mention, much less. kendil (jv.) pot for cooking rice. kendit 1 cloth belt, sash. 2 girdle. kenikmatan 1 bliss, enjoyment. 2 comfort, amenity. 3.the privilege of benefiting from s.t. kening 1 brow, forehead. 2 eyebrow. kental 1 thick (liquid). 2 strong (coffee). 3 close (of friendship). kentang potato. kentongan drum made from bamboo or wood which is struck to sound an alarm. kentut 1 flatus, stomach gas. 2 break wind, fart. kenyal 1 tough, rubbery (of meat). 2 elastic (of fiber). kenyamanan 1 freshness, fit feeling. 2 pleasure. 3 comfort. kenyang 1 satisfied, sated. 2 saturated. keonaran 1 confusion, boisterousness. 2 sensation. 3 disturbance. keong 1 snail. 2 shape of snail’s shell, coil, or spiral. kep. 1 [keputusan] decision, decree. 2 [kepulauan] archipelago. kepabrikan industrialization. kepahlawanan heroism. kepal 1 lump, clod. 2 fist. (se-kepal) a handful or fistful. kepala 1 head. 2 head, brain. 3 leader, head, chief executive. kepandaian cleverness, acquirement, ability. kepang tree, the rotten xylem of which yields fragrant material. kepaniteraan secretariat. kepanjangan 1 too long. 2 length. 3 duration. 4 continuation. keparat dammit!, damned, accursed. kepasifan passivity, inaction. kepastian 1 certainty. 2 assurance. 3 for sure.


kepawangan the field of animal training. kepekaan sensitivity. kepekatan 1 thickness, concentration, density (of liquid). 2 darkness (of light). kependekan 1 abbreviation. 2 shortness. 3 too short. kependetaan clergy, ministry. kependudukan demography. kepengacaraan matters dealing with lawyers. kepengurusan management, leadership. kepentingan 1 importance. 2 interest. keperagawatian modeling. keperawanan 1 spinsterhood, maidenhood. 2 virginity. kepergian 1 departure. 2 trip, journey. 3 going, passing, death. keperosok sink in, slip into. keperwiraan heroism. kepesatan speed, momentum. kepetangan secret agent. kepiatuan orphaned. kepik 1 dented. 2 insect harmful to agriculture. kepiluan 1 sadness. 2 emotion, being moved. kepincangan 1 lameness. 2 defect. 3 imbalance. kepincut attracted, drawn to. kepinding bedbug. keping 1 chip, fragment. 2 splinter, sliver, shard. 3 counter for flat thin objects. kepingan fragment. kepintaran cleverness, skill. kepiting crab. kepleset slip. kepompong cocoon, chrysalis, pupa. keponakan nephew, niece. keppres [Keputusan Presiden] presidential decree, executive order. keprajuritan 1 military. 2 heroism. kepul billowing smoke. kepulangan action of going back. kepulauan archipelago. kepundan 1 lava. 2 crater. kepundung a tree with sour fruit similar to the lansium. kepung encircling, sit or stand around. (kepungan) encirclement, area surrounded. kepurbakalaan archaeological. kepustakaan 1 literature. 2 documents. 3 bibliography. keputrian 1 women’s affairs. 2 womanhood.


kera ape. kera-belanda proboscis monkey. kerabat relative, family. kerabunan myopia. keradikalan radicalism. keragaman variety, diversity. keraguan 1 hesitancy. 2 doubt. kerah collar. kerajaan 1 empire, kingdom. 2 royal. kerajinan 1 industry, diligence. 2 handicraft. kerak 1 crust 2 encrustation. (kerak-bumi) the earth’s crust. (kerak-besi) iron slag. kerakyatan 1 democracy, rule by the people. 2 populist. keramas shampoo. keramat 1 sacred, holy. 2 possessing supernatural qualities. 3 shrine, sacred spot. kerambil coconut. keramik ceramics. kerancuan 1 confusion. 2 contamination. keranda a bier, consisting of a framework of bamboo or wooden laths which support the cloth covering a corpse. kerang 1 cockle shells. 2 mollusks and their shells. kerangka 1 skeleton. 2 framework. 3 ship’s hull. 4 design, plan. kerangkeng 1 jail, lock up. 2 cage. 3 playpen. keranjang basket. (keranjang-pakaian) clothes hamper. (keranjang sampah) wastebasket. kerap often, frequently. kerapuhan 1 fragility. 2 brittleness, crispness. keras 1 hard. 2 solid state. 3 tight, not flexible, taut. 4 strong. kerasulan 1 attribute of a messenger of god. 2 apostolate. keraton palace, esp. of a java ruler. (kekeraton-an) having to do with the court. kerawanan crime-infested, unsafe. kerawang 1 filigree. 2 openwork. kerbau 1 water buffalo. 2 stupid person. kerdil 1 dwarf, stunted. 2 small-minded. kerekatan adhesiveness. kerelaan 1 willingness. 2 agreement, consent. 3 blessing, favor. keremehan triviality. keren 1 impressive, handsome. 2 dashing, well-dressed. 3 spirited, fast. kerendahan 1 too short. 2 lowness. kerepotan 1 stir, bustle. 2 very busy.

keresmian 1 official confirmation, official announcement. 2 of an official character. kereta carriage, cart. (kereta-api) train. (perkereta-apian) railway affairs. keributan stir, commotion, disturbance. kerikil pebble, gravel. kerinduan 1 longing, yearning. 2 favorite. kering 1 dry, dried off or up. 2 arid. 3 not lucrative, poorly paid. 4 crispy. keringanan 1 lightness. 2 relief, dispensation. keringat sweat, perspiration. keriput wrinkled, furrowed, wizened. keris kris, wavy double-bladed dagger. keriting curly, kinky. keriuhan din, clamor. kerja 1 work. 2 occupation, job. 3 activity. 4 celebration. kerjasama cooperation. kerlap glare, glistening. kerling 1. glance out of the corner of the eyes. 2. shining, gleaming, sparkling. kerlingan light given off. kerlip 1. flickering. 2. fall in love. keroncong 1 sound of clanking, jingling. 2 popular indonesian music originating from portuguese songs. kerong sound of a heavy object being shaken in a tin can. kerongkongan 1 throat. 2 gullet, esophagus, pharynx. keropos 1 porous, spongy. 2 hollow, rotten. 3 rarefied. keroyok gang up on, swarm overwhelm. (keroyok-an) attack by overwhelming numbers. kertas paper. kerubung encircling in numbers. (mengerubungi) crowd around. kerucut 1 cone. 2 conical paper wrapper. kerudung veil. (kerudung-lampu) lampshade. keruh 1 turbid, muddy. 2 disturbed, clouded. 3 restless. 4. snoring. kerukunan harmony, concord. kerumun 1 swarm over, cluster around 2 come together. (kerumunan) throng, crowd, mob. kerupawanan beauty, handsomeness. kerupuk fish or shrimp chips . kes. 1. [kesebelasan] soccer team. 2. [kesehatan] health.

kesal 1 fed up. 2 dejected. 3 piqued, peevish, cross. kesalahfahaman misunderstanding. kesalehan piety. kesamaan sameness, similarity. kesampaian achieved, accomplished. kesan 1 impression. 2 trace. kesanggupan 1 power, capability, performance. 2 readiness to do s.t. kesasar lost, strayed away. kesastraan literature. kesastrawanan matters pertaining to men of letters. kesatria 1 noble, knight. 2 acting with noble qualities. kesatuan 1 unit. 2 totality. 3 unity, oneness. kesayangan 1 pity, sorrow. 2 love, affection. 3 darling, favorite. kesebalan resentment. kesebelasan soccer team. kesederhanaan simplicity. kesediaan readiness, willingness. kesedihan sorrow, sadness. kesegaran 1 freshness. 2 health. kesehatian unanimity in ideal , emotions, etc. kesejahteraan 1 prosperity. 2 safety. kesejatian authenticity, genuineness. kesejukan 1 cold, coolness. 2 numb with cold. kesel tired, exhausted. keselamatan 1 happiness, welfare. 2 safety. 3 salvation. keseleo be sprained. keseluruhan totality, whole. kesemarakan splendor. kesembarangan arbitrariness, doing things any old way. kesembronoan frivolity, doing things without heeding the rules, recklessness. kesembuhan recovery. kesementaraan temporariness. kesemestaan totality. kesempatan 1 opportunity, occasion. 2 change. kesempitan 1 narrowness, narrowmindedness. 2 shortage. kesempurnaan 1 perfection. 2 completeness. kesemrawutan 1 chaos, lack of organization. 2 be chaotic, disorderly. kesemuaan totality. kesemuanya all of it, everything.


kesemutan go to sleep, become numb. kesenangan 1 happiness, contentment, pleasure. 2 favorite. kesendirian aloneness, solitude. kesenduan sadness. kesengajaan deliberateness, doing s.t. on purpose. kesenggangan leisureliness, leisure. kesengitan acrimony, fierceness. kesengsaraan misery, suffering, torment. kesenian thing having to do with art. kesenjangan asymmetry, discrepancy, gap. kesentosaan 1 peace, tranquility, rest. 2 safety. kesenyapan silence. kesepadanan 1 correspondence, agreement. 2 equality. kesepakatan agreement reached. kesepelean triviality. kesepian 1 solitude, loneliness. 2 deserted, lonely, quiet. keserakahan greediness. keserampangan randomness. keserba-anekaan diversity. keserentakan unison, simultaneity. keseriusan seriousness. kesesatan 1 losing o.’s way. 2 slip, digression, error. kesesuaian 1 uniformity, conformity. 2 suitability, concord, congruity, compatibility. keset doormat. kesetanan possessed. kesetia-kawanan solidarity. kesetiaan loyalty, allegiance. kesetrum get a shock (by electricity). kesewajaran 1 genuineness. 2 naturalness. kesewenang-wenangan 1 arbitrariness. 2 despotism. kesia-siaan utility, uselessness. kesiagaan readiness, preparedness. kesialan bad luck. kesiangan 1 overslept. 2 caught by daylight. 3 do s.t. late in the morning. kesiap-siagaan being prepared and alert. kesiapan readiness. kesibukan stir, bustle, activity. kesigapan 1 efficiency. 2 energy. kesimpang-siuran confusion. kesimpulan conclusion. kesinambungan continuity.


kesinisan 1 sarcasm, scorn. 2 cynicism. kesinoniman synonymy. kesintingan craziness, oddness. kesisipan 1 get a splinter under the skin. 2 get s.t. inserted into it by accident. kesombongan 1 arrogance, boasting. 2 vanity, conceit. 3 arrogant, conceited. kesopanan good manners, polite behavior. kesorean too late. kesportifan sportsmanship. kesra [Kesejahteraan Rakyat] the welfare of the people. kestabilan stability. kestatistikan matters pertaining to statistics. kesterilan sterility. kesturi musk, civet. kesuburan 1 fertility. 2 prosperity. kesucian 1 purity, chastity. 2 holiness. kesudahan 1 conclusion, result, consequence. 2 in the end, finally. kesudian willingness. kesukacitaan joy, state of being glad. kesukaran 1difficulty, hardship. 2 have difficulties, suffer hardship. kesukarelaan volunteering. kesuksesan success. kesulitan difficulty, trouble. kesultanan sultanate. kesuma 1 flower. 2 beautiful, noble. kesungguhan 1 truth, sincerity. 2 seriousness. 3 in all seriousness, earnestly. kesunyian 1 loneliness. 2 quiet, solitude. 3 feel lonely. kesupelan 1 flexibility. 2 sociability. kesuraman 1 vagueness, indistinctness. 2 dullness. kesurupan possessed. kesusahan 1 difficulty. 2 worry, grief. 3 be in trouble, have difficulties. kesusasteraan literature. kesusilaan 1 ethnics. 2 decency, morality. kesusu in a hurry, in a rush. kesusutan shrinkage, decrease. kesyahduan serenity. kesyahidan martyrdom. ketaatan loyalty, fidelity. ketabahan firmness, determination. ketagihan 1 addiction. 2 addicted to. 3 crave for. ketahanan tenacity, endurance.

ketahiran purity. ketahuan be found out, detected. ketajaman 1 too sharp. 2 sharpness. 3 acuteness. ketakaburan arrogance. ketakaran standard of living. ketakhtaan things concerning the throne. ketakhyulan belief in superstitions. ketakjuban astonishment, amazement. ketakrifan definition. ketakutan 1 fear, anxiety. 2 frightened, anxious. ketakziman matters pertaining to honor and respect. ketamakan greed. ketambahan have s.t. added to it. ketampanan handsomeness. ketampilan appearance, presence. ketan sticky or glutinous rice. ketandusan barrenness. ketangguhan 1 strength, tenacity. 2 integrity, honesty. ketangkap seized, arrested. ketangkasan adroitness, skill, dexterity. ketapel 1 catapult, slingshot. 2 a sling to catch landing planes. ketat 1 tight. 2 firm, binding 3 strict. ketauhidan o. ness ketawa laugh. (ketawa-cekikikan) giggle. ketawakalan attitude of resignation. ketebalan thickness. keteduhan 1 calm, quietness. 2 shelter, shade. 3 sheltered, shaded. ketegakan uprightness. ketegangan 1 strained situation, tension. 2 strain, stress. 3 suspense. ketegaran obstinacy, rigidity. ketegasan 1 firmness, resoluteness. 2 clearness, explicitness. 3 explanation. keteguhan 1 firmness, strength. 2 dependability. ketekoran 1 (fin.) deficit, broke. 2 be short of. ketekunan 1 diligence, application. 2 perseverance. ketela yams. (ketela-manis) sweet potato. (ketela pohon) cassava. ketelanjangan nakedness, nudity. ketelatan tardiness. ketelatenan patience.

keteledoran 1 negligence, carelessness. 2 default. ketelitian carefulness. ketempuhan 1 be responsible for. 2 be blamed. ketenagakerjaan matters pertaining to manpower. ketenangan 1 calm and quiet. 2 composure. ketenaran 1 noise. 2 popularity, fame. ketenggangan consideration. ketengikan 1 rancidity. 2 spitefulness. ketenteraman calm, tranquility. ketentuan 1 certainty. 2 stipulation. 3 determinate, clear, certain. ketepatan accuracy, exactness, precision. (ketepatan-waktu) punctuality. keterangan 1 information. 2 explanation. 3 official statement. ketergantungan 1 dependence. 2 addicted (of drugs). keterjalan steepness. keterlaluan excessive, far too much. ketertambatan attachment. ketertiban 1 orderliness, law and order. 2 correct conduct. ketertinggalan fact of having fallen behind. ketertutupan reticence. ketetapan 1 decision. 2 firmness, determination. 3 constancy, steadiness. ketiada-mampuan condition of inability to achieve or do s.t. ketiak armpit. ketiduran 1 slumber. 2 fallasleep, oversleep, doze off. ketik sound of ticking or clicking. ketika when, while (seketika) an instant, for a moment. ketimpangan 1 imbalance. 2 lameness. 3 partiality, one-sidedness. ketimuran eastern, asian. ketindihan 1 pressed down, crushed under. 2 have a cramp. ketinggalan 1 remainder. 2 be left out, inadvertently omitted. 3 be left behind. ketinggian 1 too high, very high. 2 elevated place. 3 altitude, height. 4 boastful. ketipung small drum in the gamelan ensemble. ketololan stupidity, foolishness. ketolongan 1 helped. 2 can be helped. ketombe dandruff. ketotalan totality.


ketrampilan skill, know-how. ketransmigrasian matter pertaining to organized resettlement. ketuban fetal membrane. ketubruk 1 slammed into. 2 struck, run over. ketuhanan divinity, deity. ketuk knock, tap. ketukan 1.knock, tapping sound 2 rap, blow 3 beat. ketukangan skill, craftsmanship. ketulangan have a fishbone struck in the throat. ketularan infected, contaminated. ketulenan authenticity, genuineness. ketulian suffer from deafness. ketulusan honesty, sincerity, integrity. ketumbar coriander. ketumpahan have s.t. spilled on it. ketumpukan accidentally piled on. ketumpulan bluntness, dullness. ketunakaryaan unemployment. ketunanetraan blindness. ketuntasan 1 completeness, thoroughness. 2 exhaustiveness. ketupat rice cake packet of young coconut leaves. keturunan 1 decline. 2 descent, offspring, scion. 3 generation. 4 inherit. keuangan finances, things having to do with money. keuletan tenacity, perseverance. keunggulan superiority, special quality. keunikan 1 uniqueness. 2 unique thing or phenomenon. keuntungan 1 profit. 2 luck. keutamaan 1 superiority, excellence. 2 virtue, decency, moral excellence. keutuhan totality, wholeness. keuzuran 1 suffer from weakness and illness. 2 agedness. kevakuman a situation in which a vacuum exists. kevitalan vitality. kewafatan death, demise. kewajaran fittingness. kewajiban obligation, duty. kewalahan overwhelmed, unable to handle. kewanita-wanitaan effeminate. kewarasan health. kewarganegaraan 1 citizenship. 2 civics.


kewartawanan journalist, correspondent. kewaspadaan 1 vigilance, alertness. 2 caution. kewenangan competence, authority. kewibawaan authority. kewijayaan victory. kewiraan manliness. kewiraswastaan entrepreneurship. keyakinan faith, conviction, firm belief. kg. [kilogram] kilogram. khalayak 1 creature. 2 the public. khalifah caliph. khalik (isl.) the creator. khalwat (isl.) solitude, retirement from the world, retreat. khamar (isl.) wine, liquor. kharisma charisma. kharismatik charismatic. khas 1 special, exclusive, for private use. 2 special, specific to s.t. khasiat 1 special quality or virtue, merit. 2 peculiar property. khatam 1 seal, signet ring. 2 (isl.) final, last, read through to the end. khatib (isl.) 1 preacher at the mosque. 2 a mosque official. khayal 1 fancy, vision, imagination. 2 imaginary, fiction khayalan fantasy. khazanah 1 treasure. 2 storage area for valuable objects. khianat 1 treason, betrayal. 2 treacherous. khidmat 1 respect. 2 humility, submission. khilaf 1 wrong, erroneous. 2 commit an error. mistake, error, slip. khilafiah 1 wrong. 2 uncertain. khitan circumcision. khlor chlorine. khlorida chloride. khlorinasi chlorination. khloroform chloroform. khotbah sermon. khrom chrome. khronis chronic. khurafat myth, superstition. khusus 1 special, different from others. 2 specifically for. khusyu 1 devout, devoted, humble before god. 2 engrossed in, deeply absorbed in.

kiamat 1 judgment day, doomsday. 2 end of world, disaster. kian 1 all the more. 2 the....so much more.... 3 as many as. kiasan figure of speech, allegory, metaphor, analogy. kiat 1 (jv.) stiff, cramped. 2. trick, secret. kibar 1 wave, flutter, fly. 2 be displayed. (pengibar) standard-bearer, waver. kiblah 1 direction of mecca. 2 direction. 3 orientation. kibul bottom, buttocks, rear. kicau 1 chirp, twitter, warble. 2 chatter. kidal left-handed. (si-kidal) southpaw. kidul south. kidung ballad, hymn. (kidung-rohani) a spiritual hymn. kijang 1 small antelope. 2 brand name for jeep. kijing 1 edible mussel. 2 gravestone. kikir 1. file, rasp. (kikiran) filings. 2. stingy, tightfisted. kikis scraped. kikisan alluvium, what has piled up from erosion. kikuk clumsy, awkward. kilat 1 flash of lightning. 2 shine, gleam, sheen. 3 done in a flash. kilau luster, reflected shine, glare. kilo 1 kilogram. 2 kilometer. kilometer 1 kilometer. 2 speedometer. kilowat kilowatt. kimia chemistry. (kimia-analistis) analistical chemistry. kimono kimono, dressing gown. kina quinine. kinantang 1 be all white. 2 very special. kincir spool, reel. (kincir-air) waterwheel. (kincir-angin) windmill. kinetis kinetic. kini now, nowadays. kintil (jv.) trail s.o. kios kiosk. (kios-buku) bookstall. kipas 1 fan. 2 propeller. kipat shake, shale off. kiper goalie, goalkeeper. kiprah activity, gait, pace, progress. kira guess, reckon, suppose. kira-kira 1 approximately, about, around. 2 estimate. 3 perhaps, do you thing.

kirab 1 carnival. 2 ritual procession moving in a circle kirana 1 ray. 2 beautiful. kiri 1left. 2 port. 3 command to driver to pull over to let passenger out. kirim send, mail, dispatch (kirim-salam) send greetings or regards. kiriman 1 shipment, consignment, s.t. sent. 2 missive, missile. 3 item left for safekeeping. kisah 1 story. 2 narrative. (kisahbersambung) serialized story. (kisahperjalanan) travelogue. (ber-kisah) tell a story. (peng-kisah) narrator, storyteller. kisar rotation. kisaran 1 revolution, turn. 2 milling. 3 vortex. kisi 1 grill, lattice, trellis. kisruh 1 chaotic, anarchic. 2 confused, disorganized. kista cyst. kisut 1 wrinkled, dried up. 2 creased. kita 1 we, our, us. 2 i. kitab 1 1) book. 2) holy book. 2 partition in a cow’s stomach. klaim claim. klakson horn. klarifikasi clarification. klarinet clarinet. klasemen classification. klasifikasi classification. klasik classic. klasikal classical. klenteng 1 china temple. 2 pagoda. klien client, customer. klik 1 click. 2. clique. klimaks climax. klimatologi climatology. klinik clinic. klise 1 negative of photo. 2 cliché. klub 1 club. 2 clubhouse. knalpot muffler. koalisi coalition. kobar flaming, in flames. koboi 1 cowboy. 2 acting big. kocak funny, hilarious, amusing. kocok 1 shake, mix s.t. 2 mix, stir, shuffle. kodam [Komando Daerah Militer] regional military command. kode code. (kode-etik) code of ethics. (kodepos) zip code, postal code. kodifikasi codification.


kodim [Komando Distrik Militer] district military command. kodok frog. kodrat 1 god’s omnipotence. 2 power. 3 nature or character. koefision coefficient. koheren coheren. koherensi coherence. kohesi cohesion. koin coin. koki cook, chef. kol cabbage. kolaborator collaborator. kolaburasi collaboration, esp. with the enemy. kolam pond, pool. (kolam-air) water reservoir. (kolam renang) swimming pool. kolega colleague. koleksi 1 collection. 2 church collection. kolektif collective. kolektivisme collectivism. kolektor collector of the land tax. kolera cholera. kolesterol cholesterol. kolibri hummingbird. koloid colloid. kolokasi collocation. kolokial colloquial. kolokium colloquium. kolom printed column. kolonel 1 colonel. 2 captain. kolong 1. space underneath s.t. 2 pit. koloni colony. kolonial colonial. kolonis colonist. kolonisasi colonization. kolor 1 drawstring. 2 shorts or undershorts. kolosal colossal. kolot 1 old-fashion, traditional. 2 conservative. koma 1. coma. 2. comma. komandan 1 commander. 2 commandant. komanditer limited partnership. komando 1 command, area of military jurisdiction. 2 military command (to do s.t.). kombinasi combination. komentar commentary. komentator commentator. komersial commercial. komersialisasi commercialization. komet comet.


komidi 1 comedy. 2 theater. (komidi-putar) merry-go-round. komik 1 clown, humorist, comic. 2 comics. komisariat 1 office of the commissioner. 2 police headquarters. komisaris commissioner, superintendent. komisi commission. komite committee. komitmen commitment. komoditi commodity, raw materials as an item of trade. komodo the komodo dragon found on this island. komodor commodore. kompak 1 compact, dense. 2 cohesive. 3 unified. kompas 1 compass. 2 blackmail. kompeni dutch e. indies soldier or army. kompensasi compensation. kompeten competent. kompetensi competence. kompetisi competition. kompi company. komplek 1 complex. 2 site. kompleksitas complexity. komplemen complement, supplement. komplementer complementary. komplimen compliment. komplotan gang, ring. komponen component. komponis composer. kompor hot plate, stove, brazier. kompos compost. komposisi composition. komprehensi comprehension. komprehensif comprehensive. kompresor compressor. kompromi compromise. komputer computer. komputerisasi computerization. komunikasi communication. komunikatif communicative. komunis communist. komunisme communism. kondektur conductor on public transportation. kondisi condition. koneksi connection with s.o. in power. koneksitas interconnection of jurisdictions. konfederasi confederation. konfeksi ready-made clothes.

konferensi conference. konfidensi confidence. konfigurasi configuration. konfirmasi confirmation. konflik conflict. kongres congress, convention. kongruen congruent. kongsi 1 commercial association, partnership. 2 group, association. konjungsi conjunction. konkret concrete, tangible, solid. konsekuen consistent. konsekuensi 1 consistency. 2 consequences. konseling counseling. konselor counselor. konsensus consensus. konsentrasi concentration. konsentrat concentrate. konsep 1 draft, rough copy 2 notion, idea. konseptor 1 conceiver. 2 drafter. konseptual conceptual. konseptualisasi conceptualization. konser concert, concerto. konservasi conservation. konservatif conservative. konservatisme conservatism. konservator curator. konservatori conservatory. konsisten consistent. konsistensi consistency. konsolidasi consolidation. konsolidir consolidate s.t. konsonan consonant. konsorsium consortium. konspirasi conspiracy. konstan 1 a constant. 2 constant, fixed. konstituante constituent assembly. konstitusi constitution. konstitusional constitutional. konstruksi construction. konstruktif constructive. konsul 1 consul. 2 consultation. konsulat consulate. konsultan consultant. konsumen consumer. konsumerisme consumerism. konsumsi 1 consumption. 2 refreshments. konsumtif consumptive. kontak contact.

kontaminasi contamination. kontan 1 cash. 2 at that very moment. 3 flatly denying s.t. konteks context. kontemplasi contemplation. kontemplatif contemplative. kontemporer contemporary. kontes contest. kontestan 1 contestant. 2 candidate. kontinental continental. kontingen contingent, part. kontradiksi contradiction. kontradiktif contradictory. kontraksi contraction. kontras contrast. kontrasepsi contraception. kontraseptif contraceptive. kontribusi contribution, donation. kontrol 1 control, supervision. 2 trip supervisor. kontroversi controversy. kontroversial controversial. konveksi convection. konvensi 1 convention, congress. 2 agreement. 3 convention, custom. konvensional conventional. konvergen convergent. konvergensi convergence. konversi conversion. konvertibel convertible. konvoi convoy. koordinasi coordination. koordinat coordinate. koordinator coordinator. koordinir coordinate. kop 1 head. 2 letterhead. koperasi cooperation. koperatif cooperative. koperator cooperator. kopi 1 coffee. 2 copy, draft. kopiah Muslim cap. koramil [Komando Rayon Militer] military headquarters at the ward [kecamatan] level. korban 1 sacrifice. 2 (isl.) religious offering, the offering made at rites celebrating idul adha. 3 victim korek matches, cigarette lighter. (korekkuping) earpick. koreksi correction. korektif corrective.


korektor 1 proofreader. 2 correction fluid. korelasi correlation. koreografer choreographer. koreografi choreography. koresponden correspondent. korespondensi correspondence. koridor corridor. korporasi corporation. kortsleting 1 short circuit. 2 misunderstand e.o. korup corrupt. korupsi corruption, graft. koruptor corruptor, o. who is corrupt. kos 1 room and board or just board. 2 board with s.o. kosakata vocabulary, glossary. kosmetik cosmetics. kosmografi cosmography. kosong 1 empty, blank, zero. 2 void suit. 3 unoccupied. 4 hole, empty space. kota 1 city, town. 2 fort. (kota-an) urbane, from the city. kotak 1 box. 2 compartment, cubicle. 3 drawer. kotor 1 dirty, soiled, filthy. 2 dirty, vile, filthy. 3 gross. kotoran 1 feces, dung, manure. 2 muck, waste. 3 impurity. kreativitas creativity. kredibilitas credibility. kredit credit. kriminal criminal. kriminalitas criminality. kriminologi criminology. krisis crisis. kristal crystal. kristen 1 christian. 2 protestant. kristus christ. kritik 1 criticism. 2 critical. kritis critical, serious. kriya skill. kriyawan male salesclerk. kriyawati female salesclerk. kromosom chromosome. kronik chronicle. kronis chronic. kronologi chronology. kronologis chronological. kuadrat quadrate. kualifikasi 1 qualification. 2 eligibility.


kualitas quality. kualitatif qualitative. kuantitas quantity. kuantitatif quantitative. kuantum quantum. kuarsa quartz. kuartir quarters. kuas 1 small brush for painting, writing. 2 shaving brush. 3 applicator. kuasa 1 power, might. 2 authority given to s.o. 3 capable, able, powerful kuat 1 strong, powerful. 2 sturdy. 3 forceful, fervent 4 be able to. 5 loud. kuatir afraid, apprehensive about. kuba Cuba. kubah 1 dome, vault, cupola. 2 turret. kubur grave, tomb. kubus cube. kucai 1. leek or green onion. 2. be isolated from o.’s friends. kucing cat, a feline. kuda 1 horse. 2 knight. 3 a vaulting horse for gymnastics. 4 timbering for a roof. kudeta coup d’etat. (meng-kudeta) carry out a coup d’etat. kudu 1 flower. 2 (jv. ) must, have to. 3 red dye. kuduk nape of the neck. kue cookie, cake. kufur infidel, atheist, unbeliever. kuil temple or shrine currently used by practicing indian hindus. kuin queen. kuintal measure of 100 kilograms. kuis quiz kuku 1 fingernail, toenail. 2 claw, s.t. like a claw (of animal). 3 hoof. kukuh 1 sturdy, strong, hefty. 2 firm, tenacious. kukul (jv.) acne, pimple. kuli coolie, laborer, porter. kuliah university lecture. kulit 1 skin. 2 hide, leather. 3 bark (of tree). 4 peel, husk, shell, crust. 5 cover (of book). kulkas refrigerator, icebox. kultur culture. kultural cultural. kultus cult. kuman germ, microbe. kumbang 1 bumblebee. 2 beetle. 3 black. (meng-kumbang) buzz.

kumpul fall in!. (kumpul-kebo) live together out of matrimony. kumpulan 1 collection. 2 horde, drove. 3 herd (of cattle). 4 (coll.) association. kumuh slump, dirty, vile, base, low. kunang-kunang firefly, glowworm. kunci 1 key. 2 key, solution. 3 lock, fastening. 4 wrench. 5 joints. kuning yellow. (kuning-gading) ivory colored, (kuning-telur) egg yolk. (kuningan) brass. kunjung 1. (ber-kunjung) pay a visit, call on s.o. 2. (tak-kunjung) never. kuno 1 ancient. 2 old-fashioned, dated. kunyah (meng-kunyah) 1 chew, masticate. 2 digest (kunyah-an) cud. kunyit turmeric. kuorum quorum. kuota quota. kupas 1 remove peel or shells. 2 strip s.o. 3 analyze. kupu-kupu butterfly. (kupu-kupu malam) prostitute. kura-kura turtle. kurang 1 less, decrease. 2 minus, less, until 3 lack s.t. kurap ringworm. kurap-anjing mange. kuras printed paper folded over several times for binding into a book.

kurcaci 1 brownie scout. 2 gnome, a small supernatural being, dwarf. kurikuler curricular. kurikulum curriculum. kurir courier. kurma date palm, dates. kurs a rate of exchange. kursi 1 chair, seat. 2 position (politics) kursus course. kurung 1 cage. 2 prison. 3 cabin. 4 parenthesis, brackets. kurus 1 thin, emaciated, lean. 2 meager. 3 barren, sterile. kusam 1 dull, lusterless. 2 dim, dull. 3 pallid. kusir coachman. kusta leprosy. kusut 1 tousled. 2 tangled. 3 rumpled. 4 intricate. kutikula cuticle. kutil wart. kutu 1 louse. 2 name for fleas, ticks, and other insects which infest people or animals. kutub pole. kutuk 1 curse, malediction. 2 bane. kwaci salted dried watermelon seeds eaten as a snack. kwitansi receipt.


L laba 1 profit. 2 benefit, gain. labah-labah spider. labil labile, changing, unstable. labirin 1. labyrinth. 2. inner ear. laboratorium laboratory. labu 1. gourd, squash. 2. flask. labu-air 1 vegetable marrow. 2 gourd for carrying water. labuh 1 hanging down, trailing. 2 classifier for curtains. labur 1. wash s.t. 2. windfall. lacak 1. drag slightly. 2. trace, track. ladang agricultural field. lafaldz wording, text. laga 1. fight. 2. brag, boast, put on airs. lagi 1 again. 2 still, further. lagian moreover. lagu 1 melody, tune, song. 2 way, manner. 3 intonation. lahan 1 land, terrain. 2 area. 3 soil. lahap ravenous, gluttonous. lahar 1 lava. 2 volcanic mudflow. lahir 1. come into being, be born 2 external, extrinsic, outward. (lahirnya) genesis. lahiriah 1 external, extrinsic. 2 physical, material. lain 1 other, another. 2 different. 3 besides, not including. lajang remain unmarried. laju 1 fast, quick, rapid. 2 rate. lajur 1 row. 2 strip. 3 column. 4 lane. 5 line. laki husband. (laki-laki) 1 man, amle. 2 male. lakon 1 play, drama. 2 act. 3 story. laksamana admiral. laksana 1 quality, characteristic. 2 like, resembling. laktosa lactose. laku 1 behavior, conduct, attitude. 2 valid, in effect. 3 in demand, sell well. lalai forget, careless, negligent, absentminded.

lalat a fly. (lalat-hijau) bluebottle. lama 1 long (of duration). 2 old, long standing. lamar 1 apply for (a work) 2 ask for the hand of. 3 propose marriage to s.o. lamaran 1 proposal. 2 application. lamban 1 languid, indolent. 2 clumsy, awkward, ungainly. 3 slow lambang sign, symbol, exponent. lambat 1 slow-moving, leisurely. (lambatlaun) 1 gradually, in the long run. 2 finally. lambung 1 side, flank. 2 an interior cavity. lampau past. lampion china paper lantern. lampiran 1 enclosure. 2 attachment. 3 appendix, annex. 4 supplement. lampu 1 lamp. 2 light. lampung float. lamunan 1 fantasy, daydream. 2 speculation. lancip 1 sharp and pointed. 2 acute. lancong go sightseeing, take a pleasure trip. landa 1 attack violently, knock down s.o. 2 pan. 3 lye, alkali. landai slope slightly. (landai-an) hilt of a kris. landak porcupine. landas 1 base. 2 substratum. landasan 1 base. 2 anvil. langgar 1 violate, infringe, offend 2 prayer house langgeng eternal, imperishable. langka scarce, rare. langkah 1 step, stride. 2 step, action, measure. langsing slim, slender, svelte. langsung 1 direct, straight. 2 immediately, straightaway. (berlangsung) go on, take place. lantai 1 floor. 2 story. lantas 1 straightaway, directly, forthwith, then. 2 and so ? lantik install, inaugurate. laos galingale, a plant of the ginger family. lap 1 towel. 2 rag.


lapang 1 open, wide, spacious. 2 free, unoccupied. 3 roomy. lapangan 1 field, square. 2 sphere, range (of activity). lapar 1 hungry. 2 hunger. lapis 1 layer, lining. 2 row. 3 (geol.) stratum. 4 in layers. lapor report, announce. laporan 1 report 2 statement. 3 advisory. lapuk 1 moldy 2 rotten, decayed (of wood), weakened. 3 obsolete, out-of-date (regulation). larang 1 forbid, prohibit, ban. 2 interdict. larangan 1 prohibition, ban, interdiction. 2 embargo. 3 (ling.) prohibitive. lari run, bolt, escape, leave. larik 1. row, line.1 turn on a lathe. 2 bore, drill in. laring larynx. laris popular, in demand, selling well. laron flying white ant. larut 1 soluble. 2 fused, dissolved. (larutan) solution. laskar 1 pre-modern soldiers. 2 paramilitary troops, guerilla-fighters. latar 1 yard. 2 surface, plane. 3 background, backdrop. latih accustomed, wont. latin 1 latin. 2 roman. lauk side dish, esp. meat or fish served with rice. laut sea, ocean. lawak 1. joke, jest, gag. (pelawak) comedian, jokester. 2. feeding trough. lawan 1 opponent, adversary, rival. 2 enemy, foe. 3 respondent. 4 the contrary, the opposite. 5 against, versus. lawar slice of meat or fish. lawas 1 out of date. 2 old. layang 1 kite. 2 cut s.t. in half. layap 1. low. 2. doze, nod. layar 1 sail. 2 screen. 3 blind, shade. layu 1 withered, faded, wilted (of flowers). 2 weak, pale. lazim 1 usual, customary, common. 2 compulsory, obligatory. lazuardi 1 lapis lazuli. 2 azure. lebai 1 mosque official. 2 mosque servant. lebar 1 broad, wide, extensive. 2 width

lebaran (isl.) day of celebration at end of fasting month. (lebaran-haji) hajj festival celebrated on the 10th day of the 12th islam month. lebih 1 more, -er. 2 more than. lebihan 1 excess, surplus. 2 remainder. lebum sound of a thud. lebur 1 melted. 2 dissolved 3 fused. 2 merged. leceh 1 sloppy, unkempt (of dress). 2 talkative. 3 vile. lecet 1 chafed. 2 blister (on foot). 3 scratched. leci the lychee fruit and tree. lega 1 roomy, open. 2 free, not busy. 3 relieved, free of worry. legal legal. legalisasi legalization. legalisir legalize. legalistis legalistic. legalitas legality. legenda 1 legend, myth. 2 legend. legitimasi legitimation. leher neck. (leher-baju) collar. (leher-botol) neck of bottle. (leher-rahim) cervix. lekak-lekuk bumpy. lekas 1 fast, swift, quick. 2 soon. 3 hurry. lekat sticky, stick. lekat-lekat 1 adhering, sticking. 2 addicted. 3 close. lekeh smudge. lekir streaky, mottled. lekuk curve, hollow, concavity. lekukan 1 dent. 2 indentation. lekung 1 hollow. 2 curved, bent. lelah tired, weary, worn-out, exhausted. lelaki man, male. lelakon (jv.) 1 story. 2 life story. lele catfish. leleh 1 melt. 2 calm down. lelet very slow. leli lily. leluasa 1 free, unhampered, unimpeded. 2 lavish, generous, liberal. lelucon 1 joke, jest. 2 spoof, farce. leluhur ancestors, forefathers. lem glue. lemah 1 weak, low, fading. 2 unstressed. 3 limp, supple. (lemah-gemulai) graceful. lemak 1 fat, grease. 2 greasy. 3 sweet, suave. lemari cupboard, wardrobe, case. (lemariarsip) filing cabinet. (lemari-besi) safe.


lembab 1 damp, moist, humid. 2 dull 3 clumsy, awkward. 4 indolent. lembaga 1. institute, league, organization, institution. 2. embryo, sprout. lembah valley, dale. lembar sheet. lembayung 1 the water hyacinth. 2 reddish purple, crimson. lembeng coquettish. lembu ox, cow, bull. lembur overtime lembut 1 soft. 2 meek, tender, gentle, softening, toning down. lemes the most polite speech level. lemot smeared all over with s.t. lempar 1 throw. 2 throwing event. lemparan a pitch, toss, throw. lempung 1 clay. 2 soft and light. lempuyang a medicinal plant of the ginger family lenan linen. lencam k.o. small sea fish. lencana 1 emblem, badge. 2 insignia, ribbon. lencang in a straight line. lengah 1 careless, inattentive. 2 carefree. lengan 1 arm. 2 sleeve. 3 arm. lenggak-lenggok a swaying movement. lengkap 1 complete. 2 fully equipped. 3 comprehensive. lengket be sticky, adhering. lengking 1 shrill, strident. 2 say stridently, shriek. 3 wail. lengkuas ginger plant. lengkung 1 curve, bend. 2 arc. 3 hollow. lengser 1 slide down. 2 grease s.t. 3. baking pan, cooking sheet. lensa lens. lentur 1 bent, curved. 2 refraction. 3 flexible. 4 warped. lenyap disappeared, lost. lerai break up a fight, separate. lereng slope. les 1 extracurricular tutorial lesson. 2 take lessons. lestari 1 eternal, everlasting. 2 long-lasting. lestek slingshot. lesu 1 listless, weak. 2 sluggish, slack. 3 depressed, blue. letak 1 location, site. 2 disposition, set up. (meletakkan) put, place s.t.


letih tired, weary, worn out. lezat delicious, luscious. liang 1 hole, pit. 2 opening, aperture. liar 1 wild, primitive. 2 wild illegal, unauthorized liat 1. tough, hardened. 2 clayey. (keliatan) plasticity. libur leave, vacation. licin 1 slippery, slick. 2 glossy, smooth. 3 bare, grassless. 4 smooth, suave, smoothtongued. 5 cunning, crafty. lidah tongue. lidi palm leaf rib. (sapu-lidi) a broom made of such splintered ribs. lihat 1 see. 2 refer to. liku 1 curve, bend. 2 coil. 3 bay, inlet. liku - liku 1 intricacies. 2 vagaries. lilin 1 candle. 2 wax. lilitan 1 coil. 2 winding. 3 twist. lima five. (lima-belas) fifteen. (lima-puluh) fifty. limas 1 pyramid. 2 dipper or cup made of young palm leaves. limau citrus fruit. limbah 1 waste. (limbah-pertanian) compost heap. 2 cesspool. limpa spleen. limpah 1 abundant. 2 affluent. 3 overflow, plentiful, profuse. limun 1. soda pop, carbonated beverage. 2. invisible, dark. linang trickle, drop. lincah 1 energetic, lively, active. 2 agile. lincip pointed. lindung (ber-lindung) 1 take shelter. 2 be under the protection of. (perlindungan) 1 protection. 2 patronage, sponsorship. linggis crowbar. lingkar 1 circle. 2 bend, coil. 3 rim. 4 hoop. 5 circumference. lingkungan 1 circles. 2 area, surroundings. 3 sphere, domain, range. lingkup scope, range. lintah leech. (lintah-darat) usurer, profiteer. lintang 1. 1) across. 2) (geol.) latitude. 2. (jv.) star. (lintang-kemukus) comet. lintas move across. lintasan 1 flash (of light). 2 line (sport). 3 track, course. 4 orbit, trajectory. linting roll

lintingan hand-rolled cigarette. lintir roll. liontin medallion, locket, pendant. lipas cockroach. lipat fold, crease. lipur comfort, consolation, solace. liput cover (an event). liputan cover. lirih low, sweet-sounding, gentle, soft (of voice). lirik 1. 1) sharp glance. 2) a glance to left or right. 2. pierce, perforate, bore through. 3. lyrics. lisan oral, spoken. lisensi 1 license, permit. 2 franchise. listrik electricity, electric. liur saliva, drool. liut leathery, tough. loak (barang-loak) seconhand things. (pasarloak) flea market. put s.t. used up for sale, resell. loba greedy, avaricious. lobak radish. (lobak-merah) beet. logaritma logarithm. logat 1 word, wordlist. 2 dialect. 3 way of speaking, accent. logika logic. logis logical, reasonable. logistik logistics. logo logogram. lokakarya workshop, seminar. lokal 1 local. 2 place. lokalisasi 1 prostitution complex. 2 complex for confining poor, sick, etc. lokasi site, (berlokasi) located. lolos 1 slip off. 2 slip away, bolt. 3 be allowed to get through or out. lomba a race, contest. lombok chili. lompat a leap, jump. (lompat-galah) pole vault. (lompat-jauh) long jump. (lompatkatak) leapfrog. lompong (me-lompong) empty, bare. loncat 1 . leap, jump. 2. frog. lonceng 1 bell, chime. 2 wall clock. longgar 1 loose. 2 not binding longsor slide. lonjak jump. lonjakan 1 leap, jump. 2 bump.

lonjong 1 tapering, pointed. 2 oval, eggshaped. lonjor 1. stalk, stick. 2 classifier for soap. loreng stripe. lorong 1 path, lane, trail. 2 alley. 3 hallway, corridor. lorot 1. (me-lorot) decline, drop, lower, decrease s.t. 2. (me-lorot) remove wax from batik between dyeings. loteng 1 upper story, upstairs. 2 top floor, attic. 3 ceiling. loudspeaker loudspeaker. lowong empty, vacant, unfilled. lowongan 1 vacancy, opening. 2 gap, vacuum. loyal loyal. loyalitas loyalty. loyo 1. weak, faint. 2 exhausted. luang empty, vacant, free. luap 1 overflow. 2 boil over. 3 flare up. luar 1 outside, outer part. 2 beyond. luas 1 wide, broad. 2 extensive, vast (forest). 3 capacious, commodious (room) 4 farranging (discussion). luasnya 1 width. 2 area, extent, scope. lucu 1 funny, amusing. 2 cute, gaga ludah saliva, spittle. lugas 1 simple, unadorned. 2 businesslike, direct, to the point. lugu simple, plain, unadorned. luhur 1 glorious, supreme. 2 lofty. 3 upright, noble. luka 1 injury, wound. 2 injured. lukis 1 paint, draw. 2 depict, describe. lukisan 1 painting, drawing, portrayal. 2 design. luluh 1 crushed (to powder). 2 assimilated. lulur 1. tenderloin. 2. swallow whole 3. herbal cosmetic used to lighten o.’s complexion. lulus 1 pass ( test, exam). 2 be granted 3 permit, allow, grant. 4 yield to. lulusan 1 graduate. 2 alumnus, alumna. lumayan 1 reasonable, moderate. 2 pretty fair, not bad. lumba-lumba dolphin. lumbung rice barn. lumpuh paralyzed. lumpur mud. lumrah 1 normal, customary, usual. 2 commonplace, ordinary. lumut 1 moss, lichen, bryophyte. 2 algae.


lunak 1 soft. 2 easy-going, tractable in disposition. 3. benign (of tumor) lunas paid, settled. (me-i, me-kan) pay, settle, expiate, discharge luncur move with gliding action. lunglai weak, exhausted. lunglit (jv.)[balung kulit] emaciated. luntur 1 faded, become discolored (of cloth). 2 changeable. 3 out-dated lupa forget. lurah village chief. (kelurahan) political district administered by the lurah.


lurik striped woven material. luru (jv.) chase, run after. lurus straight, undeviating. lusa the day after tomorrow. lusin dozen. (lusinan) by the dozen. lutut 1 obey without questioning. 2 a scented powder for cleaning babies. 3 knee. luwes 1 smooth, well-mannered, sociable. 2 attractive. 3 flexible. 4 gracefully.

M maaf 1 forgive, pardon. 2 forgiveness, pardon. 3 sorry. maag 1 stomach 2 suffer a stomach disorder. mabrur (isl.) accepted by allah. mabuk 1 drunk, intoxicated. 2 nauseated (mabuk-darat) carsick. (mabuk-laut) seasick. (mabuk-udara) airsick. macam 1 kind, sort, quality, type. 2 way, method. macam-macam various, a variety of. macet 1 stuck, not running smoothly, out of order. 2 interference, disturbance. madinah Medina. madrasah (isl.) 1 islam school. 2 institution of learning. madu 1 honey. 2 very sweet (of smile). 3 cowife. mafhum know, understand, comprehend. magang 1apprentice. 2 volunteer. magis magical. magister master’s degree. magrib (isl.) 1 west. 2 at sunset. 3 sunset prayer. maha great, very. mahaesa the one, god. mahaguru professor. mahakuasa the almighty. mahal 1 expensive. 2 scarce, difficult to find. mahamulia exalted, lofty, sublime, illustrious. mahapencipta the almighty creator. mahar (isl.) bride price. maharaja sovereign, emperor. maharajalela 1 rage. 2 rampage. operate unchecked. mahasiswa university student. mahasiswi female university student. mahasuci the most holy. mahatahu 1 omniscient. 2 arrogant. mahir skilled, well-versed, clever. mahkamah (Mahkamah-Agung) supreme court.

mahkota 1 (biol.) crown. 2 corona. 3 crown of the tooth. 4 sweetheart. mahligai palace. mahoni mahogany. main 1 play. 2 engage in some activity. 3 have sex. majalah magazine, periodical, journal. majas figure of a speech. majelis 1 council, committee. 2 meeting chamber. majemuk compound, complex. majikan employer, boss. maju go forward, advance, progress. majusi persian or zoroastrian religion. maka then, so. makalah working paper, short paper. makam grave, resting place, burial plot, tomb. makan 1 eat, eat a meal. 2 take, swallow, ingest. 3 meal, food. 4 destroy, consume. makanan food, provisions. makanya consequently, because of that, no wonder! makaroni macaroni. makbul 1 fulfilled, answered. 2 accepted, realized. 3 effective. makhluk creature. maki (maki-maki) abuse, esp. with vulgar language, swear. makin increasingly, the more. maklum 1 know, be knowledgeable. 2 be understanding of a situation. maklumat announcement, declaration. announce, proclaim, declare. makmum congregation, follower of a religious leader in prayer. makmur 1 prosperous, rich, wealthy. 2 luxurious. makna 1 meaning. 2 purpose, sense. maknawi 1 spiritual. 2 meaningful. maknawiah according to intent rather than literal.


maknit magnet. makrifat (isl.) 1 knowledge. 2 the highest knowledge. makruf 1 known. 2 good. makruh preferably not performed (one of islamic laws). maksiat in violation of god’s law, immoral, sin, wickedness. maksimal maximal, maximum. maksud 1 purpose, aim. 2 intention, plan. 3 meaning sense. malah in fact, instead, on the contrary. malaikat angel (malaikat-maut) angel of death. malaikatulmaut angel of death. malakut kingdom. malam evening, night. malang 1 transverse, across. 2 unlucky, unfortunate. malapetaka misfortune, great disaster. malas lazy, indolent. malik 1 owner, proprietor. 2 king. malikul-maut the angel of death. maling 1 thief. 2 steal. malu 1 shy, bashful, embarrassed. 2 respectful and humble. 3 ashamed. 4 shame. maluku moluccas. mama 1 mother. 2 aunt. 3 term of address for women the age of o.’s mother. mamalia mammals. mami 1 mother, mommy. 2 madame in a brothel. mampat 1 solid, compact, compressed. 2 clogged up. 3 excellent, fine. mampir drop in, come by, call at. mampu 1 capable, able. 2 well-to-do, wealthy. 3 afford, be able. mana 1 where. 2 which, which person. 3 which kind. manajemen management. manasuka as you like, voluntarily. mancanegara foreign countries. mandat 1 gvt. orders to make payment. 2 mandate. mandataris o. entrusted with a mandate. mandi 1 bathe, take a bath. 2 go swimming. mandiri stand alone, be autonomous, independent. mandul barren, sterile. manfaat 1 use, benefit. 2 profit. 3 utility


mangga 1 mango. 2 (jv.) please. manggis mangosteen. manggung 1 coo (of birds). 2 perform (of a band, theater). manggut nod. (manggut-manggut) nod the head. mangir powder to lighten the skin. mangkat pass away, die, depart this world. mangkir 1 be absent. 2 be missing, lack. 3 fail. mangkuk cup, bowl. mangsa 1 prey, bait. 2 victim. mangsi 1 ink. 2 powdered charcoal for blackening the teeth. mangut 1 confused, dazed. 2 doze. mani sperm. maniak maniac. manifestasi manifestation. manifesto manifesto, political statement. manipulasi manipulation. manis 1 sweet. 2 talking sweetly. 3 attractive, cute. 4 nicely done. (manisan) candy, sweets. manisan 1 candy, sweets. 2 sweetener. 3 cosmetics. 4 decoration. manja 1 spoiled. 2 attached, friendly. 3 intimate, close in feeling. manjur 1 efficacious. 2 strong, effective. 3 powerful. manset 1 cuff. 2 cuff links. mantan 1 former. 2 ex. mantap steady, stable, unwavering, firm. mantel 1 cloak, coat, cardigan, cape. 2 casting. 3 condom. mantera magic formula, charm. mantu hold wedding for o.’s doughter. manusia 1 human being, man. 2 human. manusiawi human, humane. map portfolio, file folder. marah 1 angry. 2 anger, fury. 3 become angry. maraton marathon. maret march. marga 1 (batak) clan. 2 (biol.) genus. 3 district. 4 (south sumatra) family name. 5 (lit.) street, way. (bina-marga) highway construction, road maintenance. margarin margarine. margasatwa wild animals, fauna. marhaban (isl.) welcome!.melody for praising the prophert on mikraj.

mari 1 come here. 2 please. 3 goodbye. 4 let us. maritim maritime. markas 1 station, office. 2 army or police post, barracks. (markas-besar) headquarters. markisa 1 passion fruit. 2 syrup made from passion fruit. mars marching tune. martabak thick folded crepe filled with spices and pieces of meat. martabat 1 rank, grade, status. 2 prestige. 3 value. 4 (chem.) valence. martil hammer. masa 1 time, period. 2 during. 3 phase. masak 1 ripe, cooked, done, mature. 2 experienced 3 cook. masakan 1 dish, cuisine, food, cooking. 2 cooking utensils. masakini the present time. masal massive. masalah 1 trouble, problem, complication. 2 question. masam sour, acid, wry. masing-masing 1 each. 2 respective, respectively. masinis machinist, engineer of a ship or locomotive. maskapai company, enterprise. maskara mascara. masker 1 makeup mask. 2 gas mask, fencing mask. maskot mascot. maskulin masculine. maslahat use, benefit. massa mass, community. masuk 1 enter, go into. 2 set. 3 be present at work. 4 be included. 5 participate, join. masukan input. masyaallah (isl.) good heavens! my god! masyarakat 1 society, community. 2 inhabitants, people. masyhur well-known, famous. mata eye. matahari the sun. (matahari-terbenam) sunset. (matahari terbit) sunrise. mati 1 die, pass away, be dead. 2 stop, go out, stop existing matras mattress, mat. mau 1 shall, will. 2 wish, want. 3 wish. maujud (isl.) concrete, real, tangible.

maulid (isl.) 1 muh.’s birthday. 2 stories of muh.’s birth. maupun 1 although, in spite of the fact. 2 as well as. maut 1 death. 2 hour of death for humans. 3 tremendous, terrible. (pe-an, ke-an) mortality. mawar rose. mawas 1. orangutan. 2. (mawas-diri) selfcorrection maya illusion, hallucination. mayang palm blossom. mayat stiff, carcass, human corpse. mayor 1 (mil.) mayor. 2 (music) major. mayoritas majority. mazhab (isl.) 1 islamic school of thought. 2 sect. mebel furniture. medali medal. medan 1 field, plain, square. 2 domain, realm. media media. mediasi mediation. meditasi meditation. mega cloud. (mega-mendung) rain cloud. megafon megaphone. megah 1 glorious. 2 fame, glory. 3 luxurious, grandeur. mei may. meja 1 table. 2 dummy. mekah mecca. mekanik mechanics. mekanis mechanical. mekanisasi mechanization. mekanisme mechanism. mekar 1 open up, blossom. 2 rise. meksiko mexico. melabuhkan 1 drop, lower (anchor). 2 give birth to, drop. melacur carry on or perform prostitution. melacurkan prostitute s.t. melahirkan 1 express, utter s.t. 2 think out (an idea). 4 deliver (baby) melainkan 1 but, but rather. 2 except. melaksanakan 1 bring about, cause to materialize. 2 implement s.t., execute. melakukan 1 carry out, execute. 2 make, do. 3 bring about. 4 commit, perpetrate melalap 1 eat such a dish, eat voraciously. 2 utterly destroy, defeat. 3 rape.


melalui 1 pass through (town, channel). 2 by means of. melamar 1 ask for the hand of. 2 propose marriage to s.o. 3 apply for. melambai wave o.’s hands. melamban 1 be indolent, lazy. 2 be clumsy. melambatkan 1 retard, slow s.t. down or up. 2 delay. melambungkan bounce, throw, toss s.t. upward. melamin decorate the bed of the newlyweds. melampaui 1 pass by s.t., go by way of s.t. 2 pass over. 3 exceed, overstep. melancong travel, go sightseeing, take a pleasure trip melandasi base s.t. on. melandaskan 1 rest s.t. on s.t. 2 base. melanggar 1 collide with s.t., run into s.t. 2 break, contravene. 3 violate, offend. melangit 1 soar skyward. 2 sky high. melanglang 1 make the rounds. 2 wander. melantai 1 floor, install a floor. 2 take the floor. 3 hit rock bottom. melata creep, crawl, slitter. melati jasmine. melawat 1 pay a visit. 2 make a trip. 3 (coll.) make a visit of condolence. melayang 1 fly. 2 drift, waft about. 3 cut s.t. in half. melayani 1 serve, wait on, take care of (customer). 2 supply. 3 man. 4 service. melayat make a visit of condolence. melayu 1 Malay, Malayan. 2 Indonesian and not caucasian. melebihi 1 exceed (expectation). 2 eclipse, overshadow s.t. 3 add more. melebur 1 melt, fuse. 2 destroy, wipe out. 3 merge. meledek tease. meleleh 1 trickle, drip. 2 melt. melerai break up a fight, separate. melesat fly away, take off. meleset 1 miss the target, be wrong. 2 depression, slump. meletus 1 explode, erupt. 2 break out, erupt of a war, quarrel, melihat-lihat look around, browse, sightseeing. melintir roll. melipatgandakan multiply.


meliput cover. meliputi 1 cover, envelop s.t. 2 comprise, include. 3 pervade. melirik pierce, perforate, bore through. melongo 1 gawk. 2 be open-mouthed., bewildered. melonjak jump up. melonjak-lonjak 1 bounce around. 2 be elastic or springy. 3 boast, brag, be haughty. melonjakkan give a bounce or stimulus to. melorotkan lower, decrease s.t. melotot open wide (of eyes). meluangkan 1 vacate. 2 make room for. 3 make time for. meluap 1 overflow. 2 boil over. 3 flare up. memantul bounce back, bounce off. memar bruised. membeludak 1 explode, burst out. 2 rage, boil up. 3 in a great number membenamkan 1 drown, immerse. 2 suppress. 3 sink. 4 sink, scuttle. 5 incarcerate, jail. memberangkatkan dispatch, send. memberhentikan 1 stop. 2 dismiss s.o. from his job. memberi 1 give, bestow. 2 offer, put up. 3 let. 4 put on, apply s.t. 5 hit, strike. 6 add. memberikan 1 give, hand over. 2 extend, confer. memberlakukan put into effect, cause to be effective. membidik 1 peer, look. 2 take aim, draw bead on. 3 engage in sharpshooting. membikin 1 make, build. 2 fix, repair. 3 cast a spell. membina 1 build, found, construct. 2 develop, cultivate. memble 1 pout, be sullen. 2 ugly, lousy, no good. memblokir 1 blockade. 2 obstruct. 3 freeze, stop. membongkar 1 force open. 2 break in. 3 demolish, wreck. 4 disclose, uncrate, memborong 1 buy up the entire stock, take all of s.t. 2 do an entire job. 3 hold various positions. membran 1 filter in automobile engine. 2 membrane. membrondong 1 fire a volley. 2 bombard. membuang 1 throw, cast. 2 throw away, cast off, discard. 3 exile, banish. 4 waste

membubarkan 1 disperse s.t., break up. 2 dissolve, liquidate. 3 close down. membujuk 1 persuade s.o. 2 trick, cheat s.o. membujur 1 stretch out. 2 lie alongside. 3 stretch, run. 4 horizontal. membumbui 1 season s.t. , add spice to s.t. 2 add flavor to s.t. , add color to s.t. memburu 1 chased after us. 2 pursue. 3 haunt mempagelarkan put on a show, present. mempan 1 be vulnerable. 2 be sensitive to 3 be effective. mempelai bride and/or bridegroom. mempelajari 1 learn, study carefully, diligently, in depth. 2 study, scrutinize. mempelajarkan 1 teach, offer as instruction. 2 teach thoroughly. mempelitur varnish, polish furniture. mempeng persevere. mempengaruhi influence. memperalat manipulate, treat or use as an instrument. memperbaiki 1 repair. 2 correct. 3 improve s.t., reform. 4 improve upon, break. mempergunakan 1 use, utilize. 2 make use of, resort to. memuja 1 worship, revere (god). 2 adore, admire memuji praise, commend. menantu son-or daughter-in-law. menara tower, minaret. menari dance, esp. non-western dances.. menari-nari jump, dance up and down. menarik 1 draw, pull. 2 draw out, extract. 3 drive. 4 withdraw, collect (of money). 5 attractive, interesting. menawan 1 capture in war. 2 subdue. 3 intern, imprison. 4 charming, enchanted. menawar 1. weaken. 2. 1) bargain. 2) offer a price for s.t. menawari 1 seduce, tempt. 2 put into prison 3 offer menawarkan 1. make ineffective. 2. offer s.o. or s.t. menayangkan present, broadcast. menduga 1 take depth bearings. 2 understand, fathom. 3 presume, expect. mendung cloudy, overcast. menebak 1. guess. 2. chop off, cut off (grass, etc). menebal become thick. menebalkan 1 thicken s.t. 2 reinforce.

menembus 1 pierce, stab. 2 penetrate, break through. 3 emerge, come out. menembuskan pierce with s.t. menempati occupy. menepi 1 move to o. side. 2 go along the side of. 3 pull over (of car). menepikan move s.t. to o. side, pull s.t. over. menepis 1 block 2 skim s.t. 3 ward off s.t. menepuk pat, clap, slap. menepung 1 pound into flour. 2 powdery. menerapkan apply. menerawang 1. make holes (in s.t.). 2. muse, be lost in thought, he gazed at the valley. menerawangi cause s.o. to be lost in thought, trouble o. meneriaki yell, shout at s.o. meneriakkan 1 yell out s.t. 2 show off. menerima 1 accept, approve. 2 receive. 3 (coll., java) be passive. menerjang lunge, attack. menerjangi trample on. menerjangkan lunge at with. menerjuni 1 jump in (to). 2 occupy o.s. with s.t. menerjunkan cause s.t. to dive downward. menerka guess, surmise. menerkam pounce on. menerkup fall on s.t. menerobos 1 break through, trespass 2 cut in a line or queue (at a bank, etc.). menerompetkan proclaim loudly. meneropong 1 look through a telescope. 2 observe carefully, study, scrutinize. meneropongi examine carefully, focus carefully on s.t. menerpa 1 (lit.) jump at (often in anger or passion). 2 attack (of meteorological phenomenon). meneruskan 1 continue. 2 forward, pass (on). menetakkan 1 hack at s.t. 2 hack with s.t. menetal be compact, compressed. menetalkan compact s.t. menetap 1. settle at, 2 stabilize. menetapi 1 fulfill. 2 carry out. menetapkan 1 decide, determine. 2 maintain, establish, secure. 3 determine. menetas 1 crack or slit s.t. open by force from the interior. menetaskan 1 cause s.t. to break out. 2 hatch s.t.


menetek suckle. meneteki give suck to, breast-feed. menetekkan have s.o. else breast-feed a baby. menetes drip. menetesi sprinkle on s.t. meneteskan expel a liquid drop by drop. menetralisir neutralize. mengabari inform, let s.o. know. mengabarkan report s.t. mengabdi serve. mengabdikan subjugate, make subservient. mengacak-acak 1 mess up, put in disorder. 2 disturb, upset, confuse. mengacau 1 stir. 2 stir up trouble. mengacaukan 1 mix, stir s.t. up thoroughly. 2 make s.t. confusing. 3 stir up trouble. mengacu 1 point. 2 refer. mengacuhkan heed, care about, be concerned about. mengadili 1 hear, try. 2 administer justice. 3 bring to justice. mengadu 1 complain about. 2 pit. 3 bump, hit. 4 contest. mengadukan complain about. mengageni 1 distribute. 2 handle, manage. mengaku 1 confess, admit. 2 guarantee, promise. 3 claim to be. mengakui 1 acknowledge, admit. 2 confess, admit. 3 recognize, acknowledge. mengalami experience. mengalasi 1 cover. 2 lay a base or foundation for. mengalaskan 1 put s.t. down as a base 2 base. mengalih change, replace s.t. with s.t. else. mengalihbahasakan translate, interpret, subtitle,. mengalihkan shift, move s.t. mengalir 1. flow. 2 pour, stream, flow. 3 stream down. mengaliri flow through. mengalirkan 1 channel. 2 siphon. 3 aim, point. menganggap regard as, consider, deem. mengangguk nod. mengangkut 1 carry, transport. 2 carry away. 3 contain. mengangkuti pick up, collect. mengangon graze cattle. mengangsu 1 draw water. 2 absorb, draw upon. 3 gain knowledge.


menganjak transplant, reset. menganjal 1 bounce, rebound. 2 elastic, springy, resilient. menganjurkan 1 suggest, propose, recommend. 2 extend, project, thrust s.t. out. 3 hand over, pass. mengantar 1 deliver, bring s.t. 2 carry, transmit. mengantarai 1 come or be between. 2 intercede, mediate. mengantari bring or send to s.o. mengantarkan 1 accompany, bring s.o. to a destination. 2 see off. 3 introduce. mengarak accompany in a procession. mengarang 1 string (beads, jewel). 2 arrange (flowers). mengarangkan 1 arrange, string s.t. 2 write or compose for s.o. mengarcakan cast into a statue, make a likeness. mengarit (jv.) cut grass. mengartikan 1 interpret, construe. 2 bear a meaning for, lead o. to understand. mengarung wade across, cross. mengarungi 1 cross s.t. 2 sail through s.t. 3 ford, wade across. 4 wade through, plod through. mengasah 1 sharpen. 2 file. 3 polish, shine, burnish. 4 grind, whet mengatur 1 put in order, straighten up. 2 regulate, organize. 3 arrange, settle. mengayun 1 swing. 2 household furnishings. mengecer sell retail. mengeja spell. mengernyit frown. mengeroyok gang up on, swarm overwhelm. mengerpus place in a cell. mengerti 1 understand. 2 know. 3 get. mengeruk curry, rub down, groom. mengeset 1 arrange s.t., set s.t. 2. trick s.o. mengesit type s.t. in a master sheet. mengetahui 1 know, understand s.t. 2 detect, find out. menggeram 1 be furious. 2 sound of growl. menggerantang 1 snarl at s.o. 2 intimidate. menggusur 1 haul, drag. 2 condemn, remove flatten, level to the ground. mengguyur 1 spray, splash. 2 pour in large quantities. menghabisi 1 end, finish 2 finish off, wipe out. 3 spend.

menghadiahkan present s.t., donate. menghadiri attend, be present at. menghafalkan memorize, learn by heart. menghalakan 1 direct, guide, steer. 2 aim at. menghalangi 1 block s.o.’s way. 2 hamper. menghina 1 humiliate, insult. 2 affront, offend s.o. menghirup 1 draw on, inhale. 2 slurp (up), sip at. 3 sniff in. 4 implosive. menghitamkan 1 blacken. 2 blacken, denigrate, sully. menghitung 1 count, do sums. 2 calculate. 3 count in, reckon. menghubungi 1 call, contact, get in touch with. 2 get a hold of. mengkilap shine. mengkilat 1 shine. 2 flash. mengkodak take a picture. mengkopyok 1 shake s.t., esp. to blend or mix it up. 2 shake up pieces of paper for lottery. mengkuatirkan 1 cause apprehension, alarm. 2 be worried about. mengkungkung 1 shackle, restrain. 2 impede movement. 3 dominate. mengobarkan 1 inspire, fire s.o. up. 2 fan flames, inflame a situation. 3 arouse passions, stir up feelings. mengobati treat s.o. or s.t. mengobatkan 1 treat s.t. medically. 2 treat with s.t. mengobrak-abrik 1 destroy, ruin. 2 upset, tip over, turn upside down. mengobral 1 sell out, sell cheaply. 2 spend or dispose of s.t. freely. mengobrol chat, talk. mengutip 1 pick up small bits. 2 copy a portion, cite, excerpt s.t. 3 quote. mengutus delegate menhankam [Menteri Pertahanan dan Keamanan] minister of defense and security. menhub [Menteri Perhubungan] minister of communication. meniduri sleep, to have intercourse menikam 1 stab s.o. 2 be cutting, be biting. menikamkan stab with s.t. menikmati 1enjoy. 2 benefit from. menikung 1 curve or bend. 2 make a turn. menilang issue a traffic ticket. menilik 1 tell the future. 2 observe carefully, watch. 3 consider, examine carefully.

menimang rock in o.’s arms or a cradle. menitikberatkan 1 stress, emphasize. 2 count heavily on. menitiki sprinkle on s.t. menitipi entrust to s.o. menitipkan entrust s.t. to s.o. for a short period. menitis 1become incarnate. 2 descend into o.’s offspring meniup 1 blow. 2 blow air into or through. meniupi 1 blow on s.t. 2 blow on s.o. as part of a healing ritual. meniupkan 1 cause to spread, cause to fan out. 2 blow on or up on behalf of s.o. menjabat 1 take hold of, grasp. 2 occupy an office. 4 hold (hands) menjadi 1 become 2 be 3 as, be 4 boil down to 5 succeed ,win out, go through with. menjadikan 1 make into s.t 2 conclude ,bring into being. 3 create, make. menjahit 1 sew, stitch. 2 tailor. tailor, seamstress. menjerat 1 snare. 2 trick, deceive, round up. 3 entice, inveigle.4 snarl, tangle. menjernihkan 1 make s.t. clear, clear up. 2 purify, cleanse. menjijikan 1 loathe, abhor, abominate. 2 nauseating, loathsome. menjilat 1 lick. 2 flatter, curry, apple polish. menjinakan curl the lower lip down. menjuarai win out, come up as champion. menjulur 1 stick outward. 2 panhandle, beg in street. menjumpai 1 find. 2 go to meet. 3 meet with, encounter. menjurus 1 point, lead 2 go in a certain direction. Menkeh [Menteri Kehakiman] minister of justice. Menkes [Menteri Kesehatan] minister of public health. Menkesra [Menteri Kesejahteraan Rakyat] minister of public welfare. Menkeu [Menteri Keuangan] minister of finance. Menko [Menteri Koordinator] coordinating minister. Menkop [Menteri Koperasi] minister of cooperatives. Menlu [Menteri Luar Negeri] minister of foreign affairs.


menobatkan crown, install. menpen [Menteri Penera-Ngan] minister of information. menpera [Menteri Ne-gara Urusan Perumahan Rakyat] state minister of public housing. menperdag [Menteri Perdagangan] minister of trade. menpora [Menteri Negara Pemuda dan Olah Raga] state minister of youth and sports. menpplh [Menteri Negara Pembinaan dan Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup] state minister of environmental affair menristek [Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi] state minister of research and technology. mens menstruation, menstruate, period. mensentralisir centralize. menservis service. mensinyalir call attention to, point out. menstruasi menstruation. mensubordinasikan subordinate. mensubstantifkan make into a substantive. mensucikan 1 purify, disinfect, clean. 2 sanctify. mensyariahkan declare a certain deed to be islam law. mensyukuri 1 be grateful to god about s.t. 2.thank s.o. mentaati 1 adhere to, obey s.t. 2 be faithful to. mentah 1 unripe, raw, uncooked. 2 incomplete, unfinished. 3 raw, unrefined. mentajuk 1 protrude. 2 prominent, well known. mental (jv.) 1 bounce off, rebound. 2 be launched. 3 uninjured. mentalkinkan whisper instructions in the ear of the dead or dying. mentamsilkan 1 compare. 2 relate in a parable or analogous manner. mentamyizkan discern. mentandangi visit. mentargetkan aim for s.t., target s.t. mentasrifkan conjugate. mentauhidkan 1 acknowlege god’s o.ness. 2 concentrate on s.t. mente cashew. mentega 1 butter. 2 margarine. mentelaah analyze, study carefully. menteledorkan neglect, be careless about. mentenarkan make s.o. well known.


menteng elite section of Jakarta. mententeramkan 1 pacify. 2 reassure, calm. menteorikan theorize about s.t. mentereng 1 dressed up. 2 luxurious, magnificent. menteri 1 cabinet minister. 2 bishop. (kementerian) ministry, department. menterjemahkan translate. menterlantarkan 1 cause s.t. 2 pass on menternakkan breed animals. menteror terrorize. mentertawakan laugh at. mentertibkan 1 straighten up, put in order. 2 control, curb. mentimun cucumber. mentiriskan 1 cause to leak through. 2 drain. mentok (jv.) breast of chicken. mentol menthol. mentoleransikan tolerate. mentraktir treat s.o. mentranskripsikan transcribe. menu 1 diet, what o. eats at a certain meal. 2 what is served at a party. menua 1 become old. 2 ripen, come to head. menuai 1 harvest rice by cutting each stalk individually 2 reap. menuang pour s.t. liquid. menuangi pour into s.t. menuangkan 1 pour s.t. out. 2 cause to pour forth. 3 mold, cast. menubruk 1 lunge at s.o. 2 collide with, run into. 3 run over, hit s.o. menugaskan 1 assign s.t. as a task. 2 assign, place s.o. in an assignment. menuhankan consider as a god, deify. menuju 1 go in the direction of. 2 aim, strive. 3 concern menular 1 infect, contaminate. 2 spread, contagious. menulari spread to s.o. or s.t. menulis 1 write. 2 draw. menunggu 1 wait for. 2 look forward to. 3 stay at a place to take care of what has to be done there. menunjang kick s.o. or s.t. menunjuk 1 point toward, indicate. 2 show, indicate. 3 appoint, designate. 4 raise o.’s band. 5 with reference to. menyambar 1 swoop down and seize. 2 strike, attack. 3 steal, rob.

menyambit lash. menyambut 1 welcome, receive. 2 accept. 3 parry, reply. 4 on the occasion of. menyampaikan 1 convey, extend. 2 hand over, give. 3 deliver. 4 put on. 5 carry on a pole. menyandang 1 carry s.t. strapped over the shoulder. 2 bear. menyanggah protest, oppose, contradicted the truth of the report. menyanggupkan 1 enable. 2 promise. menyelundupkan smuggle s.t. in. menyeluruh 1 spread all over. 2 comprehensive (reading etc). menyemaikan raise seedlings, make seeds germinate. menyentuh touch s.t., nudge. menyepak kick. menyepelekan belittle, consider insignificant. menyepi 1 grow still, become desolate. 2 retire into seclusion. menyerah 1 surrender. 2 give in, accede. menyerahi hand over to s.o., deliver to s.o., submit to s.o. menyerahkan give, hand s.t. over, transfer s.t. menyeramkan 1 cause o.’s hair to stand on end. 2 terrify. 3 scary menyisipkan insert s.t. in. menyisir 1 comb s.t. 2 harrow s.t. menyisirkan comb s.t. for s.o. menyita 1 seize, confiscate. 2 consume. menyobek tear, rip. menyokong 1 prop up, support. 2 aid. menyongsong 1 welcome. 2 commemorate. 3 carry out. 4. go against. menyontek 1. push away. 2. copy, cheat in class, crib. menyorot 1 shine, gleam, irradiate. 2 project. 3 gaze, look. 4 draw attention to, highlight. menyoroti 1 illuminate s.t., light up. 2 spotlight s.t. or s.o., give prime importance to. menyuapi feed s.o., esp. by placing food in the mouth. menyuarakan 1 give voice to s.t., express s.t. 2 utter. menyubal 1 plug up, wad. 2 substitute with fake material. menyuburkan 1 make s.t. fertile, make s.t. grow. 2 make s.t. prosper. menyudutkan put s.t. into a corner.

menyuguhkan serve. with s.t. menyukai like, love. menyulam 1. embroider. 2. replace dead rice seedlings with new ones. menyulap 1 conjure up s.t. 2 cause s.t. to disappear menyuling 1. play the flute. 2. distill. menyuntik 1 inject. 2 inoculate, vaccinate. 3 incite. menyunting 1 proofread and correct. 2 insert s.t., edit s.t. into. 3 marry s.o.. menyuntingkan 1. place behind the ear or in the hair. 2. have s.o. as a wife. menyuplai supply s.t. menyurati 1 incribe. 2 write a letter to s.o. merajam stone to death. merajut 1 make a net. 2 crochet, knit. merak peacock. merakit 1 make a raft. 2 connect, join, assemble. merakyat be close to the people. meralat correct, rectify. meramalkan 1 predict. 2 portend. merendah 1 descent. 2 be modest. merendahkan 1 lower. 2 humiliate, disparage. merendam soak, steep. merengat 1 crack, split, chap. 2 erupt. 3 have shooting pains. merengek whine, whimper. merenggut 1 tug at, yank out. 2 obtain s.t. with great endeavor. merengkuh tear, pull at. merenovasi renovate s.t. merentang 1 stretch, extend. 2 build s.t. that spans or extends outward. merentekan lend at interest. merentet line up, extend in a line or series. merenung 1 muse, be wistful. 2 daydream. merenungi 1 meditation upon, muse over. 2 gaze at thoughtfully. merepotkan bother, cause a fuse, make difficulties for. meresap 1 penetrate, infiltrate. 2 ooze out, soak through and out. meresmikan 1 make s.t. official, authenticate s.t. 2 announce officially. meriah merry, gay. meriam cannon. meriang cold, feel dizzy and feverish, out of sorts.


merica pepper, esp. white pepper. (mericabubuk) ground pepper. merinding feel suddenly frightened, feel eerie. merindukan 1 yearn for, miss. 2 cause s.o. to yearn. meringis 1 grin, show o.’s teeth. 2 grimace meringkuk 1 bend over., stoop over. 2 confined, cooped up. meringkus 1 catch by binding the limbs. 2 take into custody, catch. merintangi 1 block. 2 interfere with, hamper. merintih groan, whimper. merisaukan 1 worry about. 2 make restless, cause worry. merk 1 brand, make. 2 trade-mark, label. 3 quality. 4 signboard. merobek tear. merobohkan 1 cause to come down. 2 overthrow, bring down. 3 floor s.o. merokok smoke s.t. merombak 1 tear down s.t. 2 change the appearance of s.t., remodel. 3 reorganize. meronta struggle to get loose. merosot 1 slip off. 2 decline, sink merpati pigeon, dove. mertua parent-in-law. merubung flow together in large quantities, gather around. merucut escape, glide loose. merugikan 1 inflict a financial loss. 2 damage, harm. merumuskan formulate. merunduk stoop, bend, bow. merungkuh be worn out, decayed, old. meruntuh 1 collapse, come down. 2 infiltrate. meruntun pull out. merunyamkan 1 make difficult. 2 damage, cause to fail. merupakan constitute, form, make up. merutin become ordinary, routine. merutu small mosquito. mes residence belonging to employees. mesem (jv.) smile. meses chocolate sprinkles. mesin machine, engine. mesir Egypt. mesjid mosque. meski although, in spite of.


mesra 1 very close so as to become fused. 2 intimate, very close. metabolisme metabolism. metafisik metaphysical. metafisika metaphysics. metal bushing. metalik metallic. meteorologi meteorology. meter meter. metodik methodology. metodis methodical. metrik metric. metrologi metrology. metromini medium-sized city bus. metropolitan metropolitan. mewabah become an epidemic. mewadahi contain, provide a place for. mewafatkan cause s.o.’s death. mewah luxurious, extravagant. mewahyukan (rel.) reveal s.t. mewajarkan make natural, make proper. mewajibkan make s.t. compulsory. mewakafkan donate s.t. to be used for religious or community use. mewakili represent, look after the interests of s.o. or s.t. mewakilkan 1 appoint s.o. as a representative. 2 do s.t. by proxy. mewalikan 1 act as guardian for. 2 appoint s.o. to be guardian. mewangi 1 fragrant. 2 scent, perfume. (mewangikan) perfume s.t. mewarisi inherit s.t. mewariskan be queath s.t. mewarnai 1 apply a color to s.t., color. 2 slant, color s.t. mewasiatkan will, bequeath. mewasiti be the referee in. mewaspadai keep on guard against. mewawancarai interview s.o. mewayangkan 1 put into a wayang format for presentation. 2 act, perform. mewujudkan 1 give shape to, create. 2 bring into reality. meyakini 1 believe. 2 be convinced about s.t. meyakinkan 1 ensure, convince s.o. 2 make convincing. mi noodles. migas [Minyak dan Gas Bumi] oil and natural gas.

migran migrant. migrasi migration. mihrab (isl.) niche or chamber in mosque indicating the direction of mecca. mika mica. mikro micro. mikrolet minibus or jitney. mikron micron. mikropon microphone. mikroskop microscope. mikroskopis microscopic. mil mile. milenium millennium. mili millimeter. milik 1 property, possession. 2 fate. milimeter millimeter. militan militant. militansi militancy. militer 1 soldier. 2 military. militerisasi militarization. militerisme militarism. militeristis militaristic. milyar billion. milyaran by the billions. milyarder billionaire. milyun million. mimbar pulpit, speaker’s platform, rostrum. mimik 1 (jv.) drink. 2 facial expression. 3 mimicry. mimis round pellet for rifles, beebee. mimisan nosebleed. mimpi dream. (mimpi-buruk) nightmare. min minus. minat interest, proclivity. minder feel inferior, unconfident. minggu 1 week. 2 Sunday. (mingguan) weekly. miniatur miniature. minikata play using few words. minta 1 ask, request, beg. 2 please. 3 ask for trouble. minta-minta 1 hope. 2 beg for alms. minum 1 drink, absorb. 2 take in. minuman 1 a drink. 2 beverage. minus 1 poor, lacking in economic potential. 2 minus, unproductiveness. minyak oil, grease, fat. miring 1 at an angle, aslant, sideways. 2 oblique. 3 crazy.

mirip resemble. misa mass. misal example, instance. misi 1 mission. 2 (Chatolic) mission. miskin poor, needy, destitute. mistar 1 ruler, line. 2 crossbar at goal. mister term of address or reference for a caucasian male. misteri mysterious. misterius mysterious. mistik mystical. mistikus mystic. mistis mystical. mistisi mystics. mistisisme mysticism. mite myth. mitologi mythology. mitologis mythological. mitos myth. mitra 1 friend, partner. 2. miter. mizan libra. mobilet moped or motorbike. mobilisasi mobilization. mobilisir mobilize. modal financial capital. mode fashion. model 1 model. 2 the fashion. 3 dressed up fancy. moderat moderate. moderator moderator ( in a panel). modern modern. modernisasi modernization modifikasi modification. (memodifikasikan) modify. modis stylish. modul module. modus 1 modus. 2 mood. moga initiative (semoga) may it happen, i hope that. mogok 1 strike. 2 stall, fail, break down. mohon 1 ask, request, beg. 2 implore, beseech. moka mocha. molek pretty, cute. loveliness, beauty. molekul molecule. momen 1. monument. 2.temporary police roadblock or speed trap. 3 check monas [Monumen Nasional] the national monument in Jakarta. moneter monetary.


monolog monologue. monoton monotonous. monster 1. sample of merchandise. 2 monster. montir 1 mechanic, repairman. 2 repair, do mechanical work. monumen monument. monumental grandiose, monumental. monyet 1 monkey. 2 term of abuse. moral morality. moralis moralist. moralistas morality. morfin morphine. mori unbleached plain cloth. motif 1 motif, design. 2 motive. motivasi motivation. moto 1 motto. 2 monosodium glutamate (msg). motor 1 motor, engine. 2 motorcar, auto. 3 motorcycle. 4 moving force behind s.t. moyang great-grandfather, greatgrandparents. muai expand, swell. muak 1 sick, nauseated, revolted. 2 loathe. mualaf (isl.) recent convert to islam. mualim 1(isl.) teacher. 2 navigator. 3 pilot, guide. muara 1 estuary, mouth. 2 orifice. muat 1 contain, hold, accommodate. 2 be contained in a publication. 3 include. muatan 1 load, contents. 2 capacity. 3 cargo. muazin (isl.) o. who calls to prayers. mubah (isl.) neutral, neither forbidden not required. muda 1 young. 2 deputy. 3 unripe, green (of fruits). 4 light, pale. (pemuda) youth, young man. mudah easy, simple. facilitate, make s.t. easier. mudah-mudahan 1 may it be, i hope, hopefully. 2 maybe, perhaps. mudik 1 upstream, upcountry, inland. 2 home to the village. mufaham understand. mufakat 1discussion to reach an agreement. 2 agreement, consensus. mufasir commentator. mufrad single, simplex. muh. [Muhammad]. muhajirin (isl.) those who accompanied Muh. on his flight from Mecca.


muharram (isl.) first month of the muslim year. muhrim (isl.) degree of consanguinity between a man and woman that renders. mui [Majelis Ulama Indonesia] indonesian council of religious scholars. mujahadah (isl.) war against deviation from the true principles of religion. mujahid (isl.) defender of the faith. mujarab effective, efficacious. mujarad (isl.) abstract, not concrete. mujtahid (isl.) expert in muslim law who gives an independent interpretation of the koran and hadist. mujur luck, lucky. muka 1 face. 2 front. 3 page, side. 4 surface. 5 upcoming. 6 face, reputation. mukadimah introduction, preface. mukenah (isl.) white cloak covering a woman’s head and body worn at prayer. mukim 1 stay at, be a resident of. 2 residence, district. mukjizat miracle. mukmin (isl.) the believers, the faithful. muktabar (isl.) respected, venerated. muktamar congress, conference. mula 1 beginning. 2 original cause, basis. mulas slight stomach upset, pain in the stomach. mulia noble, sublime, lofty. mulur 1 elastic. 2 flexible. mulus 1 flawless, pure. 2 sincere. mulut 1 mouth. 2 opening. 3 nozzle. munafik 1 hypocrite. 2 liar. muncul show up, emerge, appear, turn up. mundur 1 go back, back up. 2 decline, decrease, deteriorate. 3 retreat. mungil cute, sweet. mungkar (isl.) 1 deny. 2 ignored. mungkin possible, maybe. munkar (isl.) name of an angel. muntaber [muntah berak] diarrhea and vomiting, esp. as cholera symptoms. muntah 1. vomit, throw up. 2. fade, run. mur moor. murah 1 cheap, inexpensive (of price). 2 easy, not subject to a number of conditions. 3 generous. muram sad, gloomy, depressed. muri metal flute.

murid 1 pupil, student of lower grades. 2 disciple, follower of. murka 1 anger, fury. 2 angry. murni pure, clean. mursid (isl.) spiritual guide, religious teacher. murtad (isl.) 1 apostate. 2 renegade from social values. musabaqah (isl.) contest for reciting the Qur’an. musafir traveler. musang civet. museum museum. musholla (isl.) small building or room set aside in a public place for performance of religious duties. musibah calamity, disaster. musik music. musikologi musicologist.

musikus musician. musisi musicians. musim 1 season, period. 2 monsoon. muslihat 1 trick. 2 strategy, tactics. muslim a Muslim. musnah annihilated, destroyed. mustahil impossible, out of the question. musuh 1 foe, enemy, adversary. 2 competitor, contestant. musyrik polytheist. mutakhir the very latest, most up-to-date. mutasi 1 mutation. 2 transfer of gvt. official to a new post or of pupil to a new school, shakeup. mutiara pearl. mutlak absolute, unconditional. mutu 1 pearl. 2 quality, grade. 3 carat.


N nabati concerning plants, phytonabi 1 prophet. 2 Muh. and other important religious figures. nada 1 intonation. 2 tone, note. 3 pitch. nadi pulse, artery. nafas breath. nafkah 1 basic necessities of life. 2 money given to o.’s wife for household expenses. naga dragon. naif naive. naik 1 climb, ascend, go up (on). 2 rise, be on the increase. 3 suddenly flare up. 4 ride s.t. najis (isl.) 1 defiling filth, s.t. which, if touched, make o. unfit for prayer. 2 excrement. 3 dirty. nakal 1 naughty, mischievous. 2 wanton. nakhoda ship’s captain. nalar 1 logical reasoning. 2 reasonable. naluri instinct. naluriah instinctive. nama 1 name. 2 fame, title. nampak visible, evident. (nampak-nya) apparently. nampan tray. namun yet, however. nanah suppuration, pus. nanas pineapple. nangka jackfruit. nanti 1 wait. 2 later, presently. 3 presently at, this. 4 next, it might happen that. napi 1 [narapidana] inmate, prisoner. 2. see nafi. naqli (isl.) reference to relevant citation from Qur’an. narapidana 1 convict, prisoner, prison inmate. 2 convicted criminal. narasumber resource person, informant. narkotika narcotics. nas (isl.) authoritative quotation (from the Qur’an). nasab (isl.) 1 lineage, descent. 2 tie.

nasabah 1 customer, client. 2 relationship. nasi cooked rice, a meal (of rice). nasib fate, destiny, fortune. nasihat advice, admonition. nasion nation. nasional national. nasionalis nationalist, nationalistic. nasionalisasi nationalization. nasionalisir nationalize. nasionalisme nationalism. nasrani 1 christian. 2 (lit.) portuguese, of portuguese creole descent. natal christmas. (natal-an) christmas celebration. navigasi navigation. navigator navigator. negara state. (negara-berkembang) developing country. (negara-hukum) constitutional state. (negara-terbelakang) underdeveloped state. negarawan statesman. negasi negation. negeri 1 country, land. 2 village. 3 stateowned, state-run. negosiasi negotiation. nelangsa arousing pity. nelayan fisherman. nenek grandmother, great-aunt. nener (jv.) young milkfish. nepotisme nepotism. neraca 1 pair of scales. 2 balance. neraka 1 hell. 2 destruction, misfortune. nestapa sorrow, grief. net 1 clear, precise (of price). 2 net. netral 1 neutral. 2 uncommitted, nonaligned. netralis neutralist. netralisasi neutralization. netralisir neutralize. netralisme neutralism. netralitas neutrality.


netto net. neurolog neurologist. neurologi neurology. neutron neutron. ngaben (bali) cremation. ngabuburit (jkt.) seek amusement and distractions while waiting for day’s fast to end. ngengat moth. ngeong meow. ngepas 1 try clothes on. 2 fit. 3 be just enough. ngeri 1 horrified. 2 horrifying. ngetop be on top, famous. ngibrit run out of a place. ngibul tell a lie. ngilu pain, smart. ngoceh talk nonsense. ngocok (coll.) 1 shake, mix, rub. 2 masturbate. ngompol wet the bed or o.’s pants. ngorok snore. ngos-ngosan (coll.) gasp and pant. niaga commerce, trade. niagawan trader. nian very, really. niat intention, plan, aim. berniat intend. nihil nothing, nil, zero. nikah 1 marriage, wedding. 2 marry. nikel nickel (metal). nikmat 1 comfort, luxury. 2 deeply enjoyable, pleasant. 3 (islam) grace. nikotin nicotine. nil nile. nila blue dye, indigo. nilai 1 price, value. 2 school grades. 3 percentage, proportion. 4 moral value. nilam 1. k.o. shrub yielding fragrant oil, patchouli. 2. see batu. 3. see burung. nilon nylon. nimbrung (coll.) join on in conversation where o. is not wanted, butt into discussion. ninabobo lullaby. ningrat nobility, aristocracy. nip [Nomor Induk Pegawai] 1 official registry number of civil servants. 2 letter of appointment for civil servant. nipon (coll.) japan. nira sap obtained by tapping inflorescences of various palms used to make sugar. nirakal insensible.

nirasa apathy. nirmala clean, pure. nirwana nirvana. nirwarna colorless. nisan gravestone. nisbah 1 family name, name descriptive of origin or relationship. 2 (fin.) ratio. nisbi relative, proportionate. niscaya certainly, surely. nista 1 insult, abuse. 2 stigma. 3 insulted, humiliated. nitis 1 ( jv.) become incarnate. 2 (coll.) descend into o.’s offspring (of traits, etc.) nitrat (chem.) nitrate. noda 1 stain, spot of dirt. 2 shame, disgrace. nodul nodule. noktah 1 dot, point. 2 period (of punctuation). nol nought, zero. nomade /nomaden/ nomad, nomadic. nomenklatur nomenclature. nomer 1 number. 2 issue (of a periodical). 3 number in a musical show. nominal nominal (in statistics, research, mathematics). nona 1 miss, unmarried European, China, or Westernized well-to-do, Indonesian girl in western dress. 2 term of address for such women. 3 (Ambon) unmarried woman. nonaktif inactive, laid-off. nongkrong 1 (coll.) squat. 2 (coll.) sit around doing nothing , hang out. 3 idle, not in use. nongol (jkt.) stick the head out, appear, be conspicuous. nonpribumi of foreign descent, nonnative (esp. referring to ethnic Chinese). nonsen nonsense, ridiculous. nopember November. nopol [Nomor Polisi] vehicle registration number. nora /norak/ (jkt.) tacky, in bad taste, vulgar, lower than normal. norma norm, standard. normal normal. normalisasi normalization. norwegia norway. nostalgi nostalgia. not musical note. nota 1 note. 2 statement of account, bill. 3 memorandum. notariat office of notary.


notaris notary public. notasi notation. notes small notebook, notepad. notifikasi notification. notilen minute, notes (of a meeting). novel novel. novela novella. novelis novelist. novis novice. nuansa nuance. nujum fortune-telling, esp. with stars. nukil 1 quotation, quote. 2 excerpt. nuklir (phys.) nuclear. numplek (jv.) 1 pour out, empty all at o. time. 2 be spilled out, be in a huge crowd in a place. nurani 1 lustrous, illuminated. 2 pure. 3 inner. nuri k.o. parrot. nusa island, esp. in island names. nutrisi nutrition. nutrisionis nutritionist. nuzulul-qur’an (isl.) day commemorating descent of the Qur’an. nyai 1 term of reference and address for concubine of European or China in colonial period. 2 (jv.) respectful term of address to older woman. nyak 1. (jkt.) term of address and reference for o.’s mother. 2. see nyonya. nyala flame. nyali 1 gall, bile. 2 guts, daring o. shows in a crisis situation.


nyaman pleasant, comfortable. nyamuk mosquito. (nyamuk-pers) newspaper reporter. nyanyi sing. nyaring 1 high-pitched, piercing. 2 (ling.) sonorant. nyaris nearly (of s.t. unpleasant), almost. nyaru disguised. nyata 1 obvious, evident. 2 real, tangible. nyawa life-sustaining principle, soul. nyenyak sleep soundly nyepi 1. last day of balinese calendar, when no work is done. 2. see sepi. nyeri painful, sharp (pain). nyinyir talkative, fond of chatting. nyiur (lit.) coconut. nyolot (jkt.) be blazing with anger. nyong 1 (ambon) young man. 2 (ambon) polite term of address for males younger than speaker. 3 (jkt.) term of address among intimate male friends. nyontek cheat on exams. nyonya 1 mrs. (esp. of non-indonesian, i.e. china, foreigners). 2 lady. 3 (coll.) wife. 4 term of address (esp. as nya or nyah) for China and Western women. nyruput sip noisily, slurp. nyungsep (jv.) fall or slip down in mud headfirst.

O oase oasis. obat 1 medicine, potion. 2 toiletry. 3 drug. obeng screwdriver. obligasi debenture, bond. obor 1 torch. 2 guide. obral clearance sale. obras machine hemming. obrol chat. obros lieutenant colonel. observasi observation. observatorium observatory. obsesi obsession. obyek object, thing. obyektif 1 objective, unbiased. 2 objective, goal. odol toothpaste. ogah 1 be averse to. 2 (ogah-ogahan) be reluctant, unwilling. ojeg motorcycle or bicycle used for public transport. oksidasi oxidation. oksigen oxygen. oktaf octave. oktan octane. oktober october. okulasi grafting. okuler ocular. okupasi 1 job. 2 illegal occupation of land. olah 1 process. 2 manner, way of doing things. (olah-data) data processing. olahan 1 product. 2 fickle. 3 whim, caprice. olahraga 1 sport. 2 physical exercise. olahragawan sportsman, athlete. olahragawati female athlete. oleh 1 by. (oleh-oleh) gift brought back from a trip, souvenirs 2 (oleh karena) because, since, because of, due to. oles spread s.t. oily on, lubricate. (olesan) a smear. oli oil. olimpiade olympiad.

ombak wave. omong 1 way of talking. 2 talk, say. ompol urine expelled in bed or in o.’s pants. ompong toothless. omset turnover. onar noisy sensation, stir. oncor torch. onde-onde traditional round fried cake sprinkled with sesame seeds. ondel-ondel (jkt.) giant puppets used in parades. onderdil spare parts. ongkos cost, expenses, charges. ongol-ongol k.o. cake made of tapioca. ontologi ontology. opelet k.o. small urban bus or jitney. opera 1 opera. 2 musical drama. operasi 1 operation, campaign, action. 2 surgical operation. operasional operational. operasionalisasi process of making s.t. operational. operator operator. opini opinion. opname hospitalization, be hospitalized. oposisi opposition. opsi option. optik optics. optimal best, optimum. optimis optimist, optimistic. optimisme optimism. optimistis optimistic. optimum optimum. optimumisasi optimizing. orang 1 person. 2 follower, assistant. orasi oration. orbit orbit. orde 1 sociopolitical or economic system. 2 order. 3 forced labor. ordinat (math.) the y cartesian coordinate.


organik organic. organis 1. organic. 2 organist. organisasi organization. organisator organizer. organisatoris organizational. orientasi orientation. orkes musical group. orkestra orchestra. ormas [organisasi massa] mass organization. ornamen 1 ornament. 2 jewelry. otak brain. otentik authentic. oto automotive vehicle, car. otobis bus.


otodidak autodidact, self-taught person. otomobil automobile. otomotif automotive. otonom autonomous. otonomi autonomy. otoriter 1 authoritative. 2 authoritarian. otot 1 muscle. 2 tendon. (berotot) strong, very muscled. oval oval. oven oven. (meng-oven) bake in an oven. ovulasi ovulation. ozon ozone.

P pabrik factory. (pabrikan) manufacturer. pacak 1 roasting spit. 2. mate. 3. skilled, experienced. pacar boyfriend or girlfriend. pacaran 1 go put with members of opposite sex. 2 be boy and girlfriends. 3 engage in sexual play. paceklik 1 famine. 2 time of scarcity before harvest. 3 lack of s.t. important. pacu spur. (pacu-jantung) heart pacemaker, race. pacul 1 hoe. 2 squeeze or press out. pada 1 at or to, have a feeling toward. 2 in the direction of to or on, from the surface, tip or edge of. 3 at, in. 4 at. 5 preposition preceding complement of intransitive verb or noun. padahal 1 whereas, but actually the case is. 2 besides. padam 1 extinguished. 2 calmed, suppressed, quenched. padan equal ,match. padanan 1 parable. 2 comparison. padang plain, field, moorland. padasan cistern, vat. padat 1 solid, compact. 2 dense. paderi 1 catholic priest. 2 islam purists from W. Sumatra in the early 19th century. padi 1 rice plant, unhusked rice. 2 tiny, very small. (padi-an) grain. padu 1 solid, compact, fused. 2 in harmony. 3 resolute. paduan fusion, combination, blend, synthesis. paduk baseline. paduka (lit.) excellency. pagar 1 fence. 2 hedge. pagelaran show, presentation. pagi morning. paha thigh. pahala merit, reward for moral conduct.

paham 1 understanding. 2 view, concept. 3 understand, know. pahat chisel. pahatan carving, relief. pahit bitter. pahlawan hero, patriot. pajak 1 tax. 2 monopoly or franchise given by colonial gvt. pajang (memajang) dress window, display. pak 1 term of address to somewhat older male people. 2 package, parcel. pakai 1 involve the use of, with, by means of. 2 take. 3 wear. pakaian clothes, suit, uniform, dress. pakan woof. pakar expert in certain field. paket 1 parcel. 2 package, set of proposals that go together. paksa 1 force. 2 necessity, compulsion. 3 favorable opportunity. paku 1. nail, spike. 2. edible fern. pala 1. nutmeg. 2 if and so has already gotten started, been done to a certain extent. palak 1 angry. 2 passionate, easily excited. 3 hot, feverish. palang 1 crossbar. 2 bolt. 3 barrier. palawija crops planted as 2nd crop in dry season. palem palm. palet palette. paling 1. the most (superlative). 2. turn. palsu fake, false, counterfeit. palu 1 hammer. 2 blow. 3 gavel. palung 1 pool. 2 trough. 3 riverbed. paman uncle. pamer show off. (pameran) exhibition. pamit 1 farewell. 2 say goodbye. pamong 1 guardian, o. who takes care of. 2 tutor.


pamor luster, prestige. pampang 1 wide, broad. 2 obvious. pamrih 1 profit, reward o. gets for doing s.t. 2 purpose, what o. is after. pamungkas 1 final. 2 deadly, s.t. that finishes s.t. off. panah bow. panahan archery. panas 1 hot, heat. 2 fever, feverish. 3 critical. 4 fierce. panca five. pancaindera the five senses. pancal (jv.) press down on with foot, step on. pancaroba transition period, esp. between monsoons, periods of life, etc. pancasila the five basic principles of the republic of Indonesia: the belief in o. God almighty, humanity that is just and civilized, the unity of Indonesia, democracy guided by the wisdom of representative deliberation, social justice for all Indonesians. panci pan. pancing 1 fishing rod. 2 fishhook. (pancingan) elicitation, provocation, inducement. pancung 1 train of dress, shirttail. 2 angular, cut off sharply. pancur gush, spout, pour out or down. pancuran 1 shower. 2 jet, spray. 3 tap. pandai 1 bright, smart. 2 capable. 3 know, know how. 4. goldsmith. pandang a look. pandangan 1 view, opinion. 2 s.t.o. sees. pandega 1 employees on a fishing vessel. 2 boy or girl scouts of highest rank. pandir stupid, naive. pandita 1 hindu priest. 2 title of a palace rank. pandu 1 guide. 2 boy or girl scout. panduan 1 escort. 2 pilot. panel 1 panel. 2 panel of wood. panelis panelist. panen 1 harvest. 2 reap a nice profit. pangan food. pangeran 1 prince, lord. 2 jack. pangestu 1 blessing. 2 spiritual movement originating in Central Java. panggang 1 baked, roasted. 2 toasted. panggil 1 call, summon, send for s.o. 2 name, call.


panggul hip, pelvis. panggung 1 stage, raised platform. 2 grandstand. 3 scaffolding. pangkal 1 base, beginning, starting point. 2 cause. 3 base point. 4 (elect.) pole. pangkalan 1 place to start out from, bridgehead. 2 quay, anchorage. 3 base pangkas get a haircut. pangkat 1 rank, position. 2 step, grade. 3 floor, story. 4 platform. 5 degree, power. pangkon (jv.) wooden base of gamelan. panglima commander. panik panic. panili vanilla. panitera 1 clerk of court. 2 registrar. panitia committee. panjat climb. panji standard, banner, pennant. panorama panorama. pantang 1 prohibition, forbidden by taboo. 2 avoidance of s.t. taboo. pantas 1 proper, suitable. 2 reasonable, fair, proper. 3 alert, smart. 4 of course! no wonder! pantat 1 behind, bottom, buttock. 2 back part of s.t. pantau monitor s.t., observe. panti 1 house, residence. 2 institution, home. panti-asuhan orphanage. pantofel pantofel. pantomim pantomime. pantul bounce back, bounce off. pantulan 1 reflection. 2 rebound. pantun traditional poetry, each verse of which consists of two couplets. panutan s.t. to follow, guide, leader. papa 1 poor, destitute. 2 father, esp in westernized families. papah supported. (papahan) a support to lean on. papak flat, level, smooth. papan 1 board, plank. 2 shelf. 3 sign. 4. housing, shelter. papar flat, level. paparan 1 shelf. 2 explanation. papeda sago porridge. papua-nugini Papua New Guinea.

para 1 rubber. 2 collective marker referring to people who comprise a group. parabola parabola. parade parade. paradigma paradigm. paradoks paradoxical. paraf initials. parafin paraffin. parafrase paraphrase. paragraf paragraph. parah in serious condition, severe. paralel parallel. parameter parameter. parang 1. short machete, chopping knife. 2. fish, the wolf-herring. paras 1 face, countenance. 2 looks, appearance. 3 smooth. parasitisme parasitism. parasut parachute. parfum perfume. paripurna 1 perfect, pure. 2 complete. 3 plenary. parit 1 moat, ditch, trench. 2 furrow, slit, groove. pariwisata 1 tourism. 2 a tour. (ber-pariwisata) make a trip. pariwisatawan tourist. parket parquet. parkir 1 be parked. 2 be placed s.w. for a period of time. parkiran parking place, parking lot. parlemen parliament. parlementer parliamentary. parpol [partai politik] political parties. partai 1. party. 2. 1) event. 2) a quantity of. partikel 1 particle. 2 function word. partisipasi participation, take part. paru-paru lungs. (paru-paru-basah) pleurisy. parut 1 rasp, file. 2 scrape, grate. 3 scraper or grater. pas 1 fit, be the right size. 2 exact, exactly. 3 exactly at. pasal 1 paragraph, section. 2 article. 3 concerning, regarding, about. pasang 1 pair, set. 2 1) show off. 2) pose, be on o.’s best behavior. 3 rise pasar market.

pasaran 1 market. 2 five-day week. 3 hold a market, be market day. 4 of market quality, not of good enough quality to be sold in a specialty store. pasarean (jv.) cemetery, grave. pasca post, after. (pasca-sarjana) postgraduate work. (pasca-panen) time after rice harvest. pasien medical patient. pasif passive. pasifik the pacific. pasir 1 sand. 2 beach or place covered with sand. (berpasir) sandy. paskah easter. paspor passport. pasrah submit to o.’s fate. pasta paste. (pasta-gigi) toothpaste. pastel meat-filled turnover. pasti definite, certain, sure. pasukan 1 troops. 2 group. 3 formation. pasung prisoner’s stocks. patah broken. paten 1 patent. 2 admirable, tops. pati 1 starch. 2 core, essence. 3. [perwira tinggi] high-ranking officer. patih vice regent, chief minister to a king. patologi pathology. patri solder. patriotis patriotic. patriotisme patriotism. patroli patrol. patuh obedient, submissive, obey. patung 1 image, statue. 2 sculpture. 3 chip in together to pay for s.t. patut 1 proper, fitting, decent, in line. 2 should, ought to. paus pope. (kepausan) papacy. pawai parade. pawang 1 o. endowed with magic powers. 2 o. with a special skill. 3 animal tamer. payah 1 tired. 2 difficult, troublesome. 3 finding. s.t. troublesome. payudara breast. payung 1 umbrella. 2 parachute. pb [Pengurus Besar] executive board. pbb [Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa] United Nations. pbe [Pasaran Bersama Eropa] European common market.


pbh [Pemberantasan Buta Huruf] literacy campaign. pd 1 [Perang Dunia] world war. 2 [pejabat] acting. 3. [pendidikan jasmani] physical education. [Perusahaan Dagang] trading company. pebruari February. pecah 1 broken, smashed. 2 be divided. 3 crockery. pecahan 1 piece, fragment, splinter. 2 fraction. pecat fired, discharged. pecel salad made of blanched vegetables served with peanut sauce. pecik arise. pedang sword. pedas 1 hot, highly seasoned and spiced. 2 severe, biting. 3 spicy. pedih 1 smarting. 2 poignant. pedoman 1 compass. 2 orientation. 3 manual, directive. 4 catalog, bulletin of a university. peduli pay attention, care about. peg. 1 [pegunungan] mountains. 2 [pegawai] employee. pegal 1 stiff, painful. 2 weary, weariness. 3 annoyed, vexed, fed up. pegang hold on. pegas 1 spring. 2 carpet beater. 3 pedal in car. 4 brake. pegawai 1 official, gvt. employee. 2 employee, worker. pegulat wrestler. pegunungan mountain range. pejabat functionary, official. pejajaran (jkt.) 1 evil spirit. 2 damn it!. pejam closed. peka sensitive. pekan 1market. 2 week. 3 period certain events are held or the events themselves. pekat 1 thick, concentrated. 2 tough. 3 strong. pekerja worker, laborer, employee. pekerjaan 1 work, task, activity. 2 job, occupation. 3 operation, working, action.4 celebration, feast. 5 endeavor. 6 employment. pekerti 1 character, nature. 2 bad character. pekik yell, scream. peking whine, howl. pekis utter a shrill cry.


pekuburan cemetery, graveyard. pel 1 field. 2 (kain-pel) mop. pelacur whore, prostitute. pelacuran prostitution. peladang o. who works or owns such a field. pelajar secondary school student. pelajaran 1 lesson, course. 2 training. pelaksana 1 implementer, executor, organizer. 2 producer. 3 manager, director. pelaksanaan 1 carrying out of s.t., realization. 2 implementation. pelaku 1 doer, agent. 2 subject. 3 performer, cast. pelamar 1 suitor. 2 applicant. pelaminan dais on which the bridal couple sits. pelampiasan release, rebound. pelampung 1 float. 2 float, buoy. pelan slow. pelana saddle. pelancong tourist, sight-seer. pelanggaran 1 infraction, violation. 2 trespass. 3 infringement. pelangi rainbow. pelangki palanquin. pelapor 1 reporter. 2 commentator. pelapukan 1 weathering. 2 corrosion. pelawak comedian, jokester. pelayan 1 waiter, waitress. 2 sales clerk. 3 attendant. pelayat o. who pays his respects to the family of the deceased. peleceh flatterer, molester. pelecehan act of despising, insulting, molest, bully. peledakan explosion. pelembungan 1 balloon. 2 blown up gizzard. pelembutan softening, toning down. pelempap breadth of the hand, moisturizer pelemparan 1 throwing, hurling. 2 ejection. pelengkap 1 complement. 2 supplement. pelerai 1 o. who moderates. 2 o. who breaks up fights. peleraian 1 separation . 2 disengagement. pelesapan deletion. peleton platoon. pelik 1 peculiar, remarkable. 2 complicated.

pelikan 1 mineral. 2 pelican. pelipis temples. pelipit hem. peliput reporter. pelisir pleat, pleated. pelit stingy. pelita 1 oil lamp. 2 light. pelitur varnish, polish furniture. pelni [Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia] national shipping lines. pelolosan escape. pelomba 1 contestant, competitor. 2 athlete. pelonggaran relaxing. pelonjakan rise, jump. pelopor 1 pioneer. 2 vanguard, forerunner. 3 shock troops. 4 ranger, scout. pelosok 1 outlying place, remote spot. 2 corner. pelosot 1 fall down. 2 go down in price. peluang 1 opportunity, chance. 2 quiet. peluberan overflowing. pelucu wag, wit, jokester. peluh 1. impotent. 2. perspiration, sweat. peluit 1 a whistle (device). 2 whistle (sound). peluk embrace. (peluk-cium) a hug and a kiss. peluntur laxative. pelupa forgetful person, s.o. absent-minded. pelupuk cover, wrapper. (kelopak-mata) eyelid. peluru 1 bullet. 2 projectile, missile. 3 shotput. peluruh emetic. pemabuk drunkard, a drunk. pemadam s.t. that extinguishes. pemadaman extinguishing, putting out. pemahaman comprehension, understanding. pemahatan sculptor, carver. pemain player, actor. pemakai 1 user, consumer. 2 wearer. pemakaian 1 use, consumption. 2 application, usage. pemakaman funeral, burial, interment. pemakan 1eater 2 consumer. pemalas sluggard, lazy person. pemanah archer. pemancar 1 fountain. 2 radio or tv transmitter. 3 radiator.

pemancaran action of broadcasting, radiating, emitting. pemandian bathing place. pemangkas barber. pemangku 1 manager. 2 functionary. pemanis 1 sweetener. 2 cosmetics. 3 decoration. pemantapan stabilization, consolidation. pemasaran marketing. pemasok supplier. pemasukan 1 registration, entering. 2 import. 3 introduction. 4 income. pematang bund, dike between rice fields. pembagian 1 distribution. 2 division. 3 allotment, division. 4 sharing, share. pembalap racer. pembalasan 1 reply, replying, response, responding. 2 recompense. 3. revenge, retribution, retaliation, reprisal. pembangkitan generation. pembantu 1 helper, assistant. 2 servant. 3 accessory, accomplice. 4 stringer. pembatak 1 plunderer, pillager, robber. 2 soldier of fortune, adventurer. pembatas 1 divider, circuit breaker. 2 restraint. pembatasan 1 restriction. 2 delimitation. 3 curtailment. pembawaan 1 nature, character, temperament. 2 talent, gift. 3 transporting, delivery. 4 result, consequence. pembela protector, defen-der, advocate. pembelaan protection, advocacy, pleading, defence. pembelanja shopper. pembelanjaan financing. pemberangkatan sending off, dispatch. pemberhentian 1 discharge, dismissal. 2 stoppage. pemberi giver, donor, bestower. pemberian 1 gift, present. 2 conferral, awarding, bestowal. 3 distribution, act of distributing. 4 issue. 5 giving, extending. pemblokiran blockading. pemda [Pemerintahan Daerah] local gvt. pemelihara 1 caretaker. 2 nurseryman. pemeliharaan 1 care, maintenance. 2 rearing, cultivation. 3 safeguarding. pemenang winner.


pemenggalan 1 cutting off the top or head. 2 pause. pementasan 1 showing, presentation. 2 staging. pemeragaan exhibition, presentation. pemeras 1 press. 2 exploiter. pemerasan 1 pressing, squeezing. 2 extortion. 3 exploitation. pemerataan even distribution. pemerhati observer. pemeriksa 1 investigator, inspector. 2 crossexaminer. pemeriksaan 1 investigation, inspection. 2 cross-examination, interrogation. 3 checkup, examination. pemerintahan government, administration. pemetaan 1 cartography. 2 mapping. pemetikan picking, gathering. pemikatan s.t. that entices, decoy. pemilah sorter. pemilahan process of sorting. pemilik owner, proprietor. pemilikan ownership, possession. pemilu [Pemilihan Umum] general elections. pemimpi 1 dreamer. 2 escapist. peminat devotee, interested person. peminta-minta beggar. pemintal 1 o. employed in making thread or twine. 2 spinning wheel. pemintalan 1 spinning. 2 spinning wheel. pemisah 1 arbiter. 2 referee. 3 s.t. that separates. pemisahan 1 separation. 2 isolation. 3 discrimination. pemogokan strike. pemondokan lodgings. pemotongan 1 butchering, slaughtering. 2 process of cutting, truncation. pemotret photographer. pemotretan photography. pemuaian expansion. pemudah 1 easygoing. 2 o. who is easygoing. pemudi young woman, girl. pemuka leader, promoter. pemukul 1 hammer, cudgel, beater. 2. o. who strikes. pemula 1 initiator, originator. 2 beginner.


pemulangan 1 return, restitution. 2 repatriation. pemunduran pulling s.t. back. pemungut collector. pemungutan 1 harvest 2 collection 3 adoption. pen 1 pin for holding s.t. together in surgery. 2 ballpoint pen. pena 1 writing pen. 2 quill. penabrak s.o. who collides, esp. a driver. penabuh o. who strikes such a drum. penabung a depositor. penabungan 1 savings. 2 process of saving money, setting aside s.t. penabur sower, spreader. penaburan diffusion, strewing. penadah 1 container, receptacle. 2 buyer of stolen goods. 3 catcher. 4 a bat. penadahan 1 process of storing liquids, etc. 2 passing on or buying of stolen goods. penagih creditor, debt collector. penagihan pressing a claim. penahan s.o. or s.t. that restrains or resists. penahanan 1 restraint. 2 detention, arrest. penajaman 1 sharpening. 2 exacerbation. penaka as, for instance. penakaran act of measuring out. penakluk conqueror, subjugator. penaksir appraiser. penaksiran appraising, evaluation. penakut coward, s.o. fainthearted. penala tuning fork. penalaran reasoning, intellectual activity. penalti penalty. penambah 1 enumerator, counter. 2 addition, extra. penambahan increment, increasing. penambal 1 o. who patches. 2 s.t. to patch with. penambalan act of patching. penambang 1 miner. 2. 1) ferryman. 2) ferry. 3) s.o. engaging in transporting a small number of passengers. penambangan 1. the activity of mining. 2. ferrying, transport. penambat s.t. to tie with. penambatan act of tethering or mooring. penampakan appearance.

penampang 1 diameter or longitudinal plane through the center. 2 longitudinal section. penampangan profile. penampar s.t. or s.o. that slaps. penamparan action of slapping. penampung 1 cross-section. 2. s.t. or s.o. who intercepts. penampungan 1 collecting and saving water, etc. 2 place that receives. 3 act of receiving or accommodating. penanakan s.t. to boil rice in. penanam planter. penanaman 1 planting. 2 investment. penanda 1 s.t. used as a sign. 2 marker. penandaan 1 signaling, giving a sign, designating. 2 markedness. penandatangan the signer, signatory. penandatanganan the signing. penanganan handling. penanggalan 1 1) stripping, removal 2) ghost whose head separates and flies independently. 2. 1) calendar, almanac. 2) dating. penangguhan postponement, deferment. penanggul o. who tackles a problem, etc. penanggulangan tackling. penanggung 1 guarantor, backer. 2 sufferer. 3 o. who is insured. penanggungan 1 trials and tribulations. 2 assumption of responsibility. penangkal 1 amulet, charm. 2 preventive. penangkalan preventive measure, esp. refusal of entry to a country to a potentially dangerous foreigner. penangkap captor, capturer, s.t. that catches. penangkapan 1 catching. 2 arrest, seizure. 3 haul, catch (fish). penangkis s.t. which ward off. penangkisan 1 repelling. 2 fending off. penanjakan ascending, climbing. penantang challenger. penantangan act of challenging. penantian 1 waiting. 2 waiting room. penanya interrogator, questioner, interviewer. penapis a filter, sieve. penari dancer. penaruh s.o. who places s.t. penaruhan money box, strongbox.

penarung obstacle. penasaran 1 curious, angered, embittered. 2 be anxious to do or find out s.t. penat tired, weary, exhausted. penata s.t. or s.o. that puts s.t. in order. penataan arrangement, ordering, structuring. penatahan carving, inlaying s.t. penatapan gazing, staring. penatar trainer, upgrader. penataran 1 upgrading. 2 refresher course. penatu laundryman. penatua church elder. penautan act of linking up. penawan o. who arrests or subdues. penawanan captivation. penawar 1 magic or charm to remove effects of black magic. 2 antidote, disinfectant. 3 neutralizer. 4. bidder, bargainer. penawaran 1 cure. 2 treatment of magic by incantation, etc. 3 neutralization. 4. offer, bid, deal. 5 bargaining. pencak system of self-defense. pencangkul o. who hoes. pencangkulan hoeing. penceng skew. pencet press, crushed, smashed. pencurian 1 robbing. 2 looting. pendahuluan preface, introduction. pendakian 1 pass, defile. 2 path or steps up which o. climbs. 3 climbing. pendam bury, hide away. pendek short. pendengar 1 listener, audience. 2 hearing. 3 telephone receiver. pendeta 1 protestant clergyman, Hindu or Budhist priest. 2 pundit, scholar. pending ornate belt buckle. pendirian 1 building, founding. 2 stand, convictions. 3 installation. pendopo large open structure in front of Java mansion. penduduk inhabitant. penebah beater. penebak guesser. penebalan process of thickening. penebang o. who fells trees. penebangan felling of trees. penebar s.t. that disperses.


penebaran 1 spread, spreading. 2 dispersion. penebas 1 middleman who buys crops still standing in the field and who employs his own labor. 2 wholesale buyer of a product. penebus 1 ransom. 2 o. who pays a ransom of makes compensation. penebusan 1 redemption. 2 compensation. peneduh s.t. that shades or shelters. peneduhan providing shade or shelter. penegak upholder. penegakan maintenance. penegasan confirmation. peneguhan 1 confirmation. 2 the act of strengthening. penegur o. who addresses a meeting. penekan s.t. or s.o. that stresses or emphasizes. penekanan 1 pressing, pressuring. 2 stressing, emphasizing. penekunan acting diligent about s.t. penelaah researcher. penelaahan research. penelepon caller. peneliti researcher. penelitian 1 thorough, detailed examination. 2 research. penelusur o. who traces paths. penelusuran investigation. penembak shooter, rifleman, marksman. penembakan 1 bombardment, shooting. 2 firing. penempa smith. penempaan forging. (penempaan-mental) forging of the intellect. penempatan 1 appointment, placement. 2 stand, place to set s.t. 3 occupying, settling. 4 placing. penempel instrument or person that sticks s.t. up. penempelan attachment, sticking. penempuh o. who attack, assumes some difficult task, or goes a certain distance. penempuhan the traveling of a certain distance, the undertaking of a difficult task. penemu discoverer. penemuan 1 invention, innovation. 2 discovery. penenang s.o. or s.t. that soothes and calms. (penenang-saraf) sedative.


penendang s.t. to kick with. penengah 1 mediator, arbiter. 2 o. with neutral attitude. 3 s.t. used to separate two sections. penenggelaman sinking, torpedoing. penengok 1 visitor. 2 observer. penentang the opposition, opponent. penentangan 1 resistance. 2 opposition, conflicting. penenteram s.t. that soothes. penentu 1 o. who determines s.t. 2 s.t. determining. penentuan act of determining s.t. penenun weaver. penepatan adjustment, correction. penepisan warding off. penerang o. who explains (penerangan) 1 providing information. 2 explanation, clarification. 3 illumination, lighting. penerapan 1 assembling. 2 application. penerbang flyer, aviator. penerbangan flight. penerbit publisher. penerbitan 1 publication. 2 publishing house. 3 edition, issue. penerima 1 receiver. 2 resigned, acquiescent. penerimaan 1 acceptance. 2 revenue. 3 reception. 4 receipt. penerjangan act of lunging. penerjun jumper. penerjunan jumping. penerka o. who guesses. penerkaan guess, conjecture, supposition. penerobos 1 piercer. 2 burglar. 3 o. who cuts into a line or breaks a regulation. penerobosan 1 a break-in, burglary. 2 breakthrough, act of penetration. peneror terrorist. penertib s.o. who keeps order. penertiban control, curb. penerus s.o. or s.t. that continues s.t. penerusan 1 continuation, sequel, resumption. 2 continuity. penetapan 1 determining, decision, decree. 2 fulfillment. penetasan hatching. penetes dropper. penetesan sprinkling, dispensing drop by drop.

penetrasi penetration. pengabadian perpetuation. pengabai 1 careless or neglectful person. 2 nonchalant or indifferent person. pengabaian 1 carelessness, indifference. 2 neglect. 3 disobedience. pengabaran 1 spreading the news. 2 evangelism. pengabdi official. pengabdian 1 service. 2 subservience, submission. 3 servitude. 4 devotion, dedication. pengabjadan alphabetization. pengabsahan 1 endorsement, approval. 2 legalization. pengacakan 1 randomization. 2 messing up, beating. pengacara 1 lawyer, attorney. 2 master of ceremonies. pengacau agitator, disturber of the peace. pengacauan commotion, disturbance, stir. pengadaan 1 stock. 2 supplying, provisioning. 3 provisions. 4 procurement. pengadilan 1 the court. 2 trial, session. 3 courthouse. 4 jurisdiction. pengadu informer. pengaduan 1 accusation, complaint. 2 denunciation, information. 3 indictment. pengaduk stirring spoon or rod. pengadukan mixing, stirring. pengagungan 1 exalting. 2 glorification. pengairan irrigation, watering. pengajak inducement. pengajar instructor, teacher. pengajaran 1 instruction. 2 doctrine. 3 teaching. 4 warning, reminder, admonition. pengajuan submission, offer, tender. pengaktifan activation. pengakuan 1 confession. 2 acknowledgment. 3 avowal. 4 admission. pengakuran harmonization. pengalaman experience. pengalihan transfer of s.t. pengaliran 1 flow. 2 trend, drift. pengamalan 1 doing of good deeds. 2 sincerity in doing s.t. 3 implementing of. pengaman 1 safeguard. 2 pacifier, peacemaker, conciliator.

pengamanan 1 pacification. 2 efforts to achieve security. pengamat observer, examiner. pengamatan 1 supervision. 2 monitoring, tracking. 3 observation. pengambil taker. pengambilan 1 removal, withdrawal. 2 interpretation, understanding. pengamen singing beggar. pengampun forgiver. pengampunan 1 amnesty. 2 mercy. pengamuk o. who runs amuck. penganalisa analyst. penganalisaan analyzing, examining. pengancaman posing a threat. pengandaian supposition, assumption. penganggaran budgeting. penganggur unemployed person. pengangguran unemployment, joblessness. pengangkat 1 support. 2 instrument for lifting. 3 lifter, o. who lifts. pengangkatan 1 appointment. 2 adoption (of child). 3 elevation. pengangkut 1 transport, carrier. 2 transporter, truck, van. pengangkutan transportation, transport. penganiaya tyrant, maltreater. penganiayaan 1 mistreatment, cruel treatment. 2 oppression, tyrannical treatment. 3 battering. pengantar 1 companion, escort. 2 o. who delivers. 3 porter. 4 bellboy. 5 conductor. 6 introduction. penganten bride, bridegroom. penganugerahan bestowal, conferral, presentation. penganut 1 follower, adherent. 2 o. who goes along with others without sticking up for o.’s own ideas. penganutan taking up. penganyaman plaiting. pengap close, stuffy, stale, musty. pengapit 1 clamp. 2 paperclip. 3 flanker. 4 maid of honor or best man at wedding. pengapung 1 buoy. 2 float, raft. pengapungan floating. pengarah 1 manager, director. 2 o. who sets the direction.


pengarahan 1 briefing. 2 direction, instruction, guidelines. pengarak o. who participates in a procession, parader. pengarakan 1. arrack distillery. 2. procession. pengarang 1 author, writer, composer. 2 arranger. pengarsipan filing, system for keeping archives. pengaruh impact, influence. (pengaruhsamping-an) side-effect. pengasah 1 sharpener. 2 grinder. 3 whetstone. pengasahan 1 honing. 2 sharpening, grinding, scraping. pengasuh 1 babysitter, nurse, nursemaid 2 guardian, caretaker. pengecap 1 sense of taste. 2 taster, user. pengecut coward, chicken. pengejaran pursuing of. pengelola 1 manager, organizer. 2 executive. 3 organizer. pengeluaran 1 dismissal, expulsion. 2 release, edition. 3 expense 4 export. 5 excretion. pengembalian 1 return. 2 restitution. 3 reversion . pengemudi 1 helmsman, driver, pilot. 2 director. pengemukaan presentation, putting forward of s.t. pengendali 1 leader, o. who holds the reins. 2 manager pengendalian 1.restraint, curb 2. control. pengendara 1 driver, rider. 2 horseman. pengenyahan 1 fleeing. 2 expulsion. 3 abolition. pengepakan 1. packaging up. 2. leasing. pengepung besieger. pengerah o. who mobilizes, recruits, or drafts. pengerahan conscription. personal gain. pengerjaan 1 execution, working on s.t. 2 processing, working. pengertian 1 understanding, way s.o. understands s.t. 2 explanation, interpretation. pengesahan 1 ratification, confirmation. 2 legalization, authorization. pengetahuan 1 knowledge. 2 skill, ability.


penggal 1 piece, lump. 2 fragment (of drama, play). penggalang 1 o. who provides leadership. 2 a boy or girl scout on the 2d level. penggandaan 1 multiple, double. 2 reduplication. 3 multiplexing. penggarapan the process of making. penggaris ruler. penggelapan 1 blackout. 2 darkening. 3 embezzling. 4 tampering with legal papers, cover up. penggemar devotee, lover, fan. penggertak 1 s.o. who snarls. 2 intimidator, threatening person. penggiliran rotating s.t. penggorengan 1 wok. 2 process of preparing food in a wok or skillet. penggubah 1 arranger. 2 composer. 3 author. penggugat plaintiff, litigant. pengguguran 1 abortion (of baby). 2 discharging. penggulingan overthrow, deposer. penggumpalan 1 clotting. 2 agglutination. 3 agglomeration. penggunaan employing, using, utilizing. penggundulan 1 shaving s,o, bald. 2 denudation. penghabisan run out of, no more left. penghalauan 1 driving, chase, expelling. 2 her-ding. penghancur destroying force or agent. penghancuran 1 smashing. crushing of. 2 annihilation, total destruction. 3 dissolving of, disintegration. penghapusan 1 wiping out, erasing. 2 abolition. penghargaan 1 appreciation, respect. 2 valuation. penghasut agitator, provocateur. penghayatan full and total comprehension. penghentian bring to a halt, ceasing. penghianat traitor, betrayer. penghianatan betrayal, disloyalty. penghijauan 1 greening of s.t. 2 planting, us. on implanted land. 3 reforesting, reforestation. penghinaan degradation, humiliation.

penghindaran 1 avoidance, prevention. 2 evasion. penghubung connector, s.o. or s.t. which connects. penghulu 1 village chief. 2 (isl.) Muslim leader. penghuni 1 occupant, inhabitant, dweller. 2 denizen, inmate. 3 guardian spirit. penghutang debtor. penginapan 1 lodging for the night. 2 inn. penginjakan treading, trampling. pengintai look out, observer, scout. pengintaian 1 observation, reconnaissance. 2 espionage. pengirim 1 sender 2 transmitter. pengiriman shipping, dispatch. pengisap 1 s.t. that sucks. 2 extortionist. 3 o. who smokes. pengisapan 1 exploitation, gouging. 2 smoking. pengistirahatan 1 giving s.o a rest 2 putting s.o intro retirement. pengkikisan 1 erosion. 2 erasure. 3 loss, disappearance. penglaris 1 the first item sold in a work day. 2 s.t. that sells well, best seller. penglihatan 1 sight, vision, eyesight. 2 sight, scene. pengobatan medicinal treatment, therapy. pengocok shaker. pengocokan 1 shaking. 2 rubbing. 3 mixing, shuffling. pengolahan 1 preparation, manufacture. 2 processing. 3 tabulation. pengompreng s.o. who uses an official car for public transportation. pengoperan 1 taking over. 2 transferal. 3 delegation. pengrajin craftsman, artist. penguangan cashing of checks, money orders, etc. penguapan 1 evaporation. 2 distillation process. pengubah 1 o. who changes. 2 corrector. pengubahan process of altering, modification. penguberan pursuit. penguburan burial, interment. pengucapan pronouncing.

pengudaraan 1 airing. 2 releasing s.t. into the air. penguji examiner. pengujian trial, testing, examination. pengujung extreme end. pengukir engraver, carver. pengukiran act of carving. pengukur 1 meter, gauge. 2 o. who measures. pengukuran measuring, gauging. pengulangan repeating s.t. pengulas reviewer. pengumpan o. who uses a bait. pengumpat s.o. who curses. pengumpul collector, gatherer. pengumuman announcement, notification. pengundang-undang le-gislator. pengundian lottery, raffle. pengunduran retreat, withdrawal, putting or setting back, postponement. pengungkapan reveal of, act of expressing. pengungkit lever. pengungkitan leverage. pengungsi refugee, eva-cuee. pengungsian 1 evacuation. 2 asylum, refuge. pengurai 1 o. who analyzes or disentangles. 2 chemicals used for decomposing. penguraian the action of disentangling or analy-zing. pengurus 1 board, ma-nagement. 2 manager. pengurusan 1 management handling, treatment. 2 arrangement. pengusaha industrialist, entrepreneur. pengusik 1 disturber. 2 meddler. pengusir s.o. or s.t. that chases away. pengusiran eviction, expulsion. pengusul proposer. pengusulan inquiry, examination. pengusung o. who carries s.t. on his shoulders. pengusungan act of carrying s.t. on the shoulders. pengusut investigator. pengusutan examination, investigation. pengutamaan act of giving priority to s.t. pengutaraan 1 explanation. 2 communication. pengutusan mission. peniadaan 1 negation. 2 abolition, discontinuance.


penidur o. who sleeps a great deal. penikam 1 o. who stabs. 2 s.t. o. stabs with. penikaman a stab, stabbing. penikmat lover, devotee. penilai 1 appraiser, assessor. 2 grader, judge. penilik 1 fortuneteller. 2 supervisor, inspector. penilikan 1 supervision, control. 2 observation. penimbang 1 pair of scales. 2 counselor. penimbangan 1 weighing, balancing. 2 considering. penimbun a hoarder. penimbunan 1 accumulation, piling up. 2 hoarding. 3 process of reclaiming land from the sea by piling up earth. penindakan taking measures. penindas oppressor, tyrant. penindasan 1 oppression. 2 suppression. penindih oppressor. penindihan 1 applying pressure or weigh on s.t. 2 suppressing. pening 1 dizzy. 2 upset, rattled, badge, license. peninggalan 1 estate, inheritance. 2 relic, archaeological remains. 3 remainder, rest. peninggian heightening, raising, enhancement. peningkatan 1 raising, upgrading. 2 rise, increase, escalation. peningset (jv.) bride price. peninjau observer. peninjauan 1 observation, survey. 2 consi-deration, contemplation, reconnoitering. penipu deceiver, impostor. penipuan deception. peniru imitator, simulator, copy-cater, plagiator. peniruan imitation. penisilin penicillin. peniti 1 safety pin. 2 brooch. penitip [uang] depositor. penitipan 1 depositing. 2 storage place. (penitipan-pakaian) cloakroom. penitisan reincarnation. peniup o. who blows. penjagaan 1 guarding, security. 2 surveillance. 3 guardpost.


penjahat criminal, crook, felon. penjahit tailor, seamstress. penjajak s.t. which probes, sounds out. penjajakan sounding out, plumbing. penjara jail, prison. penjasmanian 1 materialization. 2 embodiment. penjelajah 1 exploration. 2 examination. penjernihan purification. penjiplak 1 plagiarist. 2 duplicator, duplicating machine. penjiplakan plagiarism. penjumlahan addition. penjuru 1 corner, angle. 2 direction from which s.t. comes. penobatan coronation, installation. penodong hold-up man. penodongan hold-up. penokoh cheater, deceiver. penolak 1 rejecter. 2 repellent. penolakan 1 refusal, rejection. 2 warding off. penolong 1 helper, auxi-liary. 2 rescuer, savior. penonjolan 1 making s.t. stand out. 2 conspicuousness. penonton 1 audience, spectator. 2 onlooker. penopang support, prop, abutment. penoreh 1 scoring or slitting tool. 2 o. who taps rubber. penorehan process of rubber tapping. penpres [Penetapan Pre-siden] presidential decision or directive. pensil 1 pencil. 2 small brush for drawing. pensiun pension, retired. pentafsir 1 commentator, exegete. 2 evaluator. pentafsiran explanation, interpretation. commentary, exegesis. pentahapan arranging in phases. pentaklukan subjection, submission. pental flung away. pentas raised platform, stage. (pementasan) stage performance. pententeraman reassurance. penterjemah translator, interpreter. penterjemahan translating, interpreting. penteroran terrorizing. penting 1 important, significant. 2 momentous.

pentokohan characterization. pentraktoran bulldozing. pentranskripsian the process of transcribing s.t. pentransmigrasian process of relocating s.o. penuaan aging. penuai 1 rice harvest knife. 2 o. who reaps or gathers in a harvest. penuaian harvesting of rice. penuangan pouring, molding, casting. penubrukan colliding, crashing, striking. penuduh 1 prosecutor. 2 accuser, plaintiff. penuduhan accusation, prosecutor. penudung cover. penugasan giving an assignment. penuh 1 full, loaded. 2 complete. penukaran 1 alteration, process of making a change. 2 exchange. penularan contagion, spreading. penulis 1 writer, author. 2 secretary . penulisan process of wri-ting. penumbangan causing s.t. to crash down. penumbuh s.t. that stimulates growth. penumbuhan 1 the act of growing. 2 emergence. penumbuk crusher, pounder. penumbukan 1 pounding, crushing. 2 blow, stroke. 3 act of colliding. penumpahan 1 act of spilling or shedding. 2 concentration. penumpang 1 passenger. 2 boarder, hotel guest. penumpangan 1 act of being over s.t. 2 place to stay. penumpas destroyer. penumpasan annihilation, extermination. penumpu support. penumpukan accumulation, hoarding. penunaian 1 payment. 2 settlement. 3 fulfillment. penundaan postponement, deferment, adjournment. penundukan 1 submission, subjection. 2 subjugation. penunggak o. who is arrears in payments. penunggang rider, passenger. (pengunggangkuda) horseman.

penunggu 1 watchman, guard. 2 attendant. 3 tutelary spirit. penunjang s.t. supporting. penunjangan the act of supporting. penunjuk 1 s.t. which indicates. 2 o. who indicates. penunjukan 1 indication. 2 reference, pointing to s.t. 3 appointment, assignment. penuntun 1 guide. 2 manual, guide. penuntunan 1 leading with a line, etc. 2 providing guidance. penuntut 1 o. who demand s.t., petitioner. 2 claimant, prosecutor. 3 o. who strives after. penuntutan 1 demanding. 2 pursuit, study. 3 pro-secution. penurunan 1 slope, descent. 2 discharge, unloading. 3 lowering, ta-king down. 4 derivation, deriving. 5 reduction, decline. penurut 1 s.o. obedient and docile. 2 a follower. penusuk s.t. to perforate or stab with. penusukan 1 stabbing, jabbing. 2 perforation. penutup 1 cover, lid, ca-sing. 2 closing. penutupan 1 covering. 2 closing, shutting, occlusion, shut down. penutur speaker, narrator. penuturan 1 talk, speech. 2 discussion, narrative. 3 announcement, information. penyablon 1 copier. 2 plagiarist. penyair poet. penyajian presentation. penyakit 1 disease, illness. 2 trouble. 3 bad habit. penyalin 1 copyist. 2 tran-slator. penyalinan translating, copying. penyamarataan treating the same, generalization, leveling. penyambut s.o. that welcomes. penyambutan reception, welcoming. penyampai o. who conveys. penyampaian delivery. penyanyi singer. penyayang 1 charitable, merciful lord. 2 lover, amateur, devotee. penyebar disseminator. penyebaran distributing, spreading, disseminating. penyebutan addressing, mentioning.


penyedap s.t. used as flavoring. penyederhanaan simplification. penyediaan 1 act of preparing. 2 equipping, supplying. penyedot instrument to absorb. (penyedotan) suction. penyejuk cooler. penyelaman 1 diving. 2 immersion, submersion. penyelamatan rescuing, redemption. penyelenggara 1 caretaker. 2 executor. 3 organized, operator. penyelenggaraan 1. implementation. 2 organization, coordination. penyelesaian 1 arrangement. 2 solution, settlement, completion. penyeleweng crook. penyelewengan 1 deviation. 2 irregularity, corruption. penyelidik 1 investigator, research worker. 2 examiner, detective. 3 scout. penyelidikan 1 research. 2 inquiry, investigation. 2 survey. penyeling alternative. penyelundup smuggler. penyelundupan smuggling. penyelusupan penetration. penyemaian process of raising seedlings. penyematan 1 pinning. 2 embedding. penyembah worshipper. penyembahan adoration, worship. penyembelih a butcher. penyembelihan slaughter, butchering. penyembuhan healing. penyempitan constriction, stricture. penyemprot syringe, sprayer. penyemprotan spraying. penyempurnaan action of perfecting, completing, finishing. penyendiri solitary, liking to be alone, loner. penyendirian isolation. penyengat 1 s.t. that stings. 2 wasp. penyerahan 1 transfer, delivery. 2 surrender, yielding. 3 resignation to a situation. penyerang attacker, aggressor. penyerangan attack, aggression. penyerap 1 absorbent. 2 absorber. penyerasian adaptation, harmonization.


penyerbuan attacking, invasion. penyerbukan pollination. penyergapan attack on s.o. or s.t. penyertaan 1 participation. 2 attaching s.t., enclosing s.t. penyeru announcer. penyeruan 1 calling, crying. 2 appeal. penyesalan 1 regret, remorse. 2 reproach. penyesuaian adaptation, adjustment, accommodation. penyetekan grafting. penyetir driver. penyetopan stopping. penyetor 1 purveyor, supplier. 2 depositor. penyetoran depositing, payment. penyewa 1 tenant, lessee. 2 rental payment. penyiar 1 announcer. 2 publisher. 3 transmitter. penyiaran broadcasting. penyidik investigating officer. penyidikan police investigation. penyikatan 1 brushing, combing, etc. 2 stealing. 3 abrupt removal. penyiksa tormentor, torturer. penyiksaan torturing, mistreating. penyiku 1 s.t. to square off. 2 complementary. penyilangan crossing, mutation. penyimak good listener. penyimakan listening attentively, monitoring. penyimpan 1 o. who saves, a depositor. 2 storage place. penyimpanan storage, laying away. penyimpangan deviation, divergence. penyimpul s.o. or s.t. which bring s.t. to a conclusion. penyimpulan process of drawing a conclusion. penyinaran 1 illumination. 2 radiation. penyingkapan uncovering, disclosure.. penyingkiran 1 evacuation. 2 elimination, purge. 3 exclusion. penyiraman pouring of liquids, watering. penyisihan 1 isolation. 2 elimination. penyisipan 1 insertion. 2 infixation. penyobek o. who takes tickets, ticket-taker. penyodok shovel, spade. penyodor o. who hands in s.t. penyodoran offer.

penyogokan bribery. penyokong supporter, contributor. penyongsong 1 greeter. 2 greetings. penyongsongan greeting, welcoming. penyorak who yell, vocal supporter. penyorot 1 reflector, projector. 2 commentator, reviewer. penyorotan 1 illumination, spotlighting. 2 elucidation. penyosohan process of hulling rice. penyu 1 turtle. 2 tortoise shell. penyuapan 1 feeding or eating with the hand. 2 bribery. penyuaraan 1 declamation. 2 dubbing. 3 voicing. penyubur s.t. that makes fertile. penyudetan cutting between canals, diverting. penyuguhan presentation. penyulapan conjuring, methods of sleight of hand. penyuling instrument to refine. penyulingan distilling, refining. penyuluh 1 o. who provides elucidation. 2 investigator, spy. penyuluhan 1 illumination. 2 information, elucidation. penyumbang contributor, supporter. penyumbatan clogging, obstruction, blockage. penyungkit tool for prying. penyungkup 1 concave cover. 2 bell jar. penyuntik 1 s.o. who gives injections. 2 syringe. penyuntikan injecting, vaccinating injection. penyuplai supplier. penyusun composer, compiler. penyusunan 1 arranging, compiling. 2 composing. penyusup infiltrator. penyusupan penetration, infiltration. penyusutan 1 shrinkage, contraction. 2 reduction, decrease. penyutradaraan 1 play or film direction. 2 directing. pepak (jv.) complete, full. pepatah (lit.) aphorism. pepohonan 1 trees. 2 refo-restation.

peptida peptide. perabot 1 utensils. 2 tools. 3 furniture. perabotan household furnishings. perabukan application of fertilizer. peradaban culture, civilization. peradangan infection, inflammation. peradilan judicature. peraduan 1. contest, clash. 2. royal bed. peraga visual aid. peragaan 1. show. 2. exhibition. 3 modeling. 4 visual display. peragawan male model or mannequin. peragawati female model or mannequin. peragenan agency. perahu boat. perairan 1 waters. 2 waterworks. perajin craftsman, artisan. perak 1 silver. 2 rupiah. perakit assembler. perakitan assembling. peralatan 1. 1) instrumentation. 2) equipment, tools. 2. feast, celebration. peralihan transfer, shift, change. peramal oracle, fortune-teller. perampas robber. perampasan 1 robbery, holdup. 2 expropriation. perampok robber, plunderer. perampokan robbery, looting. peran 1 actor. 2 character. perancang planner, planning body. perandaian 1 assumption. 2 matters pertaining to this folk drama. perang war, battle. perangah agape. perangai 1 nature, disposition. 2 behavior, attitude. perangkap 1 a person who holds two jobs. 2 trap, pitfall. perangkat sets of equipment. perangkatan 1 equipment. 2 forces. perangsangan 1 act of exciting, stimulation. 2 anger, irritation. 3 incentive, motivation. peranjak fall on o.’s behind. peranjakan transfer, removal. peranjat startled, surprised. perantara 1 mediator. 2 agent. 3 agency.


perantaraan 1 mediation. 2 middleman, intermediary. 3 intervention. 4 relationship. perapian 1 fireplace, brazier. 2 ignition. 3 oven, range. 4 furnace. peras 1 press, squeeze. 2 milk. 3 blackmail, put the squeeze on. perasa 1 sense of touch. 2 sensitive person. perasaan 1 opinion, feeling. 2 sentiment. 3 experience, sensation. perasan distillation. perawan 1 virgin, girl. 2 brand new to s.t. perawat nurse. perawatan 1 treatment. 2 nursing, care. perayaan celebration. perban bandage. perbatasan border, division. perbelanjaan 1 expenses, budget. 2 financing. 3 shopping. perburuan 1 the hunt. 2 prey, game. 3 persecution. perca rag. (kertas perca) scraps of paper. percak make rushing noise. percaya 1 belief, faith. 2 trust, believe. percik stain, spot. percikan sprinkling, fragment. perdana 1 principal. (Perdana-Mentri) prime minister, premier. 2 first introduction to the public. perdata 1 court of justice. 2 civil (cases). pereaksi reagent. perebutan struggle, fight. peredaan quieting down, slowing down. peredam device to reduce noise or light. perekat glue, adhesive. peremajaan rejuvenation, renovation. perembetan involvement. perembukan 1 discussion, deliberation. 2 confe-rence, consultation. perempuan 1 woman, female. 2 feminine. perenung daydreamer. peresmian 1 official announcement or appointment. 2 official appointment. 3 formal ceremony. perfeksionis perfectionist. perfeksionisme perfectionism. pergaulan 1 association, social intercourse. 2 society. 3 sexual intercourse. pergi 1 go. 2 leave, be out. 3 go to.


pergigian dentition, dentistry. pergok 1 catch by surprise. 2 catch s.o. redhanded. pergolakan upheaval, turmoil, disturbance. pergulatan 1 wrestling. 2 struggle, encounter, contact. perguruan 1 institution, school. 2 school. 3 instruction. perhatian 1 attention, notice. 2 interest. perhentian 1 cessation, discontinuance, closing down. 2 stopping place. perhiasan 1 jewelry (esp, gold). 2 decoration. perhimpunan 1 association, organization. 2 gathering place, place of assembly. perhitungan 1 calculation, computation. 2 accounting. 3 consideration. perhubungan 1 communications. 2 liaison. 3 relationship. perhutanan 1 forestry affairs. 2 forestry service. peri 1 female celestial being of exceeding beauty. 2 attitude. peribadatan observance of religious duties. peribahasa proverb. periksa 1 investigation, inspection, examination. 2 get o.s. examinated. perilaku behavior, manner. perincian 1 details, the way s.t. is broken down 2 subsection. perindustrian industry, industrial affairs. peringanan 1 lightening of s.t. 2 commutation of a sentence. peringkat 1 level. 2 rank. perintah order, command. periode period. periodik periodic, rotating. periodisasi division of history into periods. perisai shield. periskop periscope. peristirahatan place provide for employees or members of a given group to spend their vacation. peristiwa 1 event, incident, happening, affair. 2 phenomenon. perjaka young, unmarried man. perjalanan 1 trip, journey, tour. 2 course. perkakas utensils, tools, implements, apparatus.

perkalian 1 multiplication. 2 product. perkantoran 1 office affairs. 2 office complex. perkara 1 problem, matter, case. 2 the fact that. 3 lawsuit, case. perkasa 1 brave, courageous. 2 physically powerful, strong and robust. perkataan words, dictum. perkawinan 1 marriage. 2 wedding. 3 mating, breeding of animals. perkemahan 1 camping. 2 a camp out. 3 camp. perkembangan 1 development. 2 blooming, flo-wering. 3 expansion. perkenalan introduction perkosa 1 rape, violent. 2 violence. (perkosaan) rape, violation. perkulitan cover, jacket. perkumpulan 1 club, association. 2 meeting. perkusi percussion. perkutut small turtledove. perladangan 1 agricultural field. 2 cultivation. perlahan 1 slow. 2 soft of voice. perlak 1 varnished, lacquered. 2 rubber sheet. perlakuan treatment, way of treating s.t. or s.o. perlambang sign, symbol, omen. perlambangan symbolism, symbolization. perlindungan 1 protection. 2 patronage, sponsorship. perlipatan 1 multiplication, increase. 2 method of folding. perlu 1 necessary, be needed. 2 need to. 3 need. perlusin by the dozen. permadani carpet, rug. permai pretty, beautiful. permainan 1 game. 2 performance, show. 3 acting. 4 tricks played on o. permaisuri consort of king. permak altered, changed. permakluman 1 announcement, declaration, proclamation. 2 statement. permanen permanent. permata jewel, precious stone. permen 1 hard candy. 2 candy, sweet. (permen-karet) chewing gum. permil per thousand. perminyakan petroleum or refinery affairs.

permisi 1 ask permission. 2 ask to be excused. permohonan 1 request, appeal, petition. 2 application. permukaan surface. pernafasan breathing, respiration. pernah 1. once, ever. 2. be related in a certain way. pernis varnish. pernyataan 1 statement, declaration, pronouncement. 2 expression. perokok smoker, habitual smoker. peroksida peroxide. perolehan result, achievement, gain, acquisition. perombakan 1 reorganizing, making radical changes. 2 destroying and rebuilding. 3 renovation. perosok sink in, slip into. perotian bakery. perpaduan 1 mix, merger, unification. 2 blend, synthesis. perpanjangan extension, prolongation. perpautan relation, connection. perpisahan 1 discord. 2 leave-taking, parting. perpres [Peraturan Presiden] presidential regulation. perpu [Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang] gvt. regulation to replace law number. perpustakaan library. pers press. persahabatan friendship. persajakan 1 poetry. 2 rhyme. persamaan 1 similarity, agreement. 2 comparison. 3 equality. 4 (math) equation. persebaran the spread, dissemination. persediaan 1 stock, supply. 2 preparations. persegi 1 sided. 2 square. persekutuan 1 federation. 2 partnership. 3 league, alliance. perselisihan disagreement, quarrel, dispute. perselokan drainage system. persemaian seedbed, nursery. persemakmuran commonwealth. persemayaman 1 throne. 2 residence. persembahan 1 tribute, gift. 2 dedication. persembunyian shelter, hiding place, hideaway.


persen 1 percent. 2 tip. 3 present to a subordinate. persendian 1 pivot, base. 2 the body joints. persengketaan contention, dispute, conflict. persenjataan armament, arms, weaponry. persepak-bolaan soccer affairs. persepsi perception. persepuluhan decimal. perserikatan organization, association, union. persero 1 share. 2 shareholder, partner. (Persero-Terbatas) limited liability company, ltd., inc. perseroan company. persesuaian agreement, concurrence, compatibility. persetan to hell with. persetruan enmity, hostility. persetubuhan copulation. persetujuan 1 treaty, agreement. 2 approval, agreement. persewaan rental. persiapan 1 preparations. 2 set-up, arrangement. 3 supply, equipment, etc., persidangan 1 meeting, assembly. 2 court session. persilangan 1 crossing. 2 contradiction, conflict. persilatan matters pertaining to systems of self-defense. persimpang-siuran 1 crisscrossing. 2 confusion, mix-up. persimpangan intersection, branching off. persinggahan 1 stop-over, transit. 2 port of call. persiraman bathing place. persis exactly, precisely. persneling gear, transmission. persoalan 1 problem, matter, issue. 2 discussion, debate. personalia personnel. personifikasi personification. personil staff, personnel. perspektif perspective. persuasi persuasion. persuasif persuasive. persurat-kabaran press. persuratan 1 matters pertaining to correspondence. 2 (lit.) literature.


persyaratan requirement, rules and regulations. pertadbiran administration, management. pertahanan 1 defense. 2 stronghold, fortress. pertalian 1 relation, relationship. 2 connection. pertama first, the first. pertamanan 1 gardens. 2 horticulture, garden affairs. pertambahan increase, growth, accretion. pertambangan mining, mine workings. pertanahan land affairs, land matters. pertanda 1 sign, indication, augury. 2 landmark. pertandingan 1 contest, competition. 2 comparison. pertanggungjawaban responsibility, accountability pertanian agriculture. pertanyaan question, query. pertapa hermit, ascetic. pertapaan 1 hermit’s abode, retreat. 2 asceticism. 3 penance. pertaruhan 1 s.t. placed s.w. 2 bet. 3 savings. 4 articles entrusted to s.o. pertarungan fight, struggle. pertautan 1 contact, bond. 2 joining, uniting. 3 linkage. pertekstilan matters pertaining to textiles or textile industry. pertelevisian matters pertaining to television. pertembakauan tobacco affairs. pertempuran battle, combat. pertemuan 1 meeting. 2 companionship. pertengahan 1 the middle. 2 the average. pertengkaran dispute, fracas. pertenisan matters pertaining to tennis. pertentangan 1 conflict, controversy. 2 contradiction, contrast. 3 opposition, resistance. pertentaraan 1 military barracks. 2 army base. pertenunan 1 textile mill. 2 textiles. pertepatan coincidence. pertigaan t-junction, y-junction. pertikaian conflict, controversy, disagreement.

pertimbangan 1 judgment, opinion. 2 consideration. 3 review. pertindihan overlapping. pertinjuan 1 boxing. 2 fist fight. pertiwi earth. pertokoan 1 shop matters. 2 shopping complex. pertolongan help, aid. pertubuhan organization. pertukangan 1 trade. 2 handicraft, craftsmanship. 3 craft, guild, association. pertukaran 1 exchange. 2 change. pertumbangan collapse. pertumbuhan growth, development. pertumpahan spillage. pertunangan engagement. pertunjukan 1 show, exhibition. 2 performance. perubahan change, alteration. perulangan repetition, recurrence. perum sounding lead. perumnas [Perusahaan Nasional] national housing authority. perumpamaan parable. perundang-undangan legislation. perundingan 1 negotiation, deliberation. 2 discussion. perunggasan poultry husbandry. perunggu bronze. peruntukan allotment, allocation. peruntungan fortune, luck. perupahan wage matters. perusahaan business, enterprise, undertaking, concern. perut 1 stomach, belly. 2 womb. perutusan delegation, deputation. perwakilan 1 delegation. 2 agency. 3 representation. 4 liaison unit. perwara 1 ladies-in-waiting of queen. 2 ancillary. perwarisan matters pertaining to inheritance. perwasitan matters pertaining to referees. perwatakan characterization. perwilayahan matters relating to districts. perwira 1officer. 2 brave, courageous. perwujudan 1 shape, form. 2 realization, materialization. 3 phenomenon.

perzinahan adultery, sexual acts outside of marriage. pesan 1 order. 2 order, instruction, command. 3 message. pesantren Islamic boarding school. pesat quick, speedy, rapid. pesawat 1 instrument, machine. 2 telephone instrument. 3 telephone extension. 4 plane. pesek flat-nosed. pesenam gymnast. pesero shareholder. peserta participant. pesiar 1 trip, journey. 2 take a trip, go for a ride, excursion. pesimis pessimist, pessimistic. pesimisme pessimism. pesimistis pessimistic. pesinden (jv.) woman singer with gamelan orchestra. pesing stench of urine, stinky. pesisir beach, coastal area. pesona 1 enchantment, spell. 2 magic formula. pesta feast, party, festivity. pestisida pesticide. pesuruh messenger. peta 1 map. 2 chart. 3 picture. petak 1. compartment, partition, cabin. 2 portion of a rice paddy. (petak-umpat) hide and seek. petaka accident, disaster, misfortune, catastrophe, calamity, plaque. petanaman planting area. petang 1 afternoon. 2 dark petani farmer, peasant, hind. petaruh 1 final instructions, last will and testament. 2 security. petasan firecracker, squib. petelur egg layer. petenis tennis player. peternak breeder, cattleman. peternakan ranch, livestock, animal husbandry. peti case, chest, box, hutch. petik pick, pluck. petikan 1 playing, plucking ( of guitar). 2 quotation, excerpt. petilasan remains of the past.


petinggi s.o. wih formal authority or acknowledged influence within a certain region. petinju boxer. petir thunderclap, thunderbolt. petirahan health resort. petis condiment of the fermented fish or shrimp. petisi petition. petrokimia petrochemical. petromax kerosene pressure lantern. petruk (jv.) 1 o. of the clowns in the wayang stories. 2 funny-looking man. petuah 1 religious advice. 2 advice in general. petualang 1 wanderer, tramp. 2 adventurer. petualangan 1 wandering about. 2 adventure, escapade. petugas 1 functionary, official. 2 employee. petungan reckoning, calculation. petunjuk 1 instruction, guideline. 2 advice, guidance. 3 indication, clue, hint. 4 direction. petunjukan appointment. pewadahan provision of a place or container. pewajib s.o. who is liable. pewangi s.t. to impart fragrance. pewaris heir. pewarisan 1 inheriting. 2 inheritance. pewarna dye. pewarta 1 correspondent, reporter. 2 news bulletin. pewartaan reporting. pewawancara interviewer. pewawancaraan interviewing. pewayangan things pertaining to the wayang. peziarah visitor to a sacred place or grave. pezina adulterer, fornicator. pgri [Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia] indonesian teacher’s union. pia tea cake. piagam charter, contract, deed. piala 1 cup, goblet. 2 loving cup. pialang intermediary, broker. pianis pianist. piano piano. piawai skilled, expert, sophisticated.


picik 1 narrow. 2 narrow-minded. picing wink. picu trigger, cock, hammer. pidana 1 criminal. 2 pu-nishment. pidanawan prisoner. pidato speech, address. pigmen pigment. pigura picture frame. pihak 1 side. 2 party (in a dispute). pijak pedals. pijar blazing, red-hot, glowing. pijat get a massage. piket 1 picket in a strike. 2 posted guard. 3 duty officer, o. on duty during off hours. 4 be on duty during off hours. pikir 1 opinion, idea. 2 thought. piknik go on an excursion, picnic. pikul bear, to carry s.t on shoulder pikun senile, senility. pil pill, tablet. pilah sort, classify. pilar pillar. pilek have a cold. pilih fastidious, squeamish, choosy. pilihan choice, alternative, selection. pilinan a twist, cord. pilot aviator, airman, pilot. pilu 1 moved, touched, affected. 2 sympathetic. pilus snack made of fried grated sweet potatoes. pimpin lead, guide. pimpinan 1 leader 2 manager pinang areca nut. pinangan 1 proposal submitted. 2 o. whose hand is asked. pincang 1 lame, crippled. 2 having a defect so that things are not even or smooth. pindah 1 move. 2 change, transfer to s.t. else. pindai scrutinize, look at carefully. pindang preserve large fish or meat with salt without drying. pinggang 1 waist. 2 loins. pinggir 1 edge, seam. 2 border. pinggiran edges, coastal areas, outskirts. pinggul 1 hip. 2 behind, rear. pingsan 1 unconscious. 2 fainted. 3 have a fit.

pinguin penguin. pinjam borrow. pinjaman loan. pinset tweezers, pincers. pinta 1 ask, request. 2 fate, destiny. pintaan request, question. pintal spin, twine. pintalan ball of twine. pintar 1 clever, smart. 2 skilled at, able. pintas a second. pintasan short cut. pintu door, gate. pinus tree, pine. pionir pioneer. pipa 1 pipe, for smoking. 2 pipe, conduit, tube. pipet pipette. pipi cheek. pipih flat, thin. pipis 1 urinate. 2 mash, crush up. pipit 1 sparrow. 2 (vul.) penis. 3 mouthpiece of a wind instrument. piramid pyramid. piramidal pyramidal. piring plate. pisah 1 part. 2 separated. pisang banana. pisau knife. (pisau-bedah) scalpel. (pisaubelati) dagger. (pisau-cukur) razor. pispot chamber pot. pistol pistol, revolver. pita 1 ribbon. 2 tape. piutang 1 credit. 2 claim, accounts receivable. piyama pajamas. plafon ceiling. plagiat plagiarism. plagiator plagiarist. plakat poster. platina 1 platinum. 2 distributor contract, points. pleno full, plenary. plester 1 plaster. 2 adhesive plaster. (plesteran) cement floor. pln [Perusahaan Listrik Negara] state electricity enterprise. plus 1 plus. 2 having a surplus.

pmdk [Penelusuran Minat dan Kemampuan] talent scouting for admission to state university system. pmi [Palang Merah Indonesia] Indonesian red cross. poci teapot. pocong wrap in a shroud. (pocongan) shroud. pohon 1 tree. 2 origin, cause. pojok 1 corner. 2 newspaper column containing pithy comments on the news. pojokan street corner. pokok 1 main, principal, basic, fundamental, base. 2 beginning. 3 capital, stake. 4 subject. 5 reason, central theme. 6 main or lower part of s.t. pola 1 pattern. 2 system, model of how s.t. is done. polah behavior, manner. polarisasi polarization. polemik polemic. poles polish. poliandri polyandry. poligami polygamy. poligon polygon. poliklinik polyclinic. polip polyp. polis policy. polisi policeman. politeknik polytechnic. politik 1 politics, political. 2 policy. politikus politician. politis political. politisasi politicization. politisi politicians. polong 1. ghost evil spirit. 2. pod. polos 1 smooth. 2 plain (material, paper). 3 straightforward, without guile. polri [Polisi Republik Indonesia] Indonesian police. polusi pollution. polutan pollutant. polwan [Polisi Wanita] policewoman. pombensin gas station. pompa pump, inflator. ponco poncho.


pondok 1 cottage, hut, cabin. 2 (isl.) Muslim boarding school. (pondokan) lodgings, rooming house. pondong carry in o.’s arms. poni bangs. ponten 1 marks, grades, points in a game, fountain. 2 public bath and toilet. pop pop culture. popok diaper. popularitas popularity. populasi population. populer popular. pori pore. porno pornography. poros axis, pivot, shaft. porot 1 gnaw at, bite into. 2 steal. porselen porcelain. porsi portion. porstel proposal, suggestion. portal gate. portepel portfolio. pos 1 mail. 2 item, entry. 3 post, situation. posisi position. positif positive. poskar postcard. postulat postulate. poswesel money order. pot 1 pot. 2 chamber pot. potensi potential. potensial potential. potong 1 piece, lump, slice, be reduced by. 2 take a short cut. potongan 1 deduction from wages. 2 discount. 3 abbreviation. 5 a cut. potret 1 photograph, picture, snapshot. 2 camera. 3 have o.’s picture taken. praduga presumption. pragmatis pragmatic. pragmatisme pragmatism. prahara hurricane, tempest, catastrophe. prajurit 1 solder. 2 a private. 3 soldier like and brave. prakarsa initiative. prakarya vocational subjects in school. prakata foreword. prakira forecast.


praktek 1 practice of a profession. 2 practices. praktikum practical work, lab work. praktis 1 practical. 2 practically. pramugari female attendant on long distance transport. pramuka [(gerakan) Praja Muda Karana] boy scouts, pathfinder. pramuniaga [euphemism] sales clerk. pramuwisata tourist guide. pramuwisma [euphemism] maid servant. pranata institution, regulation. prancis France, French. prangko postage stamp. praperadilan pretrial. prapertunjukan preview. prasangka prejudice. prasarjana degree awarded after three years of tertiary level study. prasasti 1 ancient inscription, epigraphy. 2 plaque commemorating inauguration of building. prasejarah prehistory, prehistorical. prasmanan buffet. prasyarat prerequisite. prayoga decent, suitable. predikat 1 citation, designation. 2 predicate. preferensi preference. preman 1 private, civilian. 2 street kids, hoodlums. prematur premature. premi 1 premium. 2 bonus. premis premise. preseden precedent. presentasi presentation. presiden president. presidensial presidential presidium presidium. presisi precise. preskripsi prescription. prestasi achievement, performance prestise prestige. pretel 1 dismantle, tear apart. 2 remove, take out. 3 wipe out, clear away. pretensi pretension. preventif preventive. pria man, male.

pribadi 1 individual, personal. 2 person. pribumi indigene, o. of native stock and not of immigrant blood. prihatin concerned, apprehensive. prima first-rate. primadona idol, woman who is considered excellent. primata primate. primbon divining manual. primer primary. primitif primitive. prinsip principle, tenet. prinsipiil principal, basic. prioritas priority. prisma prism. privat private. priyayi (jv.) belonging to upper classes. probabilitas probability. problem problem. prodeo free, without cost. produk product. produksi production. produktif productive. produktivitas productivity. produsen producer. produser producer. profesi job, occupation, profession. (profesional) professional. profesionalisme professionalism. profesor professor. profil 1 appearance. 2 profile. program program. progresif progressive. progresivitas progressiveness. proklamasi proclamation. proklamator proclamator, o. who proclaims. proklamir proclaim. prolog prologue. promosi 1 promotion of a product. 2 disertation defense. promosional promotional. promotor 1 dissertation supervisor. 2 o. who champions s.t. propaganda propaganda. propagandis propagandist. properti property.

proporsi proportion. proporsional proportional, reasonable, in accordance with o. would expect. prosa prose. prosedur procedure. proseduril procedural. prosentase percentage. proses 1 process. 2 legal action. prospek prospect, future chances. prostat prostate. prostitusi prostitution. proteksi protection. proteksionis protectionist. protes protest. protestan Protestant. protokol 1 protocol. 2 master of ceremonies at formal functions. proton proton. provinsi province. provokasi provocation. provokatif provocative. provokator provocateur. proyek project. proyeksi projection, forecast. proyektor projector. psikiater psychiatrist. psikiatri psychiatry. psikis psychological, mental. psikolog psychologist. psikologi psychology. psikopat psychopath. pualam 1 marble. 2 alabaster. puas satisfied, contented, pleased. puasa 1 fast. 2 fasting month. puber puberty. publik public. publikasi publication. (publisir) publicize. pucat pale, pale due to illness or fright. pucuk 1 tip of a leaf, shoot, sprout. 2 tip of s.t. 3 a classifier. pudar 1 pale, faded. 2 weak, dim. puding croton plant. pugar (mempugar) restore. puguh (jv.) for sure, certain. puing ruins, debris. puisi poetry.


puja worship, adoration. pujaan 1 adoration, worship. 2 idol. pujangga 1 man of letters. 2 poet. puji praise. (memuji) praise, commend. pukat seine, dragnet. (pukat-harimau) large trawling. pukau 1 mesmerize, charm, stun. 2 drug to make o. sleep. pukis butter cake. pukul 1 strike. 2 blow, o. fell swoop. 3 o’clock. pula 1 likewise, as well. 2 again. 3 else ? pulang 1 return home. 2 be left up to. pulas 1 fast asleep. 2 a dab. 3 1) turn, wring. 2) twist, distort. pulau island. pulih 1 recovered from an illness. 2 restored, repaired. pulpen fountain pen. pulsa beat, throb, pulse. pulung 1 pellet. 2 (jv.) flash of light which gives o. power enabling him to be legitimized as ruler. pulut 1 glutinous rice. 2 birdlime. punah extinct. puncak 1 top, summit. 2 peak, mount. 3 acme, zenith. pundak 1 shoulder. 2 neck. pundi 1 earthen jar to hold water. 2 crockery piggy-bank. (pundi-pundi) purse, bag. punggawa court official in Java shadow play. punggung back. pungkasan final, end. pungut 1 adopted (of child). 2 collect, harvest, quote. pungutan 1 pickings, harvest. 2 quotation. 3 tax levied. 4 amount collected, collection punya 1 have, possess. 2 belonging. 3 a possessive marker. 4 after, with. pupu degree of consanguinity. pupuk 1 manure, fertilizer. 2. (jv.) put traditional medicines on a wound.


pupur face powder. pupus 1 budding leaf, leaf that has just come out. 2 1) wiped out, obliterated. 2) disappeared. 3 whistle, flute, blow. pura 1 bag. 2 fund. 3 balinese temple, shrine. pura-pura 1 pretend. 2 pseudo, mock. purba old, ancient, antique. purbakala olden times. pure puree. puri 1 castle, royal palace. 2 town. 3 balinese house of worship. purifikasi purification. purnama full moon. puruk hide s.t. inside. pusaka heirloom. pusar navel. pusara 1 cemetery. 2 grave. 3 reins. pusaran 1 rotation. 2 handle, crank. 3 vortex. pusat 1 navel. 2 center. 3 central, main, core. puser (jv.) navel. pusing 1 whirling, dizzy, headache. 2 be puzzled, confused, worried. (pusingan) rotation. puskesmas [Pusat Ke- sehatan Masyarakat] local gvt. clinic. puspa (lit.) flower. pustaka 1 book, document. 2 divining manual. (pustakawan) librarian. putar turning, rotate, wheel. putaran 1 circle. 2 crank, windlass. 3 wheel. 4 showing. putih 1 white. 2 pale, fair skinned. 3 pure. putik 1 bud, pistil. 2 ovary. (ber-putik) beginning to bear fruit. puting 1 handle, hilt. 2 stalk. puting-beliung whirlwind, waterspout. putus 1 broken off, served. 2 break, fracture. 3 fi-nish. 4 break a promise. 5 sever s.t. puyuh quail.

R ra. [radiallahu an(hu)] (isl.) may Allah bless him! rab [Rencana Anggaran Belanja] 1 budget plan. 2 draft budget. raba 1 feel s.t. 2 grope. 3 guess, estimate. rabat rebate, quantity discount. rabbi (bib.) lord. rabi’ul-akhir (isl.) 4th month of Arabic calendar. rabi’ul-awal (isl.) 3rd month of arabic calendar. rabies rabies. rabu 1(med.) lungs. 2 size, carry off (loot etc.) 3 Wednesday. rabuk fertilizer, tinderwood. rabun 1 hazy, dim. 2 near sighted . racik 1 blend various proper ingredients into food, etc. 2 cut into thin slices. racun poison. radang 1 (med.) inflamed, hot. 2 fly into a rage (of feeling). raden 1 title of Java nobility. 2 form of address, esp. as den. rader rolling pin. radiallahu-anhu (isl.) may Allah bless him. radiasi radiation. radiator radiator. radikal radical, radicalism. radikalisasi radicalization. radikalisir radicalize. radikalisme radicalism. radio radio. radioaktif radioactive. radioaktifitas radioactivity. radiogram radiogram. radiologi radiology. radius circle, radius. raga body. ragam 1 melody, tune. 2 manner, kind. 3 caprice, whim. 4 (ling.) register, style, various.

ragangan 1 scaffolding, laths. 2 kite frame. 3 handlebars. ragawi physical. ragi 1 yeast, fermentation agent. 2 design, formulation. ragil (jv.) youngest (child). ragu hesitant, doubt. ragu-ragu 1 be wary, uncertain. 2 hesitate to do s.t, doubt. rahang jaw. rahang-atas upper jaw. rahang-bawah lower jaw. rahasia secret. rahayu 1 well-being. 2 greeting, esp. used by adherents of Java folk religion. rahib 1 monk. 2 nun. rahim 1 womb, uterus. 2 (isl.) merciful (of God). rahimi (isl.) merciful (of God). rahman (isl.) compassionate. rahmat (isl.) God’s mercy. rahmatullah (isl.) mercy of God. rahu monster that causes lunar eclipses by swallowing moon. rahuh sigh of relief. raib lost. raih 1 reach for. 2 sweep up, take in toward o.s. 3 achieve, manage to obtain. rais 1 sweep off. 2 president or chairman, formerly used by the Islam party. raja 1 king. 2 tycoon. 3 o. who excels at s.t. 4 king. rajab (isl.) 7th month of arabic calendar. rajah 1 tattoo. 2 lines in the palm. 3 (lit.) figure or design with mystical properties. rajalela 1 violent and arbitrary. 2 break out violently (of disease). rajalele prized variety of rice. rajam (merajam) stone to death. rajaman stoning. rajang cut into small pieces, mince.


rajawali large black hawk. rajet (coll.) broken into small pieces. rajin 1 industrious, diligent. 2 frequently. rajuk pout, sulk. rajungan small crab. rajut 1 net. 2 knit, crochet. rak 1 cracking sound. 2 shelf, rack. raka 1 (lit.) elder brother. 2 senior male university student. rakaat (isl.) bows of prayer . rakam 1 stamping, printing. 2 embroidering. 3 record. rakaman 1 notes, recorded materials. 2 recording. raker [Rapat Kerja] meeting at which work is accomplished. rakerda [Rapat Kerja Daerah] regional working meeting. rakernas [Rapat Kerja Nasional] national working meeting. raket racket. rakit 1 raft. 2 connect, join, assemble. raksasa 1 mythical gigantic demon. 2 giant. rakus greedy, voracious. rakyat populace, citizenry, populist. ralat error, mistake, esp. typographical. raliwan (sport) participant in sports rally. rally rally. rama-rama butterfly, us. large. ramadan (isl.) 9th month of the arabic calendar, fas-ting month. ramah friendly, easy to talk with. (ramahtamah) hospitable and friendly. ramai 1 crowded, busy. 2 bustling, lively, festive. 3 noisy, loud. 4 interesting. ramal tell fortunes, predict, portend. ramalan prognosis, prediction. rambah clear away, cut down. ramban (jkt.) collect grass or leaves for food. rambat spreading, creeping. rambatan propagation. rambo the movie character rambo. rambu 1 fringe, tassel. 2 (naut.) short pillar on quay for tying up ships, buoy. rambu-lalulintas traffic sign. rambut 1 hair of the head. 2 body hair. 3 mane. 4 thread. 5 filament. rambutan rambutan. rampai various, jumble, mixed. rampai-rampai mixed, jumble.


rampak 1 thick, dense (of foliage, crowd). 2 completely dressed up. rampas seize, carry away. rampasan loot. rampok rob, plunder . rampung finished, settled, completed. ramu gather, collect. ramuan ingredients, concoction. ramus superfluous hair. rana long-suffering. ranah 1 meadow, low-lying valley. 2 domain. ranap still, quiet. rancah scaffolding. rancak 1 handsome, beautiful. 2 a set. rancakan stand for a set of small gongs. rancang stake, post, design. rancangan design, plan, program. rancap 1 pointed. 2 masturbation. rancu confused. randa widow, widower. randek stop. randu silk-cotton tree. rangah boast. rangak noisy. rangam tomato. rangas (jkt.) termite. rangga sharp point. ranggas 1 withered, arid. 2 leafless. ranggung with legs apart. rangka 1 framework. 2 draft, blueprint. rangkai bunch. rangkaian 1 series. 2 combination. 3 connecting structure. rangkak 1 crawl on hands and knees. 2 make slow progress. 3 fawn. rangkang (isl.) religious training center for advanced Islam studies. rangkap 1 double. 2 trap, pitfall. rangking hood, canopy made of basketry. rangkok bird, hornbill. rangkul in o. embrace, hug. rangkuman armful. rangkuman 1 summary. 2 embrace. 3 armful. rangkung squat down, crouch. rangkup 1 hollow, cavity. 2 curve. rangsang 1 exciting, sti-mulating. 2 pungent. rangsek (jkt.) attack, get closer. rangsum rations. rangun observation post, tower.

rani 1 queen. 2 rich. ranjang iron bed. (ranjang-bayi) baby’s crib. (ranjang-pengantin) nuptial bed. ranjau 1 bamboo spiked booby traps. 2 antipersonnel weapon, mine. ranjing 1 possessed mania. 2 have a mania for s.t. ranking grade, ranking. ransel 1 knapsack, backpack. 2 duffle bag. rantai 1 chain. 2 necklace. 3 series, sequence. 4 a measure of distance, esp. in rice fields. rantang set of stacked containers for transporting food. rantas 1 broken off. 2 frayed. rantau 1 (geol.) shoreline, reaches. 2 abroad, fo-reign country. ranting 1. 1) small branch, twig. 2) subsection, branch (of offices, parties). 2. dried up. ranum overripe, ripen. ranyah (mel.) be difficult, agitated. ranyang (mel.) 1 lively. 2 capricious. ranyuk grumble. rap rapping sound, knocking. rapal 1 utter a prayer or incantation over s.o. 2 bless and solemnize a wedding. rapat 1 close, proximate, dense. 2 close, intimate, familiar. 3 meeting, assembly. rapbd [Rencana Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah] regional budget. rapbn [Rencana Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara] national budget. rapel back pay. rapi orderly, neat. rapim [Rapat Pimpinan] meeting of the armed forces commanders. rapor school report card. rapsodi rhapsody. rapuh brittle, likely to snap. ras 1 sound of rustling (papers, leaves). 2 reins. 3 race. 4 thoroughbred. rasa 1 taste, sensation. 2 feeling, sense. 3 be of a certain opinion. rasai suffer much. rasain serves you right!. rasamala tree with fragrant wood. rasan (jv.) backbite, gossip about. rase civet cat. raseksi female giant. rasi 1 constellation. 2 lucky. 3 harmonious, matching, compatible.

rasial racial. rasialis racialist. rasialisme racialism. rasio 1 reason. 2 (math.) ratio. rasional rational. rasionalisasi 1 rationalization. 2 reduction in the number of workers in a firm. rasisme racism. rasuah bribery, corruption. rasuk 1. crossbar, cross beam. 2. possession by a spirit. rasul 1 messenger sent by god. 2 (isl.) prophet. 3 apostle. rasulullah (isl.) the messenger of God. rata 1 flat, level. 2 even. 3 average. ratap lamentation. ratib (isl., lit.) repeated, chanted recitation of prayer. ratifikasi ratification. ratifisir ratify. ratna gem, jewel. ratu 1 (jv.) king. 2 queen. ratus 1 hundred. 2 (jv.) perfumed powder used as incense. ratusan 1 hundreds. 2 a currency note or coin with the value of 100. raung sound of a siren, a siren, roar. raup scoop up s.t. with the hands. raut shape, form. rawa swamp, marsh. rawak (lit.) haphazard. rawan 1 (lit.) emotional, sensitive. 2 troubled, disturbed. 3 (lit.) classifier for articles of twine. rawat 1 take care of, nurse. 2 resume o.’s original form. rawatan 1 treatment. 2 nursing, care. rawi narrator, writer of story. rawit 1 fine, small. 2 (jv.) music, song. rawon (jv.) beef stew made with keluak. raya great, large. rayap termite. rayon area, district. rayonisasi process of dividing into administrative districts. rayu sad, touched, emotional. rayuan 1 persuasion. 2 flattery, wooing. razia 1 raid by police 2 unannounced examination of licenses, documents, etc. reagens reagent.


reaksi reaction. reaksioner reactionary. reaktor reactor. realis realist. realisasi realization. realisir bring s.t. about. realisme realism. realistis realistic. realitas reality. realokasi reallocation. rebab two-stringed musical instrument. rebah fall down, collapse. rebana tambourine. reboasasi reforestation. rebon small shrimp. rebung bamboo shoot. rebus boiled. rebut 1 snatch away, take away by force. 2 struggle to obtain a goal. recak 1 light pockmarks. 2 (m.) ride (a horse). receh coins recik droplet. recok 1 noise, uproar. 2 excitement. reda abate, subside. redah 1 cut down 2 traverse s.t. redaksi 1 editorial staff. 2 wording. redaksionil pertaining to editing. redaktris female editor. redaktur editor. redam 1 vague, dim, faint. 2 muffled, hushed. redang 1 lukewarm, tepid. 2 bog. redap 1 tambourine. 2 spread. 3 impenetrable. redistribusi redistribution. reduksi 1 reduction. 2 discount. redundansi redundancy. redup 1 overcast, dull. 2 dull, dreary. 3 extinguished. reduplikasi reduplication. reekspor re-export. reevaluasi reevaluation. referensi reference refleks reflex. refleksi reflection. reflektor reflector. reformasi reformation. reformir reform. reformis reformer. reformisme reformism. reformulasi reformulation.


reformulir reformulate. refrain refrain, chorus. refraksi refraction. regang tense, tightly stretched. regat regatta. regel 1 ruler. 2 lath. regen regent. regenerasi regeneration. regimentasi regimentation. regional regional. regionalisasi regionalization. registrasi registration. regresi regression. regu 1 team, group. 2 shift. regular regular. regularisasi regularization. regulasi regulation. rehabilitasi rehabilitation. rehabiliter rehabilitate. rehal (isl.) folding book stand for the Qur`an du-ring recitations. reinkarnasi reincarnation. rejan strained, forced. rejang horoscope, almanac. reka 1 invention, creative action. 2 trick, ruse. rekah cracked, split, broken. rekalsitran recalcitrant. rekanan 1 partner, friend. 2 partnership. 3 steady customer. rekap recapitulation. rekayasa engineer. rekening 1 bill. 2 bank account. reklamasi reclamation. reklame advertisement. rekomendasi recommendation. rekomendir recommend. rekonsiliasi reconciliation. rekonstruksi 1 reconstruction. 2 reconstructing the crime, events, etc. rekonstruktif reconstructive. rekor record. rekreasi recreation. rekrut recruit. rekrutir recruit s.o. reksa (jv.) watch over, guard. rekstok exercise bars. rektifikasi rectification. rektor head of university. rekuiem requiem.

rekuisisi requisition. rel railway track. rela willing, acquiesce in. relasi 1 customer, client. 2 relations. relatif relative. relativis relativist. relativisme relativism. relativitas relativity. relawan volunteer. relban railroad tracks. relevan relevant. relevansi relevance. relief relief on temple walls, etc. religi religion. religius religious. reliwan participant in a sports rally. relung niche, recess, hollow. rem brake. remaja adolescent. remak preferable, more valued. remang 1 cloudy, overcast. 2 obscure, vague. 3 blurred, dim. remang-remang 1 blurred, barely visible. 2 dim, obscure. rematik rheumatism. rembes 1 ooze out, leak. 2 permeate, seep in. rembet 1 hampered, obstructed. 2 1) creep, climb up. 2) hang down. 3) spread. rembug discuss, confer. rembulan (jv.) moon. rembunai average, normal. remeh trifling, of no importance. remi rummy. remis 1 mussel. 2 draw. remisi remission. rempah spices. rempela chicken gizzard. rempeyek crisp, thin chip made of flour and peanuts, shrimp or small fish. remuk crushed, shattered. remukan smashing, crushing. renang swim. rencana 1 program, plan, schedule. 2 report, account, article. 3 draft. rencang sound of clanging. rencek (jkt.) clean tree trunk of branches. rencong acehnese dagger with curved handle. renda lace. rendah low.

rendahan subordinate, of lower rank. rendam 1 submerged. 2 remain in o. place. rendang meat simmered in spices and coconut milk. rendemen sucrose content of sugar cane crop or sample. rendeng (jv.) rainy season. rendengan (jv.) pertaining to the rainy season. renegosiasi renegotiation. reng (jv.) laths used to support or press down roof tiles. rengek whine, whimper. rengekan whimper, nagging. renggang 1 distantly spaced, wide apart. 2 loose. renggut 1 tug at, yank out. 2 obtain s.t. with great endeavor. renggutan a jerk, tug. rengkuh tear, pull at. rengkuhan pulling. rengrengan (jv.) blueprint. renik fine (of rain, rice) renovasi renovation. renta 1 speak in a loud voice, raise o.’s voice. 2 worn-out. rentan susceptible. rentang a distance, part of the way. rente (fin.) interest. rentenir creditor, usurer. rentet in line, o. after the other. rentetan series, sequence. renung 1 muse, be wistful. 2 daydream. renungan 1 meditation, reflection. 2 musing. renyah crispy, crunchy. renyang 1 restless. 2 feel out of sorts. reog 1 cackle. 2 (jv.) masked dance. 3 singing comedy group. reorganisasi reorganization. reorganisir reorganize. reorientasi reorientation. reparasi repair. repas dry and brittle, crumbly. repelita [Rencana Pemba-ngunan Lima Tahun] five-year development plan. repertoar repertory. repetisi 1 rehearsal. 2 quiz. 3 repetition. reportase 1 way of reporting. 2 article. repot 1 busy, occupied. 2 troublesome, full of meticulous details.


representasi delegation. representatif representative. represi repression. represif repressive. reproduksi reproduction. reptil reptile. republik republic. republiken republican. repuh-repuh padlock. reput 1 rotten, crumbling into decay. 2 loose, sandy. 3 (geol.) friable. reputasi reputation. reramuan all ingredients (in culinary or medical preparation). rerangka framework. rerasan (jv.) thinking and talking. rerata on the average. rerep subsided, calmed down. reret sound of squeaking. rerongkong 1 skeleton. 2 carcass, cadaver. rerongsokan wreckage. rerumput grassy field. reruntuh wreckage, debris, ruins. resah restless, fidgety. resak (jv.) commercial timber tree. resam 1 fern. 2 1) organized, customary ways. 2) equal to. resap 1 penetrate, infiltrate. 2 ooze out, soak through and out. 3 become absorbed, dissipate. resek cluttered. 1 look for s.t. by feeling with the hands. 2 investigate. resensi book review resep 1 enjoyable 2 recipe. 3 prescription of a doctor. resepsi reception. resepsionis receptionist. reserse detective. reses recess of parliament. resesi recession. resi 1 receipt 2 baggage check. 3 title for ascetics in wayang (puppet) stories. residen resident, head of a residency. residivis repeated offender, former convict. residu residue. resik (jv.) pure, clean. resimen (mil.) regiment. resistensi resistance. resital music recital.


resitasi recitation. reskrim [Reserse Kriminil] criminal investigation bureau. resmi 1 official, legitimate. 2 formal. resolusi resolution. resonansi resonance. resosialisasi resocialization. respek respect. respon response. responden respondent responsi review session (at college). responsibilitas responsibility. responsif responsive, lively. restoran restaurant. (restoran-kaki lima) sidewalk food vending stalls. restorasi 1 food service on a train. 2 restoration (of monument) restriksi restriction. restrukturisasi restructuring. restu blessing. restung boil on nose. resultan resultant. resume summary. ret diamonds. retak 1 crack, fissure. 2 cracked. retakan a crack. retas rip open, take apart. retensi (ling.) retention. retorik rhetoric. retoris rhetorical. retret retreat. retribusi 1 toll or fee to use a public facility. 2 dues. retrospeksi retrospection. retrospektif retrospective. retur round trip. reuni reunion. reunifikasi reunification. revaluasi revaluation. revans revenge. revisi revision. revisionis revisionist. revisionisme revisionism. revitalisasi revitalization. revolusi revolution. revolusioner revolutionary. rewel 1 hard to please, fussy. 2 troublesome. reyog e. java folk dance. reyot falling to pieces, decrepit.

rezeki 1 livelihood. 2 luck, fortune. 3 blessing prosperity. rezim regime. ri [Republik Indonesia] Republic of Indonesia. ria 1 cheerful. 2 1) proud, jealously proud. 2) haughty. riak 1 ripples. 2 indication, intention. 3 phlegm, mucus. riam river rapids. riang 1 cheerful, joyful. 2 dizzy. rias make-up. (meja-rias) dressing table. riasan ornament, article of adornment. riba 1 lap. 2 usury, excessive interest. ribon rebound. ribu thousand. ribuan in thousands, by the thousands. ribut 1 storm, gale. 2 noisy, loud. ricau chatter, twitter. rices drinking straws. ricis slice, chop. ricuh chaotic, quarrelsome. riding (lit.) noose trap. ridip fins. rigai (mel.) skinny. riil real. rik sound of creaking. rikoset ricochet. riksa rickshaw. rikuh (jv.) feel awkward or ashamed in the presence of o.’s betters. rileks 1 relax. 2 carefree. rim 1 ream, a measurement for paper. 2 a carton of cigarette. 3 military style belt (for ammunition etc). rima rhyme. rimba jungle, forest. (rimba-belantara) vast forest. rimbun thick, dense. rimpang rhizome. rimpung bind the arms and legs. rinci detail. rindang 1 leafy, luxuriant. 2 shady. rinding feel suddenly frightened, feel eerie. rindu 1 miss, longing, yearning. 2 feel homesick for, yearn for. ring 1 (auto.) ring. 2 (sport) boxing ring. 3 sound of ringing. ringan 1 light in weight. 2 minor in importance.

ringgit 1 a gold coin. 2 national currency of Malaysia and Brunei. ringkas brief, succinct, concise. ringkasan resume, précis, summary. ringkih frail. ringkik neigh, whinny. ringking yell. ringkuk 1 bent over, stooped. 2 shut up, confined. ringkus 1 catch by binding the limbs. 2 take into custody, catch. ringsek broken in pieces, totally damaged. ringsekan in bad shape, cheap. rintang 1 entertain, distract. 2. 1) block. 2) interfere with, hamper. rintangan 1 hindrance, obstacle, holdup. 2 barrier, restriction. rintih a moan, groan. rintik 1 spot, fine spot. 2 droplet. (rintikrintik) small spots, dots. rintis 1 clear a way, path. 2 do pioneering work. risalah 1 essay, composition, treatise. 2 circular, brochure. 3 minutes, proceedings. 4 report. riset research. risih feel uncomfortable about s.t. taboo, etc. risik 1 confidential, inquiry. 2. 1) rustling. 2) be noisy. risiko risk, peril. riskan risky. risoles croquette, rissole. ristek [Riset dan Teknologi] research and technology. ritme rhythm. ritmis rhythmic. ritual ritual. ritus rite. riuh noisy. rival rival. rivalitas rivalry, competition. riwan dream of no significance. riwayat 1 story, narrative, tale. 2 history. riyep (jkt.) dim. robbi (isl.) God. robek torn. rober rubber. roboh collapse. robohan debris, rubble.


robot 1 sound of explosion. 2 1) robot. 2) unimaginative person. rocet disorderly. in a mess. rocok 1 flow 2 leak. roda wheel. rodi forced labor (be-, me-rodi) 1 do forced labor. 2 work extra hard. rogoh 1 grope, search (in pocket, bag). 2 grope after s.t. rohani spiritual. (rohani- dan jasmani) spiritual and physical. rohaniah spiritual. rohaniawan churchman. rohaniawati churchwoman. rohul-kudus the holy spirit. rok skirt. roker rock musician. roket rocket. rokok cigarette. rol 1 roll, roller. 2 a nume-rical classifier for rolled things. 3 small bread. rolet roulette. rom cream. roman 1 figure, looks. 2 novel. 3 be in passionate love with e.o. romansa romance. romantik romantic. romantika romance. romantikus romantic thinker. romantis romantic. romantisir romanticize. romantisme romanticism. rombak 1 tear down s.t. 2 change the appearance of s.t., remodel. 3 reorganize. rombeng tattered, torn. rombengan 1 junk. 2 of a cheap kind. rombong 1 large rice basket with cover. 2 pushcart. 3 come in large groups. rombongan 1 group, party. 2 gang. romeo handsome, romantic youth. romo term of address or reference to roman Ca-tholic priest. rompak commit piracy. rompal (jv.) knocked loose, fall apart. rompang-ramping tattered and torn, in shreds. rompeng damaged on the edge. rompi waistcoat, vest. rompok hut. rompong 1 cut off, mutilated. 2 mutilation.


romusa 1 program of involuntary labor during Japanese occupation. 2 brutally exploited labor. rona color. ronce tassel, appendage. ronda rounds, patrol, beat. ronde (sport) a round. rondok hide o.s. rongga hollow space, ca-vity, hole. (ronggadada) thoracic cavity. (rongga-hidung) nasal cavity. ronggeng (jv.) paid dancing or singing girl sometimes also available for sex. rongong sound of buzzing. rongrong 1 gnaw at s.t. 2 undermine s.t., damage s.t. rongseng sullen, upset, grumbling. rongsok damaged, worn-out. rongsokan worn-out articles, wreckage. rontok drop off, fall off, shed. rosario rosary. roskam brush. rosot decline, sink, slip off rotan rattan. rotasi rotation. roti 1 bread. 2 bun. royal extravagant, profligate. royalti royalty. royokan fight e.o. to obtain s.t. rp [rupiah] rupiah. rph [Rumah Potong Hewan] slaughterhouse. rrc people’s Republic of China. rrt [Republik Rakyat Tiongkok] people’s Republic of Tiongkok. rs [Rumah Sakit] hospital.rsi [Rumah Sakit Islam] Islamic-run hospital. rsu [Rumah Sakit Umum] public hospital. rsud [Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah] regional public hospital. rt [Rukun Tetangga] neighborhood association. ruam skin eruption. ruang 1 space. 2 ship’s well or water that gathers there. 3 column. 4 room, hall. ruap scum, foam. ruas 1 space between joints, internode. 2 parts of an equation. rubah 1 fox. 2 change. rubel ruble, Russian currency. rubrik 1 heading. 2 column.

rubung flow together in large quantities. rudal [peluru kendali] guided missile. rudin impoverished. rugi 1 suffer a financial loss. 2 lose out. rujak fruit salad with pungent dressing. (rujak-cingur vegetables or fruit salad with slices of beef snout.) ruji 1 trelliswork, grill. 2 radius. rujuk 1 1) reconciliation. 2) be reconciled with o.’s separated wife before divorce is final. 2 reference. rukhsah (isl.) dispensation (for elderly, ill, etc) from observing fast. rukuh (isl.) prayer robe for women. rukuk (isl.) bow from the waist during prayer ritual. rukun 1 harmonious. 2 (isl.) pillar, essential principle. rukyat (isl.) determining date by sighting of moon esp. to fix beginning and end of fasting period. rum 1 rum. 2 sound of humming (sound of engine). rumah 1 house, dwelling. 2 public building. 3 housing. rumawi roman. rumbah leaves or salad eaten with rice. rumbai tuft, tassel. rumbia sago palm. rumit 1 hard, difficult. 2 complex, intricate, knotty, complicated. rumpang 1 have gaps. 2 discontinuous (of time). rumpik 1 wicked, having bad intentions. 2 (sl.) shit! rumpun clump. (rumpun-bambu) bamboo cluster. (rumpun-bahasa) language family. rumput 1 grass. 2 weeds. rumus 1 (chem.) formula. 2 abbreviation. runcing pointed (pencil) runding confer, discuss. runduk stoop, bend, bow. rundung afflict. runtuh 1 collapse. 2 fall out. runtun 1 o. after the other, in a row. 2 pull out. runtunan series runtut in harmony, harmonious. runut trace, groove, furrow. runyam be in difficulties. rupa 1 form, shape, appearance. 2 sort, kind.

rupa-rupa various, diverse, all sorts. rupa-rupanya probably, seemingly. rupawan good-looking person. rupiah Indonesian mo-netary unit. rusa deer. rusak 1 damaged, broken, out of order. 2 depraved. rusuh restless, disturbed, chaos. rusuk 1 side, flank. (tulang iga) rib. 2 margin, side. rutan [Rumah Tahanan] detention center. rute route. rutin routine. s-0 [stratum nol] nonuniversity degree or program. s-1 [stratum satu] undergraduate program. s-2 [stratum dua] master’s program. s-3 [stratum tiga] doctorate program. s. 1 [sungai] river. 2 [santa, santo] st. s/d.s.d. [sampai dengan] up to and including. saat 1 moment. 2 instant. 3 at the moment that, when. saban each, every, frequently, whenever. sabana savannah. sabang the name of the port on the northernmost island of Sumatra. sabar patient, calm. sabda utterance (of God, prophet, or exalted person). sabet 1 whip. 2 snatch, grab. sabetan 1 a strike, a slash, action of striking. 2 what is got by grabbing. sabil (isl.) the way. sabilillah (isl.) the way of God. sabit 1 sickle. (bulan-sabit) crescent moon. 2 certain, definitive. sableng (jkt.) slightly crazy, silly. sablon silk-screening. sabot sabotage. sabotage sabotage. sabtu Saturday. sabuk belt, sash. (sabuk-pengaman) seatbelt, safety belt. sabun 1 soap. 2 white, pale, albino. sabung 1 competitive fight between two animals. 2 flash. sabur 1 dim, vague. 2 confused. sabut husk, fibrous shell. (sabut-kelapa) coconut fiber.


sadap 1 make incisions in a tree to obtain sap. 2 sample blood. 3 tap, bug (telephone). sadar 1 aware. 2 conscious. sadel bicycle or motorcycle seat. sadis 1 sadist, sadistic. 2 terrific, great. sadisme sadism. sadistis sadistic. sadur coating of metal. saduran 1 metal coating. 2 adaptation. saf line, series, row. safar (isl.)the 2nd month of the arabic calendar. safari 1 safari. 2 traveling group. safir sapphire. sagu 1 sago palm or its products. 2 code name for narcotic powder. sah valid, legal, official. sahabat friend. sahaja 1 simple, natural. 2 do s.t. on purpose. 3 see saja. saham 1 share, stock. 2 contribution. 3 part, role. sahaya 1 (lit.) slave, servant. 2 see saya. sahih (isl.) valid, genuine. sahur (isl.) the meal eaten before daybreak during the fasting month. sahut answer s.o.’s call. sa’i (isl.) ceremonial walking between the hills of Sofa and Marwa. saing 1 compete. 2 fang, tusk. sains science. saja 1 only, nothing else than. 2 just, only. 3 e-xactly, name the things, people, etc. 4 just, e-xactly. sajadah prayer rug. sajak 1 poem, verse, lyrics. 2 rhyme. sajen (jv.) offering of flo-wers or food. saji dishes laid out on the table. sajian dish of food offered to quests. sak 1 sack, bag, pocket 2 see syak. saka 1 heritage. 2 heirloom. sakarin saccharin, glucose. sakarosa sucrose. sakat 1 tease, annoy. 2 beach a boat. sake alcoholic beverage, shake. sakelar electric switch. saking (coll.) on account of. sakit 1 ill, sick, sickness. 2 sore, painful, in pain. 3 illness, sickness. sakral sacred.


sakramen (rel.) sacrament. sakrat-ulmaut (isl.) death agony. sakristi sacristy. saksi 1 witness. 2 testimony. 3 deponent. saksofon saxophone. sakti 1 supernatural, divine power. 2 having magic or divine power. 3 sacred. saku 1 bag, sack. 2 pocket. sakura 1 cherry tree. 2 other trees bearing pink blossoms. sal 1 hospital ward. 2 see syal. salah 1 fault. 2 be at fault, be guilty. 3 mistake. 4 wrong. salak 1 zallaca, snake fruit. 2 high-pitched bark (of dog). salam 1 peace (in greeting). 2 greetings. salaman hand-shaking. salang stab with a knife, dagger. salat 1 salad. 2 (isl.) prayer. saldo balance. saleh pious, virtuous, godly. salep ointment, salve. salesman salesman. sali steadfast. salib (bib.) (christian) cross. (penyaliban) crucifixion. salin 1 change clothes. 2 bear a child, give birth. salinan 1 copy, transcript. 2 translation. saling o. another, mutual(ly). (salingtergantung) interdependent. salip pass, overtake. salju snow. salla’llahu’alaihiwasallam (isl.) may Allah bless him and give him peace. salon 1 drawing room. 2 console. 3 beauty salon. salto somersault. saluir salute. salur 1 channel, gutter, duct. 2 line. 3 lines, stripes. salut 1 1) cover, envelope. 2) wrapping. 3) casing. 2 1) salute. 2) greetings. 3) respect, admire. salvo salvo, volley. sama 1 same, equal. 2 1) together, with. 2) and. 3) do together, also do. 4) regarding. 5) plural marker of adjectives. sama-ada whether. sama-sekali absolutely, at all.

samak 1 tannin. 2 covered, plated. samapta ready, prepared. samar 1 dim, vague, indistinct. 2 obscure, hidden. 3 disguised, masked. (samaran) object of disguise, camouflage. sambal condiment us. containing chili peppers. (sambal-bajag/bajak) fried spices. sambal-terasi sauce made with shrimp paste. sambang 1 watch, guard, patrol. 2 disease or affliction caused by evil spirits. 3 empty honeycomb. 4. visit. sambar 1 swoop down and seize. 2 strike, attack. 3 steal, rob. sambat 1 ask for help. 2 connected, joined. sambatan 1 assistance. 2 assistant. 3 help each other. sambet 1 struck by a sharp object. 2 struck with disease. sambi 1 do at the same time. 2 have a side job. sambil while, at the same time. sambilan 1 side line. 2 part-time. 3 pretext. sambuk a whip. sambung 1 continue, go on 2 be connected. sambut answer. sambutan 1 reception. 2 answer, response, reaction. 3 agreement, approval. 4 speech. samenleven live together like husband and wife without benefit of matrimony. sampah rubbish, trash, junk. (sampah masyarakat) scum of society. sampai 1 to, until, till, as far as. 2 arrive. 3 reach. 4 arrive. sampan small boat, dugout. sampanye champagne. sampar plague, pest. sampean (jv.) you. sampel sample. samper (jkt.) call on s.o., drop by to pick s.o. up. samping 1 side. 2 ceremonial sarong. sampir hang. sampo shampoo. sampu 1 shampoo. 2 anemia. sampul cover, wrapper. sampur (jv.) sash, long scarf worn by female dancer. samroh Islam music song in chorus. samudera ocean. samurai 1 samurai sword. 2 samurai. sanak relative.

sanatorium (med.) sanatorium, health resort. sandal sandals, open-toe slipper. sandang clothing. (sandang-pangan) food and clothing, basic needs. sandar 1 lean on. 2 moor, tie up. 3 be dependent on, be based on. sandaran 1 support, assistance. 2 abutment, prop, back. 3 basis. sandera 1 hostage. 2 debt bondsman. sandi code. (kata-sandi) password. sanding 1 close, near. 2 sharp angle. sandiwara 1 play, drama. 2 theatrical troupe. sandiwarawan dramatist. sang (lit.) honorific article. sangar 1 ill-fated, bringing misfortune, spooky. 2 heated in utensil without oil. sangat 1 very extremely. 2 intense, violent, vehement. (ke-sangat-an) excessive, extreme. sanggah 1 house-shrine. 2 protest, oppose, contradicted the truth of the report. sanggahan protest, rejoinder, rebuttal. sanggar 1 small house temple. 2 studio. (sanggar-kerja) workshop. sanggul knot of hair, hair bun. sanggup 1 able, capable. 2 be prepared to do. sangka 1 supposition, idea. 2 suspicion. sangkakala 1 trumpet used in ceremonies. 2 (isl.) last trumpet. sangkal 1 handle. 2 be unwilling. sangkalan disavowal, denial. sangkar 1 1) bird cage. 2) chicken coop. 2 diagonal. sangkur bayonet. sangkut hook onto. (sangkut-paut) relation, connection, sangkutan 1 relation, connection. 2 involvement. 3 peg, hook. 4 obstacle. sangrai fry without oil. sangsaka [Sang Saka Merah Putih] the first Indonesian flag. sangsang hook onto s.t. sangsi 1 doubt. 2 doubtful sangsing hold in o.’s hands. sanitasi sanitation. sanjung honor, praise. sanksi sanction. sanskerta sanskrit. santa saint. (santa-maria) saint mary. santai relaxed, relax.


santan milk squeezed from coconut. santana title of lower nobility. santap 1 dine. 2 have a meal. santapan food, meal. santapan-rohani spiritual nourishment. santer 1 strong, heavy 2 lively. santet black magic. santri student at traditional Muslim school. santunan 1 help, sympathetic care. 2 compensation paid by insurance company. sanubari inner person, o.’s inner self. sapa greet (sapaan) greeting. sapi 1 cow, bull, ox. 2 taurus. sapih wean a child. sapta seven. saptamarga the seven articles, armed forces oath. sapu broom. sapu-lidi broom of split coconut midribs. saputangan handkerchief. saput cover, shroud, veil. saraf nerve. (saraf-mata) optical nerve. sarak separated, parted. saran suggestion, advice sarana medium, tool, means. sarang 1 nest, web. 2 hide-out, hideaway. sarangan chestnut. sarap 1 skin rash. 2 litter. 3 crazy. sarapan breakfast. sarasehan informal discussion, meeting. saraswati female singer. sarat full of, loaded. sarau unfortunate. sarden tinned sardines. sari 1 concentrate, essence. 2 nucleus, main point. 3 pollen. saridele soybean milk. saring 1 filter, strain, sift. 2 refine, distill. 3 sift, separate, sort out. 4 screen. saringan 1 sieve, strainer, filter. 2 screening. sarjana scholar, academician degree-holder. sarkasme sarcasm. sarkastis sarcastic. sarkofagus sarcophagus. saru 1 dim, vague, taboo. 2 australian pine. 3 indecent, obscene. sarung 1 sarong. 2 case, container. 3 sheath. 4 wrapper. 5 condom. sarungan wearing a sarong.


sasar 1 mad, insane. 2 dazed. sasaran target, aim, objective. sasis chassis. sasmita (jv.) hint, divine signal, omen. sasterakanta (jv.) thesis. sastra books, literature. sastrawan man of letters. sastrawati woman of letters. sate small pieces of meat roasted on skewer. satelit satellite. satgas [Satuan Tugas] task force. satin satin. satir satyr. satiris satirical. satpam [Satuan Pengamanan] security guard. satron be hostile toward. satu one. satuan 1 unit. 2 unit, squad. satwa wild animal, fauna. (satwa-lindung-an) protected species. satwacarita animal fable. satyalancana Indonesian award for merit, medal of honor. saudara 1 brother, sister. 2 sibling. 3 relative. 4 formal term of address for s.o. of same age. saudari formal term of address to female of same age or younger with whom o. is not acquainted. sauh anchor. saum 1 the fast. 2 lent. saung cave, grotto. saur 1 interlocking, entangled. get caught on, stumble. 2 repay a debt. 3 see sahur 1. saus 1 sauce, gravy. saus-tomat tomato catsup. 2 mixture to give flavor to s.t. else. saw. (isl.) may Allah bless him and give him peace. sawah wet rice field. sawan (jv.) 1 epilepsy. 2 fit, convulsions. sawi mustard greens. (sawi-putih) China cabbage, lighter colored mustard greens. sawi-hijau darker colored mustard greens. sawo 1 fruit-bearing tree, sapodilla. 2 tan, brown like the skin of sapodilla. saya 1 i, my. 2 yes (answering a calling). sayang 1 pity. 2 love. 3 dear, darling. sayap 1 wing. 2 wing of a political party. sayat slice, cut. sayembara prize contest.

sayid lord, sir. sayidi my lord. sayonara goodbye. sayu 1 melancholy, downcast. 2 droopy. sayup 1 soft, faint blurred. (sayup-sayup) blurred, faintly heard. 2 scarcely, hardly. 3 faintly seen. sayur 1 vegetable. 2 ve-getable soup. sbb. [sebagai berikut] as follows. sbg. [sebagai] as. sd [sekolah dasar] elementary school. sda. [seperti di atas] as above. sdr. [saudara] Mr., Ms. sdr. [saudari] Ms. se- 1 one. 2 same. 3 all. 4 when, as soon as. 5 as...as. seantero the whole, the entire. searah in the same direction, having the same aim. sebab 1 because. 2 cause, motive, reason. sebagai as, like. sebagaimana 1 in the same manner as. 2 as… as…. sebal resentful, deviate, hate. sebaliknya on the contrary, just the opposite, the other way, on the other hand. sebanding 1 comparable. 2 proportional. sebangun uniform, unvarying. sebar 1 asleep, numb. 2 spread, disseminate, propagate. sebatangkara all alone in the world. sebaya peer, of the same age, a contemporary. sebelah 1 one half. 2 beside. 3 in the direction of. sebelas eleven. sebelum before, prior to. (sebelum-nya) previously, formerly. sebentar for a moment, for a while, for a second. seberang 1 across, opposite. 2 foreign (country). sebet fast, quick. sebut 1 mention. 2 name, call. sebutan 1 term, expression, designation. 2 quotation. secaba [Sekolah Calon Bintara] training school for noncomissioned officers. secara 1 in a......manner. 2 on... a scale. 3 as. 4 according to, in accordance with. sedak choke, swallow the wrong way.

sedan sob (of cry). sedang 1 average, mo-derate, medium. 2 sufficient, fit. 3 while, whereas. sedap 1 delicious, tasty. 2 nice, pleasing. 3 well, refreshed. sedari since. sedasi sedation. sedekah (isl.) 1 alms, give alms. 2 religious meal. sederhana simple, plain, unpretentious. sedia 1 ready. 2 willing. sediakala former, of old. sedianya actually, as a matter of fact, properly speaking. sedih 1 sad, distressed. 2 tragic. sedikit 1 a little, a bit, some. 2 little, few. 3 a bit, slightly. sedikitnya at least. sedimen sediment. sedimentasi sedimentation. sedot 1 1) suck. 2) inhale, sip from. 3) (sedotan) a straw, a puff. 2 inhalation. sedu 1 a sob. 2 a hiccup. 3 sad. seduh pour boiling water on s.t. seeded seeded-an a seeded player. segala 1 all, all of them 2 entirely, wholly. 3 and all, (do) unnecessarily. segan 1 be reluctant to do s.t. 2 unwilling to do s.t. segar 1 fresh. 2 refreshing. 3 delicious. segara (jv.) ocean, sea. (Segara-Kidul) the Java Sea. segel 1. 1) seal, stamp 2) ration coupon. 2. length of anchor chain of about 12 meters. segera quickly, imme-diately. segi 1 side. 2 angle, aspect, facet. 3 sector. segini this much. segmen segment. segmentasi segmentation. seharusnya 1 should, ought to. 2 proper(ly). sehat 1 healthy. (sehat-walafiat) safe and sound. 2 sound. sehingga 1 until. 2 with the result that. seikat a bundle, tied-up bunch, sheaf. seimbang 1 balanced. 2 equal, balanced out. seirama in rhythm with. seiras similar. seiring 1 in a row. 2 of o. mind, unanimous. 3 together or along with. seismik seismic.


seismograf seismograph. sejabat colleague from the same office. sejak since, from the time that. (sejak-tadi) from a little while ago. sejarah history. (sejarah-pertumbuhan) book of genesis. sejarawan historian. sejati true, real, genuine. sejodoh 1 twosome, couple. 2 a pair. sejuk cool, chilly. seka rub o.s. clean. sekadar 1 just enough to. 2 just for the sake of, just a little. sekadarnya 1 to degree necessary. 2 to the best of o.’s ability. sekak 1 chess. 2 checkmate. sekakmat checkmate. sekali 1 very. 2 apparently. 3. 1) once, one time. 2) at the same time. 3) when as soon as. sekalian 1 all. 2 at the same time. sekaligus all at once. sekalipun although. sekalor herbal medicine. sekam husk, chaff, hull of rice. sekampung 1 the whole village. 2 of the same village. sekap lock s.o. up. sekapan 1 ripe fruit. 2 prisoner. sekar (jv.) flower. sekarang 1 now. 2 nowadays. sekarang juga right now, at this very moment. sekarat dying, agony, be in agony. sekat 1 1) screen. 2) partition. 2 ice skates. sekaten (jv.) a festival held in Solo and Yogya in honor of Muhammad’s birthday. sekedar 1 just enough to. 2 just for the sake of, just a little. sekedarnya 1 to the degree necessary. 2 to the best of o.’s ability. sekehendak content. sekelebatan in a moment. sekeliling the surrounding area. sekeri hinge. sekerja colleague. sekesel screen, partition. seket sketch. sekian 1 so-and-so much. 2 as much as this. sekilas a glance, at glance. sekin knife.


sekip 1 target. 2 firing range. sekiranya if perhaps, in case. sekitar 1 around. 2 approximately, about, circa. (sekitarnya) surroundings, environs. sekjen [Sekretaris-Jendral] secretary-general. sekoci 1 boat, sloop. 2 bobbin, shuttle. sekoi grass yielding grain similar to millet. sekolah 1 school. 2 attend school. sekolahan 1 schooling. 2 school. sekonyong-konyong sudden, suddenly. sekoteng ginger-flavored drink served hot. sekresi secretion. sekretariat secretariat. sekretaris secretary. sekring fuse for electric circuit. sekrop 1 scrub floor with soap and water. 2 see skop. sekrup screw, bolt. seks sex, sexual activity. seksama careful, accurate, exact, thorough. seksi 1 1) dissection. 2) section. 3) platoon. 2 sexy. sekstan sextant. seksual sexual. seksualitas sexuality. sektaris sectarian. sektarisme sectarianism. sekte sect. sektor sector. sektoral by sector. sekuens sequence. sekularis secularist. sekularisasi secularization. sekularisme secularism. sekuler secular. sekunder secondary. sekuriti security, security forces. sekutil a nibble, tiny piece. sekutu 1 partner. 2 ally. sel 1 cubicle, cell (in prison) 2 (tech.) cell. 3 (pol.) political cell. sela 1 interspace, crack, opening, gap. 2 interval. 3 interrupt. selagi 1 during, while. 2 as long as. selai jelly, jam. (selai-kacang) peanut butter. selain 1 be sides, in addition to. 2 except. selakangan crotch. selaku 1 as if, like. 2 as, in the capacity of. selalu always, ever, continual.

selam 1 dive. 2 Islam. selama during, while, as long as. selama-lamanya 1 forever, for good. 2 at the longest. selamat 1 safe, blessed. 2 welfare, happiness, prosperity. 3 congratulations, wish for good luck. selamatan ceremonial meal. selamba (lit.) rude, uncivilized. selampe 1 scarf, kerchief. 2 handkerchief. selampit braid. selancar surfing. selandia-baru New Zealand. selang interval, break. selangkang groin. selanjutnya furthermore. selapan 35 days. selapanan ritual conducted when a baby is 35 days old. selaput 1 membran, film. (selaput-mata) cornea. (selaput-dara) hymen. (selaput-jala) retina. 2 coating. selaputan coating, casing. selaras in conformity, in line with. selasa Tuesday. selasar open veranda. selat strait, passage, channel. selatan south. selawat (isl.) invocation. selayang a little breeze, a passing breeze. selebaran leaflet. (selebaran-gelap) illegal and unsigned leaflet. selebihnya rest, remainder. seleksi selection. selektif selective. selempang afraid, frightened. selempangan banner. selendang shawl or stole worn over o. shoulder or diagonally across body. selentingan gossip, rumors, in passing, incidentally. selep irony. selepa cigarette case, betel box. selera 1 appetite. 2 taste. 3 lust, desire. selerang skin, hide. selesai 1 finished, done, over. 2 done and over with, paid off, finished. selesma a cold sniffles. selidik 1 accurate, careful. 2 critical, observant.

seligi javelin. selimut blanket. 2 camouflage, cover. seling interval, interspace. selingan 1 interlude, s.t. put in between. 2 variation from the routine. selir mistress, concubine. selisih 1 difference. 2 quarrel, dispute. selo cello. seloka archaic short witty poem ending in an aphorism. selokan 1 gutter, drain. 2 sewer. 3 ditch. selongsong 1 cover. 2 a muzzle 3 shell of bullet. selonjor (jv.) in a position with o.’s legs stretched forward. selop slipper, sandals. seloroh 1 funny, amusing. 2 joke, witty remark. selotip cellophane tape. selsius celsius. selubung 1 cover, veil. 2 wrapper. selubungan covering, wrapping. seluk curve, bend, coil. seluk-beluk 1 details. 2 complications. seluler cellular. selulosa cellulose. selundupan things that are smuggled. seluruh entire, whole, global, all. seluruhnya all of it, entirely, throughout. semacam a certain kind, kind of. semadi 1 meditation. 2 meditate. semai seedling. semak 1 bushes, (semak-belukar) underbrush, scrub. 2 feeling comfortable, at o.’s ease. semakin more and more, increasingly. semalam 1 last night. 2 o. night. semampai slender. semampu as much as (one) is able. semandera pennant at the stern of a boat. semang 1 adoptive mother. 2 female employer. 3 landlady. semangat 1 test, spirit, enthusiasm, have enthusiasm. 2 soul, spirit. semanggi 1 edible herb with trifoliate leaf. 2 dish of vegetables steamed with spices. semangka watermelon. semangkin more and more. semaput 1 unconscious, fainted. 2 have a fit. semar chief of the servants of the pandawas in wayang.


semarak 1. 1) shine, luster. 2) ornament. 3) shining, glittering. 2 bright, lively, lustrous. semasa 1 during the time, at the time when. 2 contemporary. semasih when. semat pin, peg, hook, put something on. semata-mata merely, only, nothing other than. semaunya as o. likes it, at will, as o. likes. semayam lie down, lie. sembab swollen. sembah 1 respectful greeting. 2 words, prayer. sembarang of any kind, no particular o. sembarangan 1 at random. 2 just anyone, anything. sembari while. sembelihan an animal to be slaughtered, slaughtered animal. sembelit 1 constipation. 2 constipated. sembilan nine. sembilu blade of split bamboo. semboyan 1 slogan, motto, catchword. 2 sign, signal. sembrono carelss, doing things any way that comes to o.’s head, at random, not in accordance with the rules of society. sembuh recover, heal. sembunyi 1 hidden, concealed. 2 hide. sembur spittle, esp. when sprayed as a charm to cure s.o. semburan 1 outpouring, spraying out. 2 scolding. semburat 1 tinge. 2 disperse. semburit sodomy. semen cement. (semen-beton) concrete. semenanjung peninsula. semendal mica. semenggah proper, seemly. semenjak since. sementang just because. sementara 1 while. 2 provisional, temporary, interim. semerap absorbent, absorptive. semerbak 1 fragrant. 2 pervade, flavorous. semesta whole, entire, total. universe. semestaan universalism. semestinya should have been. semi-final 1 semi-finals. 2 semifinal. semi-finals semifinalist. semilir breezy.


seminar seminar. seminari seminary. semingkin all the more. semiotika semiotics. semir polish. semisal be like, if. semoga may it happen, i hope that, wish, hopefully. sempalan fragment, sect. sempat 1 have sufficient time, opportunity. 2 still be able to do s.t. semper paralyzed. sempoa abacus. sempoyongan totter, stagger from drunkenness. semprit 1 a whistle. 2 s- shaped cookie made of sago or tapioca flour. sempritan whistle. semprot syringe, squirt gun. semprotan 1 syringe, squirt gun. 2 scolding. sempurna 1 perfect. 2 complete. semrawut chaotic, disorganized. semu 1 appearance, mien. 2 apparent, pseudo-, quasi-. 3 deceit, trick. semua all, everything, whole. semula 1 from the beginning. 2 since. 3 formerly, originally. 4 at first. semusim a season. semut ant. (keranggang) red ant. sen 1 cent. 2 mechanical turning signal. senak 1 tight, oppressed. 2 having a stuffed feeling senam 1 gymnastics, calisthenics. 2 indigo blue. senam-jantung panic, pounding of the heart. senandung a hum. senang 1 happy, contented. 2 like. 3 comfortable. senang-senang gladly. senantiasa always. senapan rifle, gun. (senapan-angin) air rifle. senapati (jv.) commander in chief. senar string. senat 1 faculty senate. 2 senate. sendang spring, source. sendat stagnant, not flowing freely. sendawa 1 saltpeter, gunpowder. 2 a burp. sendi 1 hinge, joint. 2 socket. 3 pivotal strength, principle.

sendiri 1 alone, self. 2 own. 3 on o.’s own. 4 most. sendiri-sendiri individual, apart. sendirian alone. sendok 1 spoon. 2 ladle. 3 spoonlike tool. sendratari [seni, drama, dan tari] dancedrama, ballet. sendu sad. senen Monday. (Senen-Kemis) precarious. senewen nervous, have a nervous fit. seng 1 zinc. 2 iron sheeting. 3 roofing. sengaja on purpose, intentional, deliberate, expressly. sengal painful joints. sengal-sengal out of breath, having difficulty breathing. sengat the sting of certain insects. sengatan pain or wound resulting from a sting. sengau talk through the nose, nasal. senggak 1 snarl. 2 applaud, cheer senggama coitus. senggang be free, unoccupied, spare. senggol nudge, push. senggolan a shove, push, nudge. sengit 1 stinging insect. 2 sharp (odor, words). 3 violent. sengkarut (jv.) chaos. sengketa (leg.) lawsuit, legal action. 2 quarrel, dispute. sengsara 1 misery, suffering. 2 suffer, be miserable. sengsem 1 (jv.) highly attracted to s.t. 2 absorbed, engrossed in managing the hotel. seni 1 art. (seni-pahat) sculpture. 2 refined, fine. (seni-taman) landscaping. seniman artist. senin Monday. senior 1 senior, 2 male university seniors. 3 hazing of incoming freshmen. senirupa plastic arts, fine arts. senirupawan artist. seniwati female artist. senja twilight, dusk. senjata weapon. (senjata-makan tuan) s.t. that back-fires, turns against o. senonoh proper, polite. sensasi sensation, sensational news. sensasional sensational. sensitif sensitive.

sensitivitas sensitivity. sensor censor. sensus census. sentak 1 snap at s.o., verbally abuse s.o., tongue-lash. 2 pull, pull out. sentakan a jerk, jolt. sentana 1 (lit.) possible. 2 (jv.) relative by birth or adoption. 3 (jv.) cemetery. senter 1 flashlight, spotlight. 2 center. senti centimeter. sentilan scolding, criticism. sentimen 1 grudge, have ill feeling, bias. 2 have or hold a grudge, have ill feelings. sentimental sentimental. sentimentalitas sentimentality. sentimentil see sentimental. sentimeter centimeter. senting 1 shrub used for fences or fertilizer. 2 difficult. sentiong (jkt.) China graveyard. sentolop flashlight. sentong (jv.) small inner room of a house. sentosa 1 quiet, tranquil. 2 safe, peaceful. sentral 1 central. 2 center. sentralisasi centralization. sentralisme centralism. sentralistis centralistic. sentrifuse centrifuge. sentris centrally. sentrum 1 center. 2 centrum. sentuh touch. sentuhan touch, contact. senut-senut feeling of gnawing pain. senyampang 1 supposing that, if. 2 although. senyap 1 very quiet, deserted. 2 silent, quiet. senyawa 1 of o. soul, completely agreed. 2 compound. senyum smile. (senyuman-hambar) 1 expressionless smile. 2 forced smile. (senyum-kecut) a grim smile. senyuman a smile. seok-seok sound of s.t. dragged. seorang 1 somebody, someone. 2 alone. 3 one. sepadan 1 1) suit, match. 2) match, correspond with. 2. having a common border. sepaham like-minded. sepak a kick. (sepak-bola) football, soccer. sepakan 1 kicking. 2 kick. sepakat 1 agreed. 2 unanimously, in harmony.


sepantar being of the same age as, peer. sepanyol Spain, Spanish. separasi separation. separatis separatist. separatisme separatism. sepasar (jv.) 5 days. sepat 1 astringent to the taste. 2 fresh water fish found in flooded rice fields. sepatah-kata 1 one word. 2 a few words. sepatu shoe, footwear. sepeda bicycle. (sepeda-balap) racing bicycle. (sepeda-motor) motor-cycle. sepekan one week. sepekerjaan colleague. sepele unimportant, unsignificant, trivial. sepelontaran a stone’s throw away. sepeninggal 1 upon or after the departure of. 2 after o.’s death. sepercik a splatter of. seperjuangan sharing in the same struggle. sepersekian such-and-such a percent. seperti like, as. sepertiga a third sepertinya 1 as it should be, fittingly. 2 it seems that, it is as if. sepesusuan of those who have suckled at the same breast. sepetak a piece of land. sepi 1 quiet, still. 2 desolate, lonely. 3 slack sepihak unilateral. sepintar as smart as. sepintas a second, a glance. sepoi-sepoi blow softly. seprai 1 bedsheet. 2 coverlet. september September. sepuh 1 plating material. 2 (jv.) 1) old. 2) older person. sepulang upon returning. sepuluh ten. sepur 1 rail, railroad. 2 train. 3 railway platform. seputar 1 around. 2 in the vicinity. 3 on the subject of. serabi rice flour pancake. serabut 1 fiber. 2 fibrous, coarse. serabutan 1 fibrous, coarse. 2 chaotic, mixed. seragam uniform, of one kind. serak hoarse, husky. serakah greedy.


serakan garbage scattered about. seram hair-raising, scary. serambi 1 front porch, veranda. 2 platform. serampang 1 trident. 2 strike at random. serampangan at random, any old way. serang 1 attack. 2 boatswain’s mate. serangga insect. serangkai connected, tied together. serangkak barbs used to prevent s.o. from climbing a tree. serangkul in o. embrace. serap absorb, digest, reserve, spare. serapah curse. serasi harmonious, matching, compatible. serat 1) fibrous parts of fruit, etc. 2) fiber. 2 tight, jammed. serata 1 everywhere. 2 flat, as even as. seratus 100 (a hundred). serawak antimony. seraya while, and. serba completely, very much so. serban turban. serbaneka all k.o., diverse. serbet napkin. serbuan 1 attack. 2 stampede, rush. serbuk 1 dust. 2 pollen. 3 powder. serda [Sersan Dua] 2nd class sergeant. serdadu 1 soldier. 2 mercenary in foreign pay. serdih protruding. serempetan 1 abrasion. 2 stumble over e.o. serenjang stand up straight. serenta (jv.) as soon as. serentak 1 all at once, suddenly. 2 together, at once, as soon as. seret 1 sluggish 2 dragging, trailing behind. sergapan attack, ambush. seri 1 1) honorific royal title. 2) shining splendor, gleam. 2 be a tie. 3 series. seriawan oral ulceration. seribu one thousand. serigala jackal, wolf. serikat 1 united. 2 union, league, alliance. serikaya 1 annona, the sweetsop fruit. 2 jam made of eggs, sugar, and coconut cream. sering 1 often. 2 slender. 3 firm and tight. sering-sering often, over and over. seringnya frequency. serius 1 serious, solemn. 2 wholehearted. serobotan s.t. snatched.

seroja lotus. serok 1 bay, inlet. 2 scoop, round spatula. 3 see sero 2. serokan drain, ditch. serong 1 askew, slanting. 2 unfaithful, cheat. seronok pleasant, agreeable. serpih 1 piece, splinter, flake, shard. (serpihkayu) chips, wood shavings. 2 shale. serpihan chip, piece, shard. sersan sergeant or naval petty officer, in address, esp. as san. serta 1 with, along with. 2 and, as well as. 3 as soon as. sertifikat certificate. sertu [sersan satu] first sergeant. seru 1 utter a shout, yell s.t. 2 sharp, violent. seru-alam the universe. seruan 1 call, cry. 2 exclamation. 3 appeal. serudukan attack, ramming. seruling flute. serum serum. serumah be under one roof. serundeng (jv.) relish of grated coconut and spices. seruni seashore flower. serupa 1 similar, of o. kind, likewise. 2 be similar to s.t. serut carpentry tool, a plane. serutan shavings. servis 1 1) service 2) provide with repair or maintenance service. 2 set of crockery. sesajen ritual offerings. sesak 1 narrow, close. 2 crowded, tight. sesal regret, remorse, repentance. sesama fellow, peer. sesanti slogan, motto. sesap abandoned field. sesapan 1 s.t. sucked, lapped up. 2 sucking. sesar 1 fault. 2 cesarean. sesat 1 lose o.’s way. 2 go astray, deviate. sesegera as soon as. sesekali occasionally, now and then, once in a while. sesembahan s.o. s.t worshiped. sesempurna as complete or perfect as. sesenggukan in gasps, choking. seseorang 1 anyone, someone or other. 2 a certain person. sesepuh elders.

sesering as often as. sesuai 1 appropriate. 2 agree with. 3 in line with. sesuatu 1 something, a certain, an unspecified. 2 a certain s.t. sesudah after. sesuku 1 half a rupiah. 2 of the same ethnic groups. sesumbar boast, show off. sesungguhnya actually, in truth. setahu as far as o. knows. setakar of the same capa-city. setakat up to. setali 1 connected to e.o. 2 25 cents, a quarter of a rupiah. setamat upon ending, as soon as it ended. setan 1 (rel.) satan, devil. 2 s.o. evil. setanding be equal to, be comparable to. setangkup 1 a cupped handful. 2 symmetrical. setapak 1 a footstep. 2 o. palm’s or sole’s breadth. setara 1 be equal, equivalent. 2 made for e.o., suited. setaraf equal, equivalent, on a par. setasiun 1 railway station, depot. 2 public transportation terminal. setat list, roll, statement. setawar medicinal plant. seteger 1 (coll.) step-ladder. 2 scaffolding. setek cutting, slip of a plant. setel 1 set, suit (of clothes, cards, etc.). 2 match, be compatible. setelah after. setelan 1 set, suit of clothes. 2 radio dial, tuning knob, etc. seteliti-telitinya as careful as possible. setempat 1 local. 2 of the same place. setempel official stamp seal. seten assistant to a district head. setengah 1 half. (setengah-jalan) halfway. (setengah-masak) half-done. 2 some. seterika iron, flatiron. seterikaan 1 iron. 2 clothes for ironing. setia loyal, faithful. (setia-kawan) 1 solidarity. 2 be in solidarity with. setiakawan 1 a loyal person. 2 faithful. setiap each and every, every. setiba upon arrival. setidak-tidaknya 1 at least. 2 in any case. 3 ignore. 4 abolish, cancel.


setimbang 1 in balance. 2 in proportion. setimpal 1 in balance, proportionate. 2 equitable, just. setinggi-tinggi no matter how high. (setinggitingginya) the highest possible. setinggil (jv.) audience hall. setingkat the same level. setir steering wheel (of a motor-vehicle). setiren drive a car. setiwal leggings, puttee. setolok on the same footing. setonggok a heap of. setopan stop (bus, streetcar). setor deposited. setoran 1 deposit. 2 rental fee (for taxi drivers, etc., who rent their vehicles). stored commodity. setori 1 (jkt, coll.) quarrel, bicker. 2 (ambon) talk. setoter stutter. setrap punishment. setrapan 1 punishment. 2 prisoner. setrip 1 line. 2 decorative stripe. 3 slash (as a mark of punctuation). setrum electric current. setua of the same age, as old as. setubuh 1 (lit.) in harmony. 2 copulation. setuju 1 agree. 2 (coll.) like. setujuan 1 of o. purpose. 2 having the same direction. setulus-tulusnya as sincerely as possible. setunggal of o. quality. setuntas-tuntasnya as thoroughly as possible. seumpama 1 if, like, equal. 2 supposing. seumpamanya for example, supposing. seumur of the same age. (se-umur-an) the same age. seuntung-untungnya. as profitable as possible. seusai after. seusia of the age of. sewa 1 rent, hire. 2 rented. sewajarnya fittingly, properly. sewaktu when, at the time that. sewaktu-waktu 1 from time to time. 2 at any time. sewenang-wenangnya arbitrarily, without compunction. sewot furious.


seyakin-yakinnya absolutely convinced, as convinced as can be. seyogyanya properly, obviously. sezarah a bit. sh [Sarjana Hukum] (acad.) master of law. shalat (isl.) prayer. shio any of the 12 astrological signs. sholat see solat. si (lit.) definite article used before a noun referring to a particular person. sia-sia 1 in vain, useless, without result. 2 meaningless. siaga 1 ready, alert, prepared. 2 boy or girl scout (9-13 years old). sial 1 be unlucky, unfortunate. 2 bad luck. sialan 1 s.o. unfortunate, s.t. ill-fated. 2 s.o. or s.t. bringing bad luck. 3 damn it, (exclamation of dissatisfaction) sialang 1 beehive. 2 tree in which bees commonly build their nest. siamang 1 gibbon. 2 (chem.) wolfram, tungsten. siang 1 1) day, daylight period. 2) period from about 11 a.m. to three p.m. 2 weeded (of garden). siangan later in day (said before noon), earlier in afternoon (said at noon or later). siap 1 ready, prepared. 2 finished, done. 3 (mil.) attention. siap-siap get ready. siapa who. siapa-saja 1 who all, name everyone who. 2 anyone at all. siapa-siapa whoever, just anyone. siaran 1 broadcast. 2 announcement. 3 publication, issue. 4 circulation, spread. siasat 1 1) investigation. 2) tactics, strategy. 3) policy for achieving s.t. 2 (lit.) punishment. sibak part (in hair), a division. sibuk busy. sibur-sibur dragonfly. sidak [inspeksi mendadak] surprise inspection (of gv.t. offices). sidang session, meeting. (sidang-paripurna) plenary session. sidik 1 investigation, examination. (sidik-jari) 1) finger print. 2) the study of finger prints. 2 see fajar. sifat 1 characteristic. 2 identifying feature. 3 nature, disposition. 4 (rel.) attribute. sigap efficient, always ready. sigar (jv.) a slice (of fruit that is split open).

sigi 1 torch. 2 pull out, pry out. sihir sorcery, magic, witchcraft. sihiran sorcery. siji (jv.) one. sijil certificate. sikap 1 attitude, demeanor. 2 posture. sikat 1 brush, comb. 2 rake out, harrow s.t. 3 take away. 4 wipe out, clean out. 5 (sport) defeat completely. sikatan stolen goods. siklis cyclical. siklon cyclone. siklus cycle. sikon [situasi dan kondisi] situation and conditions, circumstances. siksa torture. siksaan torment, torture, mistreatment. siku 1 elbow. 2 (math.) right angle. siku-siku (math.) having a 90-degree angle. sikut elbow. sila 1 (jv.) 1) cross-legged. 2) such a sitting posture. 2 moral principle, esp. of the Pancasila. silabus syllabus. silam (lit.) 1 set (of the sun). 2 ago, of the past. silang crosswise, intersecting. silap wrong, false, mistaken. silat traditional self-defense arts. silaturahim friendship, good relationship. silau dazzled, temporarily blinded by the glare. silet razor blade. silhuet silhouette. silih-berganti alternately, in turns. silikat silicate. silikon silicon. silinder cylinder. silinderkop cylinder head. silir 1 (jv.) soft breeze. 2 (biol.) membrane. siliran the blowing (of a breeze). silsilah pedigree, genealogy, family tree. siluman 1 a human who has taken the appearance of an animal for nefarious purposes. 2 invisible. sim [Surat Izin Mengemudi] driver’s license. simak-an 1 s.t. scrutinized. 2 gathering. simbol symbol. simbolik symbolic. simbolisasi symbolization.

simetris symmetrical. simfony symphony. simpanan 1 savings, goods laid away. 2 storage place. 3 mistress. simpang 1 branch (of road, etc.). 2 deviation. simpangan 1 branching off. 2 byway, side route. 3 crossroads. 4 (math.) deviation. simpanse chimpanzee. simpati sympathy. simpatik congenial, likeable. simpatisan sympathizer (of a party, cause, etc.). simpel simple, modest, small in amount. simplifikasi simplification. simposium symposium. simpul knot, node. simpulan 1 knot, node. 2 act of buttoning. simsalabim magical formula, abracadabra. simultan simultaneous. sinagoga synagogue. sinar 1 ray, beam. 2 gleam. sinau sparkle, shine. sincia lunar new year. sindap (jv.) dandruff. sindikat syndicate. sindir s.t. said by allusion in order to tease. sindiran 1 teasing allusion. 2 satire. sindroma syndrome. sineas film-maker. sinematek film library. sinematografi cinematography. sinematografis cinematographic. singa 1 lion. (singa-laut) walrus. 2 (zod.) leo. singapura Singapore. singgah stop by, stop in, come by. singgasana throne. singkapan 1 s.t. folded back or drawn. 2 exposure. singkat 1 brief, concise. 2 short in length. 3 short in time. singkatan 1 abbreviation. 2 abstract, resume. singlet sleeveless undershirt. singsat (jv.) tight (of body). sini 1 here. 2 there, where the recipient is (in letters only). 3 (coll.) i, we. sinis 1 sarcastic, scornful. 2 cynical. sinisme 1 sarcasm, scorn. 2 cynicism. sinkron synchronous. sinkronisasi synchronization.


sinode synod. sinonim synonym. sinopsis synopsis. sinse china physician. sintaksis syntax. sintal well-fed, full, well rounded, having an attractive figure. sinterklas santa claus. sintese synthesis. sinting rather crazy. sinuhun (jv.) term of address for a sovereign. sinus sine. sinyal 1 signal. 2 railway crossing light. sinyalemen 1 indication. 2 assumption, suspicion. sio 1 (ambon ) alas!. 2. see shio. siomai steamed ravioli filled with meat and open on the top. sip 1 deal, ok. 2 great, admirable. sipedas ginger. sipek see si 2. sipil 1 civil. 2 civilian. sipilis syphilis. sipir jailer. sipit 1 slanting (of the eyes). 2 see sempit. siput snail. siraman 1 a splash of water. 2 (jv.) ceremony of bathing a bride prior to the wedding. sirene siren. siri 1 suffer humiliation. 2 (isl.) secret (of marriage). sirih 1 plant, betel vine. 2 a quid. sirik envious. sirip fish fin. sirkit circuit. sirkulasi circulation. sirkus circus. sirna disappeared, lost. sirsak soursop. sirup fruit syrup for drinks. sisa 1 residue, remainder. 2 remnant. sisi side, flank. sisihan (jv.) spouse. sisik 1 scales of fish, reptile, etc. 2 turtle shell, esp. as article of commerce. sisipan 1 s.t. inserted. 2 s.t. implied. 3 (ling.) infix.


sisir 1) comb. 2) harrow. 3) bunch (of bananas. 2 see susur 1. siskamling [Sistem Keamanan Lingkungan] 1 neightborhood security system. sistem system. sistematik systematic. sistematis systematic. sistematisasi systematization. siswa student. siswi female student. sita seizure, confiscation. sitaan confiscated goods. siti 1 title for a woman of noble lineage. SitiHawa eve. (isl.) Siti-Mariam. Mary, the mother of Jesus. 2 a woman’s name. sitiran citation, quotation (from book). situ 1 there. 2 you. situasi 1 situation, circumstances. 2 location, the way s.t. is located. situs archaeological site. siul sound of whistling. siulan whistling s.t. siuman 1 become sober. 2 recover consciousness. siutan whizzing sound. siwak bundle of young twigs or roots used to clean teeth. siwakan not on speaking terms. siwalan fan palm or its e- dible fruit. sk [Surat Keputusan] decree. skak chess. skala scale (of map, etc.). skandal scandal. skema 1 scheme, sketch. 2 chart, diagram. skematis schematic. skena scene. skenario scenario. skeptis skeptical. sket sketch. sketsel partition. skizofren schizophrenic. skizofrenia schizophrenia. skop shovel, spade. skor score. skorsing suspension (of student, sportsman, etc.). skrining screening (of applicants, us. for security reasons).

skrip script. skripsi mini-thesis to obtain undergraduate degree. skuadron squadron. skuter motor-scooter. slametan (jv.) ceremonial meal, esp. at marriages, promotions, etc. slang 1 tube, hose. 2 sleng/ slang. sljj [Sambungan Langsung Jarak Jauh] (tel.) long distance direct-dial network. slogan slogan. sloganisme mentality characterized by excessive use of slogans. soal 1 problem, matter. 2 question. sobat 1 friend, pal. 2 comrade (among communists). sobek torn, ripped. sobekan a torn piece. soda soda (of various substances containing sodium). sodok shovel, spade. sodokan 1 a poke. 2 (sport) shot in billiards. 3 instrument to poke or thrust. sodomi sodomy. sofa sofa. sofis sophist. sofisme sophism. softball softball. sogok 1 (coll.) bribery. 2 stab, pierce through. sogokan bribe. sohor famous, well-known. sohun transparent bean flour vermicelli. sok 1 as if, pretending. 2 put on airs. sok-sokan putting on airs, showing off. sokbreker shock absorber. sokoguru 1 (jv.) central pillar (of house). 2 principal factor. sokong prop, support, back up. sokongan support, aid, contribution. solar diesel fuel. solat (isl.) ritual prayers solek well-dressed, stylish. solidaritas solidarity. solider in solidarity with. solo single, solo. solok gift, contribution in kind. sombong arrogant, conceited.

soneta sonnet. songsong 1 (jv.) ceremonial umbrella of royalty. 2 against. sontak immediately. sop soup. sopak 1 discoloration of the skin. 2 (jv.) hairpiece. sopan 1 respectful. 2 well mannered, decorous. sopir chauffeur, driver. sopran soprano. sorak applause, cheering. sorakan cheer, yells. sorban see serban. sore afternoon, early evening (between three and six p.m.). sorenya the following afternoon. sorgaloka heaven, paradise. sori 1 excuse me! pardon me. 2 forgive me. sorong 1 sliding, pushing. 2 bribe. sorongan 1 s.t. pushed or shoved (e.g. a bolt). 2 a bribe. 3 a push, shove. sorot ray, beam of light (of lamp, sun, etc.). sorotan 1 ray, beam. 2 radiation, spotlight. 3 attention (in press, public, etc.). sos. [sosial] social studies division. sosbud [sosial budaya] socio-culture. sosial 1 social. 2 charitable. sosialis socialist, socialistic. sosialisasi socialization. sosialisme socialism. sosialitas charitableness, charity. sosiawan a social-minded or altruistic man. sosio-budaya socio-culture. sosio-nationalisme socialist nationalism. sosiolinguistik socio-linguistics. sosiolog sociologist. sosiologi sociology. sosiologis sociological. sosis sausage. sosok form, shape, frame. soto clear soup. (soto-ayam) chicken soup. sotong cuttlefish, squid. spanduk street banner affixed on both ends. sparepart spare parts. spasi space (in typing, etc.). speedometer speedometer. spektakuler spectacular.


spektrum spectrum. spekulan speculator. spekulasi 1 speculation, conjecture. 2 risky commercial venture. 3 undertake a risky venture. spekulatif speculative. spekulator speculator. sperma sperm. spesial special. spesialis specialist. spesialisasi specialization. spesialitas specialty. spesies species. spesifik 1 specific. 2 cha-racteristic (of certain place or ethnic group). spesifikasi specification. spidol felt-tip marker. spion 1 spy. 2 (auto.) rearview mirror. spionase espionage. spiral 1 spiral. 2 (med.) intrauterine birth control device. spiralisasi (med.) program for getting the population to accept intrauterine birth control devices. spirit enthusiasm, vigor. spiritus rubbing alcohol. spon foam rubber sponge. sponsor sponsor (of contest, etc.). spontan spontaneous. spontanitas spontaneity. sporadis sporadic. sportif sportsman like, fair. sportifitas sportsmanship. sreg (jv.) 1 well fitting, comfortable. 2 comfortable, at ease. 3 appropriate (of o.’s behavior). stabil stable. stabilisasi stabilization. stabilisator stabilizer, stabilizing factor. stabilitas stability. stabilo 1 light color marking pen to highlight text. 2 neon-colored. stadion stadium. stadium (med.) stage of a disease. staf staff. stagen (jv.) women’s waist sash or cummerbund. stagnasi stagnation.


stambul stage show often featuring indigenous versions of western drama. stamina stamina. stan 1 (sport) score. 2 stand, small shop (in recreation or shopping centers). standar standard. standardisasi standardization. stang 1 bar (of vehicle, engine, etc.). 2 handlebar of a bicycle. 3 (coll.) control s.o. or s.t. stansa stanza. start 1 (coll.) begin a journey. 2 (sport) start. starter 1 (auto) starter. 2 (elec.) fluorescent light starter. stasioner stationary. statis static, stationary. statistik 1 statistics. 2 statistical, according to statistics. statistikus statistician. status status. steker 1 electrical plug, light switch. 2 cigarette lighter. steling 1 installation, camps. 2 position. 3 take a position. stelsel system. stempet lubricating grease. sten-gun machine gun. steno stenographer. stensilan 1 a stencil. 2 mimeographed materials. stepa steppe. ster queen. sterek (jv.) 1 strong, full-flavored (of beverages). 2 strong and healthy. stereokopis stereoscopic. stereometri geometry. stereotip stereotype. steril sterile. sterilisasi sterilization. stetoskop stethoscope. stilistika stylistics. stimbat steam bath. stimulans stimulant, stimulus. stimulasi stimulation. stnk [Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan] motor vehicle license. stock supply. stoker engineer’s helper.

stoking women’s stockings. stopkontak electric socket, plug. stoples glass jar for storing food. stopmap folio-sized folder. strata levels (in society, education). strategi strategy. stratifikasi stratification. stratosfir stratosphere. stratum stratum (of soil, society, etc.). streng strict, severe. streples strapless (bra, gown, etc.). striptis strip-tease. stromking high-pressure kerosene lantern. structuralisme structuralism. struktur structure. struktural structural. strukturil see struktural. struma goiter. sttb [Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar] diploma for primary or secondary school. studi 1 study. 2 research. studio studio. studium-generale introductory general studies course. stupa stupa, dome enclosing an effigy of Buddha. suaka (pol.) 1 asylum. 2 sanctuary. suam warm. (suam-suam) rather warm. suami husband. suangi prowling, nocturnal evil sorcerer. suap 1 a mouthful. 2 bribe. suapan 1 act of eating with the hand. 2 bribe. suar signal light, flare. suara 1 voice. 2 sound. 3 (pol.) vote. suasana 1 milieu. 2 ambience, atmosphere. suatu a certain (unspecified). subjektivisme subjectivism. subjektivitas subjectivity. sublim sublime. sublimasi sublimation. subordinasi subordination. subordinat (ling.) subordinate. subsider 1 (leg.) with the option of. 2 subsidiary, secondary. subsidi subsidy, subsidized. substantif substantive. substitusi substitution.

subtropis subtropical. subuh 1 dawn, daybreak. 2 (isl.) the early morning prayer. subur 1 fertile. 2 thriving, prosperous. 3 healthy. suburban automobile formerly used for interurban passenger transportation. subversi subversion. subversif subversive. subyek 1 subject, topic of discussion. 2 (ling.) subject. suci 1 pure, purified. (suci-hama) sterile, aseptic. 2 holy. suda bamboo spikes sticking upward to form a mantrap. sudah 1 already, as of a certain point in time. 2 past, last. 3 done, finished. 4 good-bye. 5 all right, sudahnya finally, at the end. sudetan 1 incision. 2 waterway diversion. sudi 1.acquiesce, be agreeable. 2 please (formal). sudra lowest Hindu caste. sudut 1 corner. 2 (math.) angle. 3 direction. 4 point of fiew. sufi mystical, esp. related to sufism. sufiks suffix. sufisme sufism. sugesti power (hypnotic, etc.) to direct another’s actions. suguhan s.t. presented (e.g. food served to guests, a drama performance, etc.). suhu 1 temperature. 2 1) teacher of the art of self-defence. 2) (china) healer. suhuf (isl.) scriptures inspired by God. suit sound of whistling. suitan a whistle, whistling. sujud (isl.) bow from kneeling position so that forehead touches floor, a part of prayer ritual. suka 1 happiness, joy, pleasure. 2 like, be fond of. 3 be willing, would like. 4 be apt to. sukaan 1 sweetheart, darling. 2 favorite. sukacita 1 happy, glad, merry. 2 joy, happiness. sukar hard, difficult. sukarela voluntary. sukarelawan a volunteer.


sukarelawati woman vo-lunteer. sukaria 1 happy. 2 delight, pleasure. sukma life spirit, soul. sukses 1 success. 2 be successful. suku 1 tribe. 2 syllable. sukuisme communalism, ethnocentricity. sukun 1 breadfruit. 2 (jv) toothless gum. 3 diacritical mark in arabic script to indicate presence of a vowel. sukwan [sukarelawan] volunteer. sukwati [sukarelawati] female volunteer. sulaiman Solomon. sulak a (feather) duster. sulam embroidery. sulang lampblack, soot. sulap 1 conjuring, sleight of hand. 2 (jv) dazzled (as if by magic).sulat-salit (lit.) irregular (of teeth). sulawesi Celebes, Sulawesi. sulbi the vertebrae. sulfur sulphur. sulih a substitute. suling 1 flute. 2 (sulingan) 1) distillate. 2) refinery. sulit 1 difficult, hard, complicated. 2 (lit.) secret, hidden, secluded. sultan Sultan. suluh 1 torch. 2 (lit.) scout, spy. suluk 1 mysticism. 2 (jv.) recitation of a wayang narrator. sulung oldest, first-born. sulur spiraling upward (of plants). suluran climbing plant. sulut [Sulawesi Utara] North Sulawesi. sumbang 1 incestuous. 2 illicit (esp. in sexual matters). 3 out of tune, discordant. 4 contribution (menyumbang) to contribute. sumbangsih contribution. sumbar boast, brag. sumbat stopper, plug. sumber 1 well. 2 source. 3 resources. sumbi rod used in weaving to hold edge taut. sumbing jagged, dented, chipped. (bibirsumbing) harelip. sumbu 1 1) wick. 2) fuse. 2 1) wagon axle. 2) pivot, axis. 3 horn of a rhinoceros. sumir short, brief, succinct. sumpah 1 oath. 2 curse. 3 swear.


sumpah-sumpah flying lizard. sumpal stopper. sumpalan s.t. obstructing a passage. sumpit 1 chopsticks 2 blowpipe 3 coarse, plaited storage bag, esp. for rice or salt. sumsel [Sumatra Selatan] South Sumatra. sumsum (anat.) marrow. sumsum-(tulang) belakang spinal cord. sumur well. sumut [Sumatera Utara] North Sumatra. sun kiss on the cheek. sunah (isl.) recommended sunan 1 (isl.) title for the holy men who first brought Islam to Java. 2. (jv.) ruler of Surakarta. sunat circumcision. sunda Sundanese, the sunda area (West Java). sundal 1 evil female spirit (with a hole in her back). 2 lewd, immoral. 3 (vul.) whore!, a strong exclamation of disapproval. sundut generation, descent.sundut (m) generation, descent. sungai river, stream. sungguh 1 true. 2 really, truly. 3 actually, in fact. sungguh-sungguh seriously, wholeheartedly. sungguhan serious, in earnest. sungkem 1 (jv) show respect by kneeling and pressing o.’s face to another’s knees. 2 (lit.) prop up. sungkur spade, shovel. sungsang 1 upside down. 2 against the grain. sungut 1 (biol.) a specialized organ of touch in an animal or insect (e.g. tentacle, antenna, feeler, etc.). 2 moustache. suntikan injection, vaccination. sunting 1 ornament or flower worn behind the ear. 2 sunting-an editing. suntuk 1 too late. 2 be overtaken by events or time. 3 entire length of time. sunyi 1 lonely. 2 quiet. 3 deserted, desolate. sup soup. supaya 1 so that, in order to. 2 please, particle introducting a polite command. supel 1 flexible. 2 sociable. super 1 high-octane (of gasoline). 2 (coll.) superior. superioritas superiority.

supersemar [Surat Perintah Sebelas Maret] document handing over the gvt. power from Sukarno to Suharto. supervisi supervision. suplai supply. suplemen supplement. suporter enthusiast, fan. supremasi supremacy. surah (isl.) division of the Qur’an, a Sura. suralaya (jv.) dwelling of the gods. suram 1 vague, hazy. 2 gloomy, dark, dull. surat 1 letter, epistle. 2 certificate, receipt, document. suratan 1 writing. 2 (lit.) fate, destiny. surau (isl.) prayer-house, communal building suitable for any devotion except Friday prayer. surgawi heavenly, pertaining to heaven. suri 1 shuttle comb on a weaving loom. 2 see ibu. suri-teladan good example, model, role model. suriah Syria. surup fitting, proper, appropriate surut 1 withdraw. 2 lessened, subsided. survai 1 research. 2 to survey. surya sun. suryakanta magnifying glass. susah 1 troubled. 2 hard to get. 3 difficult, bothersome. susastera literature. susila 1 decent, well behaved. 2 decency, morality. suspensi 1 (leg.) suspension, adjournment. 2 (phys.) suspension. suster 1 Catholic nun. 2 term of reference and address for a female nurse. suster-an convent. susu 1 breast. 2 milk. susuan nest. susuk 1 small piece of gold or diamond inserted in the face as a magical charm to improve o.’s beauty. 2 pin, nail. susulan 1 appendix, supplement. 2 continuation. susun 1 stack, orderly pile. 2 row, series. 3 arranged in a stack.

susunan 1 composition, compilation. 2 formation, structure. susut shrink, decrease. susutan reduction. sutan 1 title of Minangkabau nobility above the rank of Marah. 2 term of address to o. of this rank, us. as tan. sutera silk. sutradara film or play director. suvenir souvenir. swadaya innate strength or effort, selfsupporting. swak 1 sickly and weak, exhausted. 2 weak (of batteries). swakarsa o.’s own will. swakarya self-developing (of projects without gvt. funding). swakelola self-management (i.e. community construction of public buildings. swalayan self-service. swapraja autonomous area or region. swasembada self-supporting, self-sufficient. swasiswa an autodidact. swasta private. swatantra autonomy, autonomous. swedia Sweden, Swedish. swt. [subhannahu wa ta’ala] (isl.) the Almighty and most worthy of praise, written after God’s name. syaban (isl.) the eighth month of the Arabic ca-lendar. syafaat (isl.) 1 mediation, intercession (in communication with God). 2 blessing. syah 1 (lit.) ruler. 2 see sah 1. syahadat (isl.) confession of there is no God but Allah, and the prophet Muh. is his messenger. syahbandar harbormaster, port officer. syahdan (lit.) so it happened, the next thing in the story. syahdu 1 eminent, excellent. 2 serene, calm. syahid (isl.) martyr or warrior killed while fighting for Islam principles. syahwat 1 lust, voluptuous feeling. 2 orgasm. syair 1 story related in verse form using o. -end-rhyme quatrains. 2 poem. 3 rhyme containing clues to the lottery. syak (lit.) suspicion, doubt, distrust.


syal shawl, muffler. syam Syria. syampo shampoo. syaraf nerve. syarat condition, requirement, requisite. syariah Islam law. syarif (isl.) title of a male descendant of Muh. syarifah (isl.) 1 title of a female descendant of Muh. 2 (coll.) Arab women. syawal (isl.) the 10th month of the arabic calendar. syekh 1 Sheikh. 2 title of a Islam scholar. syiar (isl.) magnificence, greatness (of God and religion). syirik (isl.) 1 belief in more than o. God, polytheism. 2 s.t. to be avoided on religious grounds.


syok 1 1) very attractive. 2) very absorbed in s.t., interested and excited. 2 /syok/ (med.) shock. 3 see sok 1. syubhat s.t. dubious. syuhada 1 (isl.) persons who died for Islam (martyr, warriors in religious war, etc.). 2 heroic martyrs of a just cause. syukur 1 thank God, thanks be to God. 2 happily, fortunately. syukuran expression of gratitude to God. syur 1 exciting, absorbing. 2 sexually arousing. syurga heaven, paradise.

T taat 1 obedient. 2 loyal. taawuz (isl.) prayer recited before reading the Qur`an (i seek refuge in Allah from satan the accursed). tabah 1 determined, resolute. 2 able to endure (hardship, etc.). tabel table, list. tabiat 1 character, nature. 2 behavior. tabib 1 traditional healer. 2 (lit.) physician. tabir screen, partition. (tabir-asap) smoke screen. tablet tablet, pill. (tablet-hisap) lozenge. tabligh sermon at a religious meeting. tabokan a slap. tabrakan collision, collide. tabu 1 taboo. 2 consider taboo, avoid doing. tabuh 1 s.t. used to strike percussion instruments, esp. a gong. 2 large mosque drum used to summon people to prayer. tabuhan 1 percussion instrument. 2 (lit.) wasp. tabulasi tabulation. tabunan the heaping and burning of rubbish. tabung 1 bamboo tube used for storage. 2 money box. 3 save. tabungan 1 money box. 2 savings. taburan sowing. tadah 1 storage receptacle. 2 cistern, reservoir. tadahan stolen goods bought by a fence. tadarus (isl.) recital of Al-Qur`an. tadbir management. tadi 1 a while ago, some time ago. 2 this (morning, evening, etc.) just past, last. (tadinya) formerly, just before. tafakur (isl.) 1 contemplation. 2 reflective, contemplative. tafakuran 1 meditation. 2 engage in meditation. tafsir (isl.) interpretation of passages of Qur`an by supplying additional information.

tafsiran 1 interpretation, explanation. 2 commentary, exegesis. tagih 1 addicted to s.t. 2 habitually accustomed to s.t. tagihan a claim. tahan 1 endure, put up with. 2 last, hold out. tahanan 1 resistance, opposition, obstruction. 2 arrest, detention, custody, prisoner, captivity. tahap stage, phase. tahi 1 excrement, feces. 2 filth, dregs. tahiyat (isl.) 1 prayer greeting God. 2 greetings. tahlil (isl.) recitation of the confession of faith: there is no God but Allah: (la ilaha illallah). tahmid (isl.) devotional repetition of the ejaculation, “praise God,” alhamdulillah, often as part of a mystic exercise. tahu 1 know, be cognizant of. 2 soybean curd. tahu-tahu sudenly and unexpectedly. tahun year. tahunan yearly, annually tajam 1 sharp. 2 incisive, acurate. taji 1 cock’s spur. 2 metal spur attached to fighting cock’s leg. tajin 1 thick water from cooked rice. 2 water with starch for ironing. tajuk 1 crown. 2 (lit.) ornamental aigrette. 3 (naut.) outward projection on small craft. tajwid (isl.) proper pronunciation for correct recitation of the Qur`an. tak 1 no, not. 2 (jv.) i, by me. 3 see takt. takabur arrogant, haughty. takar 1 pottery container. 2 variable unit of liquid or solid measure between o. quart to o. gallon. takaran 1 measuring container. 2 measurement, dosage. takbir (isl.) recitation of laudation, “God is great” (Allahu Akbar) us. at opening of prayers.


takbiran (isl.) 1 laudations in the form of such recitations. 2 night of last day of fasting month. takbirul-ihram (isl.) opening of prayer ritual. takdim (isl.) opening (of prayer). takhta throne. takhyul superstitious, superstition. takjil sweet food eaten upon breaking the fast. takjub astonishment, astonished, amazed, surprise. takluk liege, subject, subjection. taklukan s.t. subjected. takrau (takraw) rattan plaited into a rough ball (used in traditional sport). taksiran appraisal, estimation. taksonomi taxonomy. taktik tactics. takut be afraid, scared, dead. takwa piety. takwim almanac, calendar. takziah (isl.) 1 visit the home of people suffering death in the family. 2 sympathy, condolence. takzim respect, esteem. takzir punishment imposed by a religious court. talak (isl.) divorce (o.’s wife). talang 1 (jkt, jv.) middleman. 2 eaves trough, gutter. talas taro. tali 1 string, cord, rope. 2 line, connection. 3 belt, strap. tali-talian vines. talk talcum powder. tam plinking sound of small stones hitting s.t. metallic. taman garden, park. (taman-baca) reading room. (taman-bunga) flower garden. tamasya 1 view, scenery, sight-seeing. 2 spectacle, performance. 3 go on an excursion. tamat 1 finished, completed. 2 end, conclusion. tamatan 1 graduation. 2 a graduate. tambah 1 add. 2 additional amount. 3 more, increasingly. tambahan 1 plus, gain, addition. 2 supplement, extra amount. 3 furthermore.. tambak 1 earthen dam, embankment. 2 fishpond (made by damming). 3 banking, leveling off.


tambal a patch or mend. (tambal-ban) tire repair. (tambal-sulam) repair by patching (clothing, etc.). tambalan patch, repairs, darn. tambang 1 mine. 2 1) cross river by small boat, dugout, etc. 2 thick rope. tambangan ferrying, conveyance for ferrying. tambatan 1 mooring buoy or post. 2 tether. tambun chubby, well fed. tamburin tambourine. tameng a shield of combat. tampah winnowing tray. tampak 1 appear, be visible. 2 (med.) measles. tampaknya apparently. tampan 1 handsome, good looking, dashing, of suitable bearing. 2 appropriate, fitting. tampar a slap with the flat of the hand, whack. tamparan a slap, clasp, bash. tampil 1 emerge, step forward. 2 appear before. 3 appear, come into being. tampung a patch. tamsil 1 parable. 2 example. tamsilan comparison. tamtama (mil.) 1 lower-ranking noncommissioned officer, corporal. 2 lower-ranking commissioned officer. tamu guest, visitor, s.o. who comes to another person’s place. tamyiz (isl.) discernment of good and bad. tanah 1 land. 2 country, land. 3 soil, ground, earth. tanahair mother land. (tanah-suci) the holy land (tanah-tumpah darah) birthplace. (tanah-lapang) 1 field, plain. 2 a square. tanaman 1 plants. (tanaman-merambat) vine. 2 crop. tancap 1 embed s.t. sharp. 2 step on the gas, floor it. tanda 1 sign, token, mark. 2 signal. 3 omen. 4 typographic symbol. tandan the stem of the banana plant from which bunches grow. tandas 1 absolutely wiped out, demolished. 2 latrine over a stream. 3 firm. tanda tangan signature. tanding 1 match, equal, counterpart. 2 pile, heap. tandingan match, equal. tandon 1 security for a loan, collateral. 2 stock, provision, goods provided. 3 reservoir. tandu a litter or sedan chair.

tandus 1 empty and infertile (of land). 2 wiped out. tanfidziah (isl.) executive (of religious organization). tangan 1 hand, arm. 2 s.t. resembling a hand or arm in shape or function. tangga 1 ladder. 2 staircase, stairs. 3 s.t. arranged in levels, s.t. scaled. tanggal 1 fall out, come loose. 2 date. tanggalan calendar. tanggap 1 perceptive. 2 (jv.) summon a dalang, perform wayang. 3 responsive. tanggapan 1 respond, reaction, conception. 2 wayang performance. tangguh 1) strong, hard to defeat. 2) firm, sturdy, of integrity. 2 postponement, delay. tanggul dike, embankment. tanggulang overcome, tackle. tanggung 1 guaranteed. 2 bear s.t. 3 responsible. tanggungan 1 burden, load. 2 s.t. or s.o. o. is responsible for. 3 guarantee, bail, security. 4 insurance. tangis 1 cry, weeping. 2 wail. tangisan weeping, crying. tangkai 1 stalk, stem. 2 stock, shaft, handle. 3 numeral classifier used with slender objects. tangkal talisman, amulet. tangkapan 1 capture, arrest. 2 haul, catch. 3 prisoner. tangkas deft, adroit, agile, prompt, dexterous. tangki tank for liquids. tangkisan defense, resistance. tangkup hollow space. tangkur seahorse. tangsel a wedge. tangsi barracks. tani farmer, peasant. tanjak slanting upward. tanjakan 1 steep grade. 2 ascent, climb. tanjung cape, promontory. (tanjung-harapan) cape of good hope. tanker tanker. tanpa without. (tanpa-prasangka) without prejudice. tanpanama anonymous. tanpanegara stateless. tantangan challenge, defiance. tante aunt. tante-tante of an age to be an aunt.

tanya 1 question. 2 inquire. tapa asceticism, esp. in order to acquire magical powers. tapai sweet cake made of slightly fermented rice or tubers. tapak 1 palm of hand, sole of foot. 2 a rough lineal measure. 3 tracks, footprints. 4 site. tapakan layer, foundation. tapal paste, poultice, plaster. (tapal-gigi) toothpaste. tapal-batas frontier, border. tapal-kuda horseshoe. tapioka tapioca. taplak tablecloth. tapol [tahanan politik] political prisoners. taraf 1 standard. 2 degree, level. tarak 1 abstinence. 2 abstain from, avoid. taram dim. (temaram) dark. tarbiah ( isl.) education. tarekat 1 path for mystics to follow, esp. sufism. 2 an order of mystics. target target. tari a dance. tari-tarian dances, a variety of dances. tarian dance. tarif fare, rate. tarik pull. (tarik-tambang) tug-of war. tarikan attraction, drawing, pulling. tarikh 1 era. 2 in the year. 3 date. 4 chronicle, annals. taring 1 tusk, fang. 2 canine tooth. tarip fare, rate. tart tart. taruhan 1 bet, wager. 2 stake. 3 s.t. saved. 4 security, deposit. tarung 1 clash 2 stumble. tasbeh (tasbih) 1(isl.) a formula extolling God’s perfection. 2 a string of 100 beads to recite this laudation. 2 (rel.) rosary. tata order, arrangement, system. (tata-bahasa) grammar. tata order, arrangement, system. (tata-bahasa) grammar. (tata-boga) food science. tata-busana dressmaking. tatabahasa grammar. tatakalimat syntax. tatakrama etiquette. tatanama nomenclature. tatanan arrangement, order. (tatanan-sosial masyarakat) the social order of society.


tatanegara 1 form of gvt. 2 state structure. 3 public institutions. tatapan close observation, gaze, etc. tatarambut hairdo, hairstyle. tataran rank, level. tataruang lay out. tatarupa make up, format. tatih unsteady steps (of toddler). tatkala (lit.) when, at the time. taufik(isl.) God’s guidance. tauge bean sprouts. tauhid (isl.) unity of God. taurat (rel.) 1 the scripture revealed to prophet Moses. 2 old testament, esp. tautan link. tawa laughter, laugh. (tawa-terkekeh) giggle. tawaan 1 laughingstock, object of ridicule. 2 mockery. tawadu (isl.) prescribed ablutions before performing prayer ritual. tawaf (isl.) ceremony of circumambulation of the Kakbah in Mecca seven times. tawanan 1 military inter-nee. 2 prisoner. 3 captivation, detention. tawar 1 1) tasteless, insipid, plain. 2) ineffective 3) undisturbed, at an even temper. 2 bargain. tawar-tawar 1 unmoved, emotionless. 2 moderate, average. tawaran offer, bid. tawas alum. tawon bee. tawur engage in a gang fight. tawuran a gang fight. tayammun (isl.) ritually purify o.s. with sand in absence of water. tayangan 1 s.t. held in the palms. 2 presentation. team 1 team. 2 team, group for carrying out a project. teater drama theater. teaterawan dramatist. tebak-tebak 1 repeatedly guess. 2 keep guessing. tebakan 1 guess, conjecture. 2 riddle. tebangan felled tree. tebaran 1 circular, bulletin. 2 seed. tebasan produce bought before harvesting. tebeng protective temporary screen.


tebing steeply sloping riverbank or mountain side. tebu 1 sugar cane. 2 name for various reeds. tebuk perforation. tebusan 1 ransom. 2 compensation. 3 bail. tedas clear, distinct. tedeng (jv.) protective screen. teduh 1 calm. 2 shaded, shade. teduhan shade, shelter. tedun (jv.) hernia. tega heartless, cold blooded. tegak 1 upright, erect. 2 standing. tegakan an upright cluster, a stand. tegang 1 taut, tight. 2 tense, strained. tegap 1 well built, sturdy. 2 steady and unshakable. tegar tough, stiff, rigid. tegas 1 clear, distinct, explicit. 2 firm, resolute. (tegas-nya) explicitly. tegasan 1 affirmation. 2 emphasis. tegel (jv.) 1 capable of doing s.t. despicable. 2 floor tile. teguh 1 firm, solidly made or done. 2 tenacious. 3 dependable. teguk a swallow or gulp. tegun startled. tegunan astonishment. tegur expressions used to engage o. in a conversation. tegur-sapa words used to open a conversation. teguran 1 warning, reprimand, admonition. 2 greeting. teh tea. (teh-botol) bottled or packaged tea. (es-the) iced tea. teka-teki 1 riddle. (teka-teki jenaka) conundrum. 2 puzzle. tekad 1 determined to do s.t. despite the consequences. 2 strong will, resolve. tekan pressure. tekap cover. tekapan 1 over. 2 dome, cupola. tekat strong will. teken 1 1) signature. 2) sign. 2 drawing, sketch. tekenan 1 registration for military service. 2 picture, drawing. teklak-tekluk (jv.) bobbing up and down. teknik 1 technique. 2 technology, engineering. 3 technical. teknis technical.

teknisi technician. teknokrasi technocracy. teknokrat technocrat. teknokratis technocratic. teknologi technology, engineering. teknologis technological. teko teapot. tekor (jkt.) show a deficit. teks text. tekstil textile. tekstur texture tektonis tectonic. tekuk crumpled, bent up. (tekuk-lutut) bending of the knee. tekukan 1 fold. 2 tool for folding. tekun 1 diligent, zealous, keen. 2 diligence. telaah study, research. telaahan research paper. teladan model, example. telaga 1 lake, pond. 2 stagnant pit, well. telah have, already telak right on target, unequivocally. telan swallow. (telan mentah-mentah) utterly defeat. telanjang bare, naked. (telanjang-kaki) barefoot. (telanjang bulat) stark naked. telanjur too late. telantar neglected. telapak 1 palm of hand, sole of foot. (telapakkuda) hoof. 2 bottom part of s.t. telat overdue, too late. telaten 1 patient, persevering. 2 painstaking. teledor untidy, negligent, careless. telegram telegram. telegrap telegraph. telekomunikasi telecommunications. teleks telex. telengkup lie on o.’s stomach. telepati telepathy. telepon telephone. teler 1 (med.) foul discharge from an infected ear. 2. 1) over exhausted. 2) intoxicated. 3. see es. teler-teleran get plastered, get completely drunk. teleskop telescope. televisi television. telinga 1 ear. (telinga-gajah) large ears. 2 ear shaped handle.

teliti careful, thorough, accurate. telkom [telekomunikasi] telecommunications telor egg. telu (jv.) three. teluh magical formula. teluk bay, gulf, cove. telungkup face downward. telunjuk index finger, point finger. telur egg, roe, etc. (telur-asin) salted egg. (telur-ceplok) fried egg. (telur-dadar) omelet. tema theme, topic. teman friend, companion. (teman-hidup) life’s companion, helpmate. (teman-kerja) colleague. temanten (jv.) bride, bridegroom. (temantenbaru) newlyweds. temaram dark. tembaga copper. (tembaga-kuning) brass. tembak shoot at. tembakan 1 shooting. 2 shot. 3 gunfire. tembakau tobacco. tembam puffed-up. tembang sung or recited java poetry. tembel 1 mend, patch up. 2 sty (in eye). tembikar 1 glazed porcelain, ceramics, china. 2 earthenware. tembilang spade. tembok wall, masonry wall. (tembok-beton) concrete wall. tembola game of chance, tombola. tembolok 1 craw, crop. 2 paunch. tembus 1 perforate. 2 emerge. 3 penetrated. tembusan 1 perforation, penetration. 2 thoroughfare, passage, tunnel. 3 carbon copy, esp. for forwarding to s.o. tempat place, spot, location. (tempatpersembunyian) hideaway. (tempat-tinggal) residence. tempayan large water jar. tempe 1 fermented soybean cake. 2 s.t. trivial and unimportant or low grade in quality. tempel 1 adhere. 2 patch, stick. tempelan 1 sticker, poster. 2 attached to s.o. or s.t. 3 revenue stamp. tempeleng slapping on the face or ears. tempelengan a slap administered. temperamen temperament. temperatur temperature.


tempo time. (tempo-hari) 1) the other day. 2) formerly. temporer temporary. tempur combat. tempurung piece of coconut shell. (tempurung-kepala) cranium, skull. (tempurung-lutut) kneecap. temu wild ginger, generic term for many curcuma species and similar plants. tenaga power, energy. (tenaga-atom) atomic energy. (tenaga-batin) spiritual power. (tenaga-kerja) manpower, labor force. tenang 1 calm, composed. 2 quiet, still. tenar 1 noise. 2 well known, popular. tenda 1 tent. 2 awning. 3 top of a pedicab. tendang a kick with the heel or side of the foot. tendangan kick. (tendangan-pertama) kickoff. (tendangan-sudut) corner kick. tendensius tendentious. tengadah gaze upward. tengah 1 middle, center. 2 among, midst. 3 in the process of. tengah-tengah middle. tengak-tengok look about repeatedly, look around. tengara signal, sign. tenggara south east. tenggelam 1 sink, be under water. 2 sink below a surface, disappear. tenggeran perch, roost. tenggiling scaly anteater. tenggiri spanish mackerel. (tenggiri-luding) mackerel. tenggorok throat, larynx. tengik 1 rancid, pungent. 2 spiteful. tengil 1 swell. bulge. 2 tending to be sarcastic in a hurtful way. tengkar dispute, fight. tengki 1 tank car. 2 tank. tengkorak skull, cranium. tengku term of address and reference for certain malay nobility. tengkuk 1 nape of neck. 2 bunch. 3 stalk of rice. tengkulak broker, middleman. tengkurap lying flat on o.’s stomach. tenis tennis (tenis-meja) ping-pong, table tennis. tenor tenor.


tensi 1 tension. 2 blood pressure. tensimeter device to measure blood pressure. tentang 1 about. 2 place directly opposite, facing, or above. tentara army. tenteng (tentengan) things carried in the hand, carry-on luggage. tenteram quiet, peaceful. tentir 1 tutorial. 2 preliminary exam. tentu 1 fixed, definite.2 sure, certain. (tentunya) certainly. of course. tenuk tapir. tenun weave (tukang-tenun) weaver. (kaintenun) woven cloth. tenunan fabric, woven product. tenung 1 fortune-telling. 2 horoscope. 3 enchantment, wizardry or withchcraft. tenungan fortune-telling. teokrasi theocracy. teolog theologian. teologi theology. teologis theological. teorem theorem. teoretikus theoretician. teori theory. teoris theorist. teorisasi theorizing. tepat 1 exact, precise. 2 appropriate. tepi side, edge, periphery. tepian 1 edge, border, hem. 2 bathing place by the riverbank. tepok 1 worn-out, run-down. 2 strike. 3 lame. tepuk light blow. tepukan 1 clapping, applause. 2 beater. tepung 1 flour, esp. rice flour. 2 powder. (tepung-terigu) wheat flour. (tepung-kanji) cornstarch. (tepung-beras) pulverize rice. tera official seal. teraan 1 seal. 2 imprint. terabaikan slighted, ignored. teracung pointed outward. terakhir 1 latest. 2 last. 3 ultimate, final. terali latticework, bars trellis. teralih inadvertently shifted. teramat very. terancam threatened, in danger. terang 1 clear, bright. 2 evident. (terangbulan) 1 moonlight. 2 pancake with peanuts and other ingredients.

terang-bulan 1 moonlight. 2 pancake with peanuts and other ingredients. terang-terangan frank, open, blunt. teraniaya molested, mistreated, bedeviled. terantuk accidentally bump into. terap apply. terapan 1 applied. 2 inlayed design. terapeutik therapeutic. terapi therapy. terapis therapist. terarah aimed, directed, guided. teras 1 hard core of certain trees, xylem. 2 essence, nucleus. 3 principal element, elite. 2. porch, terrace. terasa 1 felt. 2 feel. terasi condiment made from pounded and fermented shrimp or small fish. teratai lotus. terawat be well taken care of. terbalas 1 answer, reply. 2 response. 3 revenger. 4 reprisal, retaliation. terbang 1 1) fly. 2) disappear. 3) rapidly ascending. 2 tambourine. terbawa 1 brought, taken along. 2 involved. 3 because of, influenced by. terbayang 1 be visible. 2 be imagined . terbetik 1 announced. 2 leaked out, come to light. terbit 1 rise, emerge. 2 arise, well up. 3 appear, come out. terbitan 1 publication. 2 edition, issue. tergagap haltingly, falteringly tergerus scraped, rubbed down. tergoyah shakable. tergunting accidentally cut. terhadap 1 about, concerning. 2 to, toward. terhapus vanished, disappeared. terhenti 1 stopped, halted. 2 broken off. terheran-heran greatly amazed, astonished. terhibur consoled, comforted. terhimpit 1 weighed down. 2 wedged in. 3 be in a tight spot, be in a jam. terhimpun collected, assembled. terhukum 1 sentenced. 2 punished . teri 1 tiny sea fish. 2 of small importance. teriak 1 a scream. 2 yell s.t., shout s.t. (teriakan) scream, shout. teriakan scream, shout. terigu wheat.

terik 1 extreme, intense. 2 intenseness. 3 fried spiced beef. terima receive, acceptance. (terima-kasih) thank you. terinjak-injak 1 trampled upon. 2 ignored disregarded. teripang sea cucumber, sea slug. teristimewa 1 special, extraordinary. 2 most special, in particular. teritori territory. teritorial territorial. terjadi 1 happen, occur, take palace. 2 consist. terjajaki probed, sounded out. terjal steep, sheer. terjang thrust with part of body, kick the feet, attack, lunge. terjangan lunge. terjangkau 1 achieved, reached. 2 achievable. 3 affordable (of price). terjangkiti 1 contaminated, infected, smitten by. 2 smitten by. terjeblos 1 step into a hole or ditch. 2 cheated, fooled, tricked. 3 thrown into prison. terjemah translation of the Koran. terjemahan translation. terjerumus 1 fall on o.’s face. 2 plunged into misery, sin, etc. 3 fall into a trap, hole. terjun 1 jump down. 2 enter a field of study or activity. terka a guess, conjecture. terkaan guess, conjecture, supposition. terkam springing leap of a predator. terkaman 1 a pounce. 2 grip of a predator. terkandas beached, stranded. terkatakan can be expressed. terkatung-katung 1 float. 2 drift, be uncertain, hover. terkemuka leading, principal. terkendali restrained. terkepung 1 surrounded, encircled. 2 beleaguered. terkilir be sprained. terkocak 1 shaken. 2 troubled. terkunci be locked. terlaksana carried out. terlalu too, exceedingly, very. terlampau too, very much so. terlanting 1 thrown, tossed. 2 no longer useful, useless. terlempar tossed aside, flung.


terlengar unconscious, a faint. terlihat 1 seen. 2 visible. terlingkup 1 covered, veiled 2 included, embraced. terliput 1 covered, enveloped, surrounded. 2 overwhelmed. terlunta-lunta suffer constantly. terlupakan forgotten accidentally. termangu-mangu 1 confused, dazed. 2 taken aback, speechless. 3 thoughtful. termasuk included, counted, belonging to. termasyhur well-known, famous. termegah-megah huff and puff, out of breath. terminologi terminology. termis thermal. termit termite. termodinamika thermodynamics. termometer thermometer. termos thermos bottle. ternak livestock. ternang jug. ternganga 1 open, agape. 2 amazed, surprised. ternilai be estimated, given a value. terobatkan 1 treated s.t. medically. 2 comforted, tempered, relieved. terobosan penetration, breaktrough. terompah rough wooden or leather clog. terompet trumpet, bugle. teropong 1 telescope, binoculars. 2 tube. teror terror. teroris terrorist. terorisme terrorism. terowongan tunnel. terpaan attack. terpadamkan extinguishable. terpakai 1 used (up). 2 canceled, void. 3 applied. terpal tarpaulin, canvas. terpampang put up, spread out. terpana 1 stupefied, stunned. 2 stunned, impressed, amazed. terpancar radiated, emitted. terpandang 1 visible. 2 spot, catch sight of. 3 esteemed, highly regarded. terpanting 1 dart away. 2 fall with thud. terpapas cut off. terpaut time between two events. terpecik arise. terpelajar 1 educated, learned. 2 intellectual.


terpelanting 1 darted off. 2 shot away. 3 fall with thud. terpeleset dart away, slip away. terpelosot 1 fall down. 2 go down in price. terpendam 1 hidden, buried. 2 held in the heart. terpental flung away. terpenting the most important, of paramount importance. terpepet cornered, trapped. terperangah be agape with surprise. terperanjak fall on o.’s behind. terperanjat starled, surprised. terperosok sink in, slip into. terperuk collapsed, given away. terpetik be picked up. terpikir come to o.’s mind. terpilih 1 elected. 2 selected. 3 chosen. terpisah 1 separate. 2 get separated accidentally. terpukau 1 stunned. 2 mesmerized. terpulang be left up to s.o. else, be thrown back in o.’s court. terpuruk be hidden, buried. tersasar mislead. tersebar spread, scattered., dispersed. tersebut 1 mentioned. 2 talked about. tersedak choke, swallow the wrong way. tersedia on hand, available. tersedot sucked up. tersier tertiary. tersiksa tortured. tersilang crossed. tersimbah drenched, spattered. tersimpul 1 knotted. 2 implied, included. tersinggung offended. tersingkap opened, disclosed. tersingkirkan be shoved aside by s.t. tersipu-sipu embarrassed, shy, bashful. tersiram get s.t. splashed on it. tersirat 1 knotted. 2 implied, implicit. tersisa left. tersisih isolated, set apart, ignored. tersisihkan eliminated. tersisip 1 inserted. 2 implied, interpolated. tersisir combed. tersita confiscated. tersobek torn. tersohor famous, well-known.

tersontak 1 all of a sudden. 2 shocked. tersorot gaze, look at, be directed to. tersudut pushed in a corner, cornered. tersulam embroidered. tersulut lit, set afire. tersumbat stepped up, gagged, clogged up. tersumpal clogged, stopped up. tersungging 1 pointed. 2 faint, forced. tersungkur fall head first. tersunjam with head downward, head first. tersurat 1 written. 2 destined, fated, written in the palms of o.’s hand. tersurut 1 retired. 2 diminished. tersusul be caught up with. tersusun 1 arranged in orderly fashion. 2 composed formed, compiled. tertabrak accidentally crashed into. tertagih collected. tertahan 1 endured, bear. 2 detained, impeded. tertahan-tahan 1 repeatedly restrained. 2 repeatedly break down 3 faltering tertahankan 1 checked, restrained. 2 endured. tertambang mined. tertambat tethered, tied up. tertampung accommodated. tertanam planted, buried. tertancap embedded, stuck. tertanda marked, signed. tertandingi can be matched. tertanggal dated. tertanggung endured, borne. tertangkap get caught. tertangkis repulsed, parried. tertangkup 1 closed. 2 laid face down. tertarik 1 extracted. 2 attracted, interested. tertarik-tarik be dragged along in an erratic way. tertatih-tatih wobbly. tertawa laugh. tertawaan object of ridicule. tertawan 1 interned. 2 captivated. tertebak 1 guessable. 2 be guessed. tertegun 1 startled to the point standing still a moment, stupefied. 2 stop suddenly. tertekan suppressed, oppressed. tertekuk folded. tertelan 1 swallowed accidentally. 2 swallowed up, consumed. tertelanjangi found out, be laid bare.

terteliti be examined. tertelungkup flat on o.s. face. tertembak 1 shot. 2 struck. tertembus perforated, pierced. tertempa forged. tertempati be occupied. tertempel stuck, attached. tertendang kicked. tertentang contradicted. tertentu certain, sure. tertera 1 officially stamped. 2 printed. tertib 1 order. 2 ceremony. 3 orderly, correct. tertidur fall asleep. tertikam stabbed. tertimbun 1 heaped up. 2 buried under, covered with. tertimpa struck down. tertindih be pinned under. tertinggal left behind. tertinggi highest, supreme, top-level. tertinju be accidentally struck with the fist. tertipu cheated. tricked. tertiup blown. tertolong 1 helped. 2 can be helped. tertua oldest. tertuang poured forth. tertubruk 1 slammed into. 2 struck, run over. tertudung covered. tertuju directed. tertukar get accidentally exchanged. tertulis written. tertumbuk 1 accidentally made to collide. 2 pounded. 3 light on s.t. tertumpah 1 spilled, shed. 2 be concentrated on. tertumpang included. tertumpu concentrated on. tertumpuk 1 pilled up. 2 hoarded. tertunda delayed, postponed. tertungkup in a face downward position. tertusuk get stabbed. tertutup 1 shut, closed. 2 locked, secured. 3 reclusive, closed. 4 closed off, not available. terubah changed. terucap uttered, have been pronounced. terucapkan 1 mentionable. 2 happen to be uttered. terukir carved. terukur measured. measurable.


terulang repeated, repeatable. terulur 1 stretched out. 2 protruding, projecting. terumbai-umbai dangling, swinging. terumbu ridge of rock exposed at low tide. teruna 1 youth, youthful. 2 cadet. terundi drawn terung eggplant. terunggul most superior. terungkap 1 expressed, pronounced. 2 revealed. terungkit get pried up, opened up teruntir sprained, sprinkled. teruntuk intended for, destined for. terurai hang loosely. terurus organized, taken care of, looked after. terus 1 straight, direct. 2 continue, keep on. 3 then, next. terusan 1 continuation, sequel. 2 canal, channel. terusi verdigris, copper sulfate. terusik be disturbed, be bothered. terusir evicted, driven out. terusut investigate. terutama 1 superior, best. 2 especially, particularly. 3 most important. (terutamanya) especially. terwakil be represented. terwelu hare. terwujud materialized. tes a test. tesis thesis. testamen testament/ will, testament. tetabuhan music with percussion to accompany dancing. tetangga neighbor. tetanus tetanus. tetap 1 permanent, constant, still. 2 settled, decided. 3 persistent, unchanged. tetapan (math., tech.) constant. tetapi but, however. tetas hatch. tetek (jv.) breast. tetek-bengek trivial matters and details of various kinds. tetel (jv.) glutinous rice steamed in coconut milk. tetelan (jv.) bones with a bit of adhering meat. tetelo a poultry disease, newcastle disease. tetes 1 drop. 2 molasses.


tetesan drop. tetirah (jv.) go s.w. for a cure. tetua 1 moles, age spots. 2 elder, head. tetumbuhan all k.o plants. teuku (teku, tengku) title of leader in aceh. tewas 1 killed in action, slain. 2 lose. 3 defect, flaw. tiada not, not existing tiang pole, post, mast. (tiang-bendera) flagpole. (tiang-gantungan) gallows. (tiang-keluarga) backbone of the family. tiap 1 1) every. each. 2) each time. 2 1) dosage. 2) key money. tiarap face downward. tiba arrive. tiba-tiba suddenly, unexpectedly. ticket ticket. tidak no, not. tidur 1 sleep. 2 slumber, sleep. tiga three. tijak step on, tread on. tika-tika skein of yarn. tikai quarrel. tikam 1 wound s.o. by stabbing. 2 sword or knife thrust. tikaman 1 a stab, thrust, jab. 2 stake in gambling. 3 cutting. tikungan a bend in the road. tikus mouse, rat. (tikus-percobaan) experimental mouse, guinea pig. tilam s.t. to sleep on (matress, blanket). tilang (bukti pelanggaran) traffic ticket. tilas (jv.) trace. tilawat (isl.) recitation of the Qur`an. tilawatil (isl.) recitation of the Qur’an. tilik (jv.) 1 glance at s.t. 2 visit s.o. tilikan 1 prediction. 2 examination, observation. 3 control, supervision. timah tin, lead. (timah-hitam) lead. (timahputih) tin. timang 1 rock in o’s arms or a cradle. 2 (lit.) test the balance of s.t. by shifting it in o.’s hand. timang-timangan repeated rocking motion. timba pail, bucket, dipper. timbal balancing. timbal-balik on both sides. timbalan balance.

timbang (timbangan) 1 pair of scales, weights. 2 opinion, criticism, judgment. 3 equal. 4 rather than. timbang-terima transfer. timbel 1 (jv.) lead (metal). 2 weight on a scale. timbil (jv.) sty in eye. (timbilan) suffer from a sty. timbul 1 float to the surface, emerge. 2 appear, emerge, occur. timbun (timbunan) heap, pile. timor the island of Timor. timpa punch s.t. (timpaan) befalling of, s.t. which pins down. timpang unstable, unbalanced. timpas dried up. timpukan a throw. timpus tapering. timteng [Timur Tengah] Middle East. timtim [Timor-Timur] East Timor. timun cucumber. timur east. tindak act, action. (tindak-balas), reaction. (tindak-pidana) criminal act behavior, conduct. tindakan 1 measure, step. 2 action. tindasan 1 oppression. 2 carbon copy. tindih overlapping. tindihan 1 pressure. 2 oppression. ting 1 sound of a light metallic ring. 2 (jv.) lantern. tinggal 1 live, stay. 2 remain, keep, stay. 3 be left, remaining. 4 except. tinggi 1 high, tall. (tinggi-hati) 1) proud, boasful. 2) conceited. 2 advanced. tingkah action, behavior, manner. tingkat 1 floor, story (of building). 2 rung, step. 3 level, degree. 4 phase. tingkatan 1 floor, story (of building). 2 class, level, standard. 3 stage, phase. tingkepan (jv.) traditional ceremony held for a woman seven months pregnant. tinja feces, excrement. (bak-tinja) cesspool. tinjauan 1 observation. 2 contemplation, consideration. tinju 1 fist. 2 boxing. tinta ink. tionghoa Chinese. tiongkok China. tipe type, kind. tipikal typical.

tipis 1 thin. 2 slight, very small. 3 fine (of thread). tipografi typography. tipografis typographical. tipologi typology. tipu trick, deceit, fraud. tipuan 1 deceit, swindle. 2 sham. tirai 1 curtain, blinds. (tirai-bantal) pillow fringe. (tirai-kelambu) mosquito net. 2 partition, screen. 3 backdrop (on the stage). tirakat (isl.) do s.t. ascetic in order to fulfill a wish or commemorate an event. tiram oyster. tirani tyranny. tiri step-, related by the remarriage of a parent and not by blood. (ibu-tiri) stepmother. (anak-tiri) stepchild. tiris leak through. tirisan a leak. tirta (lit.) water. (tirta-amerta) elixir of life. tiruan 1 imitation, simulation. 2 counterfeit, forgery. tirus 1 pointed. 2 haggard. tisikan a mend. titah (lit.) royal word or command. titel 1 title. 2 column heading. titian 1 footbridge. 2 narrow path or passageway. (titian-batu) stepping stones. titik 1 drop. (titik-airmata) teardrop. 2 period, point. (titik-beku) freezing point. titilaras (jv.) scale of notes. titimangsa (jv.) chronicle, date. titinada musical note. (pola-titinada) pitch. titipan 1 entrusted goods. 2 deposit. titir (jv.) alarm signal beaten out on drum, gong, etc. titisan reincarnation. tiup 1 related to wind instruments. 2 blow. tiupan 1 blast of wind, blowing. 2 s.t. blown on. tiwul snack made from dried cassava. tk [Taman Kanak-Kanak] kindergarten. tki [Tenaga Kerja Indonesia] indonesian workers employed overseas. tkw 1 cheap liquor. 2 [Tenaga Kerja Wanita] female worker. tobat 1 repent and forswear. 2 learn o.’s lesson and swear off. todongan 1 threat consisting of s.t. pointed. 2 hold-up, stick-up.


toga 1 academic gown. 2 judge’s robe. togel tail-less. toh nevertheless, after all. toilet toilet, w.c. tok (jv.) 1 just, only. 2 sound of knocking. tokcer 1 effective, working well, easy to start, lighting easily, getting pregnant easily, etc. 2 the right thing, most efficacious. toko shop, store. (toko-buku) bookstore, bookshop. (toko-emas) jewelry store. tokoh 1 shape, form. 2 personage, prominent figure. 3 character in a story. toksin toxin. tol toll, esp. on highways. tolak push away, reject, refuse. tolakan 1 a push, shove, or party. 2 a reject. 3 rejection. tole (jv.) 1 boy. 2 term of address for boys, esp. as le`. tolehan a turn of the head. toleran tolerant. toleransi 1 tolerance. 2 consideration, understanding. tolok 1 equal, match. 2 standard. (tolok-ukur) measuring rod. tolol stupid, simple-minded. tolong 1 help. 2 please. tom bridle. tomat tomato. tombak 1 spear, lance. 2 a linear measure of around 3.6 meters. tombok additional sum of money. tombol 1 knob, button. 2 button for mechanical devices, push button switch. tompel birthmark. tonase tonnage. tong barrel, vat, cask. tongkang barge. tongkat cane, stick. tongkol 1 tuna fish. 2. 1) knob 2) stem of an ear of corn. tongkrongan place where s.t. sits around idly. tongseng dish prepared with cabbage and meat us. lamb. tongtong signal drum made from a bamboo or hollowed-out log. tonikum tonic. tonil 1 theater, the stage. 2 show. tonjok fist. tonjol protrusion, bump


tontonan 1 show, performance. 2 spectacle. top 1 superlative. 2 game of chance. topan typhoon, hurricane. topang prop, support, abutment. topangan support, prop, abutment. topas topaz. topeng mask. topi hat. (topi-baja) steel helmet. topik topic. toples 1. glass jar for storing food. 2 topless, bare-breasted. topografi topography. torak 1 bobbin holder. 2 piston. torehan 1 a notch, incision. 2 slit. torpedo torpedo. torsi torsion. toserba [toko serba ada] department store. total 1 total. 2 completely. totalitas totality. totaliter 1 total. 2 totalitarian. totaliterisme totalitarianism. toto lottery. totokromo (jv.) proper conduct, etiquette. totol freckles. towel touch slightly with finger. tps [Tempat Pemungutan Suara] poll, voting place. tradisi tradition. tradisionil traditional. trafo 1 neon-light transformer. 2 voltage regulator. tragis tragic. trah (jv.) having a lineage. trakhom trachoma. traksi traction. traktat treaty. traktiran treating. traktor tractor. traktorisasi program to popularize the use of tractors in agricultural production. trali latticework, bars (of window), trellis. trampil skilled, competent. transaksi transaction, deal. transdisiplin trans-disciplinary/crossdisciplinary. transenden transcendent. transendental transcendental. transfer transfer. transfigurasi transfiguration.

transformasi transformation. transisi transition. transkrip transcript. transkripsi transcription. transliterasi transliteration. transmigran o. who has been resettled in another region. transmigrasi system of resettling inhabitants of overpopulated island to less populated regions. transmisi transmission. transparan 1 transparent. 2 transparency. transparansi transparency. transplantasi transplantation. transpor transport. transportasi transportation. trap stairs. trapesium trapezoid. trayek 1 designated route for public transportation. 2 license to operate a vehicle on that route. 3 section. trek designated route for public vehicles. trem streetcar, tram. trembesi tree. trengginas (jv.) responsive, swift, quickmoving. trenyuh moved to pity. tresno (jv.) feel love. triangulasi triangulation. tribun 1 stand. 2 reviewing stand. trik trick. trikembar triplet. trikora trikora. trilipat threefold. trilogi trilogy. trilyun quintillion. trinitas trinity. trio trio. trip trip, journey. triplek plywood. triprogram a program consisting of three points. trirangkap triple. trisila threefold. trisula trident, a three-pronged spear. tritunggal 1 trinity. 2 tripartite, triumvirate. triwarsa three years. triwindu 24 years. triwulan three-monthly.

tromol-pos postal box. trompet 1 trumpet, esp. of european origin. 2 automobile horn. trompetis trumpet player. tropika tropics. tropikalisasi making s.t. suitable for the tropics. tropis tropical. tropus trope. trotoar sidewalk. truk truck. tsanawiyah (Islamic) junior high school. tsb. (tersebut) above-mentioned. ttd. (tertanda) signed. tu (Tata Usaha) administration. tua 1 old, ancient. 2 ripe. 3 head, chief. 4 pure. 5 dark. tua-renta very old and decrepit. tuah 1 good luck, good fortune. 2 magic powe. 3 respect, honor, prestige. tuai 1 get, obtain 2 crescent-shaped reaping knife that fits in the palm of the hand. tuak fermented palm wine, esp. of sugar or coconut palm. tual a block of wood. tuan mr., term of reference and address for western and westernized adult males. tuan-hamba (lit.) you, very respectful and servile. tuang pour. tuanku title of royalty. tuas lever. tuberculosa tuberculosis. tubin four days from now. tubruk collide. tubrukan 1 collision, crash. 2 impact. tubuh 1 body. 2 person. tuding 1 sloping, at an angle. 2 index finger. tudingan 1 s.t. which is pointed at. 2 accusation. tuduh accuse. tuduhan accusation, complaint, charge. tudung 1 veil, cover. 2 sun hat. tugas 1 duty. 2 order, assignment. 3 task. tugu 1 post, column, pillar. 2 monument. tuhan God. tuju toward, headed for. tujuan 1 aim, purpose, objective. 2 direction, destination. 3 object. tujuh seven.


tukang skilled laborer or craftsman. (tukangbesi) blacksmith. (tukang-batu) brick-layer. tukar exchange. tukas 1) false accusation, aspersion. 2) say accusingly. 2 1) say in rejection. 2) respond. 3 rattan. tukik 1 dive. 2 notch, nick, indentation. 3 woodpecker. tul-tul (jv.) polka-dot. tulang bone. (tulang-belakang) spine, backbone. (tulang-hasta) ulna. (tulangkering) shinbone. (tulang-punggung) spinal column. (tulang-selangka) collarbone. (tulang-sendi) joint. tular 1 contagious. 2 s.o. or s.t. that is infected. tulen pure, genuine. tuli deaf. (tuli-bisu) deaf mute. tulis write. tulisan writing tulus honest, sincere. (tulus-ikhlas) honest and straightforward. tumbal 1 s.t. used to prevent disease or misfortune. 2 protective agent. tumbang fall down with a crash. tumben (jv.)1 for the first time. 2 how odd! what a surprise! tumbu (jv.) small basket. tumbuh 1 grow, sprout up. 2 appear from below, arise. tumbuh-tumbuhan all plants. tumbuhan plant. tumbuk pound. tumbukan 1 crash, collision. 2 impact. tumis sautéing but at a higher temperature. tumit heel. tumor tumor. tumpah spilled. tumpahan 1 s.t. spilled. 2 concentration. tumpang join with others. (tumpang-sari) intercropping. tumpangan 1 lodging. 2 fare, passenger, load. 3 inclusion, addition. tumpas destroyed, annihilated, exterminated. tumpeng ceremonial dish of yellow rice served in a cone shape. tumpengan ritual in which this dish is served. tumplek spilled all over. tumpu 1 footing. 2 foothold, support. 3 springboard.


tumpuan 1 support, pillar, prop. 2 stepping stone. 3 focus, center. tumpuk heap, pile, stack. tumpukan 1 stack, heap, mound. 2 group. tumpul 1 dull, blunt. 2 dull, stupid. 3 obtuse tuna a wound. tunaaksara illiterate. tunai cash. tunakarya unemployed. tunanetra blind. tunangan fiancé, fiancée. tunarungu deaf. (tunarungu-wicara) deaf and mute. tunas shoot, bud. tunasusila immoral. (wanita-tunasusila) prostitute. tunawicara mute. tunawisma homeless, without housing. tunda 1 tow. 2 1) postpone, delay. 2) adjourn. 3 push s.t. tunduk 1 obey, be bent down. 2 be bent in submission, submit to a higher authority. tundun bunch of fruit. (se-tundun pisang) a bunch of banana. tunggak 1 arrears. 2 remainder. tunggakan 1 arrears. 2 remainder. tunggal 1 one and only, just one. 2 singular. tunggang riding. tunggangan 1 mount, riding animal. 2 carriage, vehicle. tungging with tail end up. tunggu wait. tunggul tree stump, stubble. tungkai leg. tungku hearth, fireplace. tungkup face downward. tunjang 1 receive support or subsidy. 2 (biol.) leg. tunjangan 1 1) support, aid. 2) subsidy. 3) alimony. 2 a kick. tunjuk 1 index finger. 2 show s.t. tunjukan indication. tuntas complete, total, thorough. tuntun 1 guide. 2 close o.’s eyes. tuntunan guidance. tuntut 1 demand. 2 prosecute, sue. 3 strive for. tuntutan 1 demand. 2 striving, pursuit. 3 indictment, claim. tupai squirrel. tur 1 tour. 2 organized travel.

turba (turun ke bawah) 1 visit by officials to villages. 2 trend. turbin turbine. turis 1 tourist. 2 notch, scratch. turisme tourism. turki turk, turkish, turkey. turnamen tournament. turun 1 go down, descend. 2 decrease, decline. 3 befall, descend upon. 4 set 5 dance. 6 move from o. place to another. 7 take a break. turun-tangan 1 meddle, interfere. 2 lend a hand. turun-temurun 1 hereditary. 2 for generations. turunan 1 descendant, heredity, inheritance 2 derivative. turut join in. (turut campur) interfere. (turutserta) go along with, participate. turut-turutan accommodating, merely following others. tuslah 1 extra allowance, wage supplement. 2 excess fare, extra charge on tickets.

tustel camera. tusuk 1 a pin. 2 stick, skewer. tusukan 1 a stab, a prick. 2 puncture. 3 a bite, a twinge. tutor tutor. tuts 1 mechanical buttons. 2 piano key. tutul 1 pockmarked. 2 spotted, stained. tutup 1 closed, shut. 2 cover, lid. 3 complete, full. tutupan 1 cover, lid. 2 place where people are locked up. tutur speech, talk. tuturan 1 story, narrative, discourse. 2 information, announcement. tuyul small ghost that obtains wealth for its human master. tv (televisi) television. tvri (Televisi Republik Indonesia) television service of the Republic of Indonesia.


U uang 1 money. (uang-kontan) cash. (uangreceh) small change. (uang-saku) pocket money. (uang-suap) bribe. 2 coin. uap 1 steam, vapor. 2 fume. ubah change. uban gray hair. ubanan gray headed. ubek (jv.) stir vigorously by hand. uber go after, pursue. ubi 1 edible tuber. (ubi-jalar/jawa) sweet potato. (ubi-kayu) cassava. 2 sweet potato. ubin floortile. ubrak-abrik 1 destroy, ruin. 2 upset, tip over, turn upside down. ubun loom. ubun-ubun 1 1) fontanel. 2) crown of head. 2 nun. ubur-ubur jellyfish. ucap saying, word. ucapan 1 utterance, expression. 2 statement, communication. 3 pronounciation. ucek rub with o.’s hands on the eye. udang shrimp. udang-udangan 1 various shrimps. 2 imitation shrimp. udara 1 air. 2 atmosphere. 3 sky, air space. 4 weather. udek stir. udel navel. udeng headcloth. udik 1 upper course of a river. 2 interior, inland country. 3 backward, countrified. ufuk horizon. ugal-ugalan 1 mischievous, naughty. 2 reckless, inconsiderate. ujar 1 statement. 2 utterance. ujaran statement, pronouncement. uji test, experiment. ujian examination. ujud form.

ujung 1 tip, point, top. 2 end. (ujung-pangkal) lower and upper ends. ukhrowi (isl.) hereafter matters. ukhuwah (isl.)1 fraternity. 2 association, organization. ukir carved, engraved. (ukiran) carved object. ukur 1 measure. 2 measuring tape. ukuran 1 measurement, measure. 2 size, dimension. 3 format. 4 norm, criterion, standard. 5 measuring stick. ulah behavior, manner, way, act. ulang frequent, repeat. (ulang-alik) go back and forth. (pesawat ulang-alik) space shuttle (ulang-tahun) birthday, anniversary. ulangan 1 s.t. that is done again, repetition. 2 test. 3 refrain. ular snake. (ular-sanca) python. (ular-sendok) cobra. ular-ularan 1 cramp. 2 1) toy snake. 2) all snakes. ulas 1 1) wrapper, covering, reviewing. 2) pillowcase. 2 1) section of citrus fruit. 2) clove. ulasan 1 1) envelope, cover. 2) daubing 2 1) review, commentary. 2) remark. ulat 1 caterpillar. (ulat-sutera) silkworm. 2 maggot, larva. ulet tough, persevering. ulin very hard wood. ulir thread of a screw. uliran s.t. with a thread. ultah (ulang tahun) anniversary, birthday. ultimatum ultimatum. ultra ultra-, extremely. uluhati pit of the stomach, solar plexus. uluk (jv.) (uluk-salam) greetings. ulung 1 capable, skilled, experienced. 2 excellent, superior. ulur 1 1) pay out. 2) extend. 3) make concessions. 2 (lit.) bondsman. umaro (isl.)government.


umat 1 people. 2 members of a religious community. umbai tassle, fringe. (umbai-cacing) appendix. umban sling. umbang float. umbang-ambing bob up and down, oscillate. umbar free s.t., let loose. umbi tuber, root. umbi-umbian 1 all tubers. 2 belonging to the tuber group. umbul bubble up, rise rapidly. umbul-umbul (jv.) 1 banner. 2 pennants or palm fronds decorating doorways on feast days. 3 tassel. ummat 1 people. 2 members of a religious community. ummi (isl.) 1 illiterate. 2 term of address for mother in families of Arab descent. umpak (jv.) 1 foot, step. 2 pedestal, fundament, base. umpama 1 if, example. 2 like, as. umpan bait, food. (umpan-balik) feed back. umpat curse, swearword. umpatan curse, verbal abuse. umpel-umpelan (jv.) crowded. umpet go hide , lie low. umpet-umpetan 1 in secret, on the sly. 2 hideand-seek. umpuk (jv.) heap, pile, stack. umroh (isl.) perform a pilgrimage to Mecca omitting some of the ritual. umum 1 general, common. 2 the public. (umum-nya) generally, by and large. umur 1 age. 2 lifespan. 3 at the age of. undang invite, summon. undang-undang law, ordinance, act. undangan invitation. undi 1 to draw. 2 a lot (in drawing). undian 1 lottery. 2 lottery prize. unduh pick, download. undur go back, withdraw, postpone. undur-undur ant-lion. uneg-uneg (jv.) grudges. unggah-ungguh (jv.) etiquette. unggas bird, fowl, esp. as scientific term. unggul super, superior, excellent. unggulan s.o. or s.t. considered superior. unggun 1 woodpile. 2 campfire. unggunan 1 campfire. 2 heap, pile.

ungkai come undone, come off. ungkap 1 express. 2 reveal, uncover. ungkapan 1 expression. 2 idiom. ungkit-ungkit 1bob up and down. 2 pry up. ungu purple. uni 1 older sister. 2 union, esp. in names of political entities. unifikasi unification. uniform 1 standardized. 2 a uniform. uniformitas uniformity. unik unique. unit unit. universal universal. universitas university. unjuk show s.t. unjukan (jv.) drink offered to a respected person. unjuran foot of the bed. unsur element, substance. (unsur-kimia) chemical element. unta camel. (burung-unta) ostrich. untai 1 string, lace. 2 numerical classifier for stringlike objects. untaian 1 series. 2 string, chain, garland. 3 strophe. 4 (lit.) string. untal (jv.) 1 1) pellet. 2) pill, tablet. 2 1) swallow a large quantity. 2) eat. untuk 1 for, on behalf of. 2 to, in order to. untung 1 luck, fortune. 2 good luck, have good luck. 3 advantage, profit. 4 gain profit. untungnya luckily, fortunately. untung-untungan undertake s.t. hoping for the best. upacara ceremony, ritual. upah 1 pay, wages. 2 fee, commission. upahan 1 wages. 2 hired worker. upaya 1 efforts. 2 means. upeti 1 tribute paid by subjects. 2 bribe to higher-ranking official. upgrade upgrade. upil 1 dried snot. 2 scab on a wound. urai apart, asunder. uraian pieces. urakan rowdy, unconventional. uranium uranium. urap 1 ointment, salve. 2 grated coconut with spices. urap-urap (jv.) salad of mixed vegetables with coconut.


urban o. who has moved to the city from the country. urbanisasi migration to the city. urea urea-based fertilizer. urgen urgent. urgensi urgency. urine urine. uring-uringan (jv.) grumble angrily, be angry. urolog urologist. urologi urology. uruk 1 bury. 2 fill. urukan mound. urunan 1 contribution. 2 contribute. urung 1 failed, unsuccessful. 2 not take place, be canceled. urus-urus purgative, laxative. urusan affair, matter, issue, problem. urut 1 massage. 2 in a series, well organized. urut-urutan 1 consecutively, in sequence. 2 seeded. urutan ordinal, arrangement, order, sequence. usah it is not necessary, no need to. usaha 1 effort, exertion. 2 labor, work, trade. usahawan 1 entrepreneur. 2 industrialist. usahkan 1 let alone, not to mention. 2 instead of. usai 1 finished, ready, after. 2 dispersed. usang 1 worn out, decrepit. 2 obsolete. 3 dry, barren, withered. usap 1 wipe. 2 caress, stroke. usapan stroke, caress. usia age. usik 1 tease. 2 touch on. 3 perturb. usikan 1 annoyance, disturbance. 2 meddling, criticism. usil annoying, bothering others doing s.t. not desired.


usilan annoyance, bothering. usiran fugitive. uskup (rel.) Bishop. (uskup-agung) Archbishop. ustadah (isl.) a female teacher. usuk (jv.) rafter. usul 1 1) proposal, suggestion. 2) motion. 2 nature, characteristic. usulan proposal, suggestion. usung carry on the shoulders. usungan stretcher, litter. usus intestines. (usus-besar) large intestine. (usus-buntu) appendix. (usus-duabelas jari) duodenum. (usus-halus) small intestine. usut investigate. utak-atik tinker with s.t. utama 1 prominent, eminent. 2 principal, prime. utara 1 north. 2 explain. utas 1 skilled, capable. 2 1) cord, string, strand. 2) numeral classifier for long, thin, and supple things (such as ropes, straw, etc). utik-utik touch with a finger, poke into s.t. to examine it. utopi utopia. utopis utopian. utuh whole, intact. utus delegate. utusan 1 messenger. 2 envoy. 3 delegate. uu (Undang-Undang) law, decree. uud (undang-undang dasar) the constitution. uuds (Undang-Undang Dasar Sementara) provisional constitution. uzur enfeebled.

V vagina vagina. vakansi vacancy. vaksin vaccine. vaksinasi vaccination. vaksinator o. who vaccinates. vakum 1 vacuum. 2 (med.) suction device to abort the fetus. valensi valence. validasi validation. validitas validity. variabel variable variabilitas variability. varian variant. variasi variation. varietas variety, kind (varietas-unggul) highyielding variety. varises (med.) varicose veins. vas vase. vaselin vaseline. ventilasi ventilation. ventilator ventilator. verba verb. verbal 1 verbal, oral. 2 verbal. verifikasi verification. versi version. versus versus. vertikal vertical. veteran veteran, esp. of the revolution of 1945. veto (pol.) veto. vetsin monosodium glutamate (msg).

via via. vibrasi vibration. video 1 video cassette. 2 video performance. vila house in country for weekend use or for rent. virus virus. visa visa. visi vision, point of view, perspective. visual visual. visualisasi visualization. visum 1 visa. 2 any written document from relevant authorities stating that a certain matter has been considered and approved of. vital vital. vitalitas vitality. vokal vowel. vokalis vocalist. vol. volume. voli volleyball. volt volt. voltase voltage. volume 1 volume, amount of liquid content. 2 volume, loudness. vonis verdict. vulkanisasi vulcanization. vulkanisir 1 retread. 2 vulcanize. vulkanisme volcanic activity. vulkanolog expert in vulcanology. vulkanologi study of volcanic activity.


W wabah epidemic. wacana 1 (lit.) word, expression. 2 discourse. wadah 1 container. 2 coordinating institution, umbrella organization. wader (jv.) small freshwater fish. wadi wadi, a stream in desert. waduk 1 reservoir, basin. 2 rumen. 3 paunch. wafat pass away, die. wagon coach, car. wagub (wakil gubernur) vice-governor. wahana 1 mode, vehicle. 2 vehicle (in automotive workshop). wahyu (rel.) divine revelation, vision from God to man. waisak wesak. wajan wok, skillet. wajar 1 natural, proper. 2 genuine, without deceit. 3 (wajib belajar) compulsory education. wajib 1 obligatory. 2 must. 3 duty, obligation. wakaf (isl.) 1 property donated for religious or community use. 2. pause in reading the Koran. wakif (isl.) o. who donates property to the Islam community. wakil 1 representative. 2 vice, deputy. 3 agent. waktu 1 time. 2 when. 3 while. 4 time zone. walau (walaupun) though, although, even though, despite, inspite of. walet swallow. wali (isl.) 1 male relative legally responsible for a bride, us. her father. 2 guardian, proxy. 3 high civil servant. 4 religious leader. waluh (jv.) squash, gourd, pumpkin. wangi fragrant. wangsa dynasty. wangsit (jv.) divine inspiration. wanita woman. wapres (Wakil Presiden) vice-president.

warga 1 accredited member of an association. 2 citizen. waria (wanita pria) transsexual, transvestite homosexual. waris heir. warisan legacy, inheritance. warna 1 color. (warna-bahasa) speech level. (warna-suara/nada) timbre. warta 1 report, communication. (wartaharian) daily newspaper. 2 news report. (warta-berita) news broadcast. wartawan journalist, correspondent. wartawati woman reporter or journalist. warung small shop, stall. (warung-kopi) coffee shop. (warung-nasi) food stall. (warung-remang-remang) food stall plus prostitution. wasiat 1 dying exhortation. 2 last will and testament. wasilah relation, connection, bond. wasit 1 referee, umpire. 2 arbiter. waspada beware of, wary, on guard. watak 1 nature, disposition. 2 character . wawancara interview. wawasan 1 insight, perception. 2 concept. (wawasan-nusantara) the archipelago concept wayang 1 puppet play. 2 leather puppet. wayang-kulit shadow play with leather puppet. wc (water closet) toilet, restroom. wejangan (jv.) 1 advice. 2 speech containing advice. wesel 1 money order, draft. 2 railway switch. wewangian perfumery, fragrance. wewenang authority, competence. wibawa authority, power. wicara (ling.) speech. widuri (jv.) shrub. wihara Buddhist monastery or nunnery.


wijaya (lit.) victory. wilayah 1 region, district. 2 zone. (wilayahindustri) industrial estate. (wilayahpinggiran) peripheral area, frontier estate. wiraswasta 1 entrepreneur. 2 run a private enterprise. wiraswastawan entrepreneur. wirausaha businessman. wisata a tour. wisatawan tourist. wisma public building. (wisma-budaya) art galery.

wisuda graduation ce-remony. wisudawan male graduate at commencement. wisudawati female graduate at commencement. wol wool. wortel carrot. wudhu (isl.) ritual ablution before prayers. wujud shape into which s.t. has been formed. wukuf (isl.) ceremony of gathering on the field of Arafah during the hajj.


Y ya 1 yes. 2 what? 3 right? yahudi (rel.) Jew, Jewish. yahudiah Jewish. yaitu that is, i.e., viz. yakin sure, certain, convinced. yakni that is, namely, viz. yatim father-less child. (yatim-piatu) orphan. yayasan foundation, institute. yodium iodine. yoga meditation. yudo yudo.

yunior 1 junior, pertaining to or concerning youth. 2 son of. yuridiksi jurisdiction, competency of a certain court. yuridis juridical. yuris 1 juries, lawyer. 2 law student. yurisprudensi legal administration, jurisdiction. yuyu small soft-shelled crab.


Z zabur Psalm. (kitab-Zabur) book of Psalms. zahid ascetic. zaitun olive, olive tree and its fruit. zakar penis. (buah-zakar) testicles. zakat (isl.) tithe, obligatory charity (zakatfitrah) tithe in rice or money paid on last day of fasting month. zamrud emerald.

zat (chem.) essence, substance. (zat-air) hydrogen. (zat-asam) oxygen. (zat-cair) liquid. (zat-hijau) cholorophyl. (zat-telur) protein, albumen. zebra zebra. ziarah make a devotional visit to a sacred place. zig-zag zig-zag. zina adultery, any sexual act outside of marriage. zindik heretic.

zantara medium.


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